Rushton, A.W.A., Owen, A.W., Owens, R.M. & Prigmore, J.K. 2000. British Cambrian to Ordovician Stratigraphy. Geological Conservation Review Series No. 18, JNCC, Peterborough, ISBN 1 86107 4727. The original source material for these web pages has been made available by the JNCC under the Open Government Licence 3.0. Full details in the JNCC Open Data Policy
Robeston Wathen
Robeston Wathen is an important locality for showing the stratigraphical and age relationships of the Robeston Wathen Limestone (one of the few coral-rich units in the Anglo-Welsh Ordovician) to other divisions in the Ashgill of Wales.
This is the type locality for the Robeston Wathen Limestone. The formation had been noted by Murchison (1839, p. 397), who described it as 'beds of black limestone two, three and five feet thick alternating with dark grey shale, passing upwards into sandy flags', and attributed it to the Llandeilo Flags. Lonsdale (in Murchison, 1839, p. 687, pl. 16bis, fig. 12) described and figured the coral 'Porites' (now Heliolites) inordinatus from this locality, later redescribed in Milne Edwards and Haime's monograph (1855, p. 253, pl. 57, figs 7 and 7a). Halysites catenularius (Linnaeus) was also noted from here (Milne Edwards and Haime, 1855, p. 270). Phillips (1848, p. 220), like Murchison, mentioned black limestone with corals and fossiliferous shales at Robeston Wathen.
The first detailed description and section of the site was by Marr and Roberts (1885, p. 479, pl. 15, fig. 3), who proposed the name 'Robeston Wathen Limestone'; they considered it to be a calcareous development at the top of the Dicranograptus (now Mydrim) Shales, directly overlain by the Sholeshook Limestone. A fuller description was given by Jones (in Strahan et al., 1914, p. 57), who evidently believed it to succeed the Dicranograptus Shales. A modern reassessment by Price (1973a, p. 232) described the succession and gave vertical sections through the Robeston Wathen Limestone and succeeding Sholeshook Limestone
A succession extending from the Robeston Wathen Limestone Formation through the Sholeshook Limestone Formation and the Slade and Redhill Mudstone Formation is exposed in old quarries and the adjacent dingle north of Robeston Wathen church
The Robeston Wathen Limestone Formation is exposed in two disused quarries
The Robeston Wathen Limestone passes upwards gradationally into about 4 m of deeply-weathered calcareous mudstones and silty rottenstones that are richly fossiliferous and are considered to be a development of the Sholeshook Limestone
The junction with the overlying Slade and Redhill Mudstone Formation is a sharp plane of contact, seen in the section about 10 m southeast of the western quarry. Immediately above is a very thin and inconstant conglomeratic horizon, and Price (1973a, p. 233) suggested that together these features indicate the possibility of at least a slight stratigraphical break. However, the presence of Flexicalymene cavei Price in the basal mudstone above the contact suggests that the break, if present, is of no great magnitude, for that species ranges no higher than Rawtheyan Zone 5 (Price, 1980a, p. 486), the age of the top of the underlying Sholeshook Limestone here. There are further outcrops of the Slade and Redhill Mudstone Formation in the sides of the dingle to the south e.g.
The transition from the black graptolitic Mydrim Shales into the carbonates and calcareous mudstones of the Robeston Wathen and Sholeshook limestone formations probably relates to a general shallowing and perhaps a cooling event (see Mylet Road site report; Zalasiewicz et al., 1995, p. 616); whether there is a break in succession is not known. The Robeston Wathen Limestone is a locally developed carbonate facies, rich in corals, that is particularly well developed and well known at this locality but is reported to crop out elsewhere (Strahan et al., 1909, 1914). It appears that locally, as here, conditions favourable to corals prevailed, although nowhere do they form reefs. Several taxa are common to coeval horizons elsewhere, such as the Portrane Limestone in eastern Ireland (Somerville, in Harper and Owen, 1996, pp. 40, 46). The Sholeshook Limestone equivalents and the overlying Slade and Redhill Mudstone are all generally shallow-water platform deposits with rich shelly faunas.
The special significance of this section lies in the abundance of corals in the Robeston Wathen Limestone (an unusual feature in the British Ordovician), the demonstration of the stratigraphical relationship between the Robeston Wathen and Sholeshook limestones, and the presence at the top of the latter of trilobites indicative of a Rawtheyan age, demonstrable at only a few other localities. Potentially it may be possible to show here whether the succession below the Robeston Wathen Limestone is conformable with the underlying Mydrim Shales, as is apparently the case below the Sholeshook Limestone at Pengawse Hill (Zalasiewicz et al., 1995, p. 616).
Robeston Wathen is, stratigraphically and palaeontologically, an important locality It is the type locality for the Robeston Wathen Limestone, an unusual coral-rich facies of the Ordovician in Britain, and is one of the few localities where the stratigraphical relationships and age of the Upper Ordovician limestones of South Wales can be discerned.