Dineley, D. & Metcalf, S. GCR Editor: D. Palmer. 1999. Fossil Fishes of Great Britain. Geological Conservation Review Series No. 16. JNCC, Peterborough, ISBN 1 86107 470 0. The original source material for these web pages has been made available by the JNCC under the Open Government Licence 3.0. Full details in the JNCC Open Data Policy
Chapter 8 Late Devonian fossil fishes sites of Scotland
D.L. Dineley
Introduction: palaeogeography and stratigraphy
The Upper Devonian is not so widely represented in Scotland as is the Middle Devonian. Poorly dated successions are known in parts of southeastern Scotland and Northumberland, in the Midland Valley and on Arran
Upper Old Red Sandstone successions in the Scottish Borders and Midland Valley regions are mostly thinner and finer-grained than the underlying Lower Old Red Sandstone. In some places the Upper Old Red Sandstone facies passes into the Lower Carboniferous. During Late Devonian times, southern Scotland and adjoining areas were mainly land, extending beyond the uplifted Southern Uplands and the Highlands
Correlation on the basis of lithology has been difficult as there is so much lateral variation in these elastic arenaceous deposits. The sparse occurrence of vertebrates has proved to be of considerable stratigraphical use, especially in conjunction with the records from more fossiliferous successions as is the Baltic area and Greenland (see Jarvik, 1961; Blieck et al., 1988; Dineley and Loeffler, 1993). Macroplants and spores have also aided correlation in recent years (see MacGregor, 1979; Richardson, 1974).
In the Orcadian Basin, Upper Old Red Sandstone beds rest unconformably on those of the Middle Old Red Sandstone. The basin still existed in the area
The Upper Old Red Sandstone formations are generally more difficult to assess in chronostratigraphical terms, being largely barren of fossils except for the few vertebrates and some paly-nomorphs. The section on the Berwickshire coast passes conformably upwards from Devonian into Carboniferous, and between Devil's Hole on Rease Sands and Eastern Hole about 170 m of strata are commonly referred to as Devono-Carboniferous, the level of the Devonian-Carboniferous boundary being uncertain
Much of the Upper Old Red Sandstone of the Scottish Borders and Midland Valley basins resulted from high-energy alluvial fan and braided stream deposition, and few fossils are preserved. Sedimentary basins here, and in the south of the Orcadian Basin, were filling up and becoming emergent (Mykura, 1991; Cope et al., 1992;
Fish faunas
While a few agnatha remained after the end of Mid-Devonian times, the vertebrate assemblages of the Late Devonian are preponderantly of gnathostomes. A widespread radiation had occurred at the beginning of the Eifelian and widespread changes took place at the start of the Frasnian. Placoderms, excepting the antiarchs, generally declined while the 'bony' fishes became dominant (Ørvig, 1957). Elasmobranchs were widespread in the marine realm. At the end of Famennian time a mass extinction event removed several groups of vertebrates from the scene
Devonian Euramerica has left an abundant record of vertebrate progress with much diversification in response to changing geography and the advances made by the vascular plants. Vertebrate biostratigraphy has made significant strides during the last two decades in North America and much of Europe, Asia and adjacent areas. Australia and Antarctica too have revealed a wealth of late Devonian fossil fishes (Long, 1993). In all of these regions a vertebrate biostratigraphy not greatly different from that of Euramerica is emerging (Dineley and Loeffler, 1993). The faunal succession in the Upper Old Red Sandstone of Scotland is shown in
The list that follows gives taxa occurring at the selected sites. It is not a comprehensive tally of all the known Scottish Upper Old Red Sandstone fishes.
Heterostraci: Psammosteiformes: Psammosteidae
?Psammolepis sp.
Psammosteus taylori Traquair, 1897
P. cf. P. falcatus Gross, 1942
P. indet.
Traquairosteus pustulatus (Traquair, 1897)
Placodermi: Antiarchi: Bothriolepidae
Bothriolepis gigantea Traquair, 1888
B. hayi Miles, 1968
B. major (Agassiz, 1844)
B. paradoxa Agassiz, 1845
B. stevensoni Miles, 1968
B. taylori Miles, 1968
Placodermi: Antiarchi: Remigolepidae
Remigolepis sp.
Placodermi: Antiarchi: Asterolepidae:
'Asterolepis maxima' Agassiz, 1844
'A. alta' Traquair MS
A. sp.
Placodermi: Arthrodira: Plourdosteidae
Plourdosteus magnus (Traquair, 1895)
P. cf. magnus
Placodermi: Arthrodira: Phyllolepida:
Phyllolepis concentrica Agassiz, 1844
Arthrodira incertae sedis
Cosmacanthus sp.
Osteichthyes: Sarcopterygii: Osteolepiformes: Eusthenopteridae
Eusthenopteron dalgleisiensis (Anderson, 1859)
E. traquairi Westoll, 1937
?Polyplocodus leptognathus Traquair, 1923
Osteichthyes: Sarcopterygii: Porolepiformes: Holoptychidae
Holoptychius decoratus Eichwald, 1846
H. giganteus Agassiz, 1839
H. nobilissimus Agassiz, 1839
Glyptolepis micra Agassiz, 1841
Osteichthyes: Sarcopterygii: Dipnoi: Dipteridae
(Conchodus ostreiformis M'Coy, 1848)
The placoderm Bothriolepis and the rhipidistian Holoptychius, typical of the late Devonian, characterize most fish-bearing localities. These two genera may be recognized from isolated plates or scales, and that is often all that is found. Other less common taxa include the het-erostracan agnathan Psammosteus, the placoderms Asterolepis, Plourdosteus and Remigolepis, and the osteolepiformes Polyplocodus and Eusthenopteron.
Bothriolepis is the most widespread antiarch placoderm, and it is known from over 100 described species of nearly worldwide distribution (Long, 1983, 1995). It occurs in the Middle Devonian of China and Iran, the Upper Devonian of the Baltic States, Siberia, Scotland, Belgium, England, Wales, Antarctica, Western Australia, Canada, USA, and the Upper Devonian or ?Lower Carboniferous of East Greenland (Denison, 1978; Young, 1981). Bothriolepis is usually preserved in fluvial deposits, but the genus is found rarely in marine environments (e.g. Gogo, Australia). Scottish specimens of Bothriolepis were recognized very early on and were first described by Agassiz (1833–1845). Because of their box-like dermal armour and arthropod appendage-like pectoral fins they were originally described as turtles or beetles (e.g. Anderson, 1840). Antiarchs were poorly understood for many years, and frequently classified as a group with the ostracoderms (e.g. Woodward, 1891a) rather than with the arthrodires (e.g. Traquair, 1888a, 1888b). It was prolific later material from Canada and Greenland that prompted modern studies of the group, since when attention has returned to the Scottish species (Miles, 1968;
Unlike most other placoderms, antiarchs such as Bothriolepis were freshwater forms, bottom dwellers and 'mudgrubbers' (shown by the presence of mud content in preserved spiral valves; Denison, 1978). Bothriolepis also had paired sacs that may have functioned as 'lungs'
(Denison, 1941), which suggests that they inhabited streams and pools that occasionally dried up or became stagnant and deoxygenated (Denison, 1978). The pectoral appendages of Bothriolepis may have helped propel the fish along the bottom, or have served as props or braces (Denison, 1978; Young and "Chang, 1992).
The Psammosteiformes, an order of large heterostracan agnathans, existed from early to late Devonian times (Halstead Tarlo, 1965). Psammosteus is found in the Middle and Upper Devonian. The Scottish psammosteids have been reviewed by Tarlo (1961a) who found parallels between Scottish and Baltic forms, which is evidence of communication between the two areas. Very distinctive vertebrate faunas distinguishing the Late Devonian and Old Red Sandstone were recognized early in Scotland. Subsequently, the globally cosmopolitan nature of these faunas has become recognized. Recently the study of the vertebrate palaeoecology of the Devonian in the East Baltic area has been given much attention (Mark-Kurik, 1995). Some of the schemes of fish interrelationships may be close to, if not identical to that which prevailed locally in Scotland. For example, Luksevics (1992) postulates one for the Amula (Beds) fauna. Acanthodians are present in the Late Devonian of Scotland but seem to be less abundant than they were earlier. The species Cosmacanthus malcolmsoni Agassiz, 1845 was, according to Denison (1979), based on a spinal plate of an arthrodire indet. A single acanthodian zone of Devononchus concinnus (Gross, 1930) is proposed for the latest Givetian and Frasnian of Belarussia by Valinkevicius et al. (1995), and the genus is widespread in the Late Devonian of northern Europe. As yet, however, it has not been identified in Scotland.
Fish sites
Fragments of Bothriolepis and Holoptychius bone have been recorded from many Scottish Late Devonian sites, but few localities have produced relatively complete specimens. For example, the Elgin District Geological Survey memoir (Peacock et al., 1968) lists 25 late Devonian localities within the relatively small outcrop area: only two of these have yielded (relatively complete) specimens. Four sites, yielding abundant, well-preserved and/or significant fossils, are selected here for the GCR coverage, to represent the southern and northern occurrences, i.e. the 'Lake Cheviot' basin and the 'Orcadian' basin. Oxendean Burn and Hawk's Heugh in Borders show typical faunas of several taxa from the Scottish Borders Basin. Boghole/Muckle Burn and Scaat Craig in Highland have produced two excellent fossil fish faunas, the first early in the Late Devonian, the second rather later. Each represents an environment, community of vertebrates and stratigraphically important moment in Late Devonian time. The famous Dura Den site (Anderson, 1859; Woodward, 1912; Attridge, 1956) once yielded a wealth of osteichthyans of similar age to the latter oarvik 1950a).
Comparison with other regions
The Late Devonian Epoch was one of widely cosmopolitan fish faunas; placoderms, chondrichthyes and osteichthyes were much in evidence and a few of the agnathans were still extant. The most important new feature amongst the Late Devonian vertebrates was the advent of the tetrapods, examples of which are now known from Euramerica and Gondwana. Thus the British Upper Old Red Sandstone fossil fish sites yield material comparable to that from northern and eastern Canada and the USA, as well as East Greenland and the eastern Baltic. The Main Devonian Field of Russia has also provided similar material. Late Devonian fish assemblages in China and other parts of East Asia, Australia and Antarctica include similar placoderms and osteichthyes. Work on microvertebrate remains from these and intervening areas is increasingly providing a means of stratigraphical correlation and integration of a vertebrate stratigraphy with one based on conodonts. In particular, the Scottish Old Red Sandstone succession of vertebrate faunas may be correlated to those in East Greenland and the eastern Baltic. Migration between these parts of the old Euramerican continent was possible from time to time, if not continually throughout the Devonian.