Rushton, A.W.A., Owen, A.W., Owens, R.M. & Prigmore, J.K. 2000. British Cambrian to Ordovician Stratigraphy. Geological Conservation Review Series No. 18, JNCC, Peterborough, ISBN 1 86107 4727. The original source material for these web pages has been made available by the JNCC under the Open Government Licence 3.0. Full details in the JNCC Open Data Policy
Ecker Secker Beck
This site has the best development of the middle Cautleyan Stage (Zone 3) and is an important supplement to the sites at Backside Beck and Sally Beck. Like them, it is the origin of a large number of species of shelly fossils, especially trilobites (Ingham, 1970–1977) and conodonts (Orchard, 1980; Bergström and Orchard, 1985).
The Ecker Secker Beck site comprises virtually all of the Ordovician exposures in the northern part of the Taythes Inlier, the southernmost of the Cautley inliers. The uppermost Ordovician unit was termed the 'Fairy Gill Shales' by Hughes (1905, p. 369), but subsequent authors have followed Marr (1913) in applying the name Ashgill Shales', that of its equivalent in the Lake District (see the Ashgill Quarry site report); this name is now replaced by the Ashgill Formation', following Kneller et al. (1994), who included the Cystoid Limestone as a local basal member. A calcareous grit within this formation was noted by Dakyns et al. (1891) in Ecker Secker Beck and was further commented on by Turner (1961) and Rickards (1970). Ingham (1966, pl. 27; 1970, fig. 6) gave a detailed geological map of the northern part of the Taythes Inlier
The site extends along Taythes Gill, the lower parts of which are named Ecker Secker Beck, and also includes some of its tributaries, notably Fairy Gill, which rises on Bluecaster to the north. A fault striking ENE–WSW divides the geology of the site in two
The northern part of the site, along Ecker Secker Beck to the area around Taythes Farm and Fairy Gill, is composed largely of NW-dipping calcareous mudstones of Zone 5, within which a thick felsite sill has been intruded. The Cystoid Limestone is seen to rest with very slight angular unconformity on mudstones of this zone 500 m to the west of Taythes Farm
The thin sandstone near the top of Zone 2 in Taythes Gill is not seen in any of the inliers to the north but is thought to be equivalent to the Wilsey Beck Sandstone Member, storm-derived sandstones at least 7.5 m thick, in the Gawthrop Inlier in the Dent area, some 8 km to the south (Ingham, 1966, pp. 468, 484; Ingham and McNamara, 1978, fig. 43). The overlying Zone 3 strata in Taythes Gill are the best exposures of that zone in the Cautley area.
Throughout the Taythes Inlier, the uppermost Rawtheyan Cystoid Limestone lies on Rawtheyan Zone 5 strata, in contrast to the situation in other Cautley inliers, where it succeeds Zone 7 (see the Backside Beck and Sally Beck site reports). Ingham (1966, p. 478) calculated that some 110 m of strata had been overstepped in the 2.5 km between the Westerdale and Taythes inliers — evidence of a substantial episode of late (but not latest) Rawtheyan erosion. Kneller et al. (1994, p. 229) considered the Cystoid Limestone to be an equivalent of the Troutbeck Member of the Ashgill Formation in the Lake District (see the Ashgill Quarry site report). They concurred with Ingham and Rickards (1974) in equating the sandstone and conglomerate within the Ashgill Formation in the Taythes Inlier with the Wharfe Conglomerate in the Craven inliers to the south and used the term Wharfe Member in the Cautley area. They also considered it to be comparable to the Rebecca Member of the Ashgill Formation in the Furness area, which was also derived from the southeast. The sandstones and conglomerates of the Taythes Inlier are represented by sandy mudstones in the inliers further north in the Cautley area. The Ashgill Formation in the Taythes Inlier yields a Hirnantia brachiopod fauna together with the trilobite Mucronaspis mucronata (Brongniart), an association seen in Hirnantian units elsewhere in Britain (see the Cwm Hirnant and Ashgill Quarry site reports) and in many other parts of the world (Owen et al., 1991).
This site is an important supplement to that at Sally Beck, as it contains the best exposures of Cautleyan Zone 3. The latest Rawtheyan Cystoid Limestone rests on strata of earliest Rawtheyan age in this site, contrasting with the situation in the other Cautley inliers and providing evidence for a significant episode of erosion. The development of a coarser member near the top of the overlying Ashgill Formation can be linked to the occurrence of contemporaneous rocks elsewhere in the north of England.