Cleal, C.J., Thomas, B.A., Batten, D.J. & Collinson, M.E. 2001. Mesozoic and Tertiary Palaeobotany of Great Britain. Geological Conservation Review Series No. 22, JNCC, Peterborough, ISBN 1 86107 489 1.

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Figures and tables


(Figure 1.1) The potential process involved in a plant fragment passing into the fossil record. (After Thomas and Spicer, 1987, fig. 4.1.)

(Figure 1.2) Summary of modes and nomenclature of plant fossil preservation. Each of the major modes of preservation is represented by a rectangle. The left-hand side of each rectangle shows a transverse section through a hypothetical stem, and the right-hand side a close-up section showing stylized rectangular cells. (After Bateman, 1991, fig. 2.2.)

(Figure 1.3) The distribution of the Mesozoic and Tertiary palaeobotany GCR sites. See (Table 1.1) for site names.

(Figure 2.1) Palaeogeography of the Late Triassic (Rhaetian) world showing main areas of land and mountains. (After Smith et al., 1994.)

(Figure 2.2) Palaeogeography of the British Isles during the Rhaetian Age. (After Warrington and Ivimey-Cook, 1992.)

(Figure 2.3) The Triassic stratigraphy of Britain, showing the internationally recognized chronostratigraphy on the left and the main lithostratigraphical units (groups) on the right. (After Warrington and Ivimey-Cook, 1992.)

(Figure 2.4) Reconstruction of Niaidita.

(Figure 2.5) Distribution of Carboniferous Limestone deposits with fissure fills in eastern South Wales and southwest England, showing the position of the Cnap Twt GCR site. (From the Fossil Mammals and Birds of Great Britain GCR Volume, in preparation.)

(Figure 2.6) Cnap Twt. The Rhaetian fissure deposits within the Carboniferous Limestone, such as the one visible here, have yielded charcoalified remains and pollen of cheirolepidiacean conifers, which are believed to be the precursors of all living conifers. Fragments of bennettites and other conifers have also been reported from here. (Photo: B.A. Thomas.)

(Figure 2.7) Examples of some of the types of fossil found in the Rhaetian fissure-fill deposits at Cnap Twt. (A–D) Cheirolepis wood. (A) Macerated tracheids close to protoxylem, × 500. (B) Charcoal fragment, tangential surface showing distorted rays, × 500. (C) Charcoal fragment, showing growth rings, × 200. (D) Charcoal fragment, in oblique radial section, × 100. (E) Two pollen masses, × 10. (F) Male cone axis, × 10. (G) Seed showing hilum, × 8. (H) Base of male cone showing a mass of pollen grains, × 10. (After Harris, 1957.)

(Figure 3.1) Palaeogeography of the Middle Jurassic world, showing main areas of land and mountains. Based on Smith et al. (1994). Also shown are the main palaeofloristic areas, based on Meyen (1987) and Vakhrameev (1991).

(Figure 3.2) The British Isles during the Middle Jurassic Epoch, showing the general distribution of land and sea. (After Hesselbo and Jenkins, 1995.)

(Figure 3.3) Summary of the Middle Jurassic stratigraphy of the Cleveland Basin, (based on Cox and Sumbler, in press, a companion GCR volume on British Middle Jurassic Stratigraphy). The Yorkshire Jurassic flora occurs in the three non-marine units, the Saltwick, Cloughton and Scalby Formations (the Lower, Middle and Upper Deltaic 'Series' of former authors). At its type locality, the Scarborough Formation has been divided into seven members (from below these are the Helwath Beck, Hundale Shale, Hundale Sandstone, Spindel Thorn Limestone, Ravenscar Shale, White Nab Ironstone and Bogmire Gill members.

(Figure 3.4) Reconstruction of a typical Jurassic fern of the family Osmundaceae with fronds of the Todites-type.The main plant has a trunk about 50 cm tall, giving off basal runners that form accessory plants. (Based on work on the Jurassic floras of Iran by Schweitzer and redrawn from Thomas and Spicer, 1987.)

(Figure 3.5) Parts of the plant that make up our concept of Caytonia. (A) A 5 mm axis with laterally attached fruits; (B) a close-up of one of the individual fruits; (C) section through a fruit showing ovules; (D) leaf with three to seven leaflets each up to 7 cm long; (E) male reproductive branch; (F) a single pollen-organ (c. 1 cm long) consisting of four fused pollen-sacs; (G) a pollen grain, × 1000. This illustration is largely based on the work of T.M. Harris on the Yorkshire Jurassic flora. (Redrawn from Thomas and Spicer, 1987.)

(Figure 3.6) The stomata of (A) cycad and (B) bennettite foliage, both × 1000. This is the most reliable distinguishing characteristic between these two important groups of Mesozoic plants, in the absence of reproductive structures. (Redrawn from Stewart and Rothwell, 1993.)

(Figure 3.7) Classic reconstruction of a Jurassic cycad, the Beania tree. The branch on the left bears male cones and the branch on the right bears female cones (about 10 cm long). (Redrawn from Harris, 1961.)

(Figure 3.8) Restoration of leaf and stem of Pachypteris papillosa. (A) Upper and lower parts of the leaf; (B) young stem showing outer covering of 'beret' structures and two mamillate leaf bases; (C) older stem with some secondary growth (shown as black in section) and fewer 'beret' structures; (D) older, forked stem with most 'beret' structures now missing. (Redrawn from Harris, 1983.)

(Figure 3.9) Main form-genera of bennettitalean foliage. (Redrawn from Watson and Sincock, 1992.)

(Figure 3.10) Reproductive structures of the bennettites. (A) Section through the bisexual flower Williamsoniella coronata, showing ovulate receptacle in the centre, surrounded by pollen-bearing organs, which in turn are surrounded by bracts; × 3. (B) Enlarged pollen-bearing organ from the same flower; × 5. (C) A section through the female flower Williamsonia harrisiana, showing a central ovulate receptacle surrounded by bracts; × 3. (D) Male flower, Weltrichia spectabilis, about natural size, showing cup-shaped arrangement of pollen-bearing structures. The Williamsoniella and Weltrichia are based on fossils from the Yorkshire Jurassic succession, the Williamsonia on fossils from the Rajmahal Hills in India. (Redrawn from Stewart and Rothwell, 1993.)

(Figure 3.11) Range of different ginkgophyte leaves found in the Yorkshire Jurassic floras, all about natural size. (A) Ginkgo buttonii; (B) G. digitata; (C) G. cf. sibirica; (13) Baiera furcata; (E) Sphenobiaera longifolia; (F) Eretmophyllum whitbiensis. (Redrawn from Harris et al., 1974.)

(Figure 3.12) The Cleveland Basin, showing the position of the GCR sites for the Yorkshire Jurassic floras. (After Rawson and Wright, 1995.)

(Figure 3.13) Schematic view of the cliffs between Whitby and Saltwick, showing the main stratigraphical units exposed. (Redrawn from Rawson and Wright, 1992.)

(Figure 3.14) Solonites vimineus (Phillips) Harris. These very long unbranched leaves are typically 150–200 mm long and usually less than 1 mm wide. The leaves often appear in spreading out masses, as shown here, and occasionally are found in bundles of 10–15 attached to small shoots that are covered in scales. Laboratory of Palaeobotany and Palynology, Utrecht, specimen S.14865, Saltwick Formation, south of Whitby, × 0.8. (Photo: J.H. A. van Konijnenburg-van Cittert.)

(Figure 3.15) Cliffs at Runswick Bay. The fossiliferous ironstone occurs in the undercliff, which appears to have slipped from the main cliff behind it. The photograph was taken in 1980 just prior to the excavations that were made there. (Photo: C.J. Cleal.)

(Figure 3.16) The succession through the Dogger and Saltwick Formations at Runswick Bay, showing the position of the main plant beds. (After Hill et al., 1985.)

(Figure 3.17) Stem of the horsetail Equisetum beanii (Sunbury) Harris from Runswick Bay. The ruler is 130 mm long. (Photo: R. Williams.)

(Figure 3.18) The female Williamsonia flower (left, scale graduated in mm) and male Weltrichia flower (right, scale graduated in 5 mm intervals) of the Williamsonia gigas plants from Runswick Bay. The female flower is preserved in longitudinal section, the male flower shows the outer surface. (Photos: R. Williams.)

(Figure 3.19) Roseberry Topping. View towards the characteristically cone shaped outlier of Middle Jurassic rocks. The plant-bearing beds are exposed in the face on the north-west side. (Photo: D.J. Batten.)

(Figure 3.20) Ginkgo whitbiensis Harris. A characteristically small leaf with blunt apices to its lobes. Its veins are obscure. Laboratory of Palaeobotany and Palynology, Utrecht, specimen S.1468, Saltwick Formation, Roseberry Topping, × 2. (From van Konijnenburg-van Cittert and Morgans, 1999; photo: J.H.A. van Konijnenburg-van Cittert.)

(Figure 3.21) Pachypteris lanceolata Brongniart. These are upper and lower cuticles of a pinnule of this corystosperm leaf Large numbers of leaf and stem fragments come from a thick (up to 3 m) band of dark shale, within which there are bands of almost pure leaves with comparatively little sediment between them. National Museums and Galleries of Wales, Cardiff, specimen 98.24.G6, Saltwick Formation, Roseberry Topping, × 3. (From Cleal and Thomas, 1999; photo: B.A. Thomas.)

(Figure 3.22) Location of the Broughton Bank GCR site. (After van Konijnenburg-van Cittert and Morgans, 1999.)

(Figure 3.23) Collecting from the plant bed at Broughton Bank. (Photo: J.H.A. van Konijnenburg-van Cittert.)

(Figure 3.24) Schematic section of the exposure at Broughton Bank, showing the three main plants beds (A–C). Redrawn from Spicer and Hill (1979).

(Figure 3.25) Osmundopsis hillii van Konijnenburg-van Cittert. This exceptionally rare fertile osmundalean fern is known only from Broughton Bank. Clusters of sporangia replace the normal sterile segments of the fern, which when found are known as Cladophlebis harrisii van Cittert. Natural History Museum, London, specimen V60955, Saltwick Formation, Broughton Bank, × 7.2. (From van Konijnenburg-van Cittert and Morgans, 1999; photo: J.H.A. van Konijnenburg-van Cittert.)

(Figure 3.26) Marattia anglica (Thomas) Harris. Pinnae and leaf fragments of this Marattiaceae fern are quite common at Broughton Bank, although a complete leaf has yet to be found. Pinnae can reach 300 mm in length and 15–25 mm in width and have entire margins. Veins depart perpendicularly from the midrib at about 10–12 per 10 mm. More than half the specimens found at Broughton Bank are fertile like the one illustrated here. The elongated synangia (fused clusters of sporangia) are about 5–7 mm across. Laboratory of Palaeobotany and Palynology, Utrecht, specimen S.2703, Saltwick Formation, Broughton Bank, × 1.8. (From van Konijnenburg-van Cittert and Morgans, 1999; photo: J.H.A. van Konijnenburg-van Cittert.)

(Figure 3.27) Location of the Hillhouse Nab GCR site.

(Figure 3.28) Stratigraphical section at Hillhouse Nab, based on manuscript notes by T.M. Harris.

(Figure 3.29) Location of the Hayburn Wyke GCR site. Redrawn from van Konijnenburg-van Cittert and Morgans (1999).

(Figure 3.30) Cliffs just to the north of Hayburn Wyke, where Equisetum stems can be found in situ. (Photomosaic: H. S. Morgans.)

(Figure 3.31). Stratigraphical section exposed at Hayburn Wyke, showing position of main plant beds. The locations of the logs are shown in Figure 3.29. (After van Konijnenburg-van Cittert and Morgans, 1999.)

(Figure 3.32) Otozamites gramineus (Phillips) Phillips. The leaves of this bennettitalean can be up to 300 mm long and 50–70 mm wide, and are composed of slender pinnae in which the upper angles of their bases are enlarged as auricles. Laboratory of Palaeobotany and Palynology, Utrecht, specimen S.6432, Saltwick Formation, Hayburn Wyke, × 0.9. (From van Konijnenburg-van Cittert and Morgans, 1999; photo: J.H.A. van Konijnenburg-van Cittert.)

(Figure 3.33) Coniopteris hymenophylloides (Brongniart) Seward. This fossil fern, belonging to the extant family Dicksoniaceae, is commonly found as sterile foliage throughout Yorkshire, but the reduced fertile foliage shown here is much rarer. Laboratory of Palaeobotany and Palynology, Utrecht, specimen S.1198, Saltwick Formation, Hayburn Wyke, × 2. (From van Konijnenburg-van Cittert and Morgans, 1999; photo: J.H.A. van Konijnenburg-van Cittert.)

(Figure 3.34) Zamites gigas (Lindley and Hutton) Morris. This common bennettite leaf is typically 300 mm long and 120 mm wide with large pinna that are parallel-sided and tapering in their upper third towards an acute apex. Laboratory of Palaeobotany and Palynology, Utrecht, specimen S.1319, Saltwick Formation, Hayburn Wyke, × 0.25. (Photo: J.H.A. van Konijnenburg-van Cittert.)

(Figure 3.35) Stratigraphical section for the Botton Head GCR site. (After C. Hill, in manuscript).

(Figure 3.36) View across Robin Hood's Bay towards Beast Cliff. (Photo: H.S. Morgans.)

(Figure 3.37) Map of the foreshore exposures of the Gristhorpe plant beds at Red Cliff (After van Konijnenburg-van Cittert and Morgans, 1999.)

(Figure 3.38) Cayton Bay, near Scarborough. The fossiliferous beds are on the foreshore (Photo C.J. Cleal.)

(Figure 3.39) Collecting from the plant bed at Cayton Bay during the 1994 field meeting of the Linnean Society Palaeobotany Specialist Group (Photo: C.J. Cleal.)

(Figure 3.40) Cliff section at Red Cliff showing the position of the Gristhorpe Plant Bed. (After Rawson and Wright, 1992.)

(Figure 3.41) Stratigraphical section through the Gristhorpe Plant Bed and associated strata, exposed at Red Cliff. (After van Konijnenburg-van Cittert and Morgans, 1999.)

(Figure 3.42) A Caytonia sewardii Thomas. This seed-bearing organ was edible, like berries, since coprolites have been found containing their chewed up remains. The mouth of this cupule has its lip curving up to the left and is itself to the left of the broken stalk. Gristhorpe Plant Bed, Gristhorpe Member, Cloughton Formation, Red Cliff; × 20. (From Cleal and Thomas, 1999; photo: B.A. Thomas.)

(Figure 3.43) Sagenopteris colpodes Harris. This is an aggregate of two very similar species that differ only in size. The specimen shown here has a complete 'large' leaf with a petiole and four lanceolate leaflets and fragments of 'small' leaves. Laboratory of Palaeobotany and Palynology, Utrecht, specimen S.9639. Gristhorpe Plant Bed, Gristhorpe Member, Cloughton Formation, Red Cliff, natural size. (Photo: J.HA. van Konijnenburg-van Cittert.)

(Figure 3.44) Cladophlebis denticulata (Brongniart) Nathorst. This is the sterile foliage of the osmundaceous fern Todites denticulatus, which only differs in being covered in sporangia. Both have a twice-divided frond with sharply toothed pinnules. National Museums and Galleries of Wales, Cardiff, specimen 98.24.G5, Gristhorpe Plant Bed, Gristhorpe Member, Cloughton Formation, Red Cliff, natural size. (From Cleal and Thomas 1999; photo: B.A. Thomas.)

(Figure 3.45) Elatides williamsonii (Lindley and Hutton) Nathorst. Conifers belonging to this genus are thought to belong to the living family Taxodiaceae. This species is one of the commonest fossils in the Gristhorpe Plant Bed and is recognized by its spirally arranged, 6–12 mm long falcated leaves. Both male and females cones are borne terminally. Female cones, like the one shown here, are oval, 40–60 nun long and 20–25 mm broad, with spirally arranged cone scales. National Museums and Galleries of Wales, Cardiff, specimen 84.27G.361, Gristhorpe Plant Bed, Gristhorpe Member, Cloughton Formation, Red Cliff × 1.5. (From Cleal and Thomas, 1999; photo: B.A. Thomas.)

(Figure 3.46) Stratigraphical section through the Cloughton Formation exposed at Cloughton Wyke. (After Livera and Leeder, 1981.)

(Figure 3.47) Anomozamites nilssonii (Phillips) Harris. These bennettitalean leaves are typically 150 mm by 30 mm and divided into square-cut segments that have minutely dentate ends. Laboratory of Palaeobotany and Palynology, Utrecht, specimen S.3085, Cloughton Formation, Cloughton Wyke, × 1.5. (From van Konijnenburg-van Cittert and Morgans, 1999; photo: J.H.A. van Konijnenburg-van Cittert.)

(Figure 3.48) Location of the Scalby Ness GCR site. (After Van Konijnenburg-van Cittert and Morgans, 1999)

(Figure 3.49) The Middle Jurassic Ginkgo-rich plant beds at Scalby Ness. (Photo: J.H.A. van Konijnenburg-van Cittert.)

(Figure 3.50) Stratigraphical section through the Scalby Formation, Scalby Ness GCR site. (After Van Konijnenburg-van Cittert and Morgans, 1999.)

(Figure 3.51) Ginkgo huttonii (Sternberg) Heer. This ginkgoalean leaf is the most common plant fossil at Scalby Ness, which is also its type locality. The leaf is characteristically deeply divided into six segments with rounded apices. Associated seeds found at Scalby Ness are attributed to the same plant that bore these leaves. Laboratory of Palaeobotany and Palynology, Utrecht, specimen S.3037, Long Nab Member of the Bathonian Scalby Formation, Scalby Ness, × 1.2. (From van Konijnenburg-van Cittert and Morgans, 1999; Photo: J.H.A. van Konijnenburg-van Cittert.)

(Figure 3.52) Coniopteris bella Harris. This fern, belonging to the extant family Dicksoniaceae, is characterized by its rounded leaf segments. It is relatively common at Scalby Ness but less so in the Gristhorpe Plant Bed at Cayton Bay (Red Cliff). Laboratory of Palaeobotany and Palynology, Utrecht, specimen S.3031, Long Nab Member of the Bathonian Scalby Formation, Scalby Ness, natural size. (From van Konijnenburg-van Cittert and Morgans, 1999; photo: J.H.A. van Konijnenburg-van Cittert.)

(Figure 3.53) Czekanowskia blackii Harris. This species, which is locally common at Scalby Ness, is characterized by having five to eight leaves attached to each short shoot. Each leaf can be up to 150 mm long and normally forks twice. Laboratory of Palaeobotany and Palynology, Utrecht, specimen S.1292, Long Nab Member of the Bathonian Scalby Formation, Scalby Ness, × 2. (From van Konijnenburg-van Cittert and Morgans, 1999; photo: J.H.A. van Konijnenburg-van Cittert.)

(Figure 3.54) Brachyphyllum mamillare Lindley and Hutton. This is the most commonly found conifer shoot in the Yorkshire Jurassic succession and is one of the few species that occurs at most localities. The leaves are approximately as long as they are broad (typically 1.5 mm long and 2 mm wide) and tightly pressed to the stem in a spiral arrangement. Sometimes male cones are found attached to the ends of the shoots. Laboratory of Palaeobotany and Palynology, Utrecht, specimen S.1257, Long Nab Member of the Bathonian Scalby Formation, Scalby Ness, × 2. (From van Konijnenburg-van Cittert and Morgans, 1999; photo: J.H.A. van Konijnenburg-van Cittert.)

(Figure 4.1) Summary of the stratigraphical divisions in the Great Oolite Group of the Cotswolds. (After Boneham and Wyatt, 1993.)

(Figure 4.2) Summary of Jurassic–Cretaceous boundary interval in Dorset. (After Wimbledon in Calloman and Cope, 1995.)

(Figure 4.3) Reconstruction of the plant that bore the leaves known as Pelourdea, × 0.1. This was based on fossils from the Upper Triassic rocks of North America, but it is assumed that the plant represented in the Middle Jurassic floras of southern England was broadly similar. (Redrawn from Ash, 1987.)

(Figure 4.4) Reconstruction of a cheirolepidiacean conifer, a tall forest tree. (Redrawn by Annette Townsend from an original by Pauline Dean, and based on the work of J.E. Francis.)

(Figure 4.5) Map of the area around Stonesfield village, showing the principle working for the Stonesfield 'Slate'. (After Boneham and Wyatt, 1993.)

(Figure 4.6) Generalized sequence through the Great Oolite Group of the Stonesfield area, showing the different levels at which the Stonesfield 'Slate' facies is developed (After Boneham and Wyatt, 1993.)

(Figure 4.7) Generalized sequence of the Great Oolite Group exposed at Huntsman's Quarry (After Mudge, 1995.)

(Figure 4.8) The Isle of Portland, showing the position of Maggot Quarry, Kingbarrow Quarry and Waycroft Quarry. (After House, 1993.)

(Figure 4.9) Kingbarrow Quarry. Quarrying on Portland Bill exposes the almost horizontally bedded basal Purbeck Beds of the Upper Jurassic Series. (Photo: B.A. Thomas.)

(Figure 4.10) Schematic section through the Lower Purbeck strata of the Isle of Portland, showing the position of the Great Dirt Bed with the fossil forest. (After Francis, 1983.)

(Figure 4.11) Quarrying has exposed many silicified trunks, primarily of the protopinacean conifer Protocupressinoxylon purbeckensis Francis and cycadeoid stems such as Cycadeoidea megalophylla Buckland, like these outside the local museum. (Photo: B.A. Thomas.)

(Figure 4.12) Stromatolite Burrs. These open rings of stromatolite algal growth are found in the Soft Cap Limestone on Portland. They formed around the bases of conifer trees that were rooted in what is now known as the 'Great Dirt Bed', when the forests were drowned by rising water levels. Sometimes silicified trunks remain within stromatolite rings and occasionally tree stumps were completely covered by this growth. The majority are, however, open 'doughnut-shaped' rings that were left after the encased trees subsequently rotted away. (Photo: B.A. Thomas.)

(Figure 5.1) Correlation of Jurassic rocks in the northern Inner Hebrides and Sutherland. (After Hallam, 1983.)

(Figure 5.2) Location and relative stratigraphical positions of the main Kimmeridigian and Portlandian palaeobotanical localities along the Sutherland coast. (Adapted from Pickering, 1984, and van Konijnenburg-van Cittert and van der Burgh, 1996.)

(Figure 5.3) Generalized sequence of Jurassic strata in the Brora outlier. (After Lam and Porter, 1977.)

(Figure 5.4) Kimmeridgian plant beds at Culgower Bay, Sutherland. (Photo: B.A. Thomas.)

(Figure 5.5) N. Representative plant fossils from the Kimmeridgian of Culgower Bay. Upper left, Pachypteris lanceolata Brongniart (pteridosperm), × 0.5. Upper right, Phlebopteris dunkeri (Schenk) Schenk (fern), × 1. Lower left, Elatides curvifolia (Dunker) Nathorst (conifer), × 1. Lower right, Pseudoctenis eathiensis (Richards) Seward (cycad), × 0.5. (Photos: J.H.A. van Konijnenburg-van Cittert.)

(Figure 5.6) Plant beds exposed on the foreshore of Lothbeg Point (Photo: J.HA. van Konijnenburg-van Cittert.)

(Figure 5.7) Representstive plant fossils from the Kimmeridgian of Lothbeg Point. Left, Hausmannia buchii (Andra) Seward (fern). Right, Tritaenia scotica van der Burgh and van Konijnenburgh-van Cittert (conifer). Both about natural size. (Photos J.H.A. van Konijnenburg-van Cittert.)

(Figure 5.8) Generalized sequence of Kimmeridgian rocks exposed near Eathie, showing position of plant bed. (After Gitmez and Sarjeant, 1972.)

(Figure 5.9) Petrified plants from Scotland as figured by Seward and Bancroft 1913. The gymnosperm cones Conites juddii Seward and Bancroft were collected by Hugh Miller at Eathie Bay in weathered calcareous nodules. Parts 14–16 are of a section of a cone scale showing crushing of parenchyma at a, thick fibres or idioblasts at f and an almost continuous line of vascular stands stretching across the cone scale at v. Part 14 × c.4, Part 15 × 15, Part 16 × 18. Part 19 is an oblique longitudinal section of a cone with secondary xylem (x), x c.l. The obliquely cut cone scale A, enlarged in Part 21, shows a vascular strand (v) and a ligular outgrowth (l) with s indicating the likely position of the missing seed. The transversely cut cone scales B (enlarged in Part 17 × 3) and C (enlarged in Part 18 × 3) show the ligule (l), vascular bundles (v) and more crushed parenchyma (a). In the cavity of cone scale D (enlarged in Part 20 × 3.5) the identity of the structure marked as a and b are still speculative. The single specimen of gymnosperm wood, Cedroxylon hornet Seward and Bancroft, comes from Helmsdale, near the northern limit of the Jurassic rocks in Sutherland. In transverse section growth rings of tracheids are clearly visible, Part 25 × 25. Longitudinal sections show bordered pits approximately 20 p,m in diameter, Parts 22–24 × 150.

(Figure 5.10) The geology of Bearreraig Bay. (After Morton and Hudson, 1995.)

(Figure 5.11) View of the upper part of the Middle Jurassic plant beds at Bearreraig Bay, Skye. (Photo: R. M. Bateman.)

(Figure 5.12) Generalized section through the Bearreraig Sandstone Formation. The plant fossils occur in the Ollach Sandstone, Udairn Shale and lower Holme Sandstone Members. (After Morton, 1965.)

(Figure 5.13) Longitudinal section through a leafy shoot of Brachyphllum cf. mamillare Lindley and Hutton, from Bearreraig, × 6. (Photo: R. Bateman.)

(Figure 5.14) Transverse section through a leafy shoot of Brachyphyllum cf. mamillare Lindley and Hutton, from Bearreraig, × 12. The section shows the stem surrounded by fleshy leaves. (Photo: R. Bateman.)

(Figure 6.1) Palaeogeography of the Early Cretaceous world, showing main areas of land and mountains (based on Smith et at,1994). Also shown are the main palaeofloristic areas (based on Meyen, 1987 and Vakhrameev (1991).

(Figure 6.2) Palaeogeography of north-western Europe during the Berriasian Age, showing areas of lowlands where the Wealden' deposits typically developed. Scale: 1 cm = c. 100 km (After Batten, 1996.)

(Figure 6.3) Stratigraphical schemes for the strata in the Weald and Wessex Sub-Basins that have yielded plant macrofossils. (After Watson and Sincock, 1992.)

(Figure 6.4) Reconstruction of the early possible angiosperm Bevhalstia, described by Hill (1996) from the English Wealden. (Redrawn from an original by Annette Townsend.)

(Figure 6.5) Reconstructions of typical plants found in the Wealden floras of southern England. (A) Equisetum burcbardtii, c. × 0.1, (B) Equlsetites lyellii, c. × 0.1, (C) Tempskya, c. 6 m tall, (D) Weichselia reticultata, c. × 0.08, (E) Monanthesia, c. 2 m tall, (F) Cycadeoidea, c. × 0.05, (G) Pseudofrenelopsis parceramosa, a tall forest tree (II) Cupressinocladus valdensis, also a tall forest tree. (From Watson and Alvin, 1996.)

(Figure 6.6) The coast of south-east England, showing main localities for plant fossils in the Lower Cretaceous Series. (After Watson and Sincock, 1992.)

(Figure 6.7) The Ashdown Formation, here at Covehurst Bay, is generally accepted to be the horizon from where such people as Rufford, Teilhard de Chardin and others collected fossils that are so characteristic of the lower Wealden flora. (Photo: D.J. Batten.)

(Figure 6.8) Cliff section at Covehurst Bay showing the outcrop of the plant-bearing Ashdown Formation. (After Lake and Shephard-Thorn, 1987.)

(Figure 6.9) Plant fossil specimens collected from the Fairlight Clay of Covehurst Bay in the middle of the 20th century and figured by Hughes (1975); the names he used are in brackets where they have been subsequently changed. (A) Zamites carruthersii Seward emend. Watson and Sincock 1992 [Otozamites klipsteinii (Dunker) var. angustifolia Heer] x0.25; (B) Pseudocycas saportae (Seward) Holden, × 0.25; (C) Zamites dowelli Watson and Sincock 1992 [Zamites buchianus (Ettingshausen) Seward] × 0.17.

(Figure 6.10) Geology of the coast near Hanover Point, showing the location of the main plant beds. (After Alvin et al., 1981.)

(Figure 6.11) Hanover Point from Roughland Cliff. The beds of the Wessex Formation are exposed in the cliffs of Brook Bay running south-eastwards from Hanover Point (left). The darker upper layer in the cliff consists of unconformable Quaternary deposits. (Photo: D.J. Batten.)

(Figure 6.12) Diagrammatical representation of the two Pseudofrenelopsis Beds at Hanover Point. (After Alvin et al., 1981.)

(Figure 6.13) The Pine Raft at Hanover Point, Isle of Wight. These massive petrified logs, exposed at low tide, are mineralized in carbonate and lie in sandstone. They have tracheid pitting similar in character to the better-preserved cheirolepidiaceous woods of Pseudofrenelopsis parceramosa (Fontaine) Watson found at Shippards Chine but the arrangement of these is more araucarioid. They are better classified in the form-genus Dadoxylon. (Photo: B.A. Thomas.)

(Figure 6.14) Cliff End. The sea is washing beds of the upper Ashdown Formation within which the Isoetites plant fossils are found. The massive sandstones above belong to the Cliff End Sandstone within the Wadhurst Clay Formation. (Photo: D.J. Batten.)

(Figure 7.1) Palaeogeography of the Palaeocene world, showing main areas of land and mountains. Based on Smith et al. (1994). Also shown are the main palaeofloristic areas, based on Akhmetyev (1987).

(Figure 7.2) Palaeogeography of southern England during the Palaeocene. (After Murray, 1992.)

(Figure 7.3) Lithostratigraphical classification of the Palaeocene and lower Eocene (Ypresian) deposits of the London and Hampshire basins. (Adapted from Curry et al., 1978; King,1981; and Ellison et al, 1994.)

(Figure 7.4) Sequence exposed in the cliffs and foreshore at Herne Bay. (After Ward, 1978).

(Figure 7.5) Stem of the fern Osmunda dowkeri permineralized by silica, hence showing anatomical detail, × 1.8 (see Chandler, 1965) (specimen number BMNH V.29629c). The specimen was found at Herne Bay and judged to have been derived from the Thanet Formation. The specimen is the holotype of this species. (Photo: Natural History Museum, London.)

(Figure 7.6) Megaspore of Minerisporites mirabilis, an early member of the species tending towards M. glossoferus morphology, × 120 (see Batten and Collinson, in press). From the Thanet Formation, Herne Bay. (Photo: M.E. Collinson.)

(Figure 7.7) Felpham foreshore looking almost north across the near-shore part of the area of Bed 3, including the lignite bed and the channel infill, and showing new sea defences in foreground and at right. In this photograph most of the strata are underwater or are covered by modern beach deposits. Taken in 1999. (Photo: M.E. Collinson.)

(Figure 7.8) Reading Formation exposed on the shore at Felpham, near Bognor Regis, including the Telpham Lignite Bed'. (After Bone, 1986.)

(Figure 7.9) A new genus of Theaceae seed from Felpham. On the left is a complete specimen, on the right a longitudinal fracture showing the internal anatomy of half the seed; both × 15. (Photos: M.E. Collinson.)

(Figure 7.10) Longitudinal polished cut surface of lower part of a partly pyritized palm stump, collected in situ at Felpham, × 0.3 (see Collinson in Bone, 1986; Collinson, 1990a). (Photo: Natural History Museum, London.)

(Figure 7.11) Cold Ash Quarry in the early 1980s; (a) and (b) show plans of the site and include the location of the sections 1–3 represented in (d). Also shown are the locations of the main plant-bearing lenses (A–E); (c) is a composite stratigraphical section for the site. (After Crane and Goldring, 1991.)

(Figure 7.12) Part of the Palaeogene Palaeocarpinus plant, reconstructed from plant fossils from Cold Ash Quarry (After Crane, 1981.)

(Figure 7.13) Palaeocarpinus laciniata Crane. Betulaceous fruits from Cold Ash, × 4 (see Crane, 1981).

(Figure 7.14) Craspedodromophyllum acutum Crane. The apical portion of a leaf attributed to the Palaeocarpinus plant from Cold Ash × 1.2 (see Crane, 1981).

(Figure 7.15) Seeds of Rhododendron newburyanum, × 50 (see Collinson and Crane, 1978), from the Cold Ash GCR site. (Photo: M.E. Collinson.)

(Figure 7.16) Platanus schimperi (Heer) Saporta and Marion. A platanoid leaf from Cold Ash. (Photo: P.R. Crane.)

(Figure 7.17) (a) Location and plan of Pincent's Kiln, with faces as at 1978 and 1989. (b) Face as exposed in 1978, with Palaeogene deposits lying unconformably on Chalk. Horizons indicated as marine are the Upnor Formation, non marine are the Reading Formation. (After Crane and Goldring, 1991.)

(Figure 7.18) The back face exposure at Pincent's Kiln as seen in 1978. The view matches with the bottom left part of the section in Figure 7.17. (Photo: M.E. Collinson.)

(Figure 7.19) Junction between the Reading Formation and the underlying Chalk at Pincent's Kiln, showing the extensive burrowing. (Photo: M.E. Collinson.)

(Figure 7.20) Megaspore of the lycophyte Erlansonisporites. The main picture is a Transmission Electron Microscope image of the wall structure showing a central layer with colloidal crystal-like organization, × 2520. The inset shows a Scanning Electron Microscope image of the whole spore, × 60. Observation of this spore has led to a major research project testing the hypothesis that spore wall organization can arise through self assembly (see Hemsley et al., 1994, 1998, 2000). (Photo: M.E. Collinson.)

(Figure 7.21) Stratigraphical succession at Harefield. (After Daley and Balson, 1999, fig. 4.2.)

(Figure 7.22) Gyrogonite of charophyte ?Peckichara, × 80 from the Reading Beds, Harefield. (Photo: M.E. Collinson.)

(Figure 7.23) Endocarp of Wardensheppeya davisii (Menispermaeae) in carbonaceous preservation, × 38 (see Collinson, 1983b). Walton-on-the-Naze, London Clay Bed Al. (Photo: M.E. Collinson.)

(Figure 7.24) Plant bed exposed between beds of basalt at Ardtun (Photo: D.J. Ward.)

(Figure 8.1) Modem Nypa mangrove, Kapuas delta, Kalimantan, Indonesia. (Photo: M.E. Collinson.)

(Figure 8.2) Palaeogeography of the Early Eocene world, showing main areas of land and mountains. Based on Smith et al., 1994. Also shown are the main palaeofloristic areas, based on Akhmetyev (1987).

(Figure 8.3) Palaeogeography of southern England during early Eocene times. (After Murray, 1992.)

(Figure 8.4) Correlation of the Bracklesham Group and Poole Formation in the Hampshire Basin. (After Hooker and Collinson, in Collinson, 1996h.)

(Figure 8.5) Cliffs and foreshore at Sheppey, as seen looking west from Warden Point. (Photo: M.E. Collinson.)

(Figure 8.6) Lithostratigraphy of the London Clay Formation exposed at Sheppey. Division C is based on King (1984). (After King, 1981)

(Figure 8.7) Pyrite concentration and in-situ clay in the foreshore at Sheppey, including a Nypa fruit and a twig. (Photo: M.E. Collinson.)

(Figure 8.8) Pyritized internal casts of fruits and seeds of families typical for the London Clay flora at Sheppey (see Collinson, 1983b). Upper left shows Iodescorniculata (icacina family), × 12. Upper right shows Anonaspermum cerebellatum (custard apple family), × 14. Lower left shows Diploclisia auriformis (moon-seed family), × 14. Lower right shows Parthenocissus monasteriensis (grape vine family), × 23. (Photos: M.E. Collinson.)

(Figure 8.9) Pyritized preservation of embryos preserved in the London Clay at Sheppey. Left is the tip of a viviparous embryo ('sea pencil') of the mangrove Ceriops cantiensis, about natural size (see Wilkinson, 1981; Collinson, 1983b, 1993). Right shows root tip and coiled cotyledons of the embryo of Palaeallophyllus (Sapindaceae family, related to the sycamore family, which has a similar embryo), × 6. (Photo: M.E. Collinson.)

(Figure 8.10) Anatomical preservation by pyrite per-mineralization of the axis of a fern frond (a possible dennstaedtioid fern) (see Collinson, in press a). The uppermost picture is of a polished, transverse section of the axis, × 14. Below is a close-up showing cell detail, even in the delicate parenchyma of the cortex surrounding the conducting tissue × 33. From the Sheppey GCR site. (Photos: M.E. Collinson.)

(Figure 8.11) Leafy shoot of the conifer Araucarites sp., × 3.7 (see Collinson, 1983b). This is a rare example of an in-situ fossil from the clay sediment at Sheppey. (Photo: M.E. Collinson.)

(Figure 8.12) Low- and high-powered images of the twigs Sapindoxylon guioaoides Poole and Wilkinson from Sheppey. The long dimension of the specimen at the top is 3.75 mm, the field of view of the high powered image is 900 microns across. (Photo: I. Poole.)

(Figure 8.13) Locule cast of Nyssidium arcticum (= Jenkinsella apocynoides) preserved in pyrite, × 7.5 (see Collinson, 1983b), from the Herne Bay GCR site. (Photo: M.E. Collinson.)

(Figure 8.14) Compound fruit of Platycarya richardsonii preserved in pyrite, × 3.5, from Herne Bay (see Collinson, 1983b). (Photo: M.E. Collinson.)

(Figure 8.15) Foreshore exposure of Division A3 and Division B (King, 1981) of the London Clay at Bognor Regis. (After Venables, 1962.)

(Figure 8.16) Collecting on the foreshore at Bognor Regis, Summer 1990. (Photo: M.E. Collinson.)

(Figure 8.17) Endocarp of Natsiatum eocenicum (see footnotes to Tables 8.1 and 8.2), partially pyritized preservation, × 7.5 (see Collinson, 1983b). Bognor Regis GCR site. (Photo: M.E. Collinson.)

(Figure 8.18) Fruit of Leucopogon quadrilocularis showing locule casts, partly preserved in pyrite, × 15.5 (see Collinson, 1983b) from the Bognor Regis GCR site. (Photo: M.E. Collinson.)

(Figure 8.19) Low cliff exposure at Lake, beneath the caravan site, on the eastern side of Poole Harbour, as seen in the mid 1970s. The section is now largely obscured by sea defence work. (Photo: M.E. Collinson.)

(Figure 8.20) Scirpus lakensis in carbonaceous preservation (specimen number BMNH V40396), found at Arne, × 50 (see Chandler, 1962; Collinson, 1996b). (Photo: M.E. Collinson.)

(Figure 8.21) Foreshore exposure of parts of the Nypa Bed exposed at Bracklesham Bay. (Photo: M.E. Collinson.)

(Figure 8.22) Stratigraphical succession at Bracklesham Bay. (After Daley and Balson, 1999, fig. 6.20)

(Figure 8.23) Fruit of the mangrove palm Nypa, × 0.7. Bracklesham Bay. (Photo: Natural History Museum, London.)

(Figure 8.24) Seeds of 'Scirpus' lakensis, viewed under Scanning Electron Microscope (left) and light microscopy (right); both × 38. See Collinson (1996b). Bracklesham Bay. (Photo: M.E. Collinson.)

(Figure 9.1) Palaeogeography of southern England during late Eocene times. (After Murray, 1992.)

(Figure 9.2) Lithostratigraphical scheme for the middle and upper Palaeogene strata (mostly post-Lutetian) in the Hampshire Basin.

(Figure 9.3) Cone of Pinus dixonii, a remarkable and rare fossil from Barton found in 1980, × 0.9 (specimen number BMNH V.60468). (Photo: Natural History Museum, London.)

(Figure 9.4) Stratigraphical succession at Barton Cliffs. (After Daley and Balson, 1999, fig. 6.14.)

(Figure 9.5) A composite succession for the Totland Bay Member (Headon Hill Formation) at the eastern end of 'Barton Cliffs' (Hordle Cliff) (after Edwards and Daley, 1997). The bed numbers are those of Tawney and Keeping (1883).

(Figure 9.6) View of Hordle cliffs looking west from Long Mead End towards Becton Bunny, and showing sampling of Bed L rich in Sabrenia seeds (Headon Hill Formation). (Photo: M.E. Collinson.)

(Figure 9.7) View of Hordle cliffs looking east from Becton Bunny. Lower part is Becton Sand Formation, the upper part Headon Hill Formation. (Photo: M.E. Collinson.)

(Figure 9.8) Compound fruiting head of Steinhauera subglobosum with bilocular fruits, in carbonaceous preservation, from the Hordle GCR site, × 6 (see footnotes to (Table 9.2)). (Photo: M.E. Collinson.)

(Figure 9.9) Low cliff at Paddy's Gap with exposure of Limnocarpus band in the Unio Bed, Headon Hill Formation. The photograph was taken in the mid 1970s. The section is now largely obscured by new sea defences. (Photo: M.E. Collinson.)

(Figure 9.10) Detail of the exposure of the Limnocarpus band at Paddy's Gap, showing numerous small, black Limnocarpus fruits in situ.  (Photo: M.E. Collinson.)

(Figure 9.11) Fruits of the extinct pondweed Limnocarpus, viewed under Scanning Electron Microscope (see Collinson 1982a). On the left is a single fruit, in which the bicarpellate condition is indicated by the straight margin opposite the germination valve, × 37. On the right is a bicarpellate fruit, × 30. Only sites such as Paddy's Gap, where large numbers of specimens can be studied, have ever yielded the bicarpellate fossils themselves. (Photo: M.E. Collinson.)

(Figure 9.12) Stratigraphical succession at Alum Bay, Isle of Wight, which includes the plant beds at Headon Hill and Totland Bay. (After Daley and Balson, 1999, fig. 5.28.)

(Figure 9.13) View of Alum Bay and Headon Hill, Hatherwood Point, as seen from the Needles Headland. (Photo: M.E. Collinson.)

(Figure 9.14) Headon Hill Formation exposed at Headon Hill, including plant fossiliferous Totland Bay Member at lower left. (Photo: M.E. Collinson.)

(Figure 9.15) Section of Bembridge Limestone Formation on the north-east face of Headon Hill, where the multidisciplinary study of Hooker et al. (1995) was undertaken. (Photo: M.E. Collinson.)

(Figure 9.16) The Lignite Bed in the Hatherwood Limestone Member and overlying beds exposed at Hatherwood Point, Headon Hill. (Photo: M.E. Collinson.)

(Figure 9.17) View of Totland Bay looking north, showing exposures of Totland Bay Member (Headon Hill Formation) in the distance. (Photo: M.E. Collinson.)

(Figure 9.18) Close up of exposures of the Totland Bay Member (Headon Hill Formation) at the north end of Totland Bay. (Photo: M.E. Collinson.)

(Figure 9.19) The seeds of the water plant Stratiotes from the Bembridge Limestone Formation of Headon Hill show severe degradation both in morphology and chemistry (bottom), compared to their equivalents at Gurnard, Thorness Bay (top). This suggests oxidative decomposition prior to or following fossilization. The Scanning Electron Microscope images of the seeds show outer (left) and inner (right) views, × 7.5. See Hooker et al., 1995. (Photos: M.E. Collinson.)

(Figure 9.20) Stratigraphical succession at Colwell Bay, Isle of Wight. (After Daley and Balson, 1999, fig. 5.33.)

(Figure 9.21) View looking north in Colwell Bay, spanning Brambles Chine to Cliff End, Fort Albert (now a hotel). The exposures are mainly of the Colwell Bay and Cliff End members, Headon Hill Formation. (Photo: M.E. Collinson.)

(Figure 9.22) Bedding surface in the Headon Hill Formation covered in fruits of the pondweed Potamogeton, × 8, from Colwell Bay. (Photo: M.E. Collinson.)

(Figure 9.23) Megaspore of the water fern Azolla colwellensis from Colwell Bay, with attached microspore massula, viewed under Scanning Electron Micrscope, × 195 (see Collinson, 1980b). (Photo: M.E. Collinson.)

(Figure 9.24) Foreshore exposures of the Fishbourne Member at Chapel Corner, as seen in 1982. (Photo: M.E. Collinson.)

(Figure 9.25) Endocarp of Rubus sp. in carbonaceous preservation, × 54. Collected from Chapel Corner and donated by E. A. Jarzembowski. (Photo: M.E. Collinson.)

(Figure 9.26) General view of the cliffs of Bembridge Marls, with Bembridge Limestone at the base, at Gurnard, Isle of Wight. The foreshore outcrop of Bembridge Limestone forms the Gurnard Ledge in the foreground. (Photo: M.E. Collinson.)

(Figure 9.27) The lowest part of the cliffs at Gurnard, showing, at the base, the Bembridge Limestone muds rich in fruits and seeds. The overlying Bembridge Marls include patches of plant-rich Insect Limestone (the 10 cm scale is on the Insect Limestone). (Photo: M.E. Collinson.)

(Figure 9.28) Fruits and seeds of aquatic plants typical for the Bembridge Limestone Formation viewed under the Scanning Electron Microscope. Left shows a seed of a free-floating aquatic plant Stratoites, showing rodent gnaw marks in the seed coat, × 20 (see Collinson and Hooker, 2000). Upper right shows the fruit of the water lily Brasenia, × 20. Bottom right shows the fruit of the bur reed Sparganium, × 8. All from Thorness Bay. (Photos: M.E. Collinson.)

(Figure 9.29) Stratigraphical succession at Thorness Bay, Isle of Wight. (After Daley and Balson, 1999, fig. 5.43.)

(Figure 9.30) Foreshore exposure (at low water spring tide) of the lower part of the Bembridge Marls at the eastern end of Hamstead Ledge. The Bembridge Limestone ledge is at the far right, out to sea. (Photo: M.E. Collinson.)

(Figure 9.31) Stratigraphical section through the Bembridge Marls Member, Bouldnor Formation at Hamstead Ledge, showing position of main plant beds. (After Collinson, 1983a.)

(Figure 9.32) Sporangium of the fern Acrostichum anglicum, containing a residual trilete spore, × 280 (see Collinson, in press a). From the Hamstead Ledge GCR site. (Photo: M.E. Collinson.)

(Figure 9.33) Hamstead Member exposed on the foreshore below, Bouldnor Cliffs. (Photo: M.E. Collinson.)

(Figure 9.34) Stratigraphical succession at Bouldnor Cliff, Isle of Wight. (After Daley and Balson, 1999, fig. 5.39.)

(Figure 9.35) A foreshore exposure of in-situ logs covered with seaweed, preserved low in the Hamstead Member near Bouldnor. (Photo: M.E. Collinson.)

(Figure 9.36) The Bees Nest GCR site as seen in 1967. (Photo: M. C. Boulter.)

(Figure 9.37) Left shows the Neogene deposits exposed at Bees Nest, including the plant-bearing Kenslow Member. Right shows the geographical distribution of the principal deposits within the quarry (After Boulter et al., 1971.)

(Figure 9.38) Taxodiaceous wood. Sections cut in transverse (top × 130), radial longitudinal (bottom × 200) and tangential longitudinal (middle × 75) alignment show radially aligned trachieds and uniseriate medullary rays with both parenchyma cells and ray tracheids. The upper two photographs were taken using light microscopy, the bottom photograph under Scanning Electron Microscopy


(Table 1.1) Mesozoic and Tertiary Palaeobotany GCR sites

(Table 3.1) Records of plant fossils from the Yorkshire Jurassic GCR sites. These records have been gleaned from published accounts, largely by Harris (1961a, 1964, 1969, 1979a,b; Harris et al., 1974), Hill et al. (1985), Hill and van Konijnenburg-van Cittert (1973), Spicer and Hill (1979), van Konijnenburg-van Cittert (1971, 1975a,b, 1978, 1981, 1987, 1989), and van Konijnenburg-van Cittert and Morgans (1999), from archived field notes in the Natural History Museum (London), and from examining collections in that museum and the National Museum and Gallery Cardiff. Records known to fall outside the boundaries of the sites have been omitted, but those over which there is some doubt have been included.

(Table 3.2) Location of in-situ plant beds identified by T.M. Harris (in manuscript) along the cliffs between  Whitby and Saltwick.

(Table 3.3) The locations of the plant beds identified by T.M. Harris (in manuscript) along the coast at Hayburn Wyke

(Table 3.4) The locations of the plant beds identified by T.M. Harris (in manuscript) at Beast Cliff.

(Table 3.5) The locations of the plant beds identified by T.M. Harris (in manuscript) at Red Cliff (Gristhorpe Bay).

(Table 3.6) The locations of the plant beds identified by T.M. Harris (in manuscript) at Cloughton Wyke.

(Table 3.7) The locations of the plant beds identified by T.M. Harris (in manuscript) at Scalby Ness.

(Table 4.1) Fossil floras found in the Middle Jurassic strata of southern England.

(Table 5.1) Floral composition of Lothbeg Point and Culgower Bay. The abundance of fossils is given as follows: +, 1–5 specimens; ++, 6–10 specimens; and +++, >10 specimens. Data from dispersed cuticles have been taken into account (from van Konijnenburg-van Cittert and van der Burgh, 1996).

(Table 8.1)  Angiosperm fruit, seed, wood and twig fossils from the Eocene London Clay GCR  sites. Species and details from Reid and Chandler (1933) and  Chandler (1961a), unless otherwise referenced. The family classification used here is summarized in Chapter 1 of the  present volume.

(Table 8.2) Composition of floras from the Dorset Pipe Clays, Hampshire Basin. Species descriptions, or references to them, can be found in Chandler (1962), unless otherwise referenced. Discussions on some of these species can also be found in Manchester (1994), Mai and Walther (1978, 1985), Mai (2000) and Collinson (1996b, in press a). The family  classification used here is summarized in Chapter 1 of the present volume

(Table 9.1) Composition of the angiosperm flora from the Boscombe Sand Formation, Highcliffe. Species are described in Chandler (1963b) unless otherwise referenced. Some  are also discussed by Mai and Walther (1978, 1985) and Mai (2000). The family classification listed here is summarized in Chapter 1 of the present volume.

(Table 9.2). Angiosperm floras from the Headon Hill Formation. Species descriptions or reference to them may be found in Chandler (1961c, 1963a), unless otherwise referenced. Discussion and other records for some of these species may be found in Mai and Walther (1978, 1985, 1991) and Mai (2000). The family classification used here is summarized in Chapter 1 of the present volume.

(Table 9.3) Angiosperm floras from the Bouldnor Formation. Species descriptions or references to them may be found in Chandler (1963a) and Collinson (1980b, 1983a) unless otherwise referenced. The family classification used here is summarized in Chapter 1 of the present volume. (Note: records of Fagus and Quercus by Reid and Chandler (1926) are here  considered indeterminate.)
