Mortimore, R.N., Wood, C.J. & Gallois, R.W. 2001. British Upper Cretaceous Stratigraphy. Geological Conservation Review Series, No. 23, JNCC, Peterborough. The original source material for these web pages has been made available by the JNCC under the Open Government Licence 3.0. Full details in the JNCC Open Data Policy
Gribun, Isle of Mull
It was the Gribun Chalk that caught the imagination when first recorded by Judd (1878). This startlingly white bed, close to the roadside in the Gribun 'boulders'
Succession after Braley (1990); Lowden et al. (1992); | More complete succession (Allt na Teangaidh) | Less complete succession (Torosay Track) | Variations Torosay Quarry | Variations Feorlin Cottage Carsaig |
Lava (presumed Tertiary) | Lava | Lava | ||
Beinn Iadain Mudstone Formation | 8. Mudstone (presumed Tertiary – possibly argillized ash); laterites | Mudstone | Top of section unknown | Mudstone with lignite |
Clach Alasdair Conglomerate Member | 7. Silicified pale sandstone with flint intraclasts (presumed Upper Cretaceous); | Flint conglomerate in sandy matrix showing evidence of debris flows | Flint conglomerate at the top | Flint conglomerate |
Clach Alasdair Conglomerate Member | 6. Silicified glauconitic greensand with flint clasts also piped down into or forming the matrix to the Gribun silicified chalk | Possible thin dark-grey limestone with planktonic foraminifera | Thick dark grey limestone in Torosay Quarry | Thick wedge of white sandstone on top of chalk conglomerate at Feorlin Cottage |
Gribun Chalk Formation | 5. The Gribun or Scottish Chalk, in places with hints of internal bedding, containing inoceramid shell debris bands, sponges etc. (the inoceramids are Cretaceous but may be reworked as silicified chalks into younger greensand; or the chalk may represent silcrete formation first in the Late Cretaceous, then the Tertiary?) | Resting on Rhaetic, Lias or Oxfordian | Resting on Oxfordian | Chalk
conglomerate |
4. Glauconitic greensand with flint intraclasts | ||||
Lochaline White Sandstone Formation | 3. Pale buff sandstone (the White Sands) | Thick white sandstone | ||
2. Laminated and concretionary sandstone with oyster shell beds and Thalassinoides burrow bed | ||||
Morvern Greensand Formation | 1. Cenomanian greensand with manly units in expanded sections and containing Lower and/or Middle Cenomanian fossils. Basal pebble bed | |||
Unconformity | Upper Cretaceous resting on Lias or Oxfordian sediments | Base of section unknown |
Gribun is a relatively low-lying agricultural area of fields and pastures on Mesozoic sediments (mainly Triassic), with low sea cliffs and marine rock platforms to the west, contrasting with the vertical stark, black, Tertiary basalt cliffs forming the high ground to the east. Ancient landslips litter the base of the cliffs bringing down isolated remnants of the thin Cretaceous sediments, capped by basalts, to low levels adjacent to the road. The steep torrents flowing from the high plateau above sometimes bring down spreads of coarse debris (mostly boulder size) to cover some sections (fanglomerates). At other times the torrents erode into older fans revealing the underlying rock, providing generally small and incomplete sections. Some exposures recorded in earlier times, for example on the beach near Clachandhu, have remained buried for many years and have not been re-exposed (1998–1999).
The entire Gribun area has been selected for the GCR. The site includes the whole Mesozoic section, which comprises thin remnants of parts of the Trias, Jurassic and Upper Cretaceous deposits resting on Moine Schists. No Lower Cretaceous rocks have been recorded. The Upper Cretaceous succession occurs in four main groups of exposures; Group I, about 10 m thick, is at the northern end of the site in landslipped 'boulders' near Clachandhu
Judd (1878) was the first to recognize Upper Cretaceous deposits in the western Highlands and to describe the succession at Gribun. He additionally identified a section on the island of Inch Kenneth (
The [British] Geological Survey (Bailey et al., 1924; Lee and Bailey 1925) could not agree with Judd on the occurrence of Upper Cretaceous strata on Inch Kenneth, re-interpreting these as Triassic in age, but recognized his Upper Greensand and Chalk at several places within the Gribun GCR site. Bailey et al. (1924, pp. 56–7) considered much of the Chalk to be remanié Cretaceous and possibly of Tertiary age.
The exposures of Upper Cretaceous strata at the Gribun GCR site illustrate lateral change in the succession typical of the entire Inner Hebrides outcrop. The sections form discontinuous small exposures, mostly disturbed by landslipping, over a distance of some 6 km north to south. It is uncertain whether all the rocks described are Cretaceous in age or whether some of the reworked silicified chalk and flint conglomerate, sandstones and mudstones are Early Tertiary (Palaeogene) in age. It is also uncertain whether the first lavas are latest Cretaceous or earliest Palaeogene in age. There is, at present, no adequate field evidence or dating to determine the ages of all the rocks. The first lava flow throughout the area is conspicuously columnar jointed and is considered to be the same as the Staffa flow forming Fingal's Cave, which can be seen on a clear day from Gribun.
Group I exposures: the Gribun Boulder 1 [NM 457 357]
The first Gribun section is in low cliffs east of the road on the south side of the first steep mountain stream south of 'The Bungalow'
The upper beds of the Gribun Chalk Formation were overgrown at the time of writing and would require extensive excavation, but a mass of white 'chalk' is still visible some 15 m south and 5 m higher towards the crest-line of the landslip masses. This second exposure does not show the top contact of the Gribun chalk with the red mudstones above; this contact is seen best in the Gribun Stream Boulder and the Clachandhu Boulders (see below). Nevertheless, real sponge and burrow-replacement flints do seem to be present in this Gribun chalk exposure. There are also hints of other shell fragments including ghosts of silicified inoceramid shells, echinoid spines, and sponges such as Porosphaera. Part of the difficulty with interpretation is the intense fracturing of the chalk by a joint set (10 joints per 100 mm, trending east) and the degree of alteration (silicification) of the whole mass. Some fragments 'appear' to be quite chalky! There is a hint of a stratigraphy in the detailed structure (layers of dark black flaser marly wisps) and colour changes from dark grey to fawn to pale green upwards. Millet-seed sand grains fill the spaces between 'silicified chalk' fragments and are particularly evident in the fawn coloured and uppermost parts of the succession.
Below this highest chalk exposure, but not in a continuous section, is the third exposure, a sandstone block of medium to fine 'white' sands with oyster-shell debris bands and calcareous, weathered-out concretions. The fourth exposure or 'boulder' is the lowest and is also a sandstone, again not in a continuously exposed section with the higher blocks. This lowest exposure contains a conspicuous basal pebble bed of rounded quartz pebbles in a sandy micaceous bed, also containing oyster-shell bands. It is assumed that the last three exposures, from the uppermost chalk to the basal pebble bed, represent a continuous outcrop, albeit only partially exposed, and that measurements across the dip therefore, give a true thickness for the total section
These four exposures together comprise the 'Gribun Boulder' section of Braley (1990) and were measured during the 1998 field season and re-checked in 1999.
Group I exposures: the Gribun Stream Boulder [NM 456 355]
A more complete, well-washed Gribun Chalk Formation section, with overlying red mudstones, is present in a large 'boulder' in the bed of the second mountain stream south of The Bungalow'
When measured in July 1999
Many small boulders and pebbles of the Gribun Stream Boulder section are found lower down the stream bed and on the beach. These have been studied in detail because the clean fragments yield fossils and rock textures not easily studied elsewhere. The stratigraphy of the silicified chalk fragments is easily reconstructed once the stratigraphical colour changes in the main boulder have been determined. The list of fossils from these loose blocks is significant and includes the sea urchin Salenia, many long echinoid spines, well-preserved sponges including the globular calcareous sponge Porosphaera, inoceramid bivalve fragments and brachiopods. The total assemblage is indicative of a Late Cretaceous (post-Turonian), probably Santonian, age. Most of the fossils were found as silicified fragments in the dark flinty layer and the pale fawn saccharoidal layer. The textures in the silicified chalk illustrated typical burrow-replacement flint formation, especially in the darker beds, which included the trace fossil Zoophycos, suggesting that this succession was once a typical chalk-like deposit. Several boulders of the wispy, flaser-textured bed, in places stained deep red, confirm the presence of this texture.
Other boulders include the change downwards to greensand at the base of the chalk.
Group I exposures: the Clachandhu Boulders
Some 200 m south of the Gribun Stream Boulder section is a holiday cottage (Clachandhu Cottage), behind and south of which, and only some 20 m east of the road, are three boulders of Gribun Chalk Formation
First Boulder behind Clachandhu Cottage
Second Boulder behind and just south of Clachandhu Cottage
Third Boulder, just south of the Second Boulder, against the fence
Group II exposures: Balm.eanach Boulders [NM 451 333]
A series of large air-weathered boulders are present downslope and to the west of the sharp bend in the road downhill from Balmeanach Cottage (cottage beside the road,
The Balmeanach Boulders are important because of the quality of the weathered-out fossils, particularly the Rhynchostreon oysters and the serpulids in sandstones (
Group III exposures: Allt na Teangaidh [NM 453 328]
The mountain stream called Allt na Teangaidh runs across the basalt lava plateau towards the north-west, parallel to the road. At the edge of the plateau it cuts a narrow defile through the basalts and underlying Cretaceous rocks
Above the concretionary bed is a massive unit of pale buff sandstone, intruded by a sill, which forms steep walls where the stream has cut through this narrow, partly overhanging section of the defile. The exposure is covered in grass and water-weeds. The field relations of the next unit up are obscured by the stream bed but a block of the pale buff sandstone appears to be surrounded by glauconitic greensand and the greensand appears to fill burrows into the buff sandstone. Angular 'flint' fragments in the greensand also surround the block. The greensand passes up through a chalk-flint intra-clast bed with greensand surrounding the clasts, into a more continuous bed of 'fragmented' siliceous chalk nearly 2 m thick. Many sedimentary structures are present in the sandy, glauconitic fills between the angular 'chalk' fragments. Within the more coherent part of the 'chalk' are other possible sedimentary structures including flaser-like wispy marly layers (partially stylolitic) and a concentration of 'flinty' fragments containing inoceramid bivalve shell debris.
A thin greensand unit (about 0.2 m thick) overlies the chalk and is partly piped down into the top of it. This layer also contains 'flint' intra-clasts and these continue upwards into a bed of pale sandstone (millet-seed sands?). The final complex unit beneath the lavas contains two beds
Group IV exposures: Caisteal Sloc nam Ban [NM 431 312]
A long walk from Balmeanach Farm south through The Wilderness
In contrast, the Caisteal Sloc nam Ban section comprises only one stream emanating from the plateau above. Below the point where the stream falls over the lowest of the basalt lavas there is a wet, weed- and algal-covered stream-bed section, partially buried by boulders, revealing a 2 m thick flint conglomerate of red and green coloured 'real' flint cobbles and pebbles set in a very hard, cemented matrix. This flint conglomerate is separated by some 20 m from the next exposure below
The whole of the conspicuous chalk conglomerate forms a Tense half a metre thick on the south bank of the stream and two metres thick on the north side.
There are no diagnostic macrofossils recorded from any of the Gribun sections but the large Amphidonte in the basal greensands at Allt na Teangaidh suggest a (Middle?) Cenomanian age for these lowest beds (see discussion below). Serpulids within the basal beds of the Lochaline White Sandstone Formation suggest a Late Cenomanian Plenus Marls Bed 4 age. Nannofossil evidence from the silicified chalks in the Gribun Stream Boulder suggests a possible Santonian–Early Campanian age for at least part of the Gribun Chalk Formation. This dating is supported by the record of the benthic foraminifera Gavelinella thalmanni (Brotzen) and Stensioeinena exsculpta gracilis Brotzen (Rawson et al., 1978 p. 56). These two species both have a late Santonian–Early Campanian range but their co-occurrence points more to an Early Campanian date (H. Bailey, pers. comm., 2001). On this evidence, the main mass of the Lochaline White Sandstone Formation would then be latest Cenomanian, Turonian or Coniacian in age.
It would not be possible to interpret the Gribun sections, fully or reliably, without comparing them with sections elsewhere on Mull and on the mainland in Morvern.
The Gribun sandstones
Parts of the Allt na Teangaidh and the Clachandhu Boulder sections can be correlated with sections at Carsaig on the south coast of Mull (
The Gribun Chalk Formation
The Caisteal Sloc nam Ban section is crucial in interpreting the Gribun Chalk Formation. This most southerly exposure in the Gribun shows the silicified chalk as a complex of intraclasts set in a sandy (in places, greensand) matrix, resting on greensands that in turn rest on the Rhaetian succession. Bailey et al. (1924), described this exposure as remanié Cretaceous and it appears to be a reworked 'mélange' of material
Bailey et al. (1924, pp. 55–6) gave a graphic description of the chalk of the Clachandhu Boulders section; '…silicified chalk is traversed in all directions by sand, often completely cemented by a cherty matrix of smoother fracture than that replacing the chalk itself…'. This was a crucial locality for Bailey, providing evidence for him of in-situ silicification in desert conditions (a silcrete that he related to observations made on current silicification processes in the Kalahari Desert). This interpretation was supported by the presence of well-rounded quartz grains of 'millet-seed' sand, which he considered characteristic of desert conditions. The reworking of chalk as a 'flint-conglomerate' at many localities suggested to him that silicification had occurred in the Cretaceous Period. Bailey et al. (1924, pp. 56–7), interpreted many of the reworked flint conglomerates at other localities, such as Caisteal Sloc nam Ban and Auchnacraig (Loch Don)
The Gribun mudstones
The chalk at Gribun is succeeded by further thin sandstone units with silicified chalk intra-clasts (angular), followed by a mudstone unit. The origin of this mudstone is controversial. It could represent a deeper-water clastic phase as a result of subsidence, or could be due to argillization of tephras following earliest volcanic activity in the area (Bailey et al., 1924, p. 59). Pre-eruption thermal doming may have developed local limestone (chalk) platforms and silicic conditions, followed by an eruption phase and subsidence. At present, there is too little evidence to support any particular theory.
The red and purple colours of the mudstone have led many to suggest that lateritic processes occurred before the eruption of the first lavas (Judd, 1878; Bailey et al., 1924; Lee and Bailey, 1925).
Lignite beds
At Carsaig there are lignite beds apparently interbedded with the earliest lava flows but also possibly beneath the lavas. These lignites locally form bright coals, seen as fallen blocks on the beach. The lignites are generally presumed to be Early Tertiary in age although there has been no satisfactory dating of these deposits and they could equally well be Late Cretaceous in age, as Judd (1878) hinted by inference from Maastrichtian lignite deposits in Germany. Bailey et al. (1924) considered all of the lignites to be of Tertiary age (based primarily on dating of the Ardtun Leaf Beds, south-west Mull) and used the presence of lignites to suggest that warm moist conditions predominated. Recent results from dating the Ardtun Leaf Beds and other lignites on Mull (Simpson, 1961; Bell and Jolley, 1997, 1998; Kerr and Kent, 1998) all indicate an Early Tertiary age for the top of the Lower Group of lavas, leaving open the possibility of an earlier age for the base of this group, including some of the sediments interbedded with the lavas.
Other localities on Mull
Gribun and Carsaig are the two main localities where relatively complete successions of the Late Cretaceous Inner Hebrides Group of sediments are preserved on Mull. Two other areas on Mull, Loch Don and Torosay, also contain remnant Late Cretaceous deposits
In the southern sea-cliff exposure at Auchnacraig, 100 m south of Port na Tairbeirt
Two sections near Torosay expose quite different successions. In old quarry workings
The Torosay Quarry section introduces many questions on the origin and dating of the Inner Hebrides Group. Torosay is the only area other than on Skye or Eigg where such limestone has been recorded and this occurrence is completely anomalous on Mull. Except for a 200 mm thick grey limestone bed on the Torosay track (see below), nearby sections on the Torosay track and Auchnacraig show markedly contrasting successions with no evidence of the dark grey limestone. An explanation for this extraordinary outcrop may include a local fault-controlled basin, or a tectonic slice brought in from elsewhere.
A second section in the Torosay area occurs on the track
Fault control of sedimentation
Each locality on Mull shows significant differences in the Inner Hebrides succession. The most condensed, reworked deposits on the north side of Auchnacraig and on the Torosay track are close to the Great Glen Fault
Gribun, complemented by the local sections on Mull, together expose the eight main rock units comprising the Late Cretaceous(?) Inner Hebrides Group on Mull
Missing from the Braley (1990) and Lowden et al. (1992) lithostratigraphical schemes are the greensands that form conspicuous thin beds at the base and top of the Chalk. The overall succession represents three phases of transgression, possibly onto unconformable surfaces, represented by, respectively, the Middle? Cenomanian Amphidonte greensands, the greensands beneath the Chalk (possibly Santonian) and the greensands at the top of the Chalk (of unknown age).
The absence of good dating and detailed sedimentological analyses makes interpretation of this group of rocks very difficult. There is increasing evidence, however, to support Bailey's concept of remanié Cretaceous at various places. The Caisteal Sloc nam Ban, Auchnacraig and Torosay track sections all contain evidence of reworking, possibly by debris flows. These could be either Late Cretaceous or Tertiary deposits and Bailey et al. (1924), and Lee and Bailey (1925) are not clear or consistent in their dating of these deposits. Because of these uncertainties, the stratigraphical relationships suggested by Braley (1990) and Lowden et al. (1992) (see