Benton, M.J., Cook, E. & Turner, P. 2002. Permian and Triassic Red Beds and the Penarth Group of Great Britain. Geological Conservation Review Series, No. 24, JNCC, Peterborough, ISBN 1 86 107 493 X. The original source material for these web pages has been made available by the JNCC under the Open Government Licence 3.0. Full details in the JNCC Open Data Policy
Oddicombe Beach, Devon
The sea cliffs behind Oddicombe Beach expose sections through the Lower Permian Oddicombe Breccia, for which this is the type locality. The breccias are faulted against the Devonian limestones of Petit Tor. The breccias are poorly sorted sediments arranged in crude sheet-like units that fine upwards, and were deposited from ephemeral floods. Imbrication of clasts in some of the finer-grained breccia units indicates fluvial transport towards the east. Permian sandstones and siltstones also infill a cavity and fissure system cut into the underlying Devonian limestone.
The Oddicombe Breccia has been described by Ussher (1913), Ussher and Lloyd (1933), Laming (1966, 1982), Perkins (1971), and Selwood et al. (1984).
The cliffs behind Oddicombe Beach expose the Oddicombe Breccia and Devonian rocks, including the dolerites, shales, and limestones best seen on Babbacombe Downs
The Permian sediments at Oddicombe occupy a downfaulted block, surrounded on all sides by Devonian rocks. At the northern end of the beach, a substantial normal fault runs from sea level up through the cliffs, roughly following the route of the cliff path. This fault brings the Devonian Petit Tor Limestone against the Oddicombe Breccia (Laming, 1969, 1982). At the opposite end of the beach a second fault, marked by the route of the cliff railway, brings the Permian sediments into contact with dolerite, shales, and limestones of Devonian age.
The Oddicombe Breccia, termed the 'breccio-conglomerates' by Ussher (1913), has a maximum exposed thickness here of approximately 350 in. The unit comprises a series of breccia beds, which range in thickness from 0.15 to 0.5 m, interbedded with thinner units of coarse, pebbly cross- and planar-bedded sandstone (
Sedimentary structures are commonly preserved within the Oddicombe Breccia, and include pebble imbrication, planar bedding associated with graded bedding, and low-angle cross-bedding. Rarer sedimentary structures include channels and trough cross-bedding (Laming, 1966, 1982; Selwood et al., 1984). At Maidencombe Cove
Towards the northern end of Oddicombe Beach, cavities and open fissures are seen in the top metre or so of the massive Devonian Petit Tor Limestone. The cavities are partly or completely filled with stratified reddish-coloured siltstone and sandstone, forming sandstone dykes. The infilling sediments are well cemented by calcite, which occurs locally as small nodules and crystals lining the cavities (Laming, 1969, 1982).
The Permian sediments exposed at Oddicombe Beach represent deposition under terrestrial environments in a semi-arid climatic regime. The coarse, angular, poorly sorted breccias, with planar and low-angle cross-bedding, suggest accumulation on alluvial fans, with deposition from sheet floods and from floods channelled through canyons incised in the upper surface of the fans (Laming, 1982). The rounded nature of the clasts in the Oddicombe Breccia indicates that they had been transported some distance from the uplands to the west and north-west
The isolated cut-and-fill troughs and the grouped cut-and-fill scoops exposed at Maidencombe Cove
The Oddicombe Breccia cannot be dated directly. However, it may be Early Permian in age (Laming, 1968, 1982; Selwood et al., 1984), by comparison of the included clasts, such as quartz porphyry, which occur also in the Bow Breccia farther north (Edwards et al., 1997).
Two theories have been proposed for the origin of the fissures and the sandstone dykes. The first is that fissures and cavities within the Petit Tor Limestone are solution features produced by exposure and karstification of the limestones during the Permian Period (Laming, 1982). The fissures were then filled with a mixture of red sandstone and silt, grey limy silt, and small fragments of limestone, presumably washed into the cracks. The alternative view is that the fissures were formed through a combination of desiccation and loading associated with flooding events (Selwood et al., 1984). The red sediment may then have been emplaced from below by quicksand injection during dewatering, or washed into the fissures from above.
The excellent exposures of the Oddicombe Breccia at Oddicombe Beach provide valuable information on the early Permian palaeogeography and geological history of Devon. These sediments have been interpreted as part of a regional-scale alluvial fan complex, with sediment accumulation occurring by a combination of fluvial, and, to a lesser extent, aeolian processes. The site is the type location for the Oddicombe Breccia. Notable also are the cracks and fissure infills in the underlying Devonian limestones produced by solution or synsedimentary tectonic activity during Early Permian times.