Wright, J.K. & Cox, B.M. 2001. British Upper Jurassic Stratigraphy. Geological Conservation Review Series, No. 21, JNCC, Peterborough, ISBN 1 86107 482 4. The original source material for these web pages has been made available by the JNCC under the Open Government Licence 3.0. Full details in the JNCC Open Data Policy
South Ferriby
B.M. Cox
The GCR site at South Ferriby comprises a pit (Middlegate Quarry) worked by Rugby Group plc for the manufacture of cement. There has been a cement factory at South Ferriby since 1938; both chalk and clay, the main raw materials used in cement manufacture, are available here. The pit exposes, in downward succession, the Cretaceous Welton Chalk, Ferriby Chalk, 'Red Chalk' and Carstone, overlying Upper Jurassic clays (Gaunt et al., 1992)
The following section of the Jurassic strata at South Ferriby is based mainly on Birkelund and Callomon (1985) and their graphic section published in Ahmed (1987), but with additional data from the more recent papers listed above together with manuscript notes of Professor Callomon and personal observations. Bed notation follows Birkelund and Callomon (1985) (1–12), as extended by Callomon (pers. comet.) (Y–Z), and relates to sections recorded in 1979 and 1982. Although most subsequent authors have used Birkelund and Callomon's section as the basis of their work, there are discrepancies between the factual details recorded by different authors that make compilation of a definitive, composite section problematic. Although Wignall (1990b) was able to recognize all of Birkelund and Callomon's beds and used their bed numbers, he recorded (in the late 1980s) substantial differences in thickness for some beds, notably Bed 9 where he measured 2.0 m compared with Birkelund and Callomon's c. 0.75 m; in 1974, the present author recorded 1.5 m. However, for combined beds 8 and 9, the thicknesses recorded by Wignall and Birkelund and Callomon are comparable (c. 6.5 m and 6.9 m respectively). Ammonite determinations have varied with each iteration of the section as work on contemporaneous faunas from elsewhere progresses, and pending a full account of the South Ferriby ammonites. Those named in the section below follow Schweigert and Callomon (1997), who used the name 'Prorasenia anglica' for the ammonite previously known as Microbiplices anglicus. Wignall (1990b) recorded 60 non-ammonite taxa including bivalves, gastropods, scaphopods, brachiopods, crustaceans, echinoids, a crinoid, an asteroid, an ophiuroid, serpulids and bryozoa but, in the following section, only selected records, mainly the more common of the bivalve genera (i.e. those reported by Wignall (pers. comm. 1998) as common or abundant) are listed; Wignall (1990b, fig. 4) showed a bivalve species distribution table down to Bed 3 of the section given below. The most common bivalve is Thracia depressa (J. de C. Sowerby), which is present throughout the succession. Ostracod faunas have been reported by Ahmed (1987) and the palynomorph assemblages by Stancliffe (1984). Wignall (1990b) reported that his investigations of the foraminifera indicated that they were very similar to those described by Medd (in Richardson, 1979) from the nearby Worlaby boreholes.
Thickness (m) | |
Kimmeridge Clay Formation | |
12. Mudstone, grey, calcareous; fissile and shaly in top 1 m; lower 2 m very shelly, with lenticular, calcareous or phosphatic concretions including persistent horizon of small septaria near base; ammonites with uncrushed body chambers, with phosphatic infillings particularly in lower part of bed; Amoeboceras cf. cricki (Salfeld), Prorasenia sp., Rasenia cf. cymodoce (d'Orbigny)/berryeri (Dollfus) and Rasenia trans. Pictonia; bivalves including Corbulomima, Grammatodon, Isocyprina, Liostrea, Nicaniella, Palaeonucula and Thracia; the gastropod Dicroloma | 3.0 |
11. Mudstone, sideritic, mottled brown and grey with pale buff-coloured, phosphatic patches; hard, forming prominent marker in pit face; bivalves including Grammatodon and Isocyprina; sharp boundary at base | 0.05–0.1 |
10d. Mudstone, grey, massive, calcareous; weakly developed and variable sideritic mudstone at base; very shelly with abundant crushed Pictonia baylei Salfeld, Prorasenia sp.; bivalves including Corbulomima, Deltoideum delta (Wm Smith), Grammatodon, Isocyprina, Liostrea, Modiolus, Oxytoma and abundant Thracia; serpulids. | 2.0 |
c. Mudstone, grey, more shaly than Bed 10d; sparsely shelly with Pictonia sp. and bivalves including Liostrea, Nanogyra nana (J. Sowerby), Oxytoma and Palaeonucula | 0.5 |
b. Mudstone, pale grey, more calcareous and harder than Bed 10c; sparsely shelly with Pictonia cf. normandiana Tornquist and bivalves including Liostrea | 0.8 |
a. Mudstone, pale grey, calcareous, hard, slightly fissile; many pyritized burrows and Chondrites; very shelly with Pictonia densicostata Salfeld, Prorasenia sp.; bivalves including Corbulomima, Grammatodon, Pleuromya in growth position, Protocardia and Thracia; Dicroloma; nest of the brachiopod Torquirhynchia inconstans (J. Sowerby) with Lopha gregarea (J. Sowerby); uneven base with shell bed including Amoeboceras bauhini (Oppel) | c. 0.5 |
9. Mudstone, grey, passing into marl and soft limestone in middle part; layer of prominent, large (c. 1 m diameter), weakly septarian cementstone concretions at top; small phosphatic concretions and lenses, especially in lower part; very shelly with fossils commonly partially phosphatized and only partially crushed; Amoeboceras aff. cricki, A. cf. lorioli (Oppenheimer), Pictonia densicostata, Prorasenia sp.; bivalves including phosphatic steinkerns of Pleuromya in growth position, lumachelles of disarticulated D. delta valves, Corbulomima, Grammatodon, Isocyprina, Liostrea and Thracia; Dicroloma and cidarid echinoids; sharp base marked by Oxytoma Cementstone, a patchily cemented, 0.03–0.20 m thick shell-bed with many broken shells, particularly serpulids and Oxytoma inequivalve (J. Sowerby), and phosphatic nodules | c. 0.75 |
Ampthill Clay Formation | |
8e. Mudstone, grey, calcareous; very shelly in upper part with ammonites (Amoeboceras sp., Prorasenia sp., Ringsteadia/Pictonia sp.), bivalves including Grammatodon, Liostrea, nuculaceans and Oxytoma; Dicroloma | 2.10 |
d. Mudstone, grey, hard and tenacious, forming rib in pit face; crowded with serpulids; Amoeboceras sp. | 0.05 |
c. Mudstone, grey, calcareous; small limestone concretions; Prorasenia sp. and Ringsteadia evoluta Salfeld | 1.8 |
b. Mudstone, grey, highly calcareous with layer of scattered limestone concretions or lenses; very shelly with Prorasenia sp., Ringsteadia evoluta and bivalves including Corbulomima, Liostrea and Oxytoma; Dicroloma | 0.2 |
a. Mudstone, grey, moderately calcareous and shelly with Prorasenia sp., Ringsteadia evoluta and bivalves including Corbulomima, Oxytoma, Pinna and Thracia | 2.0 |
7. Mudstone, grey, highly calcareous; layer of reniform concretions at top; many small, uncrushed pyritized ammonites; Ringsteadia evoluta; bivalves including Liostrea and Oxytoma; strongly interburrowed base | 0.3 |
6. Mudstone, grey, very shelly with Amoeboceras cf. marstonense Spath and Ringsteadia pseudocordata (Blake and Hudleston); Corbulomima, Deltoideum, Liostrea, Oxytoma, Placunopsis and Thracia | 2.3 |
5d. Mudstone, grey, highly calcareous, prominent in pit face; very shelly with Amoeboceras rosenkrantzi Spath, Prorasenia anglica (Arkell), Ringsteadia pseudocordata and bivalves including Corbulomima, Oxytoma, Protocardia and Thracia | 0.3 |
c. Mudstone, grey; Ringsteadia cf evoluta; clusters of Pinna in growth position | 0.4 |
b. Mudstone, grey, more calcareous than Bed 5c; Prorasenia sp. | 0.3 |
a. Mudstone, grey, calcareous, rather fissile, less massive than Bed 5b; very shelly with partially crushed fossils preserved in pyrite; Ringsteadia pseudocordata, wood fragments and lignite | 0.4 |
4. Mudstone, grey, highly calcareous, locally hardened into soft, marly limestone; layer of large, flat, septarian concretions forming prominent marker; numerous large distinct burrows; sparsely shelly with Prorasenia and Ringsteadia fragments, occasional bivalves, including Corbulomima, Modiolus and Thracia, and serpulids | 0.25 |
3. Mudstone, grey, calcareous, very shelly with Prorasenia sp. and Ringsteadia pseudocordata; belemnites (Cylindroteuthis, Pachyteuthis), bivalves including Corbulomima, Isocyprina, Modiolus, Oxytoma, Protocardia and Thracia, and serpulids | 2.2 |
2. Mudstone, very dark grey, forming marker in pit face; blocky, listric fracture; sparsely shelly | 0.3 |
1d. Mudstone, dark grey, massive; phosphatic lenses in lower part; sparsely shelly with Prorasenia sp. and Ringsteadia pseudoyo Salfeld/pseudocordata; layer of D. delta 1 m below top; Thracia | 2.45 |
c. Mudstone, grey, less massive than Bed 1d, with lenticular, partially pyritized and phosphatized, locally cemented lenses of shell debris, particularly Oxytoma; Ringsteadia pseudoyo, Pachyteuthis, D. delta and Thracia; persistent, 10–30 mm thick, shell-debris-rich bed at base forming marker | 1.0 |
b. Mudstone, grey, calcareous becoming less so below; scattered small concretions; Prorasenia sp., Ringsteadia pseudoyo, Pachyteuthis, Pinna in growth position, Thracia | 1.2 |
a. Mudstone, grey, paler than Bed lb, moderately calcareous, very shelly with partially crushed fossils preserved in buff-coloured phosphate; Pachyteuthis, Pinna in growth position and Thracia | 0.4 |
Z. Mudstone, grey, highly calcareous with layer of strongly septarian concretions up to 0.6 m diameter at 1 m spacing, forming marker in pit face; Prorasenia sp. and Ringsteadia pseudoyo; basal 0.1 m intensely bioturbated with Chondrites | 0.3 |
Y. Mudstone, dark grey, well bedded; moderately shelly with Prorasenia sp., Ringsteadia pseudoyo and abundant Thracia seen | to 1.0 |
The most obvious marker beds in the pit face are the brownish rib formed by the sideritic mudstone of Bed 11, and the concretions in beds 4 and 9.
The phosphatic nodules/concretions that occur throughout the succession above Bed 6 indicate periods of prolonged residence close to the muddy sea-bottom sediment surface (i.e. relatively slow sedimentation), with localized, anoxic, semi-enclosed environments forming nucleation sites in otherwise oxygenated sediments. Similar depositional conditions are indicated by the occurrence of pyrite, which is restricted to specific sites such as the internal cavities of shells, particularly articulated bivalves and the innermost whorls of ammonites (Wignall, 1990b). According to the latter author, the onset of anoxic bottom-water conditions is indicated in the upper part of Bed 12 by the rapid disappearance of a previously diverse benthos, which is replaced by a highly impoverished fauna consisting almost solely of shallow infaunal filter-feeding bivalves. This assemblage is similar to several others in the Kimmeridge Clay of southern England where high environmental stresses, caused by fluctuating but generally low bottom water oxygen levels, reduced the fauna to only a few opportunistic bivalve species. Relatively slow sedimentation rates are also indicated at South Ferriby by the ratio of fragmented to complete specimens of benthos in the mudstones. The longer the residence time near the sediment surface (i.e. the slower the sedimentation), the greater will be the fragmentation of the shelly fauna. Overall, the Ampthill Clay shows lower shell fragmentation values (less than 15%) than the Kimmeridge Clay where values are generally over 20% and nearly 50% in the basal bed (Wignall, 1990b).
Wignall (1990b) identified a number of faunal associations within the benthos that enabled further insights into the depositional environments; these included bottom-water conditions in which the substrate was probably quite firm, substrates with soft surface sediments caused by the activities of deposit feeders, and stable conditions with niche partitioning. He also recognized a number of Boreal forms which appeared to occupy similar ecological niches to more southern species, notably the bivalve Grammatodon schourovskii (Rouillier and Vossinsky), replacing G. longipunctata of southern England, and the gastropod Dicroloma trifida (Phillips), replacing Quadrinervus ornatus of southern England, as well as species that had no direct ecological equivalent in southern England, such as the bivalves Parainoceramus subtilis (Blake) and Mesosaccella choroschowensis (Borissjak). The cause of these differences is uncertain, but it can have had nothing to do with the Market Weighton High, which has been invoked to explain variations in species distribution between the Cleveland Basin and southern England (see site report for Green Lane and Golden Hill Pits, this volume), as this lay well to the north of South Ferriby.
The ammonite faunas in the Ampthill Clay indicate that it belongs entirely to the Upper Oxfordian Pseudocordata Zone. Although both the cardioceratid genus Amoeboceras and the perisphinctid genus Ringsteadia occur, species of the latter are more recognizable here so that the perisphinctid-based Sub-Boreal zonation (see Chapter 1,
Ammonites in the highest beds include forms transitional between Pictonia and Rasenia, the latter genus indicating the Cymodoce Zone. Bed 12 is tentatively assigned to that zone, with the sideritic mudstone (Bed 11) marking its basal boundary.
The pit at South Ferriby shows one of the best exposures across the Oxfordian–Kimmeridgian stage boundary in the UK. The structurally uncomplicated mudstone succession there yields a rich ammonite fauna, including an evolutionary succession of Ringsteadia species, enabling the subzonation of the youngest beds of the Oxfordian to be documented accurately within the Sub-Boreal zonation. The presence of Amoeboceras baubini allows correlation of the stage boundary sequence with other areas of Europe (see also site reports for Kildorais and Staffin, this volume). The site is thus a most important one for stratigraphical studies and both national and international classification and correlation.