Mortimore, R.N., Wood, C.J. & Gallois, R.W. 2001. British Upper Cretaceous Stratigraphy. Geological Conservation Review Series, No. 23, JNCC, Peterborough. The original source material for these web pages has been made available by the JNCC under the Open Government Licence 3.0. Full details in the JNCC Open Data Policy
Charnage Down Chalk Pit, Mere, Wiltshire
Charnage Down Chalk Pit is a working lime quarry located 2 km east of Mere, Wiltshire
Although there are many references to exposures of Chalk Rock in the area of Mere Down (e.g. Jukes-Browne and Hill, 1904, p. 75) it was not until 1916 (Scanes, 1916, p. 133, pl. 24B) that the Charnage Down Chalk Pit was illustrated and the thickness of the Chalk Rock identified. Jukes-Browne and Hill (1904) noted the changing aspect of the Chalk Rock when traced from Mere Down to West Knoyle and Chapel Farm, Upton
A photographic illustration of the section was given by Bathurst (1976), which showed how much the section with the Chalk Rock had degraded since the time of both the earlier photograph and a later photograph (Edmunds, 1938, pl. 12). Bromley (1967) investigated the Chalk Rock section and discussed burrow-fills associated with one of the hardgrounds, which were so closely spaced that they made up over 50% of the rock. He also produced an elegant block diagram (Bromley, 1975a, fig. 18.7) to show the detailed architecture of two of the hardgrounds, the higher one with a hummocky surface and the lower with a planar surface. This figure also demonstrates the effect of 'imposed horizontality' on the Thalassinoides burrow systems, i.e. the burrows extending down from the higher surface are unable to penetrate the hardened lower surface and divert to run along the top of it. Subsequently, Bromley and Gale (1982, fig. 12) published a detailed section of the Chalk Rock interval from a trench (
The exposed succession
The most conspicuous feature of the Chalk succession is the Chalk Rock, here about 1 m thick, comprising a number of glauconitized hardgrounds and associated chalkstones. Bromley and Gale (1982, fig. 3) divided the Chalk Rock into three suites of hardgrounds based on their type section at Ogbourne Maizey, near Marlborough, Wiltshire, some 58 km to the north-east
Beneath the Chalk Rock, some 4 to 5 m of New Pit Chalk Formation are exposed. These contain weakly developed marl seams and one better-developed marl seam
In the first 6 m above the Chalk Rock there is a group of nodular chalk beds containing sporadic flints. More continuous flint bands enter above a hardground that can be correlated with the Hope Gap Hardground of Sussex. Sheet-flints are also present above this hardground, some on curving shear planes. In the highest accessible exposures a conspicuous marl seam overlain by a bed of tubular flints is correlated with the Shoreham Marl 1 and the Shoreham Tubular Flints. The chalk up to this point is very pure white, but noticeably gritty with fossil debris, as is typical of the highest part of the Lewes Nodular Chalk Formation.
Fossils beneath the Chalk Rock are scarce. Only fragments of inoceramid bivalves having affinities with I. cuvieri J. Sowerby have been obtained. Smith and Drummond (1962) assigned these beds to the top of the Terebratulina lata Zone. Within the Chalk Rock no diagnostic fossils have been recorded, with the exception of Micraster leskei in the uppermost (Hitch Wood) Hardground.
In the nodular beds above the Chalk Rock, a typical suite of Upper Turonian fossils is present, including Sternotaxis placenta (Agassiz), Echinocorys, Micraster praecursor sensu Drummond and Micraster normannie Bucaill.e. Well-preserved inoceramid bivalves from this level include Inoceramus websteri sensu Woods non Mantell. Beds presumed to equate with the interval between the Navigation and Cliffe hardgrounds (i.e. Lower Coniacian Substage) contain late forms of Micraster normanniae and inoceramid bivalve debris derived from Cremnoceramus waltersdorfensis (Andert). The Hope Gap Hardground is associated with abundant Micraster decipiens (Bayle). Large Cremnoceramus crassus crassus (Petrascheck) are common in beds some 2–4 m below Shoreham Marl 1.
Charnage Down Chalk Pit is located on the north side of the Mere Fault
Despite the extremely condensed Chalk Rock here, the presence of Inoceramus cuvieri beneath the Chalk Rock, and Micraster leskei on the terminal Hitch Wood Hardground top surface provide excellent biostratigraphical control, indicating the age range of the Rock. This is comparable with expanded sections at Beggars Knoll, Shillingstone Quarry, and Fognam Quarry (see GCR site reports, this volume) and constrains the Chalk Rock interval to the uppermost Middle Turonian Substage and the lower part of the Upper Turonian Substage, an interval corresponding to the lower Lewes Nodular Chalk.
Charnage Down Chalk Pit is a key Chalk Rock locality illustrating the influence of a major tectonic line, the Mere Fault, on Late Turonian sedimentation. This is one of the most condensed successions in the Chalk. The overlying section in the upper Lewes Nodular Chalk and basal Seaford Chalk formations provides evidence for detailed correlation in these beds using typical Late Turonian and Early Coniacian fossils, particularly the inoceramid bivalves and the echinoid Micraster.