Campbell, S., Scourse, J.D., Hunt, C.O., Keen, D.H. & Stephens, N. 1998. Quaternary of South-West England. Geological Conservation Review Series No. 14, JNCC, Peterborough, ISBN 0 412 78930 2. The original source material for these web pages has been made available by the JNCC under the Open Government Licence 3.0. Full details in the JNCC Open Data Policy
Higher Moors, St Mary's
J.D. Scourse
This site provides the most complete record of Holocene vegetational history on the Isles of Scilly. Pollen and radiocarbon evidence indicates the existence of Holocene forest prior to clearance associated with the spread of agricultural activity during the Neolithic and Bronze Age.
The Isles of Scilly are currently devoid of indigenous woodland, but the extremely mild climate of the islands has encouraged the development of a diverse flora and led to the success of many introduced species, some arboreal and many subtropical in character (Lousley, 1971). There would therefore appear to be no natural physical constraint on the development of indigenous woodland, raising the possibility that the islands were wooded prior to their settlement by humans.
Early descriptions of the occurrence of oak trunks at submerged forest localities first suggested the former existence of woodland around the islands (Scaife, 1986). These finds were supported by numerous records of stumps, mostly of Quercus, having been removed from the ground on St Mary's, St Martin's and Tresco, those on the latter island having been recorded by Augustus Smith during the last century (Scaife, 1986).
The first pollen-analytical evidence that the vegetation of St Mary's had formerly been dominated by deciduous woodland was provided by Dimbleby (1977) from analyses of a soil profile at Innisidgen
Palynological data from soil profiles at a number of archaeological sites have provided clear evidence of post-forest clearance agriculture (Butcher, 1970, 1971, 1972, 1974; Dimbleby et al., 1981; Evans, 1984). These profiles, of various ages postdating the Neolithic, all provide evidence of very open vegetation with some indicating cereal cultivation.
In order to provide a more continuous record of Holocene vegetational change, Scaife (1980, 1981, 1984) investigated the only two remaining areas of peat accumulation on the islands, Higher Moors and Lower Moors on St Mary's. The cores from Higher Moors have yielded pollen and radiocarbon data which provide a reference stratigraphy against which the more isolated soil pollen profiles from archaeological sites can be compared; these data also support the hypothesis of former Holocene deciduous woodland cleared as a result of prehistoric agricultural activity.
Higher Moors is a topogenous mire forming part of Porth Hellick Nature Reserve which extends inland from Porth Hellick
HM1: 76–70 cm. Arboreal and shrub pollen dominate this zone with Quercus, Betula, Corylus and Salix dominant, and Pinus, Ulmus and Alnus subdominant. Herbaceous frequencies are low and mainly represented by Cyperaceae and other mire taxa.
HM2: 70–62 cm. This zone is characterized by a reduction in arboreal pollen and increases in herbaceous taxa. Although Corylus and Salix remain important, Betula and Quercus decline, and Calluna increases. Herb taxa, chiefly Gramineae and Cyperaceae, dominate the zone..There are significant records of cereals, weeds and ruderals.
HM3: 62–50 cm. Significant increases in Betula and later Quercus dominate this zone with concomitant decreases in herbaceous taxa.
HM4: 50–4 cm. An abrupt decrease in arboreal and shrub frequencies occurs in this zone coinciding with increases in Gramineae, Cyperaceae and ruderal taxa. Pollen of Umbelliferae, Pteridium and ericaceous taxa also increase in this zone.
HM5: 4–0 cm. This zone reflects the uppermost level of the peat profile. It contains slightly higher frequencies of arboreal pollen than HM4 alongside Pittosporum and some other introduced exotic taxa.
Four 2 cm-thick samples of the peat were submitted for radiocarbon assay and the uncalibrated results are shown in
Although there is clearly a problem with the radiocarbon determinations
A decline in arboreal pollen and increases in herb taxa occur above 68 cm (HM2), including evidence of cereal cultivation, followed above 62 cm (HM3) by forest regeneration with increases in Betula and Corylus. Problems with the radiocarbon assays in this section of the profile hinder attempts to correlate this evidence of clearance and subsequent forest regeneration with specific archaeological events or periods. However, Scaife (1986) suggests that the clearance phase may be Neolithic with regeneration occurring in the late Neolithic or early Bronze Age. The major phase of forest clearance at 50 cm (HM4) probably dates to the middle Bronze Age and is consistent with the widespread archaeological evidence (Scaife, 1986).
The peat bog at Higher Moors has provided evidence that the Isles of Scilly were at least partly covered by deciduous forest at around 6 ka BP. This indigenous forest was then partly cleared by Neolithic humans, and finally disappeared as a result of ground clearance associated with agricultural activity during the Bronze Age. Higher Moors is the most important site providing evidence of the changing vegetation on Scilly since the end of the last ice age.