Aldridge, R.J., Siveter, David J., Siveter, Derek J., Lane, P.D., Palmer, D. & Woodcock, N.H. 2000. British Silurian Stratigraphy. Geological Conservation Review Series No. 19, JNCC, Peterborough, ISBN 1 86107 4786.

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(Table 1.1) GCR sites arranged by palaeogeographical setting and stratigraphical age

Bold typeface denotes a basal boundary stratotype for the global standard stratigraphy.

Llandovery Wenlock Ludlow Přídolí
Midland Valley Gutterford Burn

Birk Knowes

Roughneck Quarry

Blair Farm

Penwhapple Burn

Woodland Point

Lyne water and Lynslie Burn

Ree Burn–Glenbuck Loch Knockgardner

Southern Uplands Old Cambus Quarry

Thornylee Quarry

Grieston Quarry

Dob's Linn

Balmae Coast

Meikle Ross

Lake District Basin Brow Gill Beck

Skelghyll Beck


Yewdale Beck

Brathay Quarries

River Rawthey


Arcow Quarry

Tebay Cuttings

Benson Knott

Hills Quarry

The Helm
Welsh Basin Meifod


Rheidol Gorge

Caban Côch


Penstrowed Quarry

Ty Mawr

Ty'n-y-Ffordd Quarry

Clogau Quarry

Dinas Brân

Welsh Basin


Banwy River

Buttington Brickworks

Cwm Clyd Quarry

Scrâch Track

Trefawr Track


Coed Glyn Moch Track

Fron Road

Cilgwyn-Ydw Valley

Gasworks Lane


Trewern Brook Buffington Brickworks Banwy River Trecoed–Castle Crab Dulas Brook Coed-mawr


River Irfon

Sawdde Gorge Wernbongam Marloes

Freshwater East (south)

Beacon Hill

Meeting House Quarry

Mithil Brook and Cwm Blithus

Sawdde Gorge

Lower Wallop Quarry

Capel Horeb Quarry

Little Castle Head

Albion Sands and Gateholm Island

Midland Platform Hope Quarry and Hope Brook

Hughley Brook

Hillend Farm

Wistanstow Gullet Quarry

Damery Bridge

Cullimore's Quarry

Buildwas River Section

Lincoln Hill

Daw End Railway Cutting

Farley Road Cutting

Whitwell Coppice

Hay Head Quarries

Hughley Brook

Easthope-Harley Hill

Longville-Stanway Road Section

Wren's Nest

Eaton Track


Dolyhir Quarries

Little Hill

Scutterdine Quarry

Linton Quarry

Hobbs Quarry

Cwm-Ton Area

Cilwrgi Quarry

Brinkmarsh Quarry

Buckover Road Cutting

Rumney River

Rumney Quarry

Pen-y-Lan Quarry

Moons Hill Quarry

Turner's Hill

Upper Milliehope

View Edge

Mocktree Quarries

The Whiteliffe

Church Hill Quarry

Wigmore Road


Mary Knoll Valley

Pitch Coppice

Bow Bridge

Burrington Farm Stream Section

Sunnyhill, Mary Knoll Valley

Goggin Road

Deer Park Road

Elton Lane

Aymestrey Quarries

Woodbury Quarry

Perton Road and Quarry

Gurney's Quarry

Linton Quarry

Longhope Hill

Wood Green

Tites Point

Brook House

Brewin's Canal Ludford Lane and Ludford Corner

(Table 4.1) Lithological log of the Brinkmarsh Formation at Buckover Road Cutting, Tortworth Inlier (after Curtis and Cave, 1964).

Bed no. Lithology Thickness (m)
(18) Hard yellow current-bedded, fine-grained calcareous sandstone, weathering to a brown laminated rottenstone; contains abundant crinoid ossicles. 0.45
(17) Silty mudstone with some silty sandstone bands; mainly green below and red and green above. 1.21
(16) Purplish-red shaley mudstone, with occasional bands of hard, green, fine-grained sandstone and a thin layer of green clay at the base. 1.87
(15) Banded green and purplish-red silty mudstone, with some hard sandy siltstone bands. 2.59
(14) Banded green and purplish-red silty mudstone, with occasional bands of hard, fine-grained sandstone, and a few pale green clay partings. 1.67
(13) Green siltstone, with some sandier bands showing fine current bedding and containing rounded masses with curved bedding. 1.21
(12) Brown sandy siltstone with some curved bedding; abundant fossils. 0.91
(11) Banded green and purplish-brown silty mudstone. 0.60
(10) Yellowish-green siltstone, with bands of harder siltstone. Bands of yellowish-brown, fine-grained calcareous siltstone up to 30 cm thick, sometimes highly fossiliferous, most abundant in middle and upper part. Some reddish-brown and purplish streaks towards base and top. 5.48
(9) Purplish-red mudstone and silty mudstone, with layers of slightly harder siltstone and two 10 cm bands of fine-grained sandstone. 3.04
(8) Banded purplish-red and drab green mudstone and sandy mudstone with a band
of green argillaceous sandstone, 17 cm thick at base. 1.37
(7) Purplish-red mudstone, with green streaks, and occasional bands of green mudstone and sandy mudstone up to 30 cm thick. Abundant fossils in bed of purple mudstone apparently about 1.8 m above base. 10.05
(6) Hard, purple and purplish-grey argillaceous and silty limestone, occurring in lumpy, irregular beds with clay partings. The highest 60 cm is most massive and regularly bedded. Drusy cavities, up to 5 cm across, contain small crystals of white and pink celestine. About 60 cm above base is band of purplish-blue clayey mudstone 23 cm thick. 3.66
(5) Purple and purplish-red mudstone with occasional calcareous nodules; in the lower part a few seams of nodular, lumpy limestone up to 23 cm thick. 2.74
(4) Purplish-red mudstone, slightly calcareous towards the base, with green limestone and mudstone band, 7 cm thick, at base. 3.95
(3) Purplish-red mudstone with occasional thin green and purplish-blue bands. Nodular lumps of purple limestone, up to about 10 cm thick, in lower part. 2.42
(2) Purplish-red mudstone with an occasional calcareous nodule in upper part, and with occasional thin green and purplish-blue bands and streaks. 7.91
(1) Soft purplish-red mudstone with occasional very thin green partings. 4.50

(Table 4.2) Stratigraphy of the East Mendips Inlier (after Hancock, 1982).

Unit Lithology/fossils Thickness (m)
11. Top andesite.
10. Agglomerate, contains well-rounded boulders up to 1 m in matrix of tuff. 18
9. Upper andesites, basal 2 m flow has reddened top, though possibly also has pillowing, followed by massive lava. 70
8. Tuff and bedded agglomerate, include red and locally blue-black mudstones, with angular and some rounded boulders up to 23 cm in the agglomerates. 20–29
7. Main andesites, abruptly overly unit 6, top reddened and eroded below unit 8. 90–135
6. Tuffs with red and green mudstones, finely interbedded, some tuffs with graded bedding and evidence of cross-bedding. 18
5. Andesites. 50
4. Tuffs and sandy tuffs, with fragments up to 2.5 cm, showing graded bedding, together with red and green mudstones, locally fossiliferous. Shelly fauna comprises mainly brachiopods, e.g. Craniops sp., Salopina conservatrix, 'Camarotoechia' tripartita, 'Camarotoechia' aff. llandoveriana, Rhynchotreta cuneata and Sphaerirhynchia davidsoni. Also remains of trilobites, bivalves, gastropods and ostracods (see also Reynolds, 1907; Woodward et al., 1909). 105–135
3. Andesites, no surface exposure, possibly absent in eastern part of inlier. 30
2. Tuffs, fine-grained, no surface exposure, possibly absent in eastern part of inlier. 34–60
1. Shales and siltstones, with brachiopod-dominated shelly fauna, including Salopina conservatrix, 'Camarotoechia' tripartita, 'Camarotoechia' llandoveriana, Eocoelia angelini, Eoplectodonta duvalii, Coolinia applanata, Resserella canalis, Atrypa reticularis, ?Isorthis clivosa, Eospirifer radiatus and Protochonetes sp.. Trilobite, ostracod, bivalve, coral and Tentaculites remains also occur in these Wenlock Shale sediments (see also Reynolds, 1907; Bassett, 1974a). 95+
