Huddart, D. & Glasser, N.F. 2007. Quaternary of Northern England. Geological Conservation Review Series No. 25, JNCC, Peterborough, ISBN 1 86107 490 5. The original source material for these web pages has been made available by the JNCC under the Open Government Licence 3.0. Full details in the JNCC Open Data Policy
Downholland Moss
D. Huddart
In south-west Lancashire the area with the most complete record of sea-level changes from 8000 to 4000 years ago is Downholland Moss. Its lithostratigraphy, biostratigraphy and chronostratigraphy have been examined in detail (Tooley, 1978a, b, 1980, 1985; Huddart, 1992) and have provided data for the construction of sea-level curves for constraining geophysical models of isostatic uplift (Lambeck, 1991), for the vegetational history of coastal lowlands during the Flandrian and for the impact of prehistoric folk on the coastal environment. It was the key area for the application, development and testing of the concepts of transgressive and regressive overlap tendencies (Shennan et ed., 1983).
The following palaeoenvironments are represented in the Downholland Moss sediments.
- Tidal flat and lagoonal: represented by alternating organic and inorganic sediments of marine, brackish-water, freshwater and terrestrial origin, where the morphology includes old tidal creeks or roddons (as defined by Godwin (1938) and discussed by Huddart (1992); see
(Figure 8.98) and sandbanks. - Perimarine: represented by alternating organic and inorganic sediments of freshwater and terrestrial origin.
- Sand dune: represented along the western margin of the moss by surface sheets of sand and by sand layers interfingering the limnic and terrestrial organic deposits and along parts of the eastern margin by a morphology of low dune ridges.
Raised bog peats also exist but have been much degraded as a result of drainage schemes following extensive flooding in 1954 and 1956, but they persist under coverts and where they have been overblown by sand along the western margin of the moss.
Downholland Moss has attracted attention since burning oil slicks on the water of the dykes were reported in the late 18th century by Aikin (1795). Binney and Talbot (1843) were the first to discuss the stratigraphy of the moss, describing three marine clays intercalated with peats. Few significant records exist until 1939, when the stratigraphy of the unconsolidated sediments was described during a programme of oil prospecting (Cope, 1939; Wray and Cope, 1948) and a few pollen and diatom counts were undertaken by Blackburn (1939). Hall (1956) completed a survey of the coastal mosslands in 1955 and put down eight borings to a maximum depth of 3 m along a transect across Downholland Moss, which proved three inorganic horizons intercalated with peat (see also Hall and Folland, 1967). Further stratigraphical, pollen and diatom (Tooley, 1974, 1978a, b, 1985), plant macrofossils (A. GreatRex, pers. comm., 1985) and foraminiferal investigations (Huddart, 1992) have been completed.
Beneath Downholland Moss the sub-drift surface on Triassic sandstones varies in altitude from +6.0 to -26.8 m OD. Till thicknesses vary from 2 to 30 m and the surface of this till has been eroded to form a funnel-shaped valley, opening and deepening westwards (Howell, 1973). At the eastern end of the moss the surface of the till lies at -1.7 m OD and at the western end at -14 m OD. This till is overlain by Late-glacial coversand, known as the 'Shirdley Hill Sand Formation' (Wilson et al., 1981), which was reworked during the Flandrian by both wind and water (Tooley, 1978a, 1985), including nearshore marine waters (Huddart, 1992). The Shirdley Hill Sand is overlain discontinuously by a basal peat and successively by marine sands, silts and clays, with interruptions of peat. Along the western margin of the moss the peat has been covered by blown sand and ombrogenous peats have survived.
The complexity of the stratigraphy on the moss is revealed in the transects (
1. Site DM-11
2. Site DM-15 (
3. Site DM-16
4. New Cut and The Rib between Moss Bridge and Moss Heath. Stratigraphical and micro-palaeontological details from drainage, excavation and construction work in this area on the boundary with Altcar Moss
A drainage cut, at right angles to the New Cut and parallel to Rib Lane
5. Altcar 1
- ALT-a, in which the tree pollen is dominated by Quercus and Pinus is co-dominant. A feature
(Figure 8.106) is the rise and fall of freshwater taxa, particularly Typha angustifolia. - ALT-b where Quercus remains dominant with Alnus as a subdominant. Pinus values decline and Ulmus values are low but persistent. Tilia values are low and discontinuous. The pollen of Chenopodiaceae is present throughout the zone and rises immediately before the lithological change from a well-humified monocot peat with Phragmites rhizomes to a silt clay with monocots, including Phragmites and Cladium(i)rhizomes.
- ALT-c, in which Quercus and Alnus pollen characterize the tree pollen and the non-arboreal pollen are dominated by grasses and sedges, which dominate the assemblage from 46–56 cm.
The continuous Ulmus pollen record and the low discontinuous Tilia record, with the tree pollen characterized by Quercus and with Alnus and Pinus pollen values declining, indicates an early to mid-Flandrian Chronozone II age for the succession.
This site is important because it provides indications of the environmental changes that have affected the coastal lowlands in the time period between 8000 and 4000 years ago. There is evidence for sea-level change, associated with changes in water level and quality. These changes are indicated by variations in sediments and foraminiferal and diatom biozones. There are associated vegetation changes indicated by the pollen and macrofossil record and some evidence of human activity influencing this vegetation. The changes in landscape have been dated and the evidence from Downholland Moss is important in our overall understanding of the coastal ecosystem development in north-west England.
Downholland Moss is the classic site from which coastal palaeoenvironmental change and associated sea-level change has been documented in south-west Lancashire. From this area there has been a long history of theories advanced to explain the distribution of coastal landforms and lithostratigraphy in the tidal flat, peri-marine, dune and saltmarsh zone. These have been summarized as follows (Tooley, 1980):
- the breaching of sand barriers and the shoaling of inlets during a period of static sea-level (Binney and Talbot, 1843);
- land subsidence and uplift during a period of static sea-level but with relative rises and falls of sea-level (Reade, 1871);
- an oscillating sea-level caused by the interplay of land uplift and the eustatic rise of sea-level (Gresswell, 1953, 1957).
However, the bio- and lithostratigraphy from this moss indicate three periods of positive and negative sea-level tendencies between 6980 and 5615 years BP, with age indicated absolutely by 14C dating and relatively by the pollen-assemblage zones. Micropalaeontological and sedimentological analyses indicate fundamental changes in water depth and water quality during accumulation of both the minerogenic and the biogenic sediments (Tooley, 1978b; Middleton et at, 2001). In the New Cut section there is evidence for three units of silt and clay with quiet brackish to marine water indicators in the macrofossils and in all the sedimentary indicators. These clastic units are subdivided by terrestrial, telematic or limnic peats. This is similar to the interpretation for DM-15 (Tooley, 1974, 1978a, b, 1985; Huddart, 1992; Middleton et al., 2001), where three transgressive and regressive overlaps occurred progressively higher in the stratigraphical column and with progressively younger dates. Each transgression shows facies changes that permit an interpretation of a rising sea-level followed by a falling sea-level. This is indicated by a saltmarsh regime succeeded by a higher to lower mud-flat sedimentary environment and later by a saltmarsh regime, before brackish water, limnic biogenic deposits accumulated.
In DM-11 the major environmental event is the marine transgression that occurred at the beginning of Flandrian Chronozone II, at altitudes from –0.87 to –0.36 m OD. The onset of marine conditions at 6980 years BP occurred when the regional forest was dominated by pine, in an arrested succession on the sandy soils that had developed on the Shirdley Hill Sand Formation. Nevertheless, the mixed-oak forest taxa were present and marine conditions were anticipated by the presence of wetland pollen taxa, such as Typha angustifolia and open freshwater taxa and then saltmarsh conditions, with Chenopodiaceae. The marine event lasted only 200 radiocarbon years and DM-11 and DM-11A are close to the eastern, landward marine limit, which is about 500 m farther inland than the marine limit mapped by De Rance (1869b), but c. 1.4 km seaward of the Hillhouse Coastline of Gresswell (1953, 1957). In the overlying 3 m of organic sediments there is abundant evidence of changing freshwater levels, associated with the repetitive marine transgressions and regressions documented at other sites farther west from DM-10
During pollen-assemblage zone DM-11c
The organic units between the three marine episodes display significant changes in the frequency of their components. Five pollen-assemblage zones have been recognized
- DM-15a, in which where the tree pollen never rises over 45%, with Quercus the dominant tree. The assemblage is characterized by non-tree pollen and the changing frequencies of freshwater taxa indicate fluctuating groundwater tables. The high frequencies of Chenopodiaceae and the presence of Plantago maritima suggest that saltmarsh conditions existed close by.
- DM-15b, in which tree pollen never exceeds 25% and is dominated by Quercus. Of the herbaceous pollen, grasses are dominant and the characteristic of this zone is the rise and fall in aquatic taxa frequency
- DM-15c shows an increase in tree pollen, dominated by Quercus. Gramineae values decline and those of the aquatics rise and fall once again. As the frequency of the aquatic pollen declines so that of saltmarsh taxa increases. In addition there is an increase in the number of dinoflagellate cysts as the boundary with the overlying marine strata is approached.
- DM-15d is still dominated by Quercus tree pollen, although the zone is characterized by non-tree pollen. Grasses are accompanied by saltmarsh taxa.
- DM-15e, in which the tree pollen is characterized by Quercus and Alnus, although there are significant contributions made by Betula and Ulmus. The pollen of herbs and the spores of Filicales are characteristic of this zone, in which the pollen of cereals and ruderals are conspicuous.
Fluctuations of the fresh groundwater table consequential on the changes in sea level and the deposition of marine clastic sediment dominate the processes that affect the vegetational history at DM-15. Similarly at Altcar 1, changes in water level and water quality are indicated from data given in
The foraminiferal analyses from DM-15 can be referred to the three marine episodes; they have confirmed the sedimentary environments and have added detail about these marine phases (Huddart, 1992). From the DM-15 core five foraminiferal biozones can be identified. These biozones, with their approximate environmental locations, are as follows:
- Jadammina macrescens biozone on the high marsh;
- Jadammina macrescens–Trochammina inflata biozone on the high marsh;
- Jadammina macrescens–Protelphidium germanicum biozone at the high marsh to low marsh transition;
- Ammonia batavus–Jadammina macrescens–Elphidium excavatum–Protelphidium germanicum biozone on the upper to middle part of the low marsh;
- Protelphidium germanicum Elphidium excavatum–Elphidium articulatum biozone from the lower low marsh.
The more detailed work from the New Cut and The Rib adds to this interpretation. The lowest silt passes from a relatively species-rich marine lagoon with an assemblage dominated by Protelphidium germanicum and Elphidium species and a large number of small, current-transported inner shelf species (8A,
The morphology of low amplitude, sinuous ridges, west of Rib Lane, and obvious elsewhere on Downholland and Altcar Mosses, was described by Tooley (1985). They were interpreted by Huddart (1992) as a series of roddons, which were described first by Skertchly (1877) from the Fenland, and defined by Fowler (1932, 1934) as banks of laminated silt meandering through the peat fens. The banked form of the roddons was, according to Godwin (1938), the result of the natural levee of a tidal creek, and MacFadyen's (1933) work on Foraminifera supported this view, as he suggested that the roddon silts appear to have been deposited from tidal estuarine water flowing up the ancient waterway. He also suggested that the roddon silts were rich in species of estuarine origin brought in up the channel from the sea. This is similar to the explanation for the high-diversity samples lower in the stratigraphical sequence and the roddon characteristics are seen in cross section and vertical succession in
Site name | Coordinates | Grid reference | Material dated (after Troels-Smith, 1955) | Palaeoenvironment represented | Stratigraphical position of sample | Laboratory code | 14C date (years BP ±σ) | Height of top of sample (metres OD) | Thickness of sample (metres) | Depth of top of sample from ground surface (centimetres) | Interpretation |
New Cut-A | 55°33'39"N 03°01'05"W | Sh4, Th(Phra)2 + Th(Cladii)2 + Humous substance with Cladium and Phragmites | Saltmarsh to reedswamps | Silt overlaid by organic stratum | Hv.12540 | 6870 ± 235 | +0.52 | 0.02 | 134 | Regressive overlap | |
New Cut-A | 55°33'39"N 03°01'05"W | Sh4, Th(Phra)2 + Humous substance with Phragmites | Reedswamps to saltmarsh | Organic stratum overlaid by silty clay | Hv.12539 | 6840 ± 95 | +0.99 | 0.02 | 87 | Transgressive overlap | |
New Cut-F | 53°33'47.5N 03°00'42'W | Ld33, Th(Phra)21 Laminated limus with Phragmites | Saltmarsh to reedswamps | Silt overlaid by organic stratum | Hv.12537 | 7015 ± 90 | –0.20 | 0.02 | 180 | Regressive overlap | |
New Cut-F | 53°33'47.5"N 03°00'42'"W | Ld34, Th3 + Laminated limus | Reedswamps to saltmarsh | Organic stratum overlaid by clayey silt | Hy.12538 | 7435 ± 300 | +0.16 | 0.02 | 144 | Transgressive overlap | |
New Cut | Th2(Phra)3, Sh1, Dl+ Dh++ | Phragmites turfa | Gu-7229 | 5670 ± 70 | +0.73 | ||||||
New Cut | Dh3, Shl, Ag+ Dl+ Th(Phra)1+ | Woody detritus | Gu-7230 | 5810 ± 80 | +0.60 | ||||||
New Cut | Th2(Phra)3, Sh1, Ag+ Dh++ | Phragmites turfa | Gu-7231 | 6610 ± 80 | –0.19 |
There are some indications of prehistoric human activity on the moss. At Altcar 1, however, these are minor, although the peak frequencies of Gramineae (which may be a manifestation of groundwater fluctuations), the low, discontinuous frequencies of the spores of bracken and of Taraxacum, all of which occur prior to the Elm Decline, may indicate human influence on the vegetation. However, the paucity of evidence for human activity both pre-dating and post-dating the Elm Decline may be because of remoteness attributable to the sedimentary environments present around this site. For example, there are two marine episodes separated by episodes in which reedswamps were characteristic, and these environments clearly are not suitable for pastoral or agricultural farming, although they would be attractive as a resource. At several levels in the upper organic stratum at DM-16, between 190 and 5 cm, there is some evidence of human activity. There are low frequencies of ruderals or single grains of Rumex, Urtica, Plantago lanceolata and Taraxacum and the spores of Pteridium. Charcoal was recorded at several levels pre-dating the Elm Decline. This indicates human activity on dry land nearby, either on islands of till and coversand in the wetland, or the rising subcrops of till farther east. There are some tantalizing correlations, such as the presence of low frequencies of Pteridium aquilinum spores associated with charcoal at several levels. As bracken is associated with forest clearance it may be that this remote wetland site clearance on the drier, sandy ground to landward is being recorded. However it is necessary to move closer to the blown sand farther west at DM-15
Downholland Moss has been studied for over 150 years and there has been a wealth of information obtained related to its development over the past 8400 years. It has provided important data related to sea-level change in north-west England and there is evidence for three marine phases in the deeper parts of the moss succession. The detail of the associated vegetation changes and detailed diatom and foraminiferal biostratigraphy have provided much local evidence as to the environmental changes related to transgressions and regressions of the sea. These sea-level changes have been dated across the moss and in stratigraphical succession by 14C dating of the contacts. It has been difficult to correlate marine phases across the moss but major changes from the Alt estuary area to the New Cut and farther to the north at DM-15 suggest that the transgressions observed had their source from the proto-Alt estuary to the southwest rather than from the immediate west. This too suggests a barrier to the west throughout most of the Flandrian, with the connection to the sea via the Alt estuary.
The moss too has given detailed information for the first time in north-west England for the stratigraphy and morphology of roddon landforms, which drain to the Downholland Brook and the River Alt. Throughout Flandrian times Downholland Moss appears to have been a wetland habitat, with a mosaic of freshwater, saltmarsh and brackish-water lagoon environments, behind a sand barrier to the west. Occasionally islands of the Shirdley Hills Sand Formation or till provided a drier habitat for woodland. There are isolated glimpses of prehistoric human land use of the moss, or at least its immediate adjacent dune habitats or drier islands within the wetland.