Campbell, S., Scourse, J.D., Hunt, C.O., Keen, D.H. & Stephens, N. 1998. Quaternary of South-West England. Geological Conservation Review Series No. 14, JNCC, Peterborough, ISBN 0 412 78930 2. The original source material for these web pages has been made available by the JNCC under the Open Government Licence 3.0. Full details in the JNCC Open Data Policy
Start Point to Prawle Point
D.H. Keen
This 6 km-section of coast provides some of the finest exposures of periglacial deposits in Britain. They demonstrate superbly the salient characteristics of coastal head deposits.
The coast between Start Point
The sections range up to 33 m in height and are banked against a fossil cliffline up to 125 m high. The head rests on former wave-smoothed surfaces at the foot of the cliffs. The maximum thickness of the head is seen only at localities such as Mattiscombe Sands
The head is poorly sorted and is composed of all particle sizes from boulders to clay (Mottershead, 1971). Sediments nearer to the ancient cliff are generally coarse, often containing boulder-sized material, whereas those away from it (and the source of sediment) are generally finer-grained, consisting largely of pebble- and granule-size material.
The lithology of clasts in the head reflects the nature of the bedrock found upslope, namely a combination of quartz-mica schist and green (chlo-rite/hornblende) schist. Mottershead (1971) noted a general increase in the ratio of quartz to schist in the sections farthest from the fossil cliffline, which he suggested was due to comminution of the more friable schist-types during transport, and perhaps even to the selective transport of smaller clasts. All particles, however, are angular or subangular, even those found farthest away from the old cliff. The clasts in the head show a strong unimodal orientation downslope, reflecting their direction of movement away from the cliffline and sediment source. The head sometimes shows crude stratification (e.g. at Rickham Sand;
Towards the base of many sections, the head also contains sand and rounded pebbles of marine origin. In places, possibly in situ raised beach deposits are covered by the head. At others, the former presence of a beach deposit is indicated by the occurrence of rolled stones within the head: some, such as those of flint, are clearly of non-local derivation.
Most deposits exposed in the coastal cliffs between Start Point and Prawle Point, are believed to have been derived by the action of frost on the ancient cliff which now lies upslope (Mottershead, 1971). They arrived on the ancient marine platform by mass movement processes, principally solifluction, under periglacial conditions. The morphology of the sediment bodies (Tans' or 'aprons' of head), and the sedimentological and lithological characteristics of the deposits are entirely consistent with such an origin. Alternating layers of different schist material within the head may indicate successive shallow solifluction 'flows', each derived principally from a particular bedrock lithology: other massively bedded and unstructured parts of the head sequence may denote the arrival of large thicknesses of saturated debris en masse (Mottershead, 1971). Whatever process variations the head may denote, there is general agreement that they indicate mass wasting under periglacial conditions, and are the products of degradation of the coastal bedrock slope (Mottershead, 1977a). These head sequences find close parallels elsewhere around the coast of South-West England (Mottershead, 1977b) although they are rarely, if ever, better developed.
Whereas their origin is not disputed, the age of the deposits is far from certain. Mottershead (1971) divided the sequences found along this coastline into a variety of facies: a Main Head (forming the bulk of the sequence); an Upper Head (distinguished by a silty texture, perhaps indicating the incorporation of loess); and a sporadic Lower Head (separated from the Main Head by raised marine sediments, for example, at Sharpers Cove,
Modern work has shown that none of these schemes is universally applicable. Detailed regional geochronological studies (Keen, 1978; Lautridou, 1982; Davies and Keen, 1985; Bowen et al., 1985; Mottershead et al., 1987) have shown that the raised marine deposits of the western Channel date from at least two high sea-level stands in the Middle and Upper Pleistocene — probably equivalent to Oxygen Isotope Stages 7 and 5 of the deep-sea record. At sites where an Oxygen Isotope Stage 7 raised beach deposit lies beneath head, the possibility clearly exists for head facies to have accumulated during a number of Pleistocene cold stages (e.g. Oxygen Isotope Stages 6, 4 and 2). Where the head overlies an Oxygen Isotope Stage 5 marine deposit, on the other hand, a Devensian age (equivalent to either or both of Oxygen Isotope Stages 4 and 2) must be assumed. With the absence of datable materials, the ages of the head and raised marine sediments between Start Point and Prawle Point remain unknown.
Start Point to Prawle Point GCR site provides some of the finest sections through periglacial slope deposits (head) anywhere in Britain. Although their precise age is unknown, these deposits exhibit all the characteristic features of coastal head deposits, and are believed to have accumulated during a variety of cold stages in the Pleistocene when periglacial conditions prevailed. Alternating facies of head, comprising different clast lithologies, point to deposition by a variety of individual, shallow solifluction flows, with different bedrock layers in the old cliffline successively succumbing to the effects of frost-action. Elsewhere, massively bedded head deposits suggest downslope movement of substantial quantities of probably saturated debris en masse. In conservation terms, the sections from Start Point to Prawle Point provide a wide variety of slope deposits and related landforms of textbook quality, against which other, less well-developed examples, can be compared and interpreted.