Dineley, D. & Metcalf, S. GCR Editor: D. Palmer. 1999. Fossil Fishes of Great Britain. Geological Conservation Review Series No. 16. JNCC, Peterborough, ISBN 1 86107 470 0. The original source material for these web pages has been made available by the JNCC under the Open Government Licence 3.0. Full details in the JNCC Open Data Policy
Blue Bell Hill Pits
The Blue Bell Hill Pits, Burham, in Kent are one of Britain's richest Chalk (Late Cretaceous) fish sites
The two Culand Pits on Blue Bell Hill near Burham, the Lower Pit
Lower Culand Pit is in the Lower Chalk (Cenomanian) and Upper Culand Pit is in the Middle and Upper Chalk (Turonian;
The pit faces on Blue Bell Hill form a prominent feature in the landscape, as they are cut into the North Downs. The pits probably display one of the best and most complete inland sections of the Chalk in southern England. There are two main pits on Blue Bell Hill, known as the Culand pits, and a combined section of the Chalk in the two quarries, summarized from Jukes-Browne and Hill (1903) and Dines et al. (1954) is:
Thickness (m) | |
Upper Culand Pit | |
Soil | 0.3 |
Upper Chalk/planus Zone | |
Very rough, rubbly hard crystalline chalk | 6.1 |
Rough, lumpy chalk | 4.9 |
Layer of flints | 0.2 |
Massively bedded chalk | 1.5 |
Layer of flints | 0.2 |
Rough, hard, lumpy chalk | 1.1 |
Layer of flints | 0.2 |
Rather rough and lumpy chalk | 0.9 |
Rather rough, hard chalk with scattered flints | 0.9 |
15.8 | |
Middle Chalk (lata and labiatus Zones) | |
Firm, soft, lumpy chalk | 1.2 |
Firm, white, smooth chalk | 7.6–9.1 |
Massive homogeneous white chalk | 35.7 |
c. 46.1 | |
Lower Culand Pit | |
Middle Chalk and Melbourn Rock | 9.1 |
Lower Chalk | |
Plenus Marls (Belemnite Marls; gracile Zone) | |
Yellowish grey laminated marl | 0.3–0.4 |
Pale yellowish grey marly chalk | 1.8 |
Grey Chalk and mantelliana Band (naviculare and rhotomagense Zones) Beds 6, 7 and 8. Firm white chalk passing gradually down into grey chalk | c. 25 m |
Bed 5. Grey marly chalk | c. 5 m |
The fossil fish specimens seem to have been derived from several horizons in the Chalk succession exposed at Blue Bell Hill, but the labels of many of the museum specimens do not provide detailed stratigraphical information. Some museum specimens are labelled 'Lower Chalk' (e.g. NHM P3977) or 'Middle Chalk' (e.g. NHM 1703, 4034) and some are even labelled to zonal level, such as 'H. subglobosus Zone, Middle Chalk' (e.g. NHM 49014, 49054, 49073, P5681) or 'S. plana Zone, Upper Chalk' (e.g. NHM P.111), but others lack horizon information. Hence it is impossible to gain an impression of the vertical distribution of fish finds through the Chalk in the Blue Bell Hill pits. It is most probable that much of the vertebrate material came from the Lower Chalk of the Lower Pit, as the Middle and Upper Chalk are much less vertebrate rich.
The fossil fishes are generally well preserved and fine detail may be seen. Individual specimens may be largely articulated or broken up. Often only isolated teeth and vertebrae of larger forms are found. The Lower Chalk (rhotomagense Zone) of the large southern pit shows numerous small crustacean or worm burrows (Terebella lewesiensis) which are commonly lined with fish scales and bones (Hancock, 1958). In the past these burrows have been mistaken for complete fish specimens (e.g. Mantell, 1822), as the elongate tube looks vaguely like the skeleton of an eel-like fish (Longbottom and Patterson, 1987). The Chalk succession of Blue Bell Hill has also yielded a rich invertebrate fauna, housed in the NHM and BGS(GSM), and documented by Dibley (1900, 1922) and Dines et al. (1954).
The abundant remains from the Blue Bell Hill Pits are preserved in the NHM, CAMSM, and MAIDM. These are generally labelled 'Burham' or 'Blue Bell Hill'. The following list has been derived from Woodward (1902–1912):
Chondrichthyes: Elasmobranchii: Euselachii: Hybodontoidea
Ptychodus decurrens Agassiz, 1835–1839
P. latissimus Agassiz, 1835–1843
P. mammillaris Agassiz, 1835–1839
P. polygyrus Agassiz, 1835–1839
P. polygyrus var. marginalis Agassiz, 1835–1839
Chondrichthyes: Elasmobranchii: Neoselachii: Squalomorphii
Hexanchus (Notidanus) microdon (Agassiz, 1843)
Chondrichthyes: Elasmobranchii: Neoselachii: Galeomorphii
Cantiosyllium decipiens Woodward, 1889
Cretolamna (Lamna) appendiculata (Agassiz, 1843)
Cretoxyrhina (Isurus) mantelli (Agassiz, 1843)
'Lamna' spp.
Paranomotodon (Oxyrhina) angustidens (Reuss, 1843)
Scapanorhynchus rhapiodon (Agassiz, 1844)
S. subulatus (Agassiz, 1843)
Scyliorhinus antiquus ( = Scyllium antiquum Agassiz, 1843)
Squalicorax (Corax) falcatus (Agassiz, 1843)
Synechodus (Hybodus) dubrisiensis (Mackie, 1863)
Chondrichthyes: Holocephali: Chimaeriformes
Edaphodon (Ischyodus) agassizi (Buckland, 1835–1836)
Edaphodon (I.) mantelli (Buckland, 1835–1836)
E. sp. (fin spines)
Elasmodectes willetti Newton, 1878
Ischyodus thurmanni Pictat and Campiche, 1858
I. incisus Newton, 1878
Osteichthyes: Actinopterygii: Neopterygii: Halecomorphi
Neorhombolepis ?punctatus Woodward, 1895
Tomognathus mordax Dixon, 1850
Osteichthyes: Actinopterygii: Neopterygii: Teleostei
Apsopelix (Syllaemus) anglicus (Dixon, 1850)
Belonostomus cinctus Agassiz, 1837–1844
Dinelops ornatus Woodward, 1901
Enchelurus anglicans Woodward, 1902–1911
Ichthyodectes (Hypsodon) minor (Egerton, 1850)
I. tenuidens Woodward, 1901
Ichthyodectes sp.
Osmeroides latifrons Woodward, 1902–11 0.
O. levis Woodward, 1895
Pachyrhizodus basalis Dixon, 1850
P. dibleyi Woodward, 1901
P. (Acrodontosaurus) gardneri (Mason, 1869) ( = P basalis Forey, 1977)
P. (Raphiosaurus) sublidens (Owen, 1842)
Plethodus expansus Dixon, 1850
P. oblongus Dixon, 1850
P. pentagon Woodward, 1899
Protosphyraena ferox Leidy, 1857
P. (Saurocephalus) minor (Agassiz, 1837–1844)
Xiphactinus (Portheus) mantelli (Newton, 1877)
parasphenoid dentition of elopiform fish
Osteichthyes: Actinopterygii: Neopterygii: Euteleostei
Aulolepis typus Agassiz, 1837–1844
Apateodus striatus Woodward, 1901
Caproberyx (B.) superbus (Dixon, 1850)
Cimolichthys levesiensis Leidy, 1857
Ctenotbrissa (Beryx) microcephala (Agassiz, 1835–1838)
C. (B.) radians (Agassiz, 1835–1838)
Enchodus (Esox) lewesiensis (Mantel, 1822)
Eurypbolis pulchellus Woodward, 1901
Halec (Pomognathus) eupterygius (Dixon, 1850)
Hoplopteryx (Beryx) lewesiensis (Mantel, 1822)
H. simus Woodward, 1902
Homonoicthys dorsalis Dixon, 1850
H. rotundus Woodward, 1902–1911
Platycormus (Berycopsis) elegans Dixon, 1850
Sardinoides illustrans Woodward, 1902–1911
Osteichthyes: Sarcopterygii: Actinistia
Macropoma mantelli Agassiz, 1835–1844
M. praecursor Woodward, 1909
Macropoma sp. (coprolites)
The fishes of the Chalk at Burham were reviewed by Woodward between 1902 and 1912. As well as the fish fauna
The specialized hybodont Ptychodus is represented in the Blue Bell Hill shark fauna by four species, all of which have been found elsewhere in the Chalk. All are based on isolated quadrate teeth or, in the case of P. decurrens Agassiz, 1835–1839, on partial dentition. The fauna also contains abundant advanced selachians, including a representative of the six- or seven-gilled hexanchid squalomorphs or cow-sharks. Hexanchus (Notidanus) microdon (Agassiz, 1843) is an extinct form, known only from the isolated occurrences of its multicuspid, comb-like, lower teeth in the English Chalk. This is a relatively small species of Hexanchus, with teeth only about 12 mm in width (Longbottom and Patterson, 1987).
Galeomorph sharks, well represented in the Blue Bell Hill fish assemblages, include two type specimens. The orectolobid Cantiosyllium decipiens Woodward, 1889 is probably the most important fossil fish to have been recovered from the Culand pits (
More common elements of the galeomorph shark component of the Burham fauna are the large piercing teeth of Lamniformes. These include the cretoxyrhinids, Cretolamna appendiculata (Agassiz) and Cretoxyrhina mantelli (Agassiz), the mitsukurhinids Scapanorhynchus raphiodon (Agassiz) and Sc. subulatus (Agassiz), the alopiid Paranomotodon angustidens (Reuss), and the anacoracid Squalicorax falcatus (Agassiz). The teeth of these predatory sharks are common in all Chalk facies (Longbottom and Patterson, 1987), where they probably competed with the aquatic reptiles for the top carnivore niche in the pelagic environment. Teeth of the small enigmatic palaeospinacid shark Synechodus dubrisiensis (Mackie) have also been recovered by acid digestion of the Lower Chalk at Burham.
Chimaeroids are well represented in the Blue Bell Hill pits, although elsewhere in the Chalk, holocephalian remains are rare and fragmentary (Newton). Those from Burham include two species of the typical Cretaceous and early Tertiary genus Edaphodon (based on tooth plates) and a fin spine of the same taxon, and the small, rare genus Elasmodectes willetti Newton, 1878 which is known from only four localities in the English Chalk (Woodward, 1902–1912, and see the Southerham (Machine Bottom Pit) report). The Jurassic genus Ischyodus is represented in the Burham fauna by the Gault species I. thurmanni Pictet and Campiche and the type and only specimen (a lower tooth plate:
Bony fish remains from the Chalk at Burham include neopterygians. Belonostomus cinctus Agassiz is one of the last representatives of the aspidorhynchid fishes that ranged from the Upper Jurassic to the Upper Palaeocene. The genus has been found in Cretaceous formations worldwide, and is characterized by the long rostrum overhanging an equally long mandible (Woodward, 1902–1912) and by the distinctive squamation. Neorhombolepis was a specialized caturid halecomorph (
The large swordfish-like pachycormid Protosphyraena is known from fragmentary jaws and rostrum from the Lower Chalk ('H. subglobosus Zone') of Burham. Two species, P. ferox Leidy and P. minor (Agassiz) have been recorded from the site (Woodward, 1902–1912). The first is a common Chalk species, known from partial skulls and the characteristic sickle-shaped pectoral fins. Protosphyraena ferox was a large fish (the rostrum reaches 0.3 m in length) and has been noted in most Cenomanian and Turonian Chalk localities and in the underlying Cambridge Greensand (Cenomanian).
Tomognathus mordax Dixon is a halecomorph neopterygian known from only a few localities, including Blue Bell Hill and Southerham (q.v.) in the Chalk. Specimens collected from Blue Bell Hill in the 19th century by G.E. Dibley include well-preserved skulls and a partially complete skeleton, which suggest that Tomognathus was long-bodied, with a feebly ossified endoskeleton, large pectoral fins and a triangular caudal fin. The head was short and laterally compressed, with a very large eye and strongly curved, slender teeth. In general morphology, Tomognathus resembles the modern stomiiform teleosts, predators which inhabit a deep-sea niche.
Teleosts and euteleost bony fish are well represented in the Chalk fauna from Blue Bell Hill
Elopiformes are represented in the fauna by the type specimens of the crossognathid Apsopelix anglicus (Dixon) and Osmeroides levis Woodward, both fusiform elopiform fishes that resemble the modern tarpon (Megalops) and albuloids (Albula), found today in tropical seas. Apsopelix is a relatively large robust form with a large head, very large scales and pelvic fins which lie farther back than in any other teleost (Patterson and Rosen, 1977), whilst Osmeroides is a much smaller fish, which possessed a tubular, non-laterally compressed head and body (Forey, 1973a). Dinelops is similar to the Upper Cretaceous 'pseudotarpon' genera Notelops and Protelops, recovered from Brazil and the former Czechoslovakia respectively (Forey, 1973a, 1973b); it is known only from the Lower Chalk of Kent and Dorking, Surrey (Woodward, 1902–1912).
The pachyrhizodontids are a group of large predaceous elopiformes similar to the modern day albuloids (e.g. Albula), unremarkable in general body-plan, but possessing a heterodont dentition which includes robust and conical teeth, with a characteristic swollen base, which are fused to and surrounded by the bone of the jaws (Woodward, 1902–1911; Longbottom and Patterson, 1987). Two type specimens of Pachyrhizodus are recorded from Burham, the type species P. basalis Dixon and the more robust species P. dibleyi Woodward (
Closely related to the elopiform fishes described above, are the eels or Anguilliformes, and the two orders are united within the teleost Superorder Elopomorpha (Greenwood et al., 1966; Forey, 1973a, 1973b). Enchelurus anglicans Woodward is a typical Upper Cretaceous anguilliform that differs from modern and Tertiary eels in possessing distinct tail and pelvic fins.
The Ichthyodectiformes arc an extinct order of Mesozic teleost fishes, a sister group of the extant osteoglossomorphs (Greenwood et al., 1966, 1973; Patterson and Rosen, 1977), and similar in general appearence to the living clupeiform Cheirocentrus (Woodward, 1902–1912; Bardack, 1965). The icthyodectids possess a large triangular supraoccipital crest, fused parietals, and were large (up to 2 m long) teleosts, which tended to swallow their prey head first and whole (Patterson and Rosen, 1977). This Family is well represented in the English Chalk and two genera, Ichthyodectes and Xiphactinus, are known from Burham, including the type specimen of I. tenuidens Woodward
The plethodonts are an enigmatic Cretaceous teleost group probably related to the crossognathids and pachyrhizodontids (Patterson, 1967; Greenwood, 1973), which ranged from the Gault to the Upper Chalk, and of which Plethodus is the only genus recorded from the Chalk (Longbottom and Patterson, 1987). The plethodonts had a crushing dentition consisting of two opposing plates with smooth grinding surfaces formed from the fusion of small teeth. The species of Plethodus are characterized by their differently shaped tooth plates.
Representatives of the higher teleosts or euteleosts are found in the Chalk at Blue Bell Hill. The Euteleostei are fishes that primitively have an adipose dorsal fin, and are also characterized by features of the caudal skeleton. All those forms represented in the Burham fauna are highly advanced eutelosts or 'neoteleostean' fishes as defined by Rosen and Patterson (1969) and Rosen (1973). The neoteleosts are the largest group of living bony fishes (Rosen, 1973), and hence those of the Chalk succession are extremely important in defining basal characteristics of the group.
Among the neoteleosts, the extinct Cretaceous ctenothrissiform fishes Aulolepis and Ctenothrissa of Patterson (1964, 1968) are allied to the two major neoteleost groups, the acanthopterygians and paracanthopterygians, but seem to form their sister-group (Rosen, 1973).
The Chalk euteleosts also include several taxa referrable to the aulopiforms (Rosen, 1973). The Chalk aulopiforms are commonly referred to the informal grouping 'enchodonts' by many authors (Woodward, 1902–1912; Goody, 1969; Longbottom and Patterson, 1987) and were predatory fishes with characteristic fangs, probably with a lifestyle similar to that of extant deep-sea predators like the lancet-fish, Alepocephalus (Longbottom and Patterson, 1987). 'Enchodonts' at Burham include representatives of three extinct aulopiform groups, enchodontids Enchodus lewesiensis (Mantel) and the type specimen of E. pulchellus Woodward (
The sardinoidid myctophiform Sardinoides illustrans Woodward is known from the type specimen (an almost complete fish:
The Burham neoteleost fauna also includes several acanthopterygian taxa (see
The second beryciform group represented in the Burham fish collections are the polymixiids, by the species Berycopsis elegans (Dixon). Several good specimens of Berycopsis elegans have been found in the Cenomanian and Turonian Chalk sequence of Sussex and Kent. B. elegans possessed a deepened and laterally compressed trunk, small mouth with minute teeth and a large eye. The dorsal and anal fins are much extended and oppose one another upon the ventral and dorsal surfaces (Woodward, 1902–1912).
Two species of the Cretaceous coelacanth Macropoma complete the fish fauna from the Blue Bell Hill. Macropoma mantelli (Agassiz) is known from several complete specimens from the Thronian of Southerham (q.v.) and several horizons in the Middle and Upper Chalk succession of Kent, Sussex and Surrey (Woodward, 1902–1911). Macropoma praecursor Woodward is a much smaller species named from isolated bones from the 'S. varians' Zone of Folkestone, Kent and the 'H. subglobosus'Zone of Burham. Coprolites found in the Chalk are traditionally assigned to the coelacanth genus, although Woodward (1902–1911) pointed out that they might equally be from sharks or chimaeroids. Some spiral coprolites might not be fossil faeces but petrified intestinal contents, known as enterospirae. Longbottom and Patterson (1987) remarked that all primitive fishes, selachians, chimaeroids and non-teleost bony fishes, possess a spiral valve, and hence, the Chalk coprolites or enterospirae could have been derived from any of these fossil groups. However, no enterospirae have ever been found preserved in situ within more complete specimens of Macropoma, so it is likely that these may have been derived from sharks (Longbottom and Patterson, 1987).
Comparison with other localities
Most of the genera from the Blue Bell Hill pits have also been found in other Chalk quarries in southern England, with only the pits of the Lewes area, namely Southerham (Machine Bottom Pit; q.v.) and Southerham Grey Pit (q.v.), attaining a similar diversity. Similar Late Cretaceous marine faunas are known from the Chalk of Belgium, France, Sweden and from North America (Texas, Mississippi, Alabama, New Jersey, Kansas, etc.).
The Blue Bell Hill pits at Burham have yielded the most extensive fauna of Chalk fishes in Britain. This is the best British Chalk fish site with potential for new finds and is a key Late Cretaceous site of international importance, hence its conservation value.