Emeleus, C.H. & Gyopari, M.C. 1992. British Tertiary Volcanic Province, Geological Conservation Review Series No. 4. JNCC, Peterborough, ISBN 0 412 47980 X. The original source material for these web pages has been made available by the JNCC under the Open Government Licence 3.0. Full details in the JNCC Open Data Policy
Corrygills Shore
The early, thick Clauchlands crinanite (analcite–olivine dolerite) sill forms part of a possible cone-sheet system focused on Lamlash Bay. The Corrygills Pitchstone is an outstanding example of a natural glass, representing a quenched granitic magma.
The site comprises the coast and adjoining cliffs for about 1.5 km north from Clauchlands Point and extends as far inland as the hill of Dun Dubh. Excellent exposures of variably textured crinanite in a thick sill form Clauchlands Point, to the north, the Corrygills pitchstone sill crops out. The site also contains good examples of dolerite, basalt and felsite dykes. Permian sediments, including coarse breccias, conglomerates and dune-bedded sandstones, are the country rock in this area
The 30–35 m thick Clauchlands Sill is well exposed on the scarp below Dun Fionn
The sill is in the form of a sheet dipping to the west and south-west, towards Lamlash Bay. Its upper margin is transgressive towards the Permian sediments, but the lower contact is partly conformable with the sandstones which dip at between 30° and 50° SW or WSW. At Clauchlands Point there is a steep, almost vertical contact with the sediments and the sill has developed a 0.3-m-thick marginal zone of vertically flow-banded basalt. The steep margin at this point may be due to intrusion along an earlier fault.
Some way below the Clauchlands Sill there are 3- to 4-m-thick exposures of the Corrygills pitchstone sill which intrudes Permian sediments, and dips at about 30° SSW
Between Clauchlands Point and Corrygills Point the wave-cut sandstone platform is traversed by several dykes and sills which are only fully visible at low tide. The Mile Dyke is a prominent dolerite dyke exposed on the platform. It is between 1 and 2 m wide, trends in a NW–SE direction, and is bordered by indurated and bleached sandstone. Another pitchstone sheet, sometimes termed the Small Corrygills Pitchstone to distinguish it from the thicker one described above, crops out at the base of a thick felsite sheet exposed about 0.5 km SE of Corrygills Burn
Along the Corrygills shore section, which is liberally strewn with boulders of crinanite and glassy pitchstone, several other minor intrusions of basalt and quartz porphyry occur as small dykes.
The petrology of the Clauchlands Sill is similar to the Dippin Head Sill (see below) and both are probably part of the same sill complex, together with the sills at Monamore (c.
The essentially aphyric Corrygills Pitchstone is one of numerous pitchstones in Arran. Tyrrell (1928) divided these into four groups on the basis of mineralogy and chemistry, the Corrygills Pitchstone being one type. It is the most siliceous of the four types, has a high K2O/Na2O ratio compared with the others, and is compositionally similar to granophyre in the Arran Central Igneous Complex. It is distinguished from the Tormore–Glen Shurig type of pitchstone by its lack of plagioclase, pyroxene and fayalite pheno-crysts (cf. Tormore). It could be an extreme differentiate from a tholeiitic basalt magma and must have been completely liquid when intruded and quenched against the sediments. The pitch-stone magma appears to have received little in the way of crustal contributions: it has a fairly low 87Sr/86Sr ratio (0.70855 at 59 Ma, Dickin et al., 1981) and also only minor amounts of lead of crustal origin (Dickin et al., 1981, table 2 and fig. 7). In common with most of the Arran Palaeocene intrusions there appears to have been little alteration due to circulating heated meteoric waters (Dickin et al., 1981). The principal exception to this is the altered facies of the crinanite sills, thus providing a further indication of the early position of these intrusions in the igneous sequence.
The Clauchlands Sill was intruded at an early stage in the Palaeocene igneous activity in Arran and may have a similar age to large masses of basalt caught up in the Arran Central Igneous Complex. Together with other alkali-dolerite (crinanite) sills near Lamlash Bay and the numerous felsite and pitchstone sheets in this area, it may form part of a cone-sheet system with a focus beneath the bay. The Corrygills Pitchstone was intruded as a nearly crystal-free magma which quenched against Permian sedimentary rocks. It probably originated as an extreme differentiate of tholeiitic basaltic magma.