Benton, M.J., Cook, E. & Turner, P. 2002. Permian and Triassic Red Beds and the Penarth Group of Great Britain. Geological Conservation Review Series, No. 24, JNCC, Peterborough, ISBN 1 86 107 493 X. The original source material for these web pages has been made available by the JNCC under the Open Government Licence 3.0. Full details in the JNCC Open Data Policy
King's Cave to Drumadoon, Arran, Strathclyde
The coastal exposures between King's Cave and Drumadoon on the west coast of Arran present a good sequence of Triassic continental sediments of the Lamlash Sandstone and Auchenhew Mudstone formations. The sequence comprises waterlain red mudstones, siltstones, and sand stones with sedimentary structures such as symmetrical and asymmetrical ripples, wavy, lenticular, and flaser bedding, and also pseudomorphs after halite. Most clastic units fine upwards, and there is common evidence of bi-modal palaeocurrents. These features, and the occurrence of burrows, indicate a marine intertidal environment and make this an important site for understanding the Triassic palaeogeography of south-western Scotland.
Publications that relate specifically to the area of King's Cave and Drumadoon include Lovell (1971), Pollard and Lovell (1976), and Pollard and Steel (1978), and general accounts have been given by MacDonald and Herriot (1983) and McKerrow and Atkins (1989).
The coastline between King's Cave and Drumadoon Point is characterized by high cliffs and a series of well-developed wave-cut platforms
In many places, the sandstones exposed on the foreshore and in the cliffs are cut by faults. The faults do not appear to have a large throw, and igneous dykes commonly follow the fault planes (Pollard and Lovell, 1976).
The cliffs expose a thick sequence of grey and reddish sandstones, many of which are cross-laminated. The lower portions are assigned to the Brodick Breccia, or Brodick Beds, probably Permian in age (Warrington , 1973). Above these are about 400 m of the Lamlash Sandstone Formation (Warrington et al., 1980), formerly 'the Lamlash Beds' (Tyrrell, 1928; Piper, 1970; Lovell, 1971; Warrington, 1973), consisting of a lower and an upper portion. The lower half of the formation is composed of cross-bedded red sandstones, containing agates, as well as breccias and conglomerates. Above these are red, yellow, and white sandstones displaying cross‑bedding, and with sporadic conglomerate units. The sediments become finer-grained towards the top of the unit. The Glen Dubh Sandstone Formation appears to be of similar age (Warrington et al., 1980) and interdigitates with the Lamlash Sandstone Formation and perhaps also with the Brodick Breccia.
These sandstone units are overlain by a largely argillaceous unit, formerly termed simply 'the Auchenhew Beds' (Tyrrell, 1928; Piper, 1970; Lovell, 1971; Warrington, 1973), but since divided into the Lag a'Bheith Formation and the overlying Auchenhew Mudstone Formation. The former is dominated by mudstones, but contains some sandstone units, and the latter is almost entirely argillaceous.
The Auchenhew Mudstone Formation (Warrington et al., 1980, p. 26) comprises red and greenish marls with thin sandstone units
A composite section through the Auchenhew Mudstone Formation
The middle part of the sequence was measured north of the waterfall gully at the top of the cliff, on the upthrown side of a fault
The upper part of the Auchenhew Mudstone Formation is best exposed in the cliffs of a hanging gully and waterfall near Cleiteadh nan Sgarbh (
Pollard and Lovell (1976) discovered a trace fossil assemblage in fallen blocks of Auchenhew Mudstone Formation below the cliffs near Cleiteadh nan Sgarbh
The Lamlash Sandstone Formation is interpreted as having been deposited in a desert subject to periodic floods. A similar environment is postulated for the Glen Dubh Sandstone Formation. Persistent subaqueous deposition becomes more important upwards through the succession, and continues into the fully subaqueous Lag a'Bheith and Auchenhew Mudstone formations (Lovell, 1971; Warrington et al., 1980). Acritarchs in a palynomorph assemblage from the underlying Lag a'Bheith Formation in southeast Arran (Warrington, 1973) indicate marine influences.
The lower and middle parts of the Auchenhew Mudstone Formation were deposited under marginal marine or intertidal conditions (Pollard and Steel, 1978); trace fossils from the upper section suggest freshwater environments (Pollard and Lovell, 1976). The lower parts of the formation consist of cycles of mudstone and muddy siltstone capped by sandstone. The coarsening-up sequence with the symmetrical ripple marks and mudcracks was deposited in shallow water in areas subject to periods of emergence, leading eventually to permanent subaerial exposure. It is not known if these sediments were deposited under freshwater or marginal marine conditions, although the presence of pseudomorphs after halite supports the latter interpretation (Pollard and Steel, 1978). However, such pseudomorphs are also known to form under non-marine conditions (Lovell, 1981).
The middle of the Auchenhew Mudstone Formation is characterized by interbedded sandstones and mudstones capped by red sandstone. The lenticular and flaser bedding, climbing ripples, and evidence for subaerial exposure suggest deposition on prograding low-energy tidal flats. The isolated sandstone wedges, with their well-developed cross-bedding, are thought to have been deposited in small channels or creeks incised in a low-lying landscape. Palaeocurrents indicate that the dominant direction of flow was towards the south-west, and may indicate ebb currents in the channels and across the intertidal flats (Pollard and Steel, 1978).
The sediments and trace fossils of the lower parts of the waterfall section are characteristic of deposits that accumulated under dominantly terrestrial conditions. Although the trace fossil assemblage is not diagnostic of any palaeoenvironment, it is likely that the traces were made by freshwater arthropods living in the muddy sediments deposited on a river floodplain. The overlying alternations between siltstones and sandstones (units I to IV), some exhibiting well-preserved cross-laminations and calcrete nodules, are indicative of a river floodplain (Pollard and Lovell, 1976). However, Pollard and Steel (1978) considered the 'potato stones' to be a result of the replacement of evaporite minerals by calcite or quartz, probably in sabkha-type environments.
The coastal section between King's Cave and Drumadoon exposes Lower and Middle Triassic deposits and shows the Auchenhew Mudstone Formation particularly well. This formation is dominated by mudstones, siltstones, and sandstones that represent changing conditions of deposition; the lower part accumulated under marginal marine or intertidal conditions, while the upper levels probably represent deposition on low-lying floodplains or perhaps sabkha flats. This is the best site for the study of an important part of the Triassic succession of Arran.