Cleal, C.J., Thomas, B.A., Batten, D.J. & Collinson, M.E. 2001. Mesozoic and Tertiary Palaeobotany of Great Britain. Geological Conservation Review Series No. 22, JNCC, Peterborough, ISBN 1 86107 489 1.

The original source material for these web pages has been made available by the JNCC under the Open Government Licence 3.0. Full details in the JNCC Open Data Policy


(Table 1.1) Mesozoic and Tertiary Palaeobotany GCR sites

GCR network Site name Site number
Rhaetian (Chapter 2) Cnap Tart 1
Hapsford Bridge 2
Lower and Middle Jurassic of Yorkshire (Chapter 3) Roseberry Topping 3
Botton Head 4
Broughton Bank (Hasty Bank) 5
Hillhouse Nab 6
Hayburn Wyke 7
Cloughton Wyke 8
Maw Wyke 9
Red Cliff (Gristhorpe Bay) 10
Beast Cliff 11
Scalby Ness 12
Whitby–Saltwick 13
Runswick Bay 14
Middle and Upper Jurassic of southern England (Chapter 4) Stonesfield 15
Huntsman's Quarry 16
Maggot, Kingbarrow and Waycroft quarries 17
Middle and Upper Jurassic of Scotland (Chapter 5) Brora 18
Bearrerig River 19
Eathie Fishing Station 20
Culgower 21
Lower Cretaceous (Chapter 6) Covehurst 22
Cliff End 23
Hanover Point 24
Luccombe Chine 25
Palaeocene and Palaeocene–Eocene Transition (Chapter 7) Cold Ash 26
Pincent's Kiln 27
Harefield 28
Felpham 29
Walton-on-the-Naze 30
Herne Bayl 31
Harwich 32
Ypresian–Lutetian ('early and middle Eocene', Chapter 8) Sheppey 33
Wrabness 34
Bognor Regis 35
Lake 36
Arne 37
Bracklesham 38
Whitecliffe Bay 39
Bartonian–Rupelian 'upper Eocene-early Oligocene' (Chapter 9) Highcliffe 40
Barton 41
Hordle Cliffs 42
Paddy's Gap 43
Headon Hill and Totland Bay 44
Colwell Bay 45
Chapel Corner 46
Thorness Bay 47
Hamstead Ledge 48
Bouldnor Cliff 49
Hebridean Province (Chapter 7) Ardtun 50
Neogene (Chapter 9) Bees Nest 51
1 Herne Bay is also described in Chapter 8

(Table 3.1) Records of plant fossils from the Yorkshire Jurassic GCR sites. These records have been gleaned from published accounts, largely by Harris (1961a, 1964, 1969, 1979a,b; Harris et al., 1974), Hill et al. (1985), Hill and van Konijnenburg-van Cittert (1973), Spicer and Hill (1979), van Konijnenburg-van Cittert (1971, 1975a,b, 1978, 1981, 1987, 1989), and van Konijnenburg-van Cittert and Morgans (1999), from archived field notes in the Natural History Museum (London), and from examining collections in that museum and the National Museum and Gallery Cardiff. Records known to fall outside the boundaries of the sites have been omitted, but those over which there is some doubt have been included.


1. Whitby–Saltwick

2. Runswick Bay

3. Roseberry Topping

4. Broughton Bank (Hasty Bank)

5. Hillhouse Nab

6. Hayburn Wyke

7. Botton Head

8. Beast Cliff (Robin Hood's Bay)

9. Maw Wyke

10. Red Cliff (Gristhorpe Bay/Cayton Bay) Cloughton Wyke

11. Scalby Ness.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Hepaticites arcutus (L. and H.) Harris × +s
H. haiburnensis Harris Ø
H. hymenoptera Harris ×
H. wonnacottii Harris ×
Annulariopsis simpsonii (Phillips) Harris × +?
Equisetum beanii (Bunbury) Harris + + + +
E. columnare Brongniart + + + + + + + + + +
E. filium Harris ×
E. laterale Phillips + + + + + + +
Neocalamites hoerensis (Schimper) Halle + + + +
N. nathorstii Erdtman × +
Schizoneura stenophylla Harris Ø
Lycopodites falcatus L. and H. + + +s
Angiopteris blackii van Cittert + + +
A. neglecta van Cittert +
Aspidistes thomasii Harris + ×
Cladophlebis aktashensis Turutanova-Ketova + + + +
C. denticulata (Brongiart) Fontaine* + + + + + +
C. haiburnensis (L. and H.) Brongniart + × + +
C. harrisii van Cittertt + +
Clathropteris obovata Oishi + + + + + + + +
Coniopteris bella Harris + + + + +
C. burejensis (Zalessky) Seward +
C. concinna (Neer) Chen, Li and Ren +
C. hymenophylloides (Brongniart) Seward + + + + + + + + +
C. margaretae Harris Ø
C. murrayana (Brongniart) Brongniart + + + + + + + +s
C. simplex (L. and H.) Harris + + + + + + +
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Dicksonia kendalliae Harris × +
D. mariopteris Wilson and Yates + +
Dictyophyllum rugosum L. and H. + + + + + + + + +s
Eboracia lobifolia (Phillips) Thomas + + + + + + + + +
Hausmannia dichotoma Dunker + + +
Klukia exilis (Phillips) Raciborski + + + + +s
Kylikipteris arguta (L. and H.) Harris + + +
Marattia anglica (Thomas) Harris + + +
Matonia braunii (Goeppert) Harris + + + + + + +
Matonidium goeppertii (Ettingshausen) Schenk + + + +
Osmundopsis hillii van K.-van C. ×
O. cf plectophora Harris +
O. sturii (Raciborski) Harris + +
Phlebopteris braunii (Goeppert) Harris + + +
P. dunkeri (Schenk) Schenk + + +
P. polypodioides Brongniart + + +
P. woodwardii Leckenby + + + + + + + + + +
Selenocarpus muensterianus (Presl) Schenk + +
Sphenopteris metzgerioides Harris +
Stachypteris spicans Pommel + +
Todites denticulatus (Brongniart) Krasser + + + +
T. princeps (Presl) Gothan + + + + +
T. thomasii Harris ×
T. williamsonii (Brongniart) Seward + + + + + +
Amphorispermum pullum Harris ×
Caytonanthus arberi (Thomas) Harris ×
C. onocodes Harris ×
C. sp. + +
Caytonia kendallii Harris + + +
C. nathorstii (Thomas) × +
C. sewardii Thomas ×
Sagenopteris colpodes Harris + + + + + × +
S. phillipsii (Brongniart) Harris + + + ×
Ctenis exilis Harris × +
C. kaneharai Yokoyama + + +
C. reedii Harris ×
C. cf. Stemantiana Harris
C. sulcicaulis (Phillips) Ward × +s
Ctenozamites cycadea (Bergen) Schenk + + +
C. leckenbyi (Leckenby) Nathorst + + + ×
C. megalostoma Harris +
C. ranebarai Yokoyama +
C. sp. A of Harris +
Pachypteris lanceolata Brongniart + + + + + + +
P. papillosa (Thomas and Bose) Harris × + + + +
Pteroma thomasii Harris + × +
pollen + + + + +
Allicospermum spp. + +
Androstrobus balmei Hill Ø
A major van K.-van C. + + + +
A manis Harris Ø
CYCADALES — contd.
A. prisma Thomas and Harris + × +
A. szei Harris ×
A wonnacottii Harris + + + × +s
A sp. A of Harris + +
Beania gracilis Carruthers + + + +
B. mamayi Thomas and Harris +
B. sp. + + +
Deltolepis calyptra Harris + + × +
D. crepidota Harris ×
D. mitra Harris Ø
Hastystrobus muirii van K.-van C. ×
Nilssonia compta (Phillips) Bronn + + + + + + + +
N. kendallii Harris + × + + +
N. cf. leckenbyi + +
N. revoluta Harris
N. syllis Harris + + + + ×
N. tenuicaulis (Phillips) Fox-Strangways + + × +
N. tenuinervis Seward + + + + + + + + + +s +
N. thomasii Harris × + + + + +
N. sp. A of Harris + × + + +
N. sp. B of Harris × +
Paracycas cteis Harris × + +
Pseudoctenis herriesii Harris × + + +
P. lanei Thomas + + + + + + + + +
P. locusta Harris ×
P. oleosa Harris + + + + + + +
Stenopteris nana Harris × +
S. nitida Harris ×
S. williamsonis (Brongniart) Harris + + + +
Anomozamites nilssonii (Phillips) Seward + + + × +
A thomasii Harris Ø
Bennetticatpus diodon Harris Ø
B. litchii Harris Ø
Bucklandia gigas Seward + ×
B. pustulosa Harris + + + + × s
B. sp. B of Harris Ø
Cycadolepis eriphous Harris Ø
C. hallei Harris × s
C. hypene Harris × + + + + +
C. niters Harris × +s
C. spbeniscus Harris + + + + × +
C. stenopus Harris × +s
C. thysanota Harris × + +
C. sp. nov. of Hill et al. ×
Nilssoniopteris major (L. and H.) Florin + + + + +
N. pristis Harris + × s
N. vittata (Brongniart) Florin + + + + +s
Otozamites anglica (Seward) Harris ×
O. beanii (L. and H.) Brongniart + + × +s
O. falsus Harris + + +
O. gramineus (Phillips) Phillips × + + + + + +
O. graphicus (Leckenby) Saporta + + + + + + + + +
O. leckenbyi Harris + ×
O. marginatus Saporta +
O. mimetes Harris × +
O. parallelus Phillips + ×
O. penna Harris + + + + + +
O. simpsonii Harris × + + +
O. tenuatus (Leckenby) Phillips × + +
O. thomasii Harris + Ø
Pterophyllum cycadites Harris and Rest +
P. fossum Harris + + +
P. thomasii Harris + + + + + + × s
Ptilophyllum hirsutum Thomas and Bancroft + + + + + + +
P. pecten (Phillips) Harris + + × s
P. pectinoides (Phillips) Morris + + + + + + + + + + +
Large coprolites of P. pectinoides +
Weltrichia pecten (Leckenby) Halle +? × s
W. setosa (Nathorst) Harris Ø +
W so/ Harris × + +
W. spectabilis (Nathorst) Harris × +
W. whitbiensis (Nathorst) Harris × + + +
W. sp. nov. of Hill et al. ×
Williamsonia gigas Carruthers + + + +
W. hildae Harris + + +
W. hildae Harris: buds + + + +
W. leckenbyi Nathorst + + +s
Williamsoniella coronata Thomas + + + × +
W lignieri (Nathorst) Harris +
W. papillosa Cridland × + + +
Zamites gigas (L. and H.) Morris + + + + + + + + + + +
Z quinine Harris + + +
Z. sp. nov. of Harris +
Baiera furcata (L. and H.) Braun + + + ×
Seeds of Baiera furcata (L. and H.) Braun +
Eremetophyllum pubescens Thomas × + +
E. whitbiense Thomas × + + + + +
Ginkgo digitata (Brongniart) Heer + + + + + +
G. huttoni (Sternberg) Heer + + + + ×
G. huttoni (Sternberg) Heer male cones ×
G. huttoni (Sternberg) Heer seeds ×
G. longifolius (Phillips) Harris × + + +
G. sp. cf. sibirica Heer + + + +
G. whitbiensis Harris × + +
Pseudotorellia tibia Harris and Millington × +
P. sp. nov. of Harris and Millington +
Sphenobaiera Byron Harris and Miller × +
S. longifolia (Pomel) Florin + + +
S. ophioglossum Harris and Miller + +
S. pecten Harris + + + +
Czekanowskia blackii Harris and Miller + ×
C. furcula Harris and Miller × + + + +
C. microphylla (Phillips) Seward + ×
C. thomasii Harris and Miller ×
C. sp. A of Harris and Miller Ø
C. sp. B of Harris and Miller + +
C. sp. C of Harris and Miller +
C. sp. D of Harris and Miller +
Desmiophyllum gramineum Harris and Miller +
Inoxostrobus whitbiensis Harris and Miller Ø
Leptostrobus cancer Harris + + + +s
Solonites vimineus (Phillips) Harris + + + + + + × +s
Sphenarion muiriae Harris and Miller Ø
Araucarites phillips Caruthers + + + + + + +
Brachyphyllum crucis Kendal + + + + + +
B. crucis with attached male cone +
B. mamillare L. and H. + + + + + + + + + +
B. mamillare with attached male cones +
Bilsdalea dura Harris + + + +
Carpolithes cepa Harris +
Classostrobus cloughtonensis van K.-van C. Ø
Cyparissidium blackii Harris + + +
C. rudlandicum Harris +
Elatides thomasii Harris + + + + + +?
E. williamsonii (L. and H.) Nathorst + +? + +s +
E. williamsonii with male and female cones +
Elatocladus laxus (Phillips) Harris + + + + +
E. ramosus (Florin) Harris + + + +
E. setosus (Phillips) Harris + × + +
E. sideriticus (Bose) Harris + ×
E. zamioides (Leckenby) Seward Ø
Geinitzia divaricum (Bunbury) Harris + ×
G. rigida (Phillips) Harris + + + + × +
Hirmeriella estoniensis (Kendall) Harris + + + +
H. kendalliae Harris + ×
H. sp. of Spicer and Hill +
Lindleycladus lanceolatus (L. and H.) Harris + + + +
Masculostrobus harrisii van K.-van C. ×
Marskea jurassica (Florin) Harris + + + + ×
Pagiophyllum araucarina (Pomel) Saporta +
P. fragilis (Bose) Harris
P. insigne Kendall ×
P. kurii (Schimper) Salfeld +
P. maculosum Kendall + + +
P. ordinatum Kendall + + ×
P. cf. pegrinium Black
Palissya harrisii Hill ×
Pityanthus scalbiensis van K.-van C. +? + ×
Pityocladus scarburgensis Harris +
Poteridion hallei Harris +
Scarburgia hillii Harris +? + t ×
Schizolepis liasokeuperianus Braun
Torreya gracilis Florin + +
T. valida Florin
Trulla nitens Harris × s
Cupressinoxylon spp. of Morgans + + + +
Taxodioxylon spp. of Morgans +
Xenoxylon phyllocladoides Gothan + +
Cedroxylon spp. of Morgans + +
1. Whitby–Saltwick

2. Runswick Bay

3. Roseberry Topping

4. Broughton Bank (Hasty Bank)

5. Hillhouse Nab

6. Hayburn Wyke

7. Botton Head

8. Beast Cliff (Robin Hood's Bay)

9. Maw Wyke

10. Red Cliff (Gristhorpe Bay/Cayton Bay) Cloughton Wyke

11. Scalby Ness.

Key to symbols:

+ record for the site;

‡ the only record for Yorkshire;

× type locality for the species;

Ø the only record for the species;

s in the Solonites Bed.

* Cladophlebis denticulata probably consists of two natural taxa, the large pinnules being the sterile foliage of Todites denticulata and the smaller that of Osmundopsis sturii.

Cladophlebis harrisii is probably the fertile foliage of Osmundopsis

(Table 3.2) Location of in-situ plant beds identified by TM. Harris (in manuscript) along the cliffs between Whitby and Saltwick.

[GR added 2023]
Whitby Haggerlyth 54° 29' 25" 0° 38' 28" [NZ 88122 11398]
Whitby Jumpdown Bight 54° 29' 18" 0° 35' 30" [NZ 91329 11245]
Whitby Long Bight Plant Bed 54° 29' 19" 0° 36' 0" [NZ 90789 11265]
Whitby Long Bight fallen blocks
Whitby Rail Hole Bight
Whitby Spittal Beck just below G.L. 54° 28' 32" 0° 35' 50" [NZ 90998 09816]
Saltwick Equisetum and Coniopteris Beds 54° 29' 0" 0° 35' 6" [NZ 91772 10697]
Saltwick Matonidium Bed 54° 28' 59" 0° 34' 52" [NZ 92025 10671]
Saltwick Waterfall Bed 54° 28' 59" 0° 34' 52" [NZ 92025 10671]
Saltwick E. laterale Bed above Waterfall Bed 54° 29' 11" 0° 35' 52" [NZ 90938 11021]

(Table 3.3) The locations of the 'plant beds identified by T. M. Harris (in manuscript) along the coast at Hayburn Wyke

[GR added 2023]
Lower Deltaic Series (= Saltwick Formation) Hayburn Beck Zamites Bed 54° 21' 32" 0° 26' 50" [TA 01003 97040]
Hayburn Beck Bed 1 54° 21' 40" 0° 27' 39" [TA 00113 97268]
Hayburn Beck Bed 2 54° 21' 35" 0° 27' 4" [TA 00748 97127]
Hayburn Wyke Zamites Bed 54° 21' 27" 0° 26' 32" [TA 01332 96893]
Hayburn Tindall Point Plant Bed 54° 21' 25" 0° 26' 12" [TA 01694 96839]
Hayburn Phlebopteris Bed below Iron Scar 54° 21' 9" 0° 26' 4" [TA 01849 96348]
Sycarham Series, Middle Deltaic Series (= Sycarham Member of Cloughton Formation) Hayburn Wyke 25 ft (c.8m) above Iron Scar 54° 21' 9" 0° 26' 4" [TA 01849 96348]
Hayburn Wyke 5 ft (c. 2.7m) above Iron Scar 54° 21' 9" 0° 26' 4" [TA 01849 96348]
Hayburn Gorse Bed 54° 21' 3" 0° 26' 16" [TA 01637 96157]
Hayburn Gorse Bed (B5)
Hayburn Thomas Bed 2 54° 21' 57" 0° 28' 18" [SE 99398 97778]
 Hayburn–Top of Eller Beck Bed 54° 21' 25" 0° 26' 28" [TA 01405 96832]

(Table 3.4) The locations of the plant beds identified by T. M. Harris (in manuscript) at Beast Cliff.

[GR added 2023]
Lower Deltaic Series (Saltwick Formation) Coal 1 in cliff foot 54° 23' 47" 0° 28' 11" [NZ 99584 00874]
North Ptilophyllum Bed 54° 23' 37" 0° 28' 4" [NZ 99583 00905]
Coal 4 in cliff foot 54° 23' 38" 0° 28' 4" [NZ 99656 00845]
Solonites Bed (fallen block below Ashyard Farm) 54° 23' 36" 0° 28' 0" [NZ 67268 00069]
Fern Bed 54° 23' 30" 0° 57' 56" [OV 00240 00548]
E. beani Bed (fallen) 54° 23' 26" 0° 27' 28" [NZ 99957 00295]
Coniopteris tatugensis Bed (fallen) 54° 23' 18" 0° 27' 44" [OV 00778 03992]
Rocky Point Ptilophyllum Bed 54° 25' 17" 0° 26' 54" [TA 00565 98916]
Elatides and Neocalamites Bed (fallen) 54° 22' 33" 0° 27' 12" [TA 00935 98492]
Ptilophyllum Bed (near Petard Point in cliff foot) 54° 22' 19" 0° 26' 52" [NZ 99563 00997]
Otozamites Bed 54° 23' 41" 0° 28' 5" [TA 01038 97907]
Equisetum Bed 54° 22' 0" 0° 26' 47" [TA 01174 97477]
Red House Plant Bed (fallen) 54° 21' 46" 0° 26' 40" [TA 01159 97353]
Ripple-marked sandstone 54° 21' 42" 0° 26' 41" [TA 01011 98339]
Otozamites Bed 54° 22' 14" 0° 26' 48" [NZ 99527 00996]
Middle Deltaic Series (Cloughton Formation Sycarham Member) Shale 1 over Eller Beck Bed (EBB) 54° 23' 41" 0° 28' 7" [NZ 99530 00842]
Shale and Coal 3 over EBB 54° 23' 36" 0° 28' 7" [NZ 99680 00567]
Shale 5 over EBB 54° 23' 27" 0° 27' 59" [NZ 99699 00536]
Shale 6 over EBB 54° 23' 26" 0° 27' 58" [NZ 99813 00260]
Shale 7 over EBB 54° 23' 17" 0° 27' 52" [TA 00901 98398]
Petard Point Plant Beds, black shale over EBB (upper and lower) 54° 22' 16" 0° 26' 54" [TA 00925 98151]
A above EBB 54° 22' 8" 0° 26' 53" [TA 01081 97598]
B above EBB
C above EBB
D above EBB
E above EBB 54° 21' 50" 0° 26' 45" [NZ 67268 00069]
F above EBB
G above EBB

(Table 3.5) The locations of the plant beds identified by T.M. Harris (in manuscript) at Red Cliff (Gristhorpe Bay).

[GR added 2023]
Gristhorpe Member Gristhorpe Bed 54° 14' 34" 0° 20' 31" [TA 08148 84278]
Black layer below Gristhorpe Bed
Black layer above Gristhorpe Bed
Lebberston Member Millipore Bed 54° 14' 34" 0° 20' 15" [TA 08437 84285]
Yons Nab Marine Series 54° 14' 33" 0° 20' 15" [TA 08438 84254]
Sycarham Member 5 m below Millipore Bed 54° 14' 36" 0° 20' 12" [TA 08490 84348]
Scalby Formation Black's Upper Estuarine Plant Bed in Grey Limestone 54° 14' 26" 0° 20' 9" [TA 08552 84040]
Bed above channel
Hill's Haiburia blackii Bed in Cliff
Kendall's cliff foot bed in Upper Estuarine 54° 14' 11" 0° 19' 37" [TA 09142 83590]
Mell-Casty Hill (1) 54° 14' 13" 0° 19' 47" [TA 08959 83648]
Mell-Casty Hill (3) 54° 14' 11" 0° 19' 42" [TA 09051 83588]
Mell-Casty Hill (4)

(Table 3.5) The locations of the plant beds identified by T.M. Harris (in manuscript) at Red Cliff (Gristhorpe Bay).

[GR added 2023]
Gristhorpe Member Gristhorpe Bed 54° 14' 34" 0° 20' 31" [TA 08148 84278]
Black layer below Gristhorpe Bed
Black layer above Gristhorpe Bed
Lebberston Member Millipore Bed 54° 14' 34" 0° 20' 15" [TA 08437 84285]
Yons Nab Marine Series 54° 14' 33" 0° 20' 15" [TA 08438 84254]
Sycarham Member 5 m below Millipore Bed 54° 14' 36" 0° 20' 12" [TA 08490 84348]
Scalby Formation Black's Upper Estuarine Plant Bed in Grey Limestone 54° 14' 26" 0° 20' 9" [TA 08552 84040]
Bed above channel
Hill's Haiburia blackii Bed in Cliff
Kendall's cliff foot bed in Upper Estuarine 54° 14' 11" 0° 19' 37" [TA 09142 83590]
Mell-Casty Hill (1) 54° 14' 13" 0° 19' 47" [TA 08959 83648]
Mell-Casty Hill (3) 54° 14' 11" 0° 19' 42" [TA 09051 83588]
Mell-Casty Hill (4)

(Table 3.6) The locations of the plant beds identified by T.M. Harris (in manuscript) at Cloughton Wyke.

[GR added 2023]
Black Shale B 54°20'21" 0°25'45" [TA 02225 94872]
Black Shale A 54°20'25" 0°25'51" [TA 02114 94993]
Equisetum Bed in waterfall 54°20'25" 0°25'51" [TA 02114 94993]
3 ft 6 ins [=1.1 m] shaky sandstone 54°20'26" 0°25'51" [TA 02114 95024]
Solonites Bed 54°29'28" 0°25'42" [TA 01902 11778]
Eretmophyllum Bed 54°20'31" 0°25'45" [TA 02218 95181]
Fern Bed 54°20'36" 0°25'40" [TA 02305 95337]
Pachypteris Bed (10 ft [ =3 m] sandstone) 54°20'36" 0°25'43" [TA 02251 95336]
Equisetum laterale Bed (9 ft [=2.7 m] sandstone) 54°20'37" 0°25'43" [TA 02250 95367]
quinqueloba Bed
Coal Bed 54°20'40" 0°25'43" [TA 02248 95460]
Neocalamites Bed
2 ft 6 ins [ = 0.8 ml Drifted Plant Bed 54°20'50" 0°25'47" [TA 02169 95767]
Phlebopteris Bed (fallen) 54°20'51" 0°25'48" [TA 02151 95798]
Base of Millipore Bed 54°20'54" 0°25'49" [TA 02130 95890]
Otozamites bunburyanus Bed 54°20'55" 0°25'49" [TA 02130 95921]
Zamites Bed 54°20'54" 0°25'49" [TA 02130 95890]
15 ft [= 5 m] below Millipore Bed 54°20'55" 0°25'49" [TA 02130 95921]
(Otozamites beanii) Nilssonia Bed 54°20'56" 0°25'49" [TA 02129 95952]

(Table 3.7) The locations of the plant beds identified by T.M. Harris (in manuscript) at Scalby Ness.

[GR added 2023]
Scalby Ness Plant Bed 54°18'14" 0°24'18" [TA 03885 90982]
Scalby Ness Ginkgo Bed in beach 54°18'20" 0°24'17" [TA 03899 91168]
Scalby Ness Brown Ginkgo Bed 54°18'21" 0°24'30" [TA 03663 91194]
Scalby Wyke Black's Bed E 54°19'2" 0°24'50" [TA 03273 92453]
Scalby Wyke Drifted Bed 54°19'0" 0°25'0" [TA 03094 92387]
Scalby Wyke Black's Bed G 54°18'57" 0°25'0" [TA 03096 92294]
Scalby Wyke Otozamites Bed 54°18'21" 0°24'36" [TA 03555 91191]
Scalby Beck, sand above black clay 54°18'13" 0°24'36" [TA 03561 90944]
Scalby Beck, black clay
Scalbv Beck sandy laver 54°18'14" 0°24'35" [TA 03578 90975]

(Table 4.1) Fossil floras found in the Middle Jurassic strata of southern England.

Stonesfield Huntsman's Quarry
Cf. Dictyophyllum sp. ×
Phlebopteris woodwardii Leckenby ×
Cf. Coniopteris sp. × ×
Sagenopteris colpodes Harris × ×
Ctenis cf. sulcicaulis (Phillips) Ward ×
Ctenis sp. ×
Ptilophyllum pectiniformes (Sternberg) Rees and Cleal ×
Ptilophyllum cf. hirsutumThomas and Bancroft ×
Sbhenozamites? bellii Seward × ×
?Weltrichia sp. ×
Cf. Ctenozamites leckenbyi (Leckenby) Nathorst ×
Taeniopteris vittata Brongniart × ×
Conites bucklandii Sternberg ×
Ginkgo of longifolius (Phillips) Harris ×
G. digitata (Brongniart) Heer ×
Brachyphyllum expansum (Sternberg) Seward × ×
Elatocladus cf. laxus (Phillips) Harris ×
Podozamites stonesfieldensis Seward ×
Masculostrobus sp. ×
Araucarites brodei Carruthers × ×
Pelourdea megaphylla (Phillips) Seward × ×
Pachypteris macrophylla (Brongniart) Cleal and Rees ×
Komlopteris speciosa (Ettingshausen) Cleal and Rees × ×
Carpolithes diospyriformis Sternberg × ×
C. conicus Lindley and Hutton ×
C. spp. ×

(Table 5.1) Floral composition of Lothbeg Point and Culgower Bay. The abundance of fossils is given as follows: +, 1–5 specimens; ++, 6–10 specimens; and +++, >10 specimens. Data from dispersed cuticles have been taken into account (from van Konijnenburg-van Cittert and van der Burgh, 1996).

Lothbeg Culgower
Equisetum sp. +
Angiopteris boweri (Seward) van Konijnenburg-van Cittert and van der Burgh + ++
Aspidistes thomasii Harris + +
Asplenium rigidum Vassilevskaja +
Coniopteris setacea Vakhrameev +
Gleichenia boodlei +
G. cycadina (Schenk) Seward +++ +++
Hausmannia buchii (Andra) Seward +++ +
H. dichotomy Dunker ++ ++
Matonidium goeppertii (Ettingshausen) Schenk ++ +
Phlebopteris dunkeri (Schenk) Schenk + +++
Sphenopteris onychyopsis Seward +
Sphenopteris sp. + +
Selleyopteris morayensis van Konijnenburg-van Cittert and van der Burgh +
Todites denticulatus (Brongniart) Krasser ++ +
T. williamsonii (Brongniart) Seward + ++
Sagenopteris phillipsii (Brongniart) Presl + +++
Cycadopteris jurensis (Kurr) Hirmer +
Dichopterispomehi (Saporta) Seward +
Pachypteris lanceolata Brongniart ++ +++
Nilssonia brevis Brongniart +
N. orientalis Heer + ++
Pseudoctenis eathiensis (Richards) Seward ++ ++
Pterophyllum cycadites Harris and Rest + ++
P. thomasii Harris + +
Pterophyllum/Otozamites +
Williamsonia sp. +
Zamites buchianus (Ettingshausen) Seward +
Baiera cf. muensteris (Presl in Sternberg) Saporta +
Ginkgo sp. +
Sphenobaiera longifolia (Pomel) Florin +
Czekanowskia rigida Heer +++ +
Phoenicopsis gunnii Seward ++ +
Araucarites milleri Carruthers +
Brachyphyllum eathiensis Seward ++
Elatides curvifolia (Dunker) Nathorst + +++
(with attached male and female cones) +
Elatocladus jeffiyi (Seward) van Konijnenburg-van Cittert and van der Burgh +
Masculostrobus zeilleri (Seward) +
Podozamites sp. ++
Tritaenia scotica van der Burgh and van Konijnenburg- van Cittert +++ +++

(Table 8.1) Angiosperm fruit, seed, wood and twig fossils from the Eocene London Clay GCR sites. Species and details from Reid and Chandler (1933) and Chandler (1961a), unless otherwise referenced. The family classification used here is summarized in Chapter 1 of the present volume.

Family Species Herne Bay Bognor Sheppey
Alangiaceae Alangium jenkinsii Chandler ×
Anacardiaceae Chaerospondias sheppeyensis (Reid and Chandler) Chandler × ×
Dracontomelon subglobosum Reid and Chandler × × ×
Edenoxylon? atkinsoniae Crawley, 1989 ×
Lannea europaea (Reid and Chandler) Chandler × ×
L. jenkinsii (Reid and Chandler) Chandler × × ×
L. (?) subreniformis Reid and Chandler ×
Lobaticarpum variabile Reid and Chandler × × ×
Pentoperculum minimus (Reid and Chandler) Manchester, 1994 × ×
Pseudosclerocarya lentiformis Reid and Chandler × ×
P. subalata Reid and Chandler ×
Spondiaecarpon operculatum Chandler × ×
Spondicarya trilocularis Reid and Chandler ×
Xylocarya trilocularis Reid and Chandler ×
Anonaceae Anonaspermum anoniforme Reid and Chandler ×
A. cerebellatum Reid and Chandler ×
A. commune Reid and Chandler ×
A. complanatum Reid and Chandler ×
A. complicatum Chandler ×
A. corrugatum Reid and Chandler ×
A. minimum Reid and Chandler × ×
A. obscurum Reid and Chandler ×
A. pulchrum Reid and Chandler × ×
A. punctatum Reid and Chandler ×
A. rotundatum Reid and Chandler ×
A. rugosum Reid and Chandler ×
A. subcompressum Reid and Chandler ×
Uvaria ovale (Reid and Chandler) Chandler, 1978 × ×
Apocynaceae Ochrosella ovalis Reid and Chandler ×
Ochrosoidea sheppeyensis Reid and Chandler × ×
Araceae Epipremnum sp. (Chandler, 1978) ×
Arecaceae Catyotispermum cantiense Reid and Chandler ×
Corypha wilkinsonii Chandler, 1978 ×
Livistonia atlantica Mai, 1976 ×
L.? minima Reid and Chandler ×
Nypa burtinii (Brongniart) Ettingshausen (Collinson, 1993, 1996b) × × ×
Oncosperma? anglica Reid and Chandler ×
Palmospermum cooperi Chandler (= ?Sabal — Mai, 1976) ×
P. davisii Chandler × ×
P. elegans Chandler ×
P. excavatum Reid and Chandler × ×
P. minutum Chandler × ×
P. ornatum Chandler ×
P. ovale Chandler ×
P. parvum Reid and Chandler ×
P. pulchrum Chandler × × ×
P. subglobulare Chandler ×
P. sp. × × ×
Sabal grandisperma Reid and Chandler ×
S. jenkinsii (Reid and Chandler) Manchester, 1994 × ×
Sabal sp. ? ? ×
Serenoa eocenica Reid and Chandler × ×
?Trachycarpus sp. (Chandler, 1978) ×
?Asteraceae Indet. genus (Chandler, 1978; Collinson et al., 1993b) ×
Boraginaceae Ehretia clausentia Chandler (see Chandler, 1964) ×
Burseraceae Bursericarpum aldwickense Chandler ×
B. angulatum Reid and Chandler ×
B. bognorense Chandler ×
B. ovale Chandler ×
B. venablesii Chandler ×
Palaeobursera bognorensis Chandler ×
Protocommiphora europea Reid and Chandler × ×
Tricarpellites communis Bowerbank × ×
Capparidaceae Genus? (Chandler, 1978) ×
Celastraceae Canticarpum celastroides Reid and Chandler ×
Cathispermum pulchrum Reid and Chandler ×
cf. Cercidi- phyllaceae Celastrinoxylon ramunculiformis Poole and Wilkinson, 1999 ×
Nyssidium arcticum (Heer) Iljinskaja1 × ×
Cornaceae (including Mastixiaceae) Beckettia mastixioides Reid and Chandler2 × × ×
B. bognorensis (Chandler) Knobloch and Mai, 19863 × × ×
Dunstania ettingshausenii (Gardner) Reid and Chandler4 × ×
D. multilocularis Reid and Chandler4 × × ×
Langtonia bisulcata Reid and Chandler5 × ×
Mastixia cantiensis Reid and Chandler × × × ×
M. grandis Reid and Chandler
M. parva Reid and Chandler × × ×
Cucurbitaceae Cucurbitospermum cooperi Chandler ×
C. equilaterale Chandler ×
C. sheppeyense Chandler × ×
C. triangulare Chandler ×
Cyperaceae Polycarpella caespitosa Reid and Chandler emend. Chandler, 1978 × ×
Dilleniaceae Hibbertia bognorensis Chandler ×
Tetracera(?) cantiensis Reid and Chandler ×
T. croftii Chandler ×
T. eocenica Reid and Chandler × × ×
T. (?) sheppeyensis Reid and Chandler ×
Dipterocarpaceae Anisopteroxylon ramunculiformis Poole, 1993b ×
Elaeocarpaceae Echinocarpus priscus Reid and Chandler × ×
E sheppeyensis Reid and Chandler × ×
Epacridaceae Leucopogon quadrilocularis Reid and Chandler × × ×
Euphorbiaceae Euphorbiospermum ambiguum Reid and Chandler ×
E. bognorense Chandler ×
E. cooperi Chandler ×
E. crassitestum Reid and Chandler ×
E. eocenicum Reid and Chandler × × ×
E. latum Reid and Chandler ×
E obliquum Reid and Chandler ×
E obtusum Reid and Chandler ×
E. subglobulare Chandler ×
E. subquadratum Reid and Chandler ×
E. truncatum Reid and Chandler ×
E. venablesii Chandler ×
Euphorbiotheca minima Chandler ×
E. minor Reid and Chandler ×
E obovata Reid and Chandler ×
E. obscura Reid and Chandler ×
E. sheppeyensis Reid and Chandler ×
E. (?) pentalocularis Reid and Chandler ×
Lagenoidea trilocularis Reid and Chandler ×
Wetherellia variabilis Bowerbank (see Collinson, 1993, 1996b) × × ×
Flacourtiaceae Oncoba variabilis (Bowerbank) Reid and Chandler × × ×
Saxifragispermum spinosissimum Reid and Chandler × ×
Oncobella polysperma Reid and Chandler ×
Haloragaceae Haloragicarya quadrilocularis Reid and Chandler ×
Hamamelidaceae Corylopsis venablesii Chandler ×
C. (?) bognorensis Chandler ×
C. (?) latisperma Chandler ×
C. sp. ×
Steinhauera subglobosa Presl (see Mai and Walther, 1985)6 × ×
Icacinaceae  Iechinata Chandler Faboidea crassicutis Bowerbank × ×
Icacinicarya amygdaloidea Chandler ×
I. bognorensis Reid and Chandler ×
I. echinata Chandler ×
I. elegans (Bowerbank) Reid and Chandler ×
I. emarginata Chandler ×
I. forbesii Chandler ×
I. foveolata Reid and Chandler × ×
I. glabra Chandler ×
I. jenkinsii Reid and Chandler ×
I. minima Reid and Chandler ? × ×
I. mucronata Chandler ×
I. nodulifera Reid and Chandler × ×
I. ovalis Reid and Chandler ×
I. ovoidea Reid and Chandler × ×
I. platycarpa Reid and Chandler × × ×
I. reticulata Chandler × ×
I. rotundata Reid and Chandler ×
Iodes corniculata Reid and Chandler × ×
I. eocenica Reid and Chandler ×
I. multireticulata Reid and Chandler × × ×
Natsiatum eocenicum Chandler7 × ×
Palaeophytocrene ambigua Reid and Chandler ×
P. foveolata Reid and Chandler × × ×
Sphaeriodes ventricosa (Bowerbank) Reid and Chandler ×
Stizocarya communis Reid and Chandler ×
S. oviformis Reid and Chandler ×
Juglandaceae Juglandicarya cantia Reid and Chandler ×
J. cooperi Chandler ×
J. crassa (Bowerbank) Reid and Chandler ×
J. depressa Reid and Chandler × × ×
J. lubbockii Reid and Chandler ? ×
J. minuta Chandler × ×
Platycarya richardsonii (Bowerbank) Chandler, 1964 × × ×
Pterocaryopsis bognorensis Chandler8 ×
P. elliptica Chandler, 1978 × ×
Lauraceae Beilschmiedia bognorensis Chandler ×
B. bowerbankii Reid and Chandler ×
B.? crassicuta Reid and Chandler ×
B. eocenica Reid and Chandler ×
B. ? fibrosa Reid and Chandler ×
B. gigantea Reid and Chandler ×
B. oviformis (Bowerbank) Reid and Chandler × ×
B. pyriformis Reid and Chandler × ×
Cinnamomum globulare Reid and Chandler × × ×
C. grande Reid and Chandler × × ×
C oblongum Chandler × × ×
C. ovoideum Chandler × ×
Crowella globosa (Bowerbank) Reid and Chandler × ×
Endiandra crassa Reid and Chandler ×
Lauraceae continued Laurocalyx bowerbankii Reid and Chandler ×
L. dubius Reid and Chandler ×
L. fibrotorulosus Reid and Chandler ×
L. globularis Reid and Chandler × ×
L. magnus Reid and Chandler ×
Laurocarpum crassum Reid and Chandler ×
L. cupuliferum Chandler ×
L. davisii Chandler ×
L. inornatum Chandler ×
L. minimum Reid and Chandler × × ×
L. minutissimum Reid and Chandler × × ×
L. ovoideum Reid and Chandler × ×
L. paradoxum Reid and Chandler × × ×
L. proteum Reid and Chandler ? ×
L. pyrocarpum Reid and Chandler ×
L. sheppeyense Reid and Chandler × ×
Litsea pyriformis Reid and Chandler × × ×
Protoravensara sheppeyensis Reid and Chandler × × ×
'Legumes' Leguminocarpon nervosum (Reid and Chandler) Chandler ×
Linaceae Decaplatyspermum bowerbankii Reid and Chandler ×
Lythraceae Cranmeria trilocularis Reid and Chandler ×
Minsterocarpurn alatum Reid and Chandler ×
Pachyspermum quinqueloculare Reid and Chandler ×
Tamesicarpum polyspermum Reid and Chandler × × ×
Magnoliaceae Magnolia angusta Reid and Chandler × × ×
M. crassa Reid and Chandler × × ×
M. davisii Chandler ×
M. enormis (Bowerbank) Reid and Chandler ×
M. gigantea Chandler ×
M. lata Chandler ×
M. lobata (Bowerbank) Reid and Chandler × × ×
M. longissima (Bowerbank) Reid and Chandler ×
M. oblonga Chandler × × ×
M. pygmaea Chandler ×
M. rugosa Chandler × × ×
M. subcircularis Reid and Chandler × × ×
M. subquadrangularis (Bowerbank) Reid and Chandler × ×
M. subtriangularis Reid and Chandler ×
Talauma wilkinsonii Chandler, 1964 ×
Meliaceae Toona sulcata (Bowerbank) Reid and Chandler × ×
Melicarya variabilis Reid and Chandler ×
Menispermaceae Atriaecarpum deltiforme Chandler, 1978 ×
A. venablesii (Chandler) Chandler, 1978 ×
Bowerbankella tiliacoroidea Reid and Chandler ×
Calycocarpum(?) jenkinsii Chandler ×
Davisicarpum gibbosum Chandler (see also Chandler, 1978) ×
Diploclisia auriformis (Hollick) Manchester, 19949 ×
Eohypsetpa parsonii Reid and Chandler ×
Jatrorrhiza gilliamii Chandler, 1964 × ×
Menispermum(?) taylorii Chandler, 1964 ×
Microtinomiscium foveolatum Reid and Chandler ×
Palaeosinomenium venablesii Chandler × ×
Parabaena bognorensis Chandler, 1964 ×
Tinomiscium taylorii Chandler × ×
Tinomiscoidea scaphiformis Reid and Chandler × ×
Tinospora excavata Reid and Chandler × × ×
T. rugosa Reid and Chandler ×
T wilkinsonii Chandler ×
Wardensheppeya davisii (Chandler) Eyde, 1970 × × ×
Menispermaxylon sp. (see Poole and Wilkinson, 2000) ×
Moraceae ?Mores sp. (see Collinson, 1989) ×
Myrsinaceae Ardisia(?) eocenica Reid and Chandler ×
?Myrtaceae /Theaceae Aldwickia venablesii Chandler × × ×
Palaeorbodomyrtus subangulata (Bowerbank) Reid and Chandler ×
Nymphaeaceae Protobarclaya eocenica Reid and Chandler ×
Nyssaceae Nyssa oviformis Reid10 × ×
N. cooper Chandler ×
N. sp. × × ×
Palaeonyssa multilocularis Reid and Chandler11 × × ×
Olacaceae Erythropalum europaeum Reid and Chandler ×
E. jenkinsii Chandler ×
E. (?) striatum Reid and Chandler ×
E. turbinatum Chandler ×
Olax depressa Reid and Chandler × ×
Onagraceae Palaeeucharidium cellulare Reid and Chandler × ×
Platanaceae Plataninium decipiens Brett, 1972 × ×
Posidoniaceae ?Posidonia parisiensis (Brongniart) Fritel (see Collinson, 1983b) ×
Rhizophoraceae Ceriops cantiensis Chandler ×
Palaeobruguieria elongata Chandler ×
P. alata Chandler ×
P. sp. nov. (Wilkinson, 1983) ×
Rosaceae Rubus sp. ×
Rutaceae Canticatya gracilis Reid and Chandler ×
C. ovalis Reid and Chandler ×
C. sheppeyensis Reid and Chandler × ×
C. ventricosa Reid and Chandler × ×
C. sp. ×
Caxtonia elongata Chandler ×
C. glandulosa Reid and Chandler × ×
C. rutacaeformis Reid and Chandler ×
Citrispermum sheppeyense Chandler × ×
Clausenispermum dubium Reid and Chandler ×
Eozanthoxylon glandulosum Reid and Chandler ×
Rutaspermum minimum Chandler ×
R. bognorense Chandler ×
Sbrubsolea jenkinsii Reid and Chandler ×
Sabiaceae Bognoria venablesii Chandler ×
Meliosma cantiensis Reid and Chandler × × ×
M. jenkinsii Reid and Chandler × × ×
M. sheppeyensis Reid and Chandler × ×
Sapindaceae Cupanoides grandis Bowerbank × ×
C. tumidus Bowerbank × ×
Palaealectryon spirale Reid and Chandler × × ×
Palaeallophylus minimus Chandler
P. ovoideus Reid and Chandler ×
P. rotundatus Reid and Chandler × ×
Sapindospermum cooperi Chandler ×
S. davisii Chandler ×
S. grande Reid and Chandler ×
S. jenkinsii Reid and Chandler × × × _
S. ovoideum Reid and Chandler
S. revolutum Chandler × ×
S. subovatum (Bowerbank) Reid and Chandler
S. taylorii Chandler, 1978 ×
Sapindoxylon guioaoides Poole and Wilkinson, 1992 ×
S. koelreuteroides Poole and Wilkinson, 1992 ×
Sapotaceae Sapoticarpum dubium Reid and Chandler ×
S. Tatum Reid and Chandler ×
S. rotundatum Reid and Chandler ×
Sapotispermum sheppeyense Reid and Chandler ×
Sapotoxylon atkinsoniae Crawley, 1989 ×
Solanaceae Cantisolanum daturoides Reid and Chandler ×
Staphyleaceae Tapiscia chandleri Mai, 1976 ×
T. elongata (Chandler) Mai, 1976 ×
Staphyleaceae- contd. T. ornata (Chandler) Mai, 1976 ×
T. pusilla (Reid and Chandler) Mai, 1976 (see also Manchester, 1988, 1994) × × ×
Sterculiaceae Sphinxia ovalis Reid and Chandler × ×
Styracaceae Sterculia subovoidea (Reid and Chandler) Mai in Mai and Walther 198512 × ×
Rehderodendron stonei (Reid and Chandler) Mai13 × ×
Symplocaceae Symplocos curvata Reid and Chandler ×
S. quadrilocularis Reid and Chandler ×
S. trilocularis Reid and Chandler ×
S. (?) bognorensis Chandler ×
Theaceae Hightea ellzptica Bowerbank × × ×
H. turgida Bowerbank × ×
Thymelaeaceae Aquilaria bilocularis (Reid and Chandler) Mail' × ×
Tiliaceae Cantitilia lobata Chandler ×
C. polysperma Reid and Chandler × ×
Trochodendraceae Trochodendron(?) paucisseminum Reid and Chandler ×
?Urticaceae Urticicarpum scutellum Reid and Chandler (see Collinson, 1989) ×
Vitaceae and Wilkinson, 2000 Ampelopsis crenulata Reid and Chandler × ×
A monasteriensis Kirchheimer (see Mai, 1987, 1999) × × ×
A. turneri Chandler ×
Palaeovitis paradoxa Reid and Chandler × × ×
Parthenocissus monasteriensis (Reid and Chandler) Chandler × × ×
Tetrastigma corrugata Chandler ×
T. davisii Chandler ×
T. (?) elliottii Chandler ×
T. globosa Reid and Chandler ×
T. sheppeyensis Chandler × ×
Vitis arnensis Chandler, 1978 ×
V. bilobata Chandler × ×
V. bognorensis Reid and Chandler ×
V. bracknellensis Chandler × ×
V. elegans Chandler × ×
V. excavata Chandler, 1978 ×
V. longisulcata (Reid and Chandler) Chandler × × ×
V. magnisperma Chandler × × ×
V. obovoidea Chandler ×
V. platyformis Chandler ×
V. pygmaea Chandler ×
V. rectisulcata Chandler × ×
V. semenlabruscoides Reid and Chandler × ×
V. subglobosa Reid and Chandler × × ×
V. venablesii Chandler ×
V. sp. (tendrils) ×
Vitaceoxylon ramunculifornzis Poole ×
Incertae sedis Carpolithus anthozoiformis Chandler, 1964 ×
C. bellispermus Chandler, 1978 ×
C. bignoniformis Reid and Chandler ×
C. bowerbankii Reid and Chandler ×
C. crassus (Bowerbank) Reid and Chandler ×
C. curtus (Bowerbank) Reid and Chandler ×
C. ebenaceoides Reid and Chandler ×
C. gracilis (Bowerbank) Reid and Chandler × × ×
C. lentiformis (Bowerbank) Reid and Chandler ×
C. lignosus Reid and Chandler ×
C. monasteriensis Reid and Chandler ×
C. olacaceoides Reid and Chandler ×
C. quadripartitus Reid and Chandler ×
C. scalariformis Reid and Chandler ×
C. semencorrugatus Reid and Chandler × ×
C. subusiformis (Bowerbank) Reid and Chandler × ×
C. tessellatus (Bowerbank) Reid and Chandler ×
C. thunbergioides Reid and Chandler × ×
Leyrida bilocularis Reid and Chandler × × ×
L. subglobularis Reid and Chandler ×
Neuroraphe obovatum Reid and Chandler × ×
Rhamnospermum bilobatum Chandler × ×
1 Includes Jenkinsella apocynoides Reid and Chandler (see Crane, 1984).
2 Includes Lanfrancia subglobosa Reid and Chandler (see Knobloch and Mai, 1986; Mai, 1993).
3 Includes Portnallia bognorensis Chandler and P. sheppeyensis Chandler (see Knobloch and Mai, 1986; Mai, 1993).
4 Dunstania has been assigned to Cornus by some authors (e.g. Eyde, 1988) (see discussion in Manchester, 1994, p. 42).
5 The genus Langtonia is retained following Collinson (1983b) and Manchester (1994), in contrast to Mai (1993).
6 Includes Protaltingia europea Reid and Chandler (see Mai and Walther, 1985).
7 Kvaček and Bužek (1995) recombined Natsiatum eocenicum from the London Clay as Palaeobosiea marchiaca (Mai) Kvaček and Bužek. One key feature in this taxonomy was the absence of a papillate locule-lining in modern Natsiatum but its presence in the fossil. However, Manchester (1994, p. 52) noted the presence of a papillate locule-lining in modern Natsiatum. There is also some similarity with Hosiea (Mai, 1987; Manchester, 1994; and Bužek, 1995). We have retained the original nomenclature pending further study of modern and fossil material.
8Pterocaryopsis are probably isolated nutlets from fruiting heads of Platycarya richardsonii (see Manchester, 1987, explanation to fig. 10).
9 Includes Diploclisia bognorensis Chandler.
10 Includes Nyssa bilocularis (Reid and Chandler) Chandler (see Mai and Walther, 1985).
11 This may be ?Nyssa (see Manchester, 1994).
12 Includes Euphorbiospermum obovoideum Reid and Chandler (see Mai and Walther, 1985).
13 Includes Durania stonei (Reed and Chandler) Chandler (see Mai, 1970).
14 Originally Lagenoidea bilocularis Reid and Chandler, and also includes Lagenella alata Reid and Chandler (see Mai and Walther, 1985).

(Table 8.2) Composition of floras from the Dorset Pipe Clays, Hampshire Basin. Species descriptions, or references to them, can be found in Chandler (1962), unless otherwise referenced. Discussions on some of these species can also be found in Manchester (1994), Mai and Walther (1978, 1985), Mai (2000) and Collinson (1996b, in press a). The family classification used here is summarized in Chapter 1 of the present volume

Family Species Lake Arne Studland
Pteridaceae Acrostichum lanzaeanum (Visiani) Chandler × ×
Schizaeaceae Lygodium kaulfussii Heer emend. Gardner and Ettingshausen ×
L. poolensis Chandler ×
Anemia poolensis Chandler × ×
Ruffordia subcretacea (Saporta) Barthel, 19761 ×
Taxodiaceae Taxodium lakensis Chandler × ×
Sequoia couttsiae Heer2 ×
Actinidiaceae Saurauia crassisperma (Chandler) Mai3 ×
S. poolensis (Chandler) Mai, 19704 ×
Anacardiaceae Dracontocarya glandulosa Chandler ×
?Lannea sp. ×
Rhus lakensis Chandler ×
R. spp. ×
Apocynaceae Apocynospermum acutiforme Chandler5 ×
A. lakense Chandler' ×
Arecaceae Calamus daemonorops (Unger) Chandler ×
?cabal sp. ×
Boraginaceae Ehretia lakensis Chandler ×
Burseraceae Palaeobursera lakensis Chandler ×
Capparaceae Burtonella emarginata Chandler × × ×
Palaeocleome lakensis Chandler ×
Capparidispermum eocenicum Chandler ×
Caprifoliaceae Sambucus parvula Chandler ×
Cornaceae (including Mastixiaceae) Dunstania lakensis Chandler6 ×
Eomastixia rugosa (Zenker) Chandler (see Mai, 1993) × ×
E. urceolata Chandler ×
?Mastixia cantiensis Reid and Chandler7 ×
Mastixicarpum crassum Chandler (see Mai, 1993) ×
Swida quadrilocularis (Chandler) Mai, 19998 ×
Cucurbitaceae Cucurbitospermum lakense Chandler ×
C. obliquum Chandler ×
Cyperaceae 'Scirpus' lakensis Chandler × ×
?Scirpus sp. ×
Caricoidea arnei Chandler ×
C. obscura Chandler ×
?Caricoidea sp. ×
Cladiocarva minima (Chandler) Mai in Mai and Walther, 19789 ×
Ebenaceae Diospyros headonensis Chandler ×
Euphorbiaceae Euphorbiotheca lakensis Chandler ×
E. platysperma Chandler ×
E. tuberculata Chandler ×
E. digitata Chandler ×
Euphorbiospermum punctatum Chandler ×
Wetherellia variabilis Bowcrbank ×
Flacourtiaceae Oncoba rugosa Chandler ×
Hamamelidaceae Steinhauera subglobosa Presl10 ×
Icacinaceae Iodes acutifornzis Chandler × ×
Natsiatum eocenicum Chandler11 ×
?Palaeophytocrene foveolata Reid and Chandler ×
kacinicarya inornata Chandler × ×
Lauraceae Laurocatpum spp. ×
Lythraceae Anzmannia lakensis Chandler ×
Alatospermum lakense Chandler ×
Menispermaceae Tinospora arnensis Chandler × ×
Palaeococculus lakensis Chandler × ×
Wardensheppeya poolensis (Chandler) Eyde, 1970 ×
Moraceae Ficus lucidus Chandler (see Collinson, 1989) ×
F. sp . ×
?Moraceae Ovicarpum reticulatum Chandler (see Collinson, 1989) ×
Nymphaeaceae Palaeonymphaea eocenica Chandler (see Collinson 1980a) ×
Nyssaceae Nyssoidea eocenicum Chandler × ×
Rosaceae Rubus acutiformis Chandler ×
Rutaceae Phellodendron costatum Chandler ×
Rutaspermum excavatum Chandler ×
R. glabrum Chandler ×
R. magnificum Chandler ×
R. striatum Chandler ×
Sabiaceae ?Meliosma sheppeyensis Reid and Chandler ×
Sapotaceae ?Sapoticarpum sp. ×
Solanaceae Solanunz arnense Chandler ×
Solanisperrnum reniforme Chandler ×
Styracaceae Styrax elegans Chandler ×
Symplocaceae Symplocos headonensis Chandler ×
S. lakensis Chandler × ×
Theaceae Cleyera? obliqua Chandler ×
?Gordonia sp. ×
Thymelaeaceae Thymelaeaspermum lakense Chandler × ×
T? sulcatum Chandler ×
Vitaceae Vitis ambigua Chandler ×
V. arnensis Chandler ×
V. cuneata Chandler ×
V. excavata Chandler ×
V. lakensis Chandler ×
V. lusatica Czeczott and Skirgiello12 × ×
V. platysperma Chandler × ×
V. poolensis Chandler ×
V. pygmaea Chandler × ×
V. goodhartii Chandler × ×
V. symmetrica Chandler ×
V. triangularis Chandler ×
Tetrastigma acuminata Chandler ×
?T lobata Chandler ×
Zingiberaceae Alpinia arnense (Chandler) Mai in Mai and Walther, 198513 ×
Incertae sedis Rhamnospermum bilobatum Chandler × ×
Carpolithus arnense Chandler ×
Footnotes to (Table 8.2)
1 Ruffordia subcretacea (Saporta) Barthel (1976) is the name in current use for Anemia subcretacea (Saporta) Gardner and Ettingshausen. However, the fossil, known as an almost complete plant, is very similar to Anemia and certainly belongs in the Glade including Anemia (Collinson, in press a).
2 Sequoia couttsiae Heer = Athrotaxis couttsiae (Heer) Gardner, both Taxodiaceae. The former name has been applied to British material but the latter is used currently in continental Europe. However, as both these genera are modern genera, more than a mere nomenclatural decision is involved here. For the British material, Chandler (1925–1926 p.13) initially rejected Gardner's assignment to Athrotaxis. She reconfirmed and re-instated the affinity with Sequoia in full and made detailed studies of leaves, leafy shoots, twigs, cones and seeds (Chandler, 1962, 1963b, 1964), noting a marked similarity to Sequoia sempervirens (Chandler, 1964, 1978, p. 40, under discussion of Sequoiadendron fordit) and rejecting affinity with Sequoiadendron (Chandler, 1964, p. 104, 1978 pp. 40 and 41). Fowler et al. (1973) emphasized the difficulties of determining isolated foliage of Taxodiaceae, noting that Chandler (1964) had stated that the leaves of S. couttsiae were not identical with either Sequoia or Sequoiadendron. Ruffle (1976) also treated the species as a member of genus Sequoia. Subsequently workers in continental Europe (Mai and Walther, 1978, 1985, 1991; Mai, 1998; Knobloch et al., 1996) have assigned the species to Athrotaxis citing the work of Dorofeev and Sveshnikova (1963) as the basis for this assignment. However, Dorofeev and Sveshnikova (1963) combined a range of material into their recombination Athrotaxis taxiformis (Unger) Dorofeev and Sveshnikova (including S. couttsiae and A. couttsiae). Athrotaxis taxiformis in their sense included material later assigned to an extinct genus of Taxodiaceae Doliostrobus Marion by Kvaček (1971). Mai (1998) expressed some reservations as to the use of the genus Athrotaxis for the remaining material. Furthermore, Dorofeev and Sveshnikova (1963) were apparently unaware of, and did not cite, the work of Chandler (1962, 1963, 1964) and, to the best of our knowledge, they had not been able to study the British material. There is considerable variation in Taxodiaceae leaves resulting in similarities between those of Taxodium, Sequoia, Sequoiadendron and Glyptostrobus. S. couttsiae is associated with tree stumps with wood of the Glyptostroboxylon type (Fowler et al., 1973). It is therefore possible that, even though Chandler found a convincing affinity with Sequoia based on foliage, cones and seeds, a fully reconstructed plant bearing S. couttsiae foliage and cones might not resemble modern Sequoia in all features. Until such a plant can be reconstructed, ideally based on organic attachment, and included in a dadistic analysis of the Taxodiaceae, its relationships must remain slightly uncertain. Finally one must consider the relative unlikelihood of a relationship with modern Athrotaxis, which is endemic to Tasmania. There are numerous relationships between the Palaeogene floras of Europe, and those of the USA and Asia (Manchester, 1999). Numerous modern genera recorded in these Palaeogene floras now grow in south-eastern Asia and America (Manchester, 1999; Tiffney, 1994), some occur in Africa and South America (Tiffney, 1994) and a few occur in Australia (Tiffney, 1994). However, all those occurring in Australia also occur today in eastern Asia or in both eastern Asia and the New World; none are Australian endemics today. Some claims for records of Proteaceae and Cunoniaceae in the northern hemisphere Tertiary are all based on very old literature and all have been subsequently rejected (Mai, 1995). Thus, there is no evidence for floristic affinity between Australia and the European Palaeogene, and the occurrence of a modern Australian endemic in the European Palaeogene is judged to be extremely unlikely. For all these complex reasons we have retained the name in current use in Britain for British material i.e. Sequoia couttsiae. While this volume was in press, Kunzman (1999) reassessed the systematic affinity of S. couttsiae and judged that it represented an extinct member of the Taxodiaceae, which he assigned to the genus Quasisequoia as Q. couttsiae (Heer) Kunzman.
3 Formerly Hordwellia crassisperma (Chandler) Chandler and thought to belong to the Theaceae (see Mai and Walther, 1985).
4 Formerly Actinidia poolensis Chandler, 1963b.
5 According to Manchester (1999, p. 476), the genus Echitonium Unger has priority for apocynaceous seeds for which the generic affinity is unclear.
6 Dunstania has been assigned to Cornus by some authors (e.g. Eyde, 1988) (see discussion in Manchester, 1994, p. 42).
7 Mai (1993) synonymized this with Mastixiopsis (Kirchheimer).
8 Formerly Cornus quadrilocularis Chandler.
9 Formerly Caricoidea minima (Chandler) Chandler.
10 Includes Protaltingia hantonensis Chandler (see Mai and Walther, 1985).
11 See footnote 8 to (Table 8.1). Kvaček and Bužek (1995) treated the Lake and Hordle N. eocenicum as Palaeobosiea bilinica (Ettingshausen) Kvaček and Bužek, whilst Mai and Walther (1978) used Hosiea bilinica (Ettingshausen) Holy.
12 Includes Vitis glabra Chandler (see Mai and Walther, 1991).
13 Formerly Aracispermum arnense Chandler, then included within the Araceae.

(Table 9.1). Composition of the angiosperm flora from the Boscombe Sand Formation, Highcliffe. Species are described in Chandler (1963b) unless otherwise referenced. Some are also discussed by Mai and Walther (1978, 1985) and Mai (2000). The family classification listed here is summarized in Chapter 1 of the present volume.

Family Species
Actinidiaceae Actinidia eocenica Chandler
Saurauia crassisperma (Chandler) Mai1
Arecaceae Calamus daemonorops (Unger) Chandler
Betulaceae Carpinus boveyanus (Heer) Chandler
Boraginaceae Genus? (?Ehretioideae)
Caprifoliaceae Sambucus mudensis Chandler
Caryophyllaceae Hantsia pulchra (Chandler) Chandler
Clethraceae Clethra hantonensis Chandler
Cornaceae (including Mastixiaceae) Dunstania glandulosa (Chandler) Chandler, 1961c (see also Chandler, 1963b)2
Eomastixia rugosa (Zenker) Chandler
Mastixia? glandulosa Chandler
Mastixicarpum crassum Chandler
Cucurbitaceae Cucurbitospermum mudense Chandler
Cyperaceae Caricoidea obscura Chandler
Scleriocarya tribrachteata Chandler
Cladiocarya foveolata Reid and Chandler
Cyrillaceae3 Epacridicarpum headonense Chandler
E. mudense Chandler
Epacridaceae ?Leucopogon sp.
Flacourtiaceae Oncoba rugosa Chandler
Hydrocharitaceae Stratiotes hantorzensis Chandler
Lythraceae Microdiptera parva Chandler
Palaeolythrum bournense Chandler
Menispermaceae Palaeosinomenium spp.
Nymphaeaceae Sabrenia chandlerae Collinson
Nyssaceae Nyssoidea eocenica Chandler
Potamogetonaceae Potamogeton pygmaeus Chandler (see Collinson, 1983a)
Limnocatpus forbesii (Heer) Chandler emend. Collinson 1982a
Rosaceae Rubus acutiformis Chandler
Rutaceae Rutaspermum rugosum Chandler
Toddalia excavata (Chandler) Gregor4
Toddaliospermum ornatum Chandler
Solanaceae Solanispermum reniforme Chandler
Symplocaceae? Genus?
Theaceae ?Cleyera sp.
Eurya dubia (Chandler) Mai5
Eurya stigmosa (Ludwig) Mai6
Eurya mudensis Chandler
?Gordonia truncata Chandler7
Thymelaeaceae Thymelaeaspermum bournense Chandler
Tiliaceae Grewia minima Chandler
Vitaceae Vitis sp.
Incertae sedis Carpolithus echinatus Chandler
C. ornatus Chandler
C. mudense Chandler
Dicotylophyllum pinnatifidum Reid and Chandler
Rhamnospermum bilobatum Chandler
Wessexia fibrosa (Chandler) Chandler
1 Formerly Hordwellia crassisperma (Chandler) Chandler (see Mai and Walther, 1985).

2 See Footnote 4 to (Table 8.1).

3 See comment on Epacridicarpum in the Barton GCR site report.

4 Formerly Toddaliospermum excavatum Chandler (see Mai and Walther, 1978).

5 Formerly Cleyera? lentiformis Chandler (see Mai and Walther, 1985).

6 Formerly Cleyera? stigmosa (Ludwig) Chandler (see Mai and Walther, 1978, 1985).

7 Gordonia truncata = Polyspora truncata (Chandler) Gregor (see Mai and Walther, 1985). Gordonia and Polyspora are both modern genera, which are considered synonyms by some authors.

(Table 9.2). Angiosperm floras from the Headon Hill Formation. Species descriptions or reference to them may be found in Chandler (1961c, 1963a), unless otherwise referenced. Discussion and other records for some of these species may be found in Mai and Walther (1978, 1985, 1991) and Mai (2000). The family classification used here is summarized in Chapter 1 of the present volume.

Family Species Hordle Cliffs Colwell Bay (Totland Bay Member) Colwell Bay (Linstone Chine Member)
Acanthaceae ?Acanthus sp. ×
Actinidiaceae Actinidia sp. ×
Saurauia crassisperma (Chandler) Mai1 × ×
Anacardiaceae Genus (Spondicae) ? ×
Araceae Genus ? ×
Arecaceae Leaves ×
Betulaceae Carpinus boveyanus (Heer) Chandler ×
Boraginaceae Omphalodes platycarpa Chandler ×
Burseraceae Palaeobursera lakensis Chandler ×
Caprifoliaceae Sambucus parvulus Chandler 2 × ×
Carophyllaceae Hantsia pukhra (Chandler) Chandler ×
H. glabra Chandler ×
Cercidiphyllaceae Nyssidium arcticum (Heer) Iljinskaja3 ×
Cornaceae (including Mastixiaceae) Dunstania glandulosa (Chandler) Chandler4 ×
Eomastixia rugosa (Zenker) Chandler ×
Swida quadrilocularis (Chandler) Mai, 19995 ×
Genus ? ×
Cucurbitaceae Cucurbitospermum reidii Chandler ×
Cyperaceae Caricoidea angulata Chandler6 ×
C. nitens (Heer) Chandler ×
C. obscura Chandler ×
Cladiocarya minima (Chandler) Mai7 ×
C. colwellensis (Chandler) Mai7 ×
Carex colwellensis Chandler ×
C. spp. ×
?Scirpus sp. ×
Scleria hordwellensis Chandler ×
Cyrillaceae8 Epacridicarpum headonense Chandler × ×
E. colwellense Chandler ×
Droseraceae Aldrovanda ovata (Chandler) Chandler × × ×
Ebenaceae Diospyros headonensis Chandler ×
Ericaceae 2 Genera ? ×
Harnamefidaceae Steinhauera subglobosa Presl9 ×
Hydrocharitaceae Stratiotes headonensis Chandler  × × ×
S. hantonensis Chandler ×
Icacinaceae ?Iodes sp. (or ?Natsiatum) ×
Iodes? hordwellensis Chandler ×
Icacinicarya transversalis Chandler ×
I. becktonensis Chandler ×
Natsiatum eocenicum Chandler10 ×
Lauraceae Genus ? ×
'Legumes' 2 Genera ? ×
Lythraceae Decodon vectensis Chandler ×
Microdi ptera parva Chandler × ?
Genus ? ×
Menispermaceae Palaeosinomenium obliquatum (Chandler) Chandler ×
Moraceae11 Chlorophora bicarinata Chandler ×
Broussonetia rugosa Chandler ×
Moroidea boveyana Chandler12 ×
Becktonia hantonensis Chandler ×
Ficus lucidus Chandler ×
Myricaceae Myrica boveyana (Neer) Chandler × ×
M. colwellensis Chandler ×
Nymphaeaceae Sabrenia chandlerae Collinson 1980a × × ×
Brasenia spinosa Chandler × ×
B. oblonga Chandler ×
Nymphaea sp. ×
Oleaceae Olea headonensis Chandler ×
Potamogetonaceae Potamogeton pygmaeus Chandler (see Collinson, 1983a) × × ×
P. sp. × ×
Limnocarpus forbesii (Heer) Chandler13 × × ×
Rhamnaceae Frangula hordwellensis Chandler ×
Rosaceae Rubus acutiformis Chandler ×
?R. microspermus Reid and Reid ×
Rutaceae Phellodendron costatum Chandler ×
Acronychia ornata (Chandler) Mai, 197614 ×
Zanthaxylum hordwellense Chandler × ×
Z. compressum Chandler ×
Sabiaceae Meliosma sp. ×
Styracaceae Styrax elegans Chandler ×
Symplocaceae Symplocos headonensis Chandler ×
S. sp. ×
Theaceae Anneslea? costata Chandler ×
Visnea hordwellensis (Chandler) Mai15 ×
Eutya becktonensis Chandler ×
H stigmosa (Ludwig) Mai16 ×
Gordonia minima Chandler ×
Polyspora truncates (Chandler) Gregor8 ×
Thymelaeaceae Genus? ×
Typhaceae Typha sp. ×
Vitaceae Ampelopsis rotundata Chandler ×
Parthenocissus hordwellesis Chandler ×
Tetrastigma lobata Chandler ×
Vitis uncinata Chandler ×
Zingiberaceaei/Musaceae Spirematospermum wetzleri (Heer) Chandler17 ×
Incertae sedis Carpolithus fibrosus Chandler ×
C. apocyniformis Chandler ×
C. colwellensis Chandler ×
C. spp. × ×
Rhamnospermum bilobatum Chandler × ×
1Formerly Hordwellia crassisperma (Chandler) then included within the Theaceae (see Mai and Walther, 1985).

2 This includes Sambucus colwellensis Chandler (see Collinson, 1983a).

3 See Crane (1984).

4 See Footnote 4 to (Table 8.1).

5 Originally Corpus quadrilocularis Chandler.

6 See Collinson (1983a).

7 See Mai and Walther (1978).

8 See Footnote 7 to (Table 9.1).

9 Includes Eoliquidambar hordwellensis Chandler and Protaltingia hantonensis Chandler (see Mai and Walther, 1985).

10 See footnotes to Tables 8.1 and 8.2.

11 See Collinson (1989).

12 Includes Moroidea hordwellensis Chandler (see Mai and Walther, 1978).

13 Emended by Collinson (1982a).

14 Formerly Rutaspermum orrzatum (Chandler) (see Mai, 1976; Collinson and Gregor, 1988).

15 Formerly Campylospermum hordwellensis Chandler (see Mai and Walther, 1991).

16 Formerly Cleyera? stigmosa (Ludwig).

17 See text under Hordle site for discussion of Spirematospermum.

(Table 9.3) Angiosperm floras from the Bouldnor Formation. Species descriptions or references to them may be found in Chandler (1963a) and Collinson (1980b, 1983a) unless otherwise referenced. The family classification used here is summarized in Chapter 1 of the present volume. (Note: records of Tagus and Quercus by Reid and Chandler (1926) are here considered indeterminate.)

Family Species Thorness Bay (Insect Limestone) Hamstead Ledge Bouldnor Cliff
Acanthaceae Acanthus rugatus Reid and Chandler ×
Actinidiaceae ?Actinidia sp. ×
Alismataceae Alismaticarpum alatum Collinson ×
Apocynaceae Apocynospermum striatum Reid and Chandler1 ×
A. rostratum Reid and Chandler1 ×
A. elegans Reid and Chandler1 ×
A. dubium Reid and Chandler1 ×
Aquifoliaceae ?Ilex sp. ×
Araceae Epipremnites ornata (Reid and Chandler) Gregor and Bogner (see Mai and Walther, 1991)2 ×
Arecaceae Palmophyllum sp. ×
Sabal major (Unger) Heer3 × ×
Asclepiadaceae Phyllanthera vectensis Reid and Chandler ×
Tylophora antiqua Reid and Chandler ×
Betulaceae Asterocarpinus sp.4 ×
Bigoniaceae Catalpa rugosa Reid and Chandler ×
Incarvillea pristina Reid and Chandler ×
Radermachera pulchra Reid and Chandler ×
Caprifoliaceae Dipelta europaea Reid and Chandler ×
Sambucus parvula Chandler emend. Collinson, 1983a ×
Cyperaceae ?Caricoidea obscura Chandler ×
C. nitens (Heer) Chandler5 ×
Carex gurnardii Reid and Chandler ×
?Caricoidea minima (Chandler) Chandler ×
C. sp. × × ×
Cladiocarya foveolata Reid and Chandler ×
Genus indet. (Collinson, 1983a) ×
Droseraceae Aldrovanda intermedia Reid and Chandler × ×
Hydrocharitaceae Ottelia britannica Reid and Chandler ×
Stratiotes neglectus Chandler × × ?
S. websteri (Brongniart) Chandler ×
S. acuticostatus Chandler ×
S. sp. (leaf margin teeth — see Collinson, 1983a) ×
Juglandaceae Palaeocarya macroptera (Brongniart) Jahnichen, Friedrich and Takáč (see Manchester, 1987)6 ×
Engelhardtia sp. ×
Hooleya hermis (Heer) Reid and Chandler ×
Juncaceae Juncus vectensis Collinson ×
Lamiaceae Melissa parva Reid and Chandler ×
Ajuginucula smithii Reid and Chandler ×
Lauraceae Daphnogene lanceolatum Unger7 ×
Neolitsea sp. ×
Moraceae Ficus sp. ×
Najadaceae Naias oligocenica Reid and Chandler ×
Nymphaeaceae Nymphaea liminis Collinson8 ×
Sabrenia chandlerae Collinson × × ×
Nelumbium buchii Ettingshausen ×
Papaveraceae Papaver pictum Reid and Chandler ×
Potamogetonaceae Potamogeton pygmaeus Chandler (see Collinson, 1983a) ×
P. tenuicarpus Reid and Reid emend Collinson, 1983a × ×
P. spp. × ×
Limnocatpus forbesii (Heer) Chandler emend. Collinson, 1982a × × ×
L. (?) spinosus Reid and Chandler (see Collinson, 1982a) ×
Ranunculaceae Clematis vectensis Reid and Chandler ×
Myosurus heterostylus (Reid and Chandler) Mai in Mai and Walther, 19789 ×
Ranunculus ovaliformis (Reid and Chandler) Chandler ×
Rhamnaceae Zizyphus paradisiacus (Unger) Reid and Chandler ×
Rosaceae Rubus sp. ×
Rutaceae Zanthoxylum(?) costatum Reid and Chandler ×
Sparganiaceae Sparganium multiloculare Reid and Chandler × ?
S. sp. ×
Typhaceae Typha latissima (Braun) Reid and Chandler (see Collinson, 1983a) × ×
T. sp. (Collinson, 1983a) × ×
Zingiberaceae/Musaceae ?Costus sp. ×
Spirematospermum wetzleri (Heer) Chandler10 × ×
Incertae sedis Abelia' quadrialata Reid and Chandler11 ×
'A' quinquealata Reid and Chandler11 ×
'A' trialata Reid and Chandler" ×
Carpolithes collumus Collinson ×
C. hamsteadensis Collinson ×
C. spp. × ×
Dicotylophyllum pinnatifidum Reid and Chandler × ×
Flabellicula anglica Reid and Chandler ×
Monocotylophyllum sp. ×
Rhamnospermum bilobatum Chandler × × ×
1See Footnote 5 for (Table 8.2), this volume.

2 Formerly Epipremnum? ornata Reid and Chandler.

3 This may not be a true Sabal (Collinson, pers. obs.).

4 Described by Reid and Chandler (1926) as Carpinus sp. and Abelia sp. 4, each from a single specimen. They were transferred to Asterocarpinus by Manchester and Donoghue (1995, p. 721).

5 Includes C. cf. maxima Chandler emend. Chandler sensu Collinson, 1983a (see Mai and Walther, 1978).

6 Formerly Engelhardtia macroptera (Brongniart) Reid and Chandler.

7 Reid and Chandler (1926) referred to this as Cinnamomum lanceolatum (Unger) Heer (see Mai and Walther, 1978, 1985).

8 The generic position of this species as a Nymphaea has been confirmed by new, more complete material (Collinson and van Bergen, work in progress).

9 Formerly Ranunculus heterostylus Reid and Chandler.

10 See text for the Hordle GCR site for discussion of Spirematospermum.

11 These are regarded as incertae sedis by Manchester and Donoghue (1995).
