Stephenson, D., Bevins, R.E., Millward, D., Highton, A.J., Parsons, I., Stone, P. & Wadsworth, W.J. 1999. Caledonian Igneous Rocks of Great Britain. Geological Conservation Review Series No. 17, JNCC, Peterborough, ISBN 1 86107 471 9. The original source material for these web pages has been made available by the JNCC under the Open Government Licence 3.0. Full details in the JNCC Open Data Policy
Red Craig
S. Robertson
Red Craig lies at the eastern margin of the Glen Doll pluton, a member of the South of Scotland Suite of late Caledonian intrusions. The pluton has long been recognized as providing well-exposed and easily accessible evidence of the interaction between component magmas of a basic to intermediate intrusion (Barrow and Cunningham-Craig, 1912). The Red Craig area exhibits transitions from quartz-diorite through quartz-monzodiorite to granite. The igneous rocks are predominantly xenolithic and provide excellent examples of the interaction between the intermediate part of the pluton and the host Dalradian metasedimentary rocks.
The Glen Doll pluton occupies approximately 12 km2 astride the Glen Doll Fault in the upper part of Glen Clova. The pluton is dominated by intermediate rocks of dioritic to tonalitic composition, although with a significant component of gabbro (Jarvis, 1987; Mahmood, 1986). Local olivine-pyroxenite (Mahmood, 1986) was previously referred to as serpentinite or picrite (Barrow and Cunningham-Craig, 1912). Barrow and Cunningham-Craig originally described a 'narrow fringe of encircling granite'; Jarvis, however, only recognized a marginal facies of medium-grained xenolithic granite along much of the southern and eastern part of the pluton.
The pluton was emplaced into dominantly semipelitic metasedimentary rocks assigned to the Argyll and Southern Highland groups of the Dalradian Supergroup
The GCR site at Red Craig provides a section through the eastern part of the Glen Doll pluton. Medium- to coarse-grained diorite and quartz-diorite, some of which is xenolithic, is typical of a large part of the pluton and passes east into a heterogeneous marginal zone of xenolithic quartz-diorite with areas of quartz-monzodiorite, granodiorite and granite. Xenoliths are mostly of high-grade hornfelsed semipelite, some of which show evidence of partial melting and assimilation into the diorite. Appinitic meladiorites are developed locally as are sheets and dykes of fine-grained felsite and quartz-feldspar porphyry.
Diorites and quartz-diorites are well exposed in a small roadside quarry near Braedownie
The diorites are separated from the host Dalradian rocks to the east by a 500 m-wide het-erogenous zone of intermediate to acid igneous rocks and hornfelsed semipelite. Felsite and quartz-feldspar porphyry sheets and dykes ranging from a few centimetres to 15 m across and small bosses up to 50 m across occur widely. Within this zone, lithology, texture and grain size vary over short distances. Grey fine-grained diorite is net-veined by, and occurs as xenoliths within, medium-grained quartz-monzodiorite on the crags SW of Red Craig
To the east, with increasing proportions of orthoclase and quartz, the quartz-monzodiorite grades into granodiorite and granite in which rafts and xenoliths of hornfelsed metasedimentary rocks are widespread
Widespread xenoliths and larger rafts of hornfelsed metasedimentary rock form some of the most spectacular features of the GCR site. The largest crops out on, and immediately west of, Red Craig and covers an area of 250 m x 200 m. This is not a roof pendant since the inclination of the lithological layering is rotated with respect to the country rock envelope. Xenoliths and rafts are predominantly either hornfelsed semipelite or interlayered psammite and semipelite typical of the envelope rocks. The exception is a 1 m xenolith of metacarbonate rock at
Semipelitic xenoliths, whether a few millimetres or tens of metres across, typically contain the assemblage: cordierite + perthitic orthoclase + plagioclase + sillimanite + biotite + quartz + minor spinel + minor corundum. Most are compact dark bluish-grey rocks, typified by rusty and in places gossanous weathering. Pyrite is abundant and occurs either in discrete lenses or with quartz segregations. Transitional contacts between the semipelites and igneous rocks show decreasing abundance of cordierite, sillimanite and spinel. Perthitic orthoclase occurs along with plagioclase, larger biotites and some quartz; the perthite poikilitically encloses biotite, aggregates of spinet and cordierite. Biotite is locally embayed by orthoclase and may include pinite after cordierite, suggesting the local breakdown of biotite.
Whole-rock geochemical and isotopic data have been interpreted as indicating heterogeneous crustal contamination of the parent magma to the Glen Doll diorite (Jarvis, 1987). Jarvis suggested that the partially assimilated rafted metasedimentary xenoliths 'provide an observable source of contamination'. The evidence from Red Craig indicates that most xenoliths are derived from the immediate envelope. However, some xenoliths are exotic, such as those of metacarbonate rock, which have probably been brought to the present level from deeper in the intrusion. None are roof pendants. Field evidence clearly demonstrates a link between the distribution of xenoliths and contamination of the quartz-diorite melt by granitic melt. The xenolith-rich zone also coincides with a heterogeneous, hybrid igneous assemblage, ranging from quartz-monzodiorite to granite and characterized by the presence of orthoclase and biotite megacrysts. On a small-scale there is a close association between the abundance of orthoclase within the igneous rocks and proximity to xenoliths. The occurrence of interfinger-ing granitic segregations with graphic textures in the xenoliths indicates partial melting.
Taken together, these features all suggest the contamination of magmas by partial melts derived from the xenoliths. The poikilitic or interstitial nature of the partial melt component, comprising orthoclase, biotite and quartz, indicates that it was introduced into the diorites after they had partly solidified. Minor granite veins may also be derived from melting of xenoliths although their sharper margins may indicate derivation from deeper within the pluton.
The assimilation of country rocks, resulting in contaminated xenolithic zones, is common in the Caledonian intrusive suites and is described from several GCR sites. High-grade hornfelses are observed adjacent to many dioritic intrusions and localized melting of country rocks to produce granitic magma has been inferred. The Red Craig GCR site provides an excellent illustration of all of these processes in situ and hence is a site of national and possibly international importance. Here a dioritic magma has been contaminated both with xenoliths and with a granite melt that was derived locally from within the xenoliths. The largely semipelitic xenoliths range from a few millimetres to more than 200 m across. They preserve high-grade contact metamorphic mineral assemblages and some have granitic segregations indicating partial melting. Many have transitional contacts with the host dioritic rocks where their marginal parts have been spalled off and assimilated by the magma.