Campbell, S., Scourse, J.D., Hunt, C.O., Keen, D.H. & Stephens, N. 1998. Quaternary of South-West England. Geological Conservation Review Series No. 14, JNCC, Peterborough, ISBN 0 412 78930 2. The original source material for these web pages has been made available by the JNCC under the Open Government Licence 3.0. Full details in the JNCC Open Data Policy
The Valley of Rocks
S. Campbell
The Valley of Rocks is one of Devon's most spectacular and controversial landforms. Some authorities maintain that it was cut by glacial meltwater, others that it was formed by marine capture of a formerly more extensive East Lyn River.
The Valley of Rocks is noted for a large dry valley and a series of periglacial features. The origin of the valley is much disputed, but has a major bearing on coastal and drainage evolution in north Devon. The site has been referred to by E. Arber (1911), Steers (1946), Simpson (1953), Mottershead (1964, 1967, 1977c), Stephens (1966a, 1966b, 1970a, 1974, 1990), Gregory (1969), Pearce (1972, 1982), M. Arber (1974) and Cullingford (1982). A detailed description and reinterpretation of the landforms was given by Dalzell and Durrance (1980).
The Valley of Rocks or 'the Danes'
Considerable thicknesses of head are exposed in the coastal cliffs. Mottershead (1967, 1977c) recorded up to 25 m of such deposits comprising angular slate and sandstone fragments in a poorly sorted matrix of fines. At Lee Bay, a thick sequence of Pleistocene sediments is exposed in the coastal cliff at the head of the bay (Dalzell and Durrance, 1980). This sequence overlies a rock platform at c. 7 m OD and comprises (maximum bed thicknesses in parentheses):
4. Coarse angular rock fragments with some sub-rounded pebbles (c. 18 m) (head)
3. Subrounded pebbles (c. 3.5 m)
2. Mixture of well-rounded and subrounded pebbles with sand layers (c. 3.0 m)
1. Well-rounded pebbles in a sandy matrix (c. 3.5 m)
Beds 1–3 were described by Dalzell and Durrance (1980) as waterlain, comprising a mixture of fluvial and marine materials. They also showed that the Valley of Rocks and the smaller valley near Lee Bay (the Lee Abbey gap) have a substantial infill of Pleistocene scree and solifluction deposits.
Following Balchin's (1952) work on the erosion surfaces of Exmoor, Simpson (1953) put forward the view that the dry valley remnants could be explained by marine erosion and capture of a formerly more extensive River Lyn, which then flowed west. He concluded that the East Lyn river originally flowed from Lynmouth through the Valley of Rocks, the Lee Abbey gap, Crock Point and Martinhoe Manor to Heddon's Mouth. Such an interpretation, based entirely on the present form and location of the remnant dry valley floors, was followed by Mottershead (1964, 1967, 1977c)
In marked contrast, Stephens (1966a, 1966b) suggested that the valley remnants had formed as ice-marginal drainage channels cut in Wolstonian times (Saalian Stage) when glacier ice was believed to have reached Barnstaple Bay — and consequently may have impinged upon the north Devon coast for substantial portions of its length. Stephens' model implies that the pre-Wolstonian drainage pattern must have been substantially similar to that of today. As ice advanced and fringed the Exmoor coast, a lake formed in the Lyn Valley behind present-day Lynmouth
Dalzell and Durrance (1980) used electrical resistivity techniques to establish the origin of the dry valley system at the Valley of Rocks and Lee Bay
These results led Dalzell and Durrance (1980) to suggest that the rock-floor profile of the Valley of Rocks shows a gradation to a level lower than that of the Lee Abbey gap. Instead, the Valley of Rocks grades more readily to the heights and erosional remnants at Duty Point and Crock Point
Thus, Dalzell and Durrance rejected Simpson's (1953) and Mottershead's (1964) argument that the East Lyn had once flowed westwards through the Lee Abbey gap, and proposed instead that it had flowed in a course through the present Wringcliff Bay around Duty Point to Crock Point. The Lee stream would then have flowed east through the Lee Abbey gap to join the East Lyn as a tributary. A first stage of river capture by marine erosion in the Lynmouth area left the Valley of Rocks dry, save for the Lee tributary. Subsequent marine erosion, which formed Lee Bay, then captured the Lee to its present course. Since the platform of Devonian rocks in Lee Bay is overlain by raised beach and fluvial deposits (of presumed Ipswichian age) and then by periglacial head, Dalzell and Durrance argued that the coastal dissection had happened, at latest, in Ipswichian times; aggradation of head deposits in both the Valley of Rocks and the Lee Abbey gap could not have occurred if these valleys had been fluvially active throughout the Devensian.
The Valley of Rocks is a spectacular landform, the age and origin of which have been much disputed. The site has nonetheless played a focal role in the development of ideas concerning coastal and drainage evolution in north Devon. Two main theories have been put forward to account for the dry valley system. One explanation is that the Valley of Rocks was formed by marine capture of a formerly more extensive East Lyn River; another is that the feature is a marginal glacial drainage channel cut as water overspilled from an ice-impounded lake. Recent work graphically shows the problems of interpreting landforms such as this from their present surface morphology. The Valley of Rocks, and also that at Lee Abbey, are in fact underlain by considerable thicknesses of Pleistocene solifluction and head deposits which mask the true profiles and gradients of the rock floors. The application of electrical resistivity techniques shows that the Valley of Rocks and its perceived extension into Lee Bay (the Lee Abbey gap) could in fact be the result of a more complex sequence of marine erosion and river captures, with the Lee Abbey gap being the abandoned channel of a tributary of the East Lyn.
No detailed evidence to reject the glacial drainage hypothesis has, however, been put forward. Nonetheless, in favour of the river capture theory, M. Arber (1974) has argued that many streams flowing northward off Exmoor fall to the sea via waterfalls. She has cited this as evidence for rapid coastal retreat in the Pleistocene, the rivers still not having adjusted significantly to the most recent change in base level (but see Chapter 7; Introduction).
The conservation value of this site is enhanced by the well-developed tor-like buttresses and scree slopes on the margins of the dry valley system