Mortimore, R.N., Wood, C.J. & Gallois, R.W. 2001. British Upper Cretaceous Stratigraphy. Geological Conservation Review Series, No. 23, JNCC, Peterborough. The original source material for these web pages has been made available by the JNCC under the Open Government Licence 3.0. Full details in the JNCC Open Data Policy
Chapter 1 The Upper Cretaceous rocks of the British Isles
Probably the two most conspicuous rocks in Europe are chalk and flint
Chalk is indirectly important in other ways. It is the main aquifer for potable groundwater in England (Brighton taking 98% of its water supply from the local Chalk). It is a major oil reservoir in the North Sea (the giant Ekofisk field is expected to keep producing until the year 2028), and is the deposit in which many major civil engineering works are undertaken (e.g. the Channel Tunnel (Harris et al., 1996a), the Channel Tunnel Rail Link (CTRL)).
Other rocks of Late Cretaceous age are also economically important. In the Morvern area (Argyll and Bute), the Lochaline Sands are so pure that they provide a major source of glass sands for the manufacture of high grade optics.
Stratigraphically, 'the Chalk', used as a proper noun with a capital letter, is taken to be equivalent to the Upper Cretaceous Series, reflecting the dominance of the chalk rock-type in Upper Cretaceous strata. Stratigraphy has been an important tool in helping to locate and select types of chalk for whitings and the types of flints for tools, gun-flint and building.
Uplift of former Chalk seabeds formed the vast landscapes that stretch from the English Downland, through the Champagne plains on the northern edge of the Cote de l'Ile-de-France in the Paris Basin to the Chalk hills of Crimea, Kazakhstan and the Judean Desert. Because of its wide extent across Europe and Middle Asia, Huxley (1868) described the chalk as '… no unimportant element in the masonry in the Earth's crust, impressing its own peculiar stamp on the landscape. The undulating Downs and rounded coombs, covered with sweetgrassed turf, … have a peacefully domestic and mutton-suggesting prettiness, neither grand nor beautiful'. Whilst acknowledging Huxley's generality, there is no doubting the grandeur of the White Cliffs that form the coastlines of Flamborough Head, Dover, Beachy Head, the Needles and the Dorset and east Devon coasts.
Naturally, a book on the Upper Cretaceous stratigraphy of the British Isles will be primarily about the history of the English Chalk, but it is important not to forget the relatively small outcrops of richly fossiliferous sandy deposits in south-west England and the less fossiliferous deposits of the Inner Hebrides in Scotland. Nor must it be forgotten that a unique Upper Cretaceous Chalk succession is preserved beneath the basalts of Antrim in Northern Ireland.
Definition of the Upper Cretaceous series
It is from the white Chalk of the Anglo-Paris Basin that the Cretaceous System takes its name (creta = Latin for chalk), introduced by the Belgian geologist, Omalius d'Halloy (1822). It was not until the late 20th century, however, that a Lower and Upper division was formalized at the base of the Chalk (strictly, at the base of the Cenomanian Stage, see below; see also
Global geological setting
During the Late Cretaceous Epoch, 100–65 million years (Ma) ago, the supercontinents of Laurasia and Gondwanaland were breaking up and sea levels reached their maximum for the whole of the last 600 Ma, leading to chalk deposits forming on many continental regions of the world, including the British Isles
- bulging ocean basins (the Late Cretaceous 'super-plume'), which expelled sea water onto continents;
- carbon dioxide levels being about four times greater than today, keeping continental interiors and polar regions much warmer during winter (DeConto et al., 1998);
- little or no water being trapped as polar ice, contributing to high sea levels (Hays and Pitman, 1973; Jenkyns, 1980).
Hancock (1975a,b, 1990) and Hancock and Kauffman (1979) considered the Upper Santonian Marsupites Zone as the period when the maximum peak of transgression occurred in the Late Cretaceous Epoch, with a gradual tailing off from that point to a low at the end of the Cretaceous Period. Subsequent studies of sea-level curves and coastal onlap ('Vail') curves, show a much more complex picture in the Late Cretaceous Epoch, and suggest that the maximum transgression occurred at or about the beginning of the mid-Turonian (Vail et al., 1977a,b; Vail and Mitchum 1977; Haq et al., 1987, 1988).
A combination of high sea levels and warm, less oxygenated, sea water compared to the present day also gave rise to three periods of black shale formation in the Cretaceous succession known as 'Oceanic Anoxic Events' (OAE of Schlanger and Jenkyns, 1976; Jenkyns, 1980). Two of these OAEs occurred in the Late Cretaceous Epoch, the first at the Cenomanian–Turonian (C/T) boundary
By the close of the Cretaceous Period, over a very short time period of perhaps only 200 000 years, huge changes had taken place on Earth that led to the disappearance of many fossil groups including the dinosaurs, ammonites, belemnites, inoceramid and rudistid bivalves and many of the chalk-forming calcareous nannoplankton. This extinction event marked the end of the Secondary Era, the Mesozoic. The suggested causes of these cataclysmic changes are controversial, and include inferred meteorite impact(s) in the Yucatan peninsula, Mexico (Chicxulub Crater) and Bombay area, India (Shiva Crater), preceded and followed by exceptional volcanic activity (the Deccan Traps), leading to a 'nuclear winter'. Until now, the Late Cretaceous rocks of the British Isles contributed little to the arguments because all of the sedimentary evidence at the Cretaceous–Palaeogene ('K/P') boundary, at the time the meteorite impact is believed to have occurred, was thought to have been removed by erosion. It is possible, however, that the small remnants of rock beneath the basalts in the Inner Hebrides at Gribun (Mull) and Beinn Iadain (Morvern) may preserve the evidence at the boundary. Of particular interest would be the presence of an iridium anomaly, a key indicator of the K/P boundary, which is used as evidence for a bolide impact.
Upper Cretaceous palaeogeography, climate and sea-level curves
The distribution of sediments and fossils in the Upper Cretaceous strata of Britain has been influenced by the existence of two major biogeographical provinces termed the 'Boreal Realm' and Tethyan Realm' respectively (e.g. Kauffman, 1973; see also
Many groups of fossils, including ammonites and the unicellular group of microfossils, the planktonic foraminifera, are common in Tethyan Realm deposits, providing an international standard biostratigraphy. The majority of these Tethyan planktonic microfossils were, however, absent in the Boreal Sea (except for short-term invasions with warmer water) and, as a result, two distinct biostratigraphies have been developed that are only tenuously correlated at many levels. The general absence of abundant planktonic foraminifera has led to the development of a zonal scheme based on benthic species in the UK area
The Upper Cretaceous deposits of the British Isles reflect these biogeographical influences and are divided into several depositional and faunal provinces
Upper Cretaceous tectonic setting in Europe
The Late Cretaceous Epoch was a time of major tectonic change on a global scale as well as one of exceptionally high sea levels globally. The supercontinents were breaking up, and Africa was beginning to under-ride and laterally shear along the southern edge of Europe. These global plate tectonic movements caused a change from primarily tensional tectonics to a compressional stress field (Subhercynian tectonic phases), transmitted as strike-slip fault movements across the European Platform on ancient Variscan structures (e.g. Ziegler, 1990). Such plate tectonic stresses, translated along planes (Allen and Allen, 1990), can be used to explain both the geometry of sedimentary bodies in the chalk (e.g. shelf marginal onlap), and the apparently anomalous stratigraphies found in all the provinces and related to erosional channels, slumping and major hiatuses. Such tectonic processes can also explain rhythmic packages of chalk sediment (parasequences) and episodic sedimentation.
Many of the litho- and biostratigraphical events recorded at the GCR sites appear to coincide with the sequence boundaries illustrated on the sea-level curve of Haq et al. (1987, 1988). The dating on the curve, however, particularly in the Santonian–Campanian interval, is not as accurate as the dating from the field exposures in the Chalk. Some of these events also coincide with tectonic events discussed below. Tectonically-enhanced sequence boundaries appear to be the best explanation for this, and one that combines evidence for both sea-level changes and tectonic movements.
The rocks of the Upper Cretaceous Series
Upper Cretaceous rocks of the British Isles
Chalk is generally considered to be a soft, very pure white limestone. It is formed from millions of submicroscopic marine algae (nannoplankton), which bloomed in the surface waters of seas and oceans and whose skeletal remains found their way to the seabed. It was T.H. Huxley who introduced the name 'coccolith' for these minute calcareous algae that he observed as objects in deep-sea sediments dragged from the floor of the Atlantic Ocean. Sorby (1879, p. 78) recognized that chalk was primarily composed of coccoliths with few of the typical constituents of a deep-sea ooze. Nevertheless, Sorby considered that the chalk must have formed originally as a lime-mud on a deep-sea floor because of the absence, in very pure chalk, of fragments of land-derived rocks or volcanic rocks. The depth at which chalk formed on a sea or ocean floor occupied considerable discussion until the latter part of the 20th century. It is now generally agreed that the Chalk formed at depths between 100 and 500 m across the UK, with the depth varying from shallower shelf areas where tidal channels might have been present to deeper parts of the basin. The Chalk of northern England is considered by many researchers to be a deeper water deposit than the equivalent age chalks of southern England.
Surprisingly, through most of the early 20th century, the work of Huxley and Sorby was forgotten and it was Black (1953) who re-introduced the idea that chalk was an organic deposit, using carbon replicas of coccoliths to investigate chalk with the transmission electron microscope (Hancock, 1980). The chalk-forming coccoliths are the remains of single-celled, planktonic calcareous, golden-brown algae (coccolithophorids), which comprise a skeleton of calcitic plates or rings (coccoliths; see
Chalk is unusual in two ways. Firstly, unlike many limestones, chalk is entirely planktonic (and biogenic) and the evolution of calcareous nannoplankton in Mesozoic times was required before such sediment could form; coccolithic chalk is not, therefore, found in Palaeozoic rocks. Secondly, the planktonic, coccolithic origin of the sediment in the top 40 m of sea or ocean water means that the resulting carbonate rock is very widespread and not restricted, as is the case with most limestones, to stable platforms.
Marly chalk and marl seams
The Chalk in England changes composition upwards through the rock column. In the Grey Chalk Subgroup (see p. 20) there is much more clay (e.g. Destombes and Shephard-Thorn, 1971) and the mixture of chalk and clay produces marl. In contrast to the Grey Chalk Subgroup, the White Chalk Subgroup, on average, is greater than 98% pure calcium carbonate and this purity is related to the great distance from land of the British area, caused by the Late Cretaceous transgression of the sea onto the continents. Marl seams are more horizon-specific concentrations of clay
It was long suspected that many marl seams in the Chalk were of volcanic origin (i.e. that they were decomposed volcanic ashes). This idea has turned out to be correct. Wray's work on the trace-element chemical fingerprinting of the marls (Wray and Gale, 1993), and the identification of some of them as vulcanogenic (Wray, 1995, 1999),. is of great importance in supporting stratigraphical correlations from expanded to condensed sections, and in lithostratigraphical and biostratigraphical correlation between the Chalk provinces (e.g. Mortimore and Wood, 1986; Mortimore and Pomerol, 1987).
In the weathered state, some of the 0.10 m to 0.15 m-thick marl seams display a distinctive foxy-brown colour, which contrasts with the surrounding off-white chalk, but in borehole cores they are usually coloured in shades of green and grey. Rare earth element (REE) analyses of the clay minerals of the Northern Province (Turonian–Coniacian) marl seams has permitted a differentiation into detrital marls, and marls of vulcanogenic origin derived from the argillization of air-borne volcanic ash (Wray and Wood, 1998). These marl seams, of whichever origin, are represented on downhole wire-line logs of boreholes by conspicuous 'spikes', which can be used for long-range correlation (Mortimore and Wood, 1986; Mortimore and Pomerol, 1987). The vulcanogenic marls are equivalent to the contemporaneous tuffs of north German successions (cf. Wray and Wood, 1995; Wray et al., 1996), and are believed to correlate directly with them, and also with vulcanogenic marls of the Southern and Transitional provinces (Wray, 1999). This is now leading to the development of a Europe-wide framework of isochronous ashfall events, the so-called 'tephro-events' of event stratigraphy (Ernst et al., 1983). Similar marl seams are present throughout the Newhaven Chalk and Flamborough Chalk formations, but have not yet been subjected to REE analysis
Diagenetic effects: nodular chalks, chalkstones, hardgrounds, soft and hard chalks
Nodular chalks and hardgrounds represent syndepositional hardening of seabed sediment, and characterize particular lithological units such as the Lewes Nodular Chalk Formation. A lithification series can be recognized from incipient nodules to fully developed hardgrounds (Bromley, 1965, 1975a,b; Kennedy and Garrison, 1975). Because some hardgrounds formed by the lithification of erosion surfaces, one hardground may cut down to coalesce with another, giving rise to thicker units of 'chalkstone' such as the Chalk Rock of Wiltshire.
For stratigraphical studies, the potential loss of sediment (and hence stratigraphy) caused by dissolution is significant. Some researchers have suggested that up to 50% of the Yorkshire Chalk has been lost to pressure solution. A further curiosity, still not fully explained, is the softness of great thicknesses of chalk across Europe compared to other limestones. This has often been related to the stability of the low-magnesium calcite forming the coccoliths (Neugebauer, 1973, 1974; Scholle, 1974; Hancock and Scholle, 1975; Hancock, 1975a).
In England, there are both regional (Bloomfield et al., 1995) and stratigraphical differences in hardness, density, porosity and strength (Mortimore et al., 1990; Mortimore and Pomerol, 1998). In areas of generally hard chalk (Northern Ireland, the Northern Province and, in the Southern Province, parts of Dorset and the Isle of Wight), stylolites have developed as a result of pressure-solution.
Flints and trace fossil stratigraphy
One of the most conspicuous features of pure, white European chalks is the rhythmic layering of black flint
Flint styles are regionally, as well as stratigraphically, distributed, Northern Province flints presenting a quite different grey colour and form (with many tabular layers), compared to those of the Southern Province.
Greensands, chert beds and limestones
Transgression of the Upper Cretaceous sea onto the shelf areas of south-west England, East Anglia, Northern Ireland and the Inner Hebrides produced shallow-water deposits of glauconite-rich greensands, glauconitic marls, quartz sands and chert beds. In south-west England, instead of chalks, the Cenomanian strata are characterized by highly condensed successions, with limestones rich in ammonites (e.g. Hancock, 1969).
Upper Cretaceous stratigraphical framework
The last major review of the Upper Cretaceous stratigraphy in the UK was by Jukes-Browne and Hill (1903, 1904), and this classic memoir has now stood as a monument to geological research for nearly 100 years. Following this memoir, which established the Lower, Middle and Upper Chalk as the three main lithostratigraphical divisions throughout England, Chalk stratigraphical studies were largely biostratigraphical and the traditional macrofossil assemblage zones
For the purposes of the present review the Upper Cretaceous deposits of the UK are described in four chapters that correspond to the main depositional and preservational regions, i.e. to the provinces
Upper Cretaceous lithostratigraphy in the British Isles
For nearly a century following Penning and Jukes-Browne (1881) and Jukes-Browne and Hill (1903, 1904), lithostratigraphy consisted of a simple threefold division of the Upper Cretaceous Chalk into Lower, Middle and Upper divisions, which, because they were the mapping units, were effectively three formations. Subdivision of these lithostratigraphical units employed biostratigraphy, mostly the macrofossil assemblage zones of Hebert (1874) and Barrois (1876), as modified and interpreted by Rowe (1900–1908), Brydone (1912) and Gaster (1924).
In the 1970s three areas were investigated quite independently and new lithostratigraphical divisions were recognized. The Geological Survey of Northern Ireland introduced a refined lithostratigraphy for the Ulster White Limestone Formation, which was divided into 14 members spanning the Santonian, Campanian and Maastrichtian stages (Fletcher, 1977). Within these members numerous lithostratigraphical marker beds were also recognized. In the Northern Province of England (Lincolnshire and Yorkshire), Wood and Smith (1978) found they could map four formations, with a fifth recognized in the subcrop
The Southern Province Upper Cretaceous sediments, predominantly chalk, are more varied than those in the Northern Province, and a new lithostratigraphy took longer to develop (Mortimore, 1983, 1986a; Robinson, 1986). As mapping progressed in central Dorset, the relationship between lithostratigraphy, geomorphology and field brash enabled the British Geological Survey to establish a refined mapping stratigraphy. The informal Lower, Middle and Upper Chalk subdivisions were redefined as formations (Bristow et al., 1997), and divided into nine mappable members. These members are based largely on the stratigraphy already established in Sussex (Mortimore, 1983, 1986a).
In November 1999 the UK Stratigraphic Commission of the Geological Society of London and the British Geological Survey agreed that the Upper Cretaceous Chalk Group in England would be divided into two subgroups within which the main mapping units would be formations (Rawson et al., 2001). The Grey Chalk Subgroup is taken from the base of the Glauconitic Marl to the base of the Plenus Marls Member. The remaining Chalk from the base of the Plenus Marls to the top of the Chalk is placed in the White Chalk Subgroup. In the Northern Province the Grey Chalk Subgroup contains one formation only (Ferriby Chalk Formation). In the Southern and Transitional provinces the Grey Chalk Subgroup contains two formations (the West Melbury Marly Chalk Formation at the base and the overlying Zig Zag Chalk Formation). In south-west England the Grey Chalk Subgroup is represented by the highly condensed Wilmington Sands and the Cenomanian Limestone.
The White Chalk Subgroup has its base at the erosion surface beneath the Plenus Marls Member in the Southern and Transitional provinces, and beneath the variegated beds forming the 'Black Band' of the Northern Province. Within the condensed succession of south-east Devon this erosion surface lies at the base of Bed C (in most places) of the so-called 'Cenomanian Limestone'. The White Chalk Subgroup is divided into three Chalk formations in the Northern Province; the Welton Chalk, Burnham Chalk and Flamborough Chalk formations, with a fourth, the Rowe Formation, in the subcrop. In the Southern Province the succession extends well above that of the Northern Province and there are seven mapping formations; but here two of the four members are also mapped
The use of formation status for the main mapping units allows greater flexibility in recognizing lateral changes in lithology. Where, for example, entry of flint along the south western margin occurs in the New Pit Chalk Formation, this can be recognized as a member subdivision (e.g. Beer Roads Member, Jarvis and Woodroof, 1984).
Cyclostratigraphy, episodic events and chemostratigraphy
In the Chalk, recognition of a background alternation of more and less calcareous layers (
Volcanic ash beds (tuft), interbedded with marine sediments rich in fossil ammonites and inoceramid bivalves in the Western Interior Basin of North America, have been dated and provide the most reliable timescale for the Late Cretaceous Epoch (Obradovitch, 1993). Volcanic events are episodic rather than cyclic. The fossil assemblages, which are time-constrained by these episodic events, particularly the inoceramid bivalve assemblages, have been correlated to the English Chalk and provide a more controlled time-framework than fossil assemblages on their own.
The Chalk also contains geochemical signals related to oceanographic pulses, climate change and volcanic events. Conspicuous variation in the curves for the stable isotopes of carbon (δ13C) and oxygen (δ18O), combined with peaks of manganese (Pomerol, 1976, 1983) and iridium (Pratt et al., 1991) and strontium, are used as stratigraphical marker beds.
Upper Cretaceous biostratigraphy in the British Isles
By the middle of the 19th century there was sufficient knowledge of the distribution of fossils for d'Orbigny (1847, 1850, 1852) to produce lists of typical fossils for the subdivision of the Upper Cretaceous Series into stages. D'Orbigny's stage concepts came largely from the Chalk and marginal coarse bioclastic chalks of the Paris Basin, particularly the southern margins around Le Mans (Sarthe, Cenomanian) and Touraine (Turonian). The Senonian Stage was based on the Chalk around Sens in the Yonne and the uppermost stage, the Maastrichtian, originally distinguished by Dumont (1849), was based on the coarse, bioclastic chalks around Maastricht in the Netherlands.
The interval corresponding to d'Orbigny's broad Senonian Stage was further subdivided by Coquand (1856, 1857, 1858) into the Coniacian, Santonian and Campanian stages based on sections around Cognac, Saintes and Charante, in the Aquitaine Basin, France. It was not until 1983 that these latter subdivisions finally replaced the 'Senonian' as the accepted, formal stages of the Upper Cretaceous Series (International Subcommission on Cretaceous Stratigraphy; Birkelund et al., 1984).
Subdivision of the Upper Cretaceous stages into macrofossil assemblage zones was also formalized in the Paris Basin Chalks by Hebert (1863, 1866, 1874, 1875) and Barrois (1875). The zones recognized in the Paris Basin were extended to the Kent coast by Hebert (1874) and, later, by Barrois (1876) to all of the Chalk of England and Northern Ireland. It was these zones that became the framework for Chalk studies in the UK up until the 1970s. The earliest [British] Geological Survey memoirs followed Barrois in listing fossils by zones (e.g. Reid, 1897, 1898, 1903) and this method was continued in the memoir by Jukes-Browne and Hill (1903, 1904) on the Cretaceous Rocks of England.
Detailed studies of the zones of the Chalk in England began with Rowe (1900–1908). Later, the zones were mapped in parts of England including Hampshire (Griffith and Brydone, 1911; Brydone, 1912), Sussex (Gaster, 1924–1951), and East Anglia (Hewitt, 1924, 1935; Peake and Hancock, 1961, 1970).
Monographs on each fossil group were published during the 20th century, but it is the work on two internationally important groups, the ammonites and inoceramid bivalves, that has revolutionized global correlation in the Upper Cretaceous succession. In this respect, the work of Kennedy (e.g. Kennedy, 1971) on the ammonites is of special note. However, apart from horizons of preservation such as hardgrounds, the originally aragonite-shelled ammonites are generally rare in white chalk facies. Because of this, zonal schemes, originally worked out in central Europe, using the calcitic shells of inoceramid bivalves (e.g. Tröger, 1989) have been increasingly applied to the zonation and long-range correlation of the English Chalk.
It was Jefferies (1963), however, who began the modern approach to Chalk biostratigraphy with his detailed collecting, bed-by-bed, in the Plenus Marls of England and the Paris Basin. A further development has been the recognition in Germany of bio-event horizons, where particular species are abundant at one level, and these abundance levels have been used to construct an event stratigraphy for the Chalk (Ernst et al., 1983; Wood et al., 1984) that can be used for long-range correlation.
Despite the enormous research effort on biostratigraphy and palaeontology over nearly two centuries, it was only in 1984 (Birkelund et al., 1984) that Upper Cretaceous stages were finally recommended. The base of the Upper Cretaceous Series is currently defined in Europe and is taken at the base of the Cenomanian Stage. The basal marker is the first appearance of the planktonic foraminifer Rotalipora globotruncanoides in the basal boundary stratotype section at Mont Risou in the Vocontian Basin in south-eastern France, the candidate Global boundary Stratotype Section and Point (GS SP) (Tröger and Kennedy, 1996; see Appendix, this volume). This is virtually coincident with, but slightly lower than, the entry of the ammonite Mantelliceras mantelli, the zonal index fossil of the basal Cenomanian ammonite Zone
An 'Upper Cretaceous Series' divided into six 'stages' is now recognized
The Chalk is unusual in that many individual beds can be correlated over great distances, for example the Upper Turonian marker marl seams that are traceable from Sussex northwards to Yorkshire, eastwards to Germany, and southwards through the Paris Basin. These marls form part of a tephro-event stratigraphy (
Another long-distance correlatable feature is the palaeomagnetic reversal from the long Cretaceous Quiet Zone, magnetochron 34N, to 33R (
The preserved onshore Upper Cretaceous deposits of the British Isles are incomplete, generally ending in the Campanian Stage, except in Norfolk, where they end in the Lower Maastrichtian. Offshore, in the North Sea Basin, central English Channel, and Western Approaches basins the successions are more complete, different sedimentologically, and different lithostratigraphies apply