Dineley, D. & Metcalf, S. GCR Editor: D. Palmer. 1999. Fossil Fishes of Great Britain. Geological Conservation Review Series No. 16. JNCC, Peterborough, ISBN 1 86107 470 0. The original source material for these web pages has been made available by the JNCC under the Open Government Licence 3.0. Full details in the JNCC Open Data Policy
Boxford Chalk Pit
Boxford Chalk Pit in Berkshire
Boxford Chalk Pit is one of the few remaining pits in the Upper Chalk (Upper Turon-ian–Santonian) succession of southern Britain still producing vertebrates. At this site there are many thin phosphatic horizons overlying phos-phatized hardgrounds in the upper half of the M. coranguinum Zone (Santonian Chalk), which yield abundant coprolites and many tiny fish teeth. The material recovered by bulk sampling includes an important microselachian component with many taxa yet to be described.
The small quarry is disused and rather overgrown
The section was originally described by H.J. Osborne White for the Geological Survey Memoir (1907) and is reproduced here with modifications:
Thickness (m) | |
4. Soft to very hard yellowish-white chalk, having a lumpy appearence on weathered surfaces, and containing a few flints in the lower part. Harder portions occur in ill-defined bands, and in elongate bodies at various angles to the bedding planes. Softer parts distinctly phosphatic, the wash-residues being rich in brown polished coprolites, phosphatic clasts of foraminifera, and organic debris. Brown phosphatic, and light or dull green glauconitic concretions, of angular form (up to ¼ inch [6 mm] in diameter) are very abundant in places. Many oyster shells | c. 3.0 |
3. Firm, irregularly-jointed white chalk, with one distinct band of nodular, and a few seams of tabular flint, near the middle. Lower part of the bed yields asteroid ossicles, fragments of Inoceramus, and broken Cidaris plates. A thin seam of grey rubbly marl at the base | c. 4.3 |
2. Yellow, rocky chalk, minutely banded with iron stains, and green concretions. Top of this hard band even and clearly defined, in places a very thin brown glaze. From it descend borings filled either with the marl or with soft chalk containing phosphatized materials like those in bed (4): | 0.3–0.8 |
1. Soft, white, blocky chalk, passing up into the above rock. One prominent band of big flint nodules (studded with asteroid ossicles, plates of Cidaris, etc.) about 5 feet [1.5 m] down. Smaller scattered, finger-shaped and globular flints | 2.1 |
The sequence of hard and phosphatized chalk is uncommon in the White Chalk in the Boxford area, and many more phosphatic beds occur lower down in the M. coranguinum Zone in this region (White, 1907). Most of the vertebrate material was derived from the uppermost phosphatic unit (Bed 4 in the log; White, 1907, p. 25), which is similarly rich in invertebrates, many of which are phosphatized.
The microvertebrate remains yielded by acid preparation have not been formally described; the list below has been compiled from the unpublished results of D. Ward (pers. comm., 1995).
Chondrichthyes: Elasmobranchii: Neoselachii: Squatinomorphii
Squatina sp.
Chondrichthyes: Elasmobranchii: Neoselachii: Galeomorphii
Cretolamna (Lamna)appendiculata (Agassiz, 1843)
Cretolamna sp.
Pararhincodon crochardi Herman, 1977
Paratriakis sp.
Scyliorhinus sp.
Squalicorax (Corax) kaupi (Agassiz, 1843)
Synechodus sp.
Chondrichthyes: Elasmobranchii: Neoselachii: Batomorphii
Ganopristis sp.
Rhinobatos sp.
Squatirhina sp.
The phosphatized condensed sequence at Boxford is relatively rich in fossil sharks. These include the usual complement of galeomorph sharks, for example Cretolamna, Scyliorhinus, Squalicorax and Synechodus, which are common in all British Chalk horizons, although many other common galeomorph taxa recorded from other Chalk sites, such as Paranomotodon, Cretoxyrhina and Plicatolamna, are missing. No squalomorph shark is present at Boxford, although teeth of the ubiquitous Squatina were recovered from acid residues (D. Ward, pers. comm., 1995). Ptychodont sharks were also not found at Boxford, although several species of Ptychodus have been recorded at other Upper Chalk horizons (Woodward, 1902–1911). The neoselachian fauna includes some unusual elements quite different from those from the Lower and Middle Chalk localities.
In common with the galeomorph assemblage from 'Strahan's Hardground' at Southerham Lime Kiln Quarries (q.v.), the Boxford fauna includes tiny teeth from the extant orectolobiform 'Hemiscyllium' sp. (D. Ward, pers. comm., 1995) and a second orectolobiform, Pararhincodon crochardi Herman
The second unusual galeomorph at Boxford is the triakid carcharhiniform Paratriakis
Three batomorph genera are found in the phosphatic beds at Boxford. The enigmatic Cretaceous ray Squatirhina is present, but has also been recovered from the Totternhoe Stone of Totternhoe (q.v.) and its occurrence in the Boxford fauna is unremarkable. Rhinobatos is a similar rhinobatid genus, the isolated teeth of which are common in most shallow-water deposits from the Lower Cretaceous onwards (Cappetta, 1987). This genus is characterized by small teeth (up to 2 mm wide) which have a rather massive and high, globose crown, with a pronounced transverse ridge on the oral side (Cappetta, 1987). Rhinobatos includes several extant species which frequent warm or tropical seas, but almost nothing has been written on the dental morphology of these forms, making elucidation of the fossil species and their relationship to the extant forms extremely difficult (Cappetta, 1987). Living rhinobatids are benthic animals feeding on molluscs and crustaceans. Although they mainly frequent the warm waters of the continental shelf; they do not always indicate shallow depths, as several species descend to more than 200 m.
A second suborder of batomorphs represented in the Boxford fauna comprises the scle-rorhynchoid rays, which are characterized by a long, flattened rostrum and a rather whip-like tail. The sclerorhynchoids were well represented in the Chalk seas, and include one extinct family, the Sclerorhynchidae, confined to the Upper Cretaceous (Cappetta, 1987). Teeth of Ganopristis, a Maastrichtian sclerorhynchid ray (
Comparison with other localities
Fossil fish remains are not uncommon in the Upper Chalk succession of southern Britain, with over 30 localities recorded by Jukes-Browne and Hill (1904). However, they are not so nearly abundant or well preserved as fishes from the Lower Chalk, and many of the sites have been overlooked as sources of Chalk fishes. Sites that have yielded fish remains from the M. coranguinum Zone are Porton railway cutting, Wiltshire
Although much of the Santonian microshark fauna recovered from Boxford is similar to that from earlier Chalk localities, the site has also revealed an important neoselachian component, including several shark and ray taxa not previously recorded from the British Upper Chalk, hence the site's conservation value.