Stephenson, D., Leslie, A.G., Mendum, J.R., Tanner, P.W.G., Treagus, J.E. (Editors) 2013. The Dalradian of Scotland. "Accepted manuscript" version. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association Vol. 124 Issues 1–2
11 Aonach Beag And Geal-charn
S. Robertson, J.R. Mendum and A.G. Leslie
Published in: The Dalradian rocks of the northern Grampian Highlands of Scotland PGA 124 (1–2) 2013 Also on: NORA
11.1 Introduction
The Aonach Beag and Geal-charn GCR site provides one of the best cross-sections through the zone of sheared and tightly folded, steeply dipping metasedimentary rocks termed the Geal-charn-Ossian Steep Belt. Exposures around Aonach Beag
The Geal-charn-Ossian Steep Belt comprises a narrow zone of steeply dipping rocks that can be traced north-eastwards for more than 50 km from Aonach Beag
To the west of the steep belt, in the Loch Laggan-Glen Roy area, the Grampian Group succession is at least 8 km thick (Key et al., 1997). There the sand- and silt-dominated succession is divided into three subgroups, which broadly reflect their depositional environment; the fluvial and shallow marine Glenshirra Subgroup is overlain by deeper water sediments of the Corrieyairack Subgroup that were deposited largely from turbidity currents. These are overlain in turn by the shallow marine to estuarine Glen Spean Subgroup in a basin-shoaling succession. The overlying Appin Group represents an overall transgressive system with a silt- and mud-dominated succession contrasting with the mainly sandy Glen Spean Subgroup.
To the south-east of the steep belt, much of the Grampian Group is assigned to the Fara Psammite Formation of the Strathtummel succession. It is less well known than the succession of the Loch Laggan–Glen Roy area, although it was described by Thomas (1979, 1980). Robertson and Smith (1999) made only tentative correlations with the Corrieyairack Subgroup. Gneissose rocks of the Glen Banchor Subgroup, which are thought to form a basement to the Grampian Group (Robertson and Smith, 1999), extend partway along the south-east side of the steep belt from the north-east to within 12 km of this GCR site. They are exposed on the eastern side of the Allt Mhainisteir GCR site.
11.2 Description
The site is remote and mountainous. Aonach Beag (1116 m) and Geal-charn (1107 m) form a dramatic ridge to the north-west of the Ben Alder massif. Coire Cheap and Coire Sgòir both face north-east along the continuation of that ridge
11.2.1 Structural setting of the steep belt
The Geal-charn-Ossian Steep Belt is defined as a zone of steeply inclined rocks (dips of over 60°) up to 4 km wide (Robertson and Smith, 1999). The overall attitude of lithological layering, the axial surfaces of isoclinal folds and associated tectonic fabrics are approximately coplanar.
The Grampian Group in the Loch Laggan area, north-west of the steep belt, has an apparently simple structural history. Strata in the Loch Laggan-Glen Roy area are generally moderately to steeply inclined, with a preponderance of upright early structures (Key et al., 1997). An early schistosity, steeper than bedding, occurs in semipelitic rocks and in the micaceous tops to graded beds. This is modified in places by a steeply inclined crenulation. Minor folds are rare and strain is generally low, as is indicated by the widespread preservation of sedimentary structures (e.g. Glover et al., 1995).
The structural history is more varied to the south-east of the steep belt. A large area of gently inclined, albeit strongly flattened, rocks with recumbent early folds, extends for several tens of kilometres east of Kinloch Laggan to beyond Dalwhinnie (Robertson and Smith, 1999). In this area, the Glen Banchor Subgroup of the Badenoch Group preserves a protracted tectonothermal history in which an early gneissose foliation is deformed by at least one generation of isoclinal folds. That early gneissose foliation is deformed by shear-zones with associated syntectonic veins of quartz and quartzofeldspathic pegmatite yielding Rb-Sr muscovite ages of c. 750 Ma (Piasecki and van Breemen, 1983). In contrast, much of the adjacent eastern outcrop of Grampian Group strata shows evidence of only a relatively simple history. A single bedding-parallel schistosity is pervasive and is the result of strong flattening strain. Small-scale recumbent and asymmetrical folds are rare over a large area of the Grampian Group outcrop between the steep belt and the A9 road section north of Drumochter and no large-scale folds have been recognized to date. An upright open crenulation is developed locally. In contrast, Thomas (1979) recorded that the Ben Alder area preserves evidence of major changes in facing of early recumbent structures south-east of the Geal-charn-Ossian Steep Belt (see the Ben Alder GCR site report). The model proposed by Thomas (1979) has early SE-facing nappe structures refolded by two further phases of folding, with the major nappes divergent from the upward-facing steep belt.
The steep belt separates these contrasting north-western and south-eastern structural domains
The intensity and complexity of deformation within the steep belt is striking when compared with patterns to the north-west and south-east. Robertson and Smith (1999) recognized three main phases of deformation in the steep belt, which broadly equate with those described by Thomas (1979). The first phase produced large-scale tight to isoclinal folds with amplitudes of several kilometres and a penetrative axial planar schistosity. This deformation resulted in extreme attenuation of fold limbs and the development of slides. Adjacent to the slides, there is a marked decrease in the wavelength and increase in frequency of tight to isoclinal folds with minor dislocations on some fold limbs (see also the Allt Mhainisteir GCR site report). The main dislocations are generally marked by zones with intense platy fabrics, varying in width from about a metre up to 20 m. Both small- and large-scale dislocations generally show excision of strata with only rare repetition.
The first phase structures were modified and attenuated during a second phase of close to isoclinal folding. In the north, the first and second phase structures are co-axial and coplanar and therefore difficult to distinguish but in the southern part of the steep belt (e.g. around this GCR site), the second deformation is less intense and is oblique to the first phase. Thus, interference structures are widely developed and in psammites a coarse secondary biotite foliation is commonly discordant to the first fabric. Re-activation of some of the slide-zones is indicated by intensification of the second fabric, which is rotated into parallelism with the first. Elsewhere, the slide-zones are clearly cut by the coarsely spaced biotite fabric. Kyanite-grade metamorphism developed during the second phase of deformation. Later in this phase, fluid movements along the sheared and deformed zones of high strain resulted in local sillimanite replacement of kyanite (Phillips et al., 1999).
The overall geometry of the steep belt is that of a major upright synform
The second phase folds are refolded by sporadically developed third phase structures. These occur primarily close to the eastern edge of the steep belt, although they are also prominent around Aonach Beag
11.2.2 Grampian Group lithostratigraphy
Within this GCR site, the units of the Grampian Group range from near-undeformed sequences with well-preserved sedimentary structures to migmatitic gneissose and highly sheared equivalents. The stratigraphy is summarized in
The Creag Meagaidh Psammite Formation comprises thin- to medium-bedded psammite and micaceous psammite with little lithological variation; the field appearance is largely controlled by the degree of strain. On the cliffs of Sgòr Iutharn
The Creag Meagaidh Formation is overlain stratigraphically by the Clachaig Semipelite and Psammite Formation and in places by the Inverlair Psammite Formation. The boundary with the latter is tectonic (the Sgòir slides)–see below.
The Clachaig Semipelite and Psammite Formation comprises a varied succession dominated by semipelite. On the north-east ridge of Sgòr Iutharn, the Lancet Edge
The Inverlair Psammite Formation is particularly well seen around Coire Cheap
On the north-west side of the steep belt, the degree of gneissification and deformation increases towards the Aonach Beag Slide and related ductile dislocation structures
Folded gneissose, and locally migmatitic, psammites and minor semipelites of the Inverlair Psammite Formation also occur extensively in the north-western part of Coire Sgòir
11.2.3 Appin Group lithostratigraphy
Within the steep belt, the boundary of Grampian Group rocks with those of the overlying Appin Group is generally tectonic and is marked by platy zones of interbanded psammite and quartzite. These are seen spectacularly at
The Aonach Beag Semipelite Formation is well developed on the north-west ridge of Aonach Beag
The Kinlochlaggan Quartzite Formation comprises massive white quartzite with large, locally prominent, white to pink feldspar crystals. Partings in the quartzite, which probably reflect bedding, are typically 5 to 60 cm apart and are controlled locally by micaceous psammite layers up to 2 cm thick. The feldspars are up to 5 mm long and are either scattered or are concentrated within layers, indicating a clastic origin. The formation has an outcrop width of between 5 and 160 m, a range that probably reflects both tectonic attenuation and original variation in depositional thickness. South-west of Aonach Beag
The Kinlochlaggan Boulder Bed (see also the Kinlochlaggan Road GCR site report) is represented on the west wall of Coire Cheap
To the west of and stratigraphically upwards from the Kinlochlaggan Quartzite Formation in Coire Cheap, a 20 m-thick mixed unit of metacarbonate rock, calcsilicate rock, micaceous psammite and garnet amphibolite represents an attenuated Coire Cheap Formation. This is succeeded by a c. 100 m-thick semipelite unit forming the prominent peak of Sron Gharbh
This platy psammite marks the return to a heterogeneous succession of semipelite, calcsilicate rock and metacarbonate rock, all cut by amphibolite sheets, which extends north-eastwards from Aonach Beag
In the west wall of the corrie
11.3 Interpretation
11.3.1 Stratigraphical relationships
The Kinlochlaggan succession has generally been interpreted as an upward-facing succession within the core of the Geal-charn-Ossian Steep Belt, with the Grampian-Appin group boundary modified locally by sliding (Hinxman et al., 1923; Anderson, 1947b, 1956; Smith, 1968; Treagus, 1969, 1997; Thomas, 1979). However, Evans and Tanner (1996, 1997) speculated that the Kinlochlaggan succession contains an allochthonous, inverted and downward-facing upper Appin Group–lower Argyll Group stratigraphy, separated from the Grampian Group by a major structural discontinuity. In marked contrast, Piasecki and Temperley (1988b) equated the Kinlochlaggan succession with semipelites and metalimestones at the base of the Grampian Group that are exposed at Kincraig and Ord Ban (see the An Suidhe GCR site report).
In the steep belt, a gradational stratigraphical boundary is preserved locally between the Grampian Group and the Aonach Beag Semipelite Formation; the latter must therefore lie at the base of the Appin Group. The Kinlochlaggan Quartzite Formation is in stratigraphical succession above the Aonach Beag Semipelite Formation and, while the boundary between the Kinlochlaggan Quartzite and Coire Cheap formations is marked locally by c. 70 cm of platy psammite, this is not thought to represent a major tectonic discontinuity. The Kinlochlaggan Boulder Bed occurs locally in lenticular form on top of the Kinlochlaggan Quartzite Formation and cannot on that basis be correlated with the Port Askaig Tillite (basal Islay Subgroup) and its equivalents.
The Aonach Beag Semipelite Formation is lithologically similar to the Loch Treig Schist and Quartzite Formation of the Glen Roy district, which also lies stratigraphically on top of the Grampian Group and is assigned to the Lochaber Subgroup. The Kinlochlaggan Quartzite Formation is lithologically similar to the Binnein Quartzite Formation in the Loch Leven area and hence it too is assigned to the Lochaber Subgroup. The Sron Garbh Semipelite Formation is correlated with the Leven Schist Formation of the Glen Roy district on the basis of lithological similarities, particularly its magnetic character, and its stratigraphical position. It is therefore assigned to the upper part of the Lochaber Subgroup although the correlation is tentative (Robertson and Smith, 1999).
Pale metalimestone in the Coire Cheap Formation, located above the Kinlochlaggan Quartzite, has a geochemical signature typical of the middle part of the Ballachulish Subgroup, while the remainder of the metalimestones have geochemical signatures similar to Blair Atholl Subgroup metalimestones elsewhere in the Grampian Highlands (Thomas, 1995; Thomas et al., 1997; Thomas and Aitchison, 1998). These correlations indicate that well-known segments of the Appin Group stratigraphy are missing from the exposed sections at this site. There is no representative of the Appin Quartzite and the uppermost parts of the Lochaber Subgroup are also absent. It is not known whether this is the result of non-deposition or erosion. Any erosion must have pre-dated deposition of the upper parts of the Ballachulish Subgroup, since this rests without a major structural discontinuity on the Kinlochlaggan Quartzite. Significant facies changes and thickness changes have been reported in the Appin Group in the South-west Grampian Highlands with possible uplift and erosion at the time of deposition of the Appin Quartzite (Litherland, 1970, 1980), supporting such interpretations.
Robertson and Smith (1999) argued that within the steep belt as a whole, component parts of the Kinlochlaggan succession show major onlap relationships. North of Laggan
11.3.2 Structural framework
Thomas (1979) interpreted the Geal-charn-Ossian Steep Belt as a fundamental root-zone because the major recumbent folds on opposite sides of the steep belt face in opposite directions i.e. to the north-west on the north-west side and to the south-east on the south-east side (see Stephenson et al., 2013a, fig 10a). In contrast, Temperley (1990) argued for a late structural development for the steep belt with folding and shearing superimposed upon a zone that had already experienced a protracted tectonothermal history.
The overall geometry of the steep belt is that of a major upright synform
On the basis on the overall structural geometry and the stratigraphical relationships, Robertson and Smith (1999) argued that the Geal-charn-Ossian Steep Belt is a major composite synclinal structure focussed upon the Kinlochlaggan Syncline. According to their model, the steep belt originated as a primary feature located at the eastern margin of a major west-facing sedimentary basin in which more than 8 km of Grampian Group sediment had been deposited. This basin was adjacent to an intrabasin structural ‘high’ composed mainly of gneissose metasedimentary rocks of the Glen Banchor Subgroup and acting as the local basement to the Grampian and Appin group rocks. Major unconformities recognized at more than one stratigraphical level reflect onlap of the basin successions onto the ‘high’.
The primary major upright folds and associated slides of the steep belt developed when considerable shortening was focused along the basin margin during the Caledonian Orogeny
11.4 Conclusions
The Aonach Beag and Geal-charn GCR site is of national importance for the way in which the complex Caledonian deformation pattern in a crucial central area of the Grampian Highlands can be related to the original geometry and subsequent development of early Dalradian sedimentary basins.
The site preserves excellent exposures of the stratigraphical relationships between the local Kinlochlaggan succession of the Appin Group and the underlying Grampian Group in a regional zone of steeply dipping rocks known as the Geal-charn–Ossian Steep Belt. The mountainous nature of the site is such that truly three-dimensional observations can be made of the structural geometry of the steep belt, which includes the complex upward-facing Kinlochlaggan Syncline and other complementary tight folds in its core.
The Geal-charn–Ossian Steep Belt occurs at the boundary between contrasting structural and stratigraphical domains. Distinct but coeval sedimentary successions in each domain responded in fundamentally different ways to later deformation, with primary upright structures to the west and recumbent structures to the east. The steep belt is a zone of primary major upright folds with associated slides, developed on severely attenuated fold limbs as originally stated by Thomas (1979). However, it is not a root-zone to divergent nappes as envisaged by Thomas, nor is it the product of a late monoform or late upright shearing as proposed by Temperley (1990). It occurs at the eastern margin of a thick composite sedimentary basin where deformation was focused against a footwall ‘high’. Subsequent deformation was then influenced by the distribution of half-graben fills and intrabasinal ‘highs’.