Dineley, D. & Metcalf, S. GCR Editor: D. Palmer. 1999. Fossil Fishes of Great Britain. Geological Conservation Review Series No. 16. JNCC, Peterborough, ISBN 1 86107 470 0. The original source material for these web pages has been made available by the JNCC under the Open Government Licence 3.0. Full details in the JNCC Open Data Policy
Oak Dingle, Tugford
Oak Dingle in Shropshire has yielded a rich and diverse fauna of earliest Devonian fossil fishes from rocks that show the three-dimensional shapes of channel fills and floodplain deposits. It contains the earliest record of Weigeltaspis from Britain, and is so far the best site for Pteraspis rostrata var. trimpleyensis
Fossil fish specimens, mainly osteostracans but also thelodonts and acanthodians, have been reported from several horizons in the stream course in Oak Dingle, with the first reports by White (1935). Since then the geology of the site has been described by Ball and Dineley (1961), Allen (1964) and Collinson (1978).
Several intraclast conglomerates and sandstones exposed in Oak Dingle yield a rich and diverse fauna of lower Ditton Group fossil fishes. Unfortunately, identifiable fossils have only been collected as transported fragments from the prominent sandstone–conglomerate unit (M.A. Rowlands and P. Tarrant collections, 1985 1991).
(Recorded by M.A. Rowlands)
Heterostraci: Pteraspidiformes: Pteraspididae
Pteraspis rosrata var. trimpleyensis White, 1935
Heterostraci: Pteraspidiformes:
Wiegeltaspis n. sp.
Osteostraci: Cephalaspidiformes:
Cephalaspis n. spp.
Stensidpelta sp.
Acanthodii: Climatiiformes: Climatiidae
climatiid spines indet.
Acanthodii: Iscnacanthiformes
spines indet.
The lowermost bed SZ yielded abundant and large Pteraspis rostrata var. trimpleyensis (White, 1935) and 'Cephalaspis' sp. (a scolenaspid)
The red intraclast-filled channels S8 and S9 have yielded P. rostrata var. trimpleyensis, Weigeltaspis n. sp. fragments, ?Stensiöpelta sp. fragments 'Cephalaspis'sp., and climatiid spines.
Weigeltaspis n. sp. has previously been recorded from Oak Dingle as Traquairaspis symondsi and as Tesseraspis sp. (Ball and Dineley, 1961). The material represents a species of Weigeltaspis which has yet to be described. This is the earliest record of Weigeltaspis from Britain, although earlier specimens occur in Canada.
Stensiopelta sp. is a genus of cephalaspid erected for Cephalaspis woodwardi Stensiö, 1932 by Denison (1951). The examples from Oak Dingle occur in the lower part of the Ditton Group, lower stratigraphically than at any other locality. This fish has a very distinctively shaped cephalic shield, which has long laterally directed cornua that delimit very wide and deep pectoral sinuses. The headshield is ornamented with clusters of rounded tubercles, and is superficially similar to Mimetaspis and Pattenaspis (Wangsjö, 1952) from Spitsbergen and Hildenaspis from Germany (Janvier, 1985a), but studies of Stensiopelta material from Podolia show that it shares the type of ornamentation and shape of nasohypophysial opening with the scolenaspidiforms, but has no synapomorphy with Pattenaspis (Janvier, 1985b). Stensibpelta woodwardi is recorded from the Ditton Group of Hereford and Worcester and Gwent, with the type locality being the Asylum Grounds, Abergavenny (Stensiö, 1932), now an inaccessible site. The other known species is the closely related S. pustulata Janvier, 1985 from the upper Lochkovian of Podolia.
The section from which fossils have been collected lies just beneath the cyclothem described by Allen (1964) as being produced by a meandering and aggrading river complex crossing a floodplain; this is the cyclothem described from the Anglo-Welsh Old Red Sandstone facies in Collinson (1978). Backswamp deposits, soils with caliches, and sandflats are all indicated in this sedimentary complex. As Allen (1964) noted, the cyclothem begins just above the lowest fossil-bearing bed SZ. The section then starts some 30 m above the 'Psammosteus'Limestone, i.e. well within the lower part of the Ditton Group and in the zone of P. rostrata–P. crouchi.
Comparison with other localities
The Oak Dingle site shows many sedimentologi-cal features which are found throughout the outcrop of the Ditton Group of the Anglo-Welsh Basin and reveals similarities in the preservation and composition of its agnathan faunules. Similar features have also been recorded by Blieck and co-workers in northern France and Belgium (Blieck et al., 1995).
The Oak Dingle exposure follows the strike that is uncommon for Old Red Sandstone fossil-bearing streams in the Welsh Borders. This provides the conservation value of the site because it shows the three-dimensional relationships between the sedimentary channels, lag deposits and overbank deposits. It has produced a varied fish fauna in recent excavations, and some of the taxa are the earliest instances of their groups, a result of the basal Devonian age of the site. It has considerable potential for further collecting.