Figures and tables
(Figure 1.1) Location of the 78 sites described in this volume.
(Figure 2.1) Oxygen isotope stratigraphy (after Prell et al., 1986). A deep-sea core shows the variation of oxygen isotopes with depth (arbitrary units) and time (ka). Fluctuations to the left correspond to larger ice volumes on land (glacials) and conversely fluctuations to the right to reduced on-land ice, corresponding to interglacials. Curves represent different ben-thic foraminifera.
(Figure 2.2) Oxygen isotope record and polarity from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) site 677 (after Shackleton et al., 1990). Normal polarity is indicated by black, reverse by white. No.s 1–35 are Oxygen Isotope Stages (O1S). BM: Brunhes–Matuyama boundary; J: Jaramillo event.
(Figure 2.3) A global climatic index (after Thorne, 1996) based on the SPECMAP δ18O record (Imbrie et al., 1984).
(Figure 2.4) Pleistocene climatic signals and chronologies. (a) Oxygen isotope and palaeomagnetic record in core V28–239, after Shackleton and Opdyke (1976) and Berggren et al. (1980) PDB: Pee Dee Belemnite. (b) Magnetic susceptibility record in the Xifeng Loess and proposed correlation of the Chinese loess and soil units with the Oxygen Isotype Stages in the core 552A (Deep Sea Drilling Project), after Shackleton et al. (1984), Ruddiman et al. (1986) and Kukla (1987). See overleaf for (c) and (d).Pleistocene climatic signals and chronologies. (c) Oxygen isotope record for the Camp Century ice core, north-western Greenland, after Dansgaard et al. (1971) and Johnsen et al. (1972). (d) Correlation between the Grand Pile continental deposit, north-eastern France and the deep-sea record, after Woillard (1978) and Woillard and Mook (1982).
(Figure 3.1) Location of Miocene–Pliocene (Neogene) sediments in Britain and the adjacent continental shelf (after Walsh et al., 1972). See also Daley and Balson (1999) in the Tertiary stratigraphy volume of the GCR series.
(Figure 3.2) Location of large-scale subsidence features in Derbyshire, after Walsh et al. (1972). been suggested, but the evidence is acknowledged as flimsy (Walsh et al., 1972).
(Figure 4.1) Possible ice margins and principal ice movement directions (after Catt, 1981): (a) Devensian; (b) Wolstonian; (c) Anglian; (d) Beestonian; (e) Baventian; (f) another early Quaternary stage.
(Figure 4.2) Summary of the probable Pleistocene chronostratigraphical ranges of the sedimentary facies represented in the UK sector of the North Sea (after Cameron et al., 1987; Long, A.J. et al., 1988).
(Figure 4.3) Evidence of the direction of initial ice advance in the 'Older' glacial stage in part of Yorkshire after Gaunt (1981) (Wolstonian or Anglian? — see text).
(Figure 4.4) Incision of Mosedale Beck into Quaternary deposits, showing Late-glacial and Holocene river terraces and landsliding. (Photos: J. Boardman.)
(Figure 4.5) Direction of ice movement in the north-eastern Lake District (after Boardman, 1991).
(Figure 4.6) The valleys of Mosedale, Thornsgill Beck and Wolf Crags, showing exposed sites (after Boardman, 1985a).
(Figure 4.7) Relationship of the till units along Mosedale Beck (after Boardman, 1991).
(Figure 4.8) Stratigraphy in Mosedale (after Boardman, 1985c).
(Figure 4.9) Attempts to reconstruct the Quaternary evolution of the landscape in the Thornsgill–Mosedale area. A bedrock valley is filled by pre-Devensian glacial deposits, which are then weathered and incised over a long period or periods of temperate conditions. Late Devensian glacial deposits then bury the landscape. During Late-glacial and Holocene times river incision occured to create the present topography.
(Figure 4.10) Summary diagram illustrating the relationships between the Quaternary deposits in eastern Durham (after Smith and Francis, 1967).
(Figure 4.11) Fissure deposits on the Durham coast near Blackhall Colliery (from Trechmann, 1919).
(Figure 4.12) Devensian glaciogenic sequences and their interpretation: Warren House Gill and Horden. (a) Tripartite Devensian glaciogenic sequences, Warren House Gill (after Smith and Francis, 1967). (b) Devensian glaciogenic sequence, Horden Point. (c) Devensian glaciogenic sequence, Horden Sewerage Works.
(Figure 4.13) Stone orientation directions from the Lower Till, eastern Durham (after Beaumont, 1971).
(Figure 4.14) Lake Edder Acres, eastern Durham (after Smith and Francis, 1967).
(Figure 4.15) Distribution of the Upper Boulder Clay (Horden Till) in eastern Durham (after Smith and Francis, 1967).
(Figure 4.16) Sections in the cliffs north of Easington. The upper part shows Shippersea Bay exposures since 1996, examined by Bridgland and Austin (1999). The location of (Figure 4.19) is noted. Below shows the sections based on observations and records of former exposures described by Smith and Francis (1967). Their Middle Sands and Gravels (stippled) separate Lower and Upper Boulder Clays (no ornamentation). The stratigraphical location of the Easington raised beach is noted (after Bridgland and Austin, 1999).
(Figure 4.17) Diagrammatic section of the Easington raised beach and associated deposits (after Woolacott, 1922; Bowen et al., 1991).
(Figure 4.18) Easington raised beach, April 2000. (Photo: D. Huddart.)
(Figure 4.19) Sedimentological detail of the Easington Raised Beach in the main exposure (after Bridgland and Austin, 1999). (a) Sand with cobbles, overlying uneven Magnesian Limestone surface; (b) well-bedded cobble and pebble gravel, with layers of fine shingle; (c) cemented gravel and pea-shingle; (d) cemented sand, current bedded; (e) unconsolidated gravel and shingle.
(Figure 4.20) Geomorphological map of the area showing the position of the Scandal Beck site within the drumlin field. (After Letzer, 1978).
(Figure 4.21) Sections in Scandal Beck: (a) 1976 and (b) 1981 (after Letzer, 1981).
(Figure 4.22) Map of the Speeton Shell Bed localities. remained central to the reconstructions of late Quaternary palaeoenvironments of eastern Yorkshire, although its exact age and stratigraphical context have remained problematic.
(Figure 4.23) Stratigraphical log of the complete Quaternary succession at New Closes Cliff (after Edwards, 1981), showing the relationship between the Speeton Shell Bed and the overlying Devensian Lower and Upper Till Series (Skipsea Till Formation, Evans et al., 1995).
(Figure 4.24) Stratigraphical log of the Speeton Shell Bed as exposed between Middle Cliff and New Closes Cliff (after Thistlewood and Whyte, 1993).
(Figure 4.25) Local site map for the Sewerby stratigraphical exposure.
(Figure 4.26) Map of Holderness showing the location of the buried cliffline and other Quaternary landforms.
(Figure 4.27) The buried marine cliff and platform at Sewerby. From this location the chalk cliff (outlined by broken lines) trends inland. Stratigraphical units visible in this typical view include: (A) the 'rainwash' or colluvium; (B) the aeolian sand; (C) the chalk rubble; (D) the 'Drab Till' or Skipsea Till Formation; and (E) the Sewerby Gravels. (Photo: J. Rose.)
(Figure 4.28) The stratigraphical sequence at Sewerby based upon Lamplugh (1887) and Catt (1987c). An alternative stratigraphical relationship between the Basement Till and the interglacial beach gravels based upon Lamplugh (1890) and most recently preferred by Eyles et al. (1994) is reproduced in the inset.
(Figure 4.29) Map of the distribution of the Kelsey Hill Gravels and associated landforms and sediments (after Berridge and Pattison, 1994).
(Figure 4.30) Horizontally bedded Kelsey Hill Gravels truncated by Withernsea Till. (Photo: N. Eyles).
(Figure 4.31) Simplified stratigraphical sequence along an east–west transect from Dimlington to Mill Hill, after Eyles et al. (1994).
(Figure 4.32) The location of Harwood Dale Moor and its relationship to the Late Devensian ice sheet (after Bullock et al., 1973).
(Figure 5.1) Models of glacial successions, northern England. (a) Tripartite scheme after Hull (1864) and the complex scheme after Binney (1848) (after Worsley, 1970). (b) Process of glacial undermelt from Carruthers (1953). In the left-hand diagram, ice melts by subglacial undermelting to give the sediment units (lettered) on the right, including 'bottom', 'banded' (shear-clays), and on the left englacial section, with the top 'overriding' dins to give the Upper Till. The undermelting takes place in situ by liberation of sediment from the ice at the glacier base. (after Bennett and Doyle, 1994).
(Figure 5.2) Limits of Anglian and Late Devensian glaciations in Great Britain (based on Eyles and Dearman, 1981; Eyles and McCabe, 1989; Boulton et al., 1991).
(Figure 5.3) The modelled ice sheet at the time of the Last Glacial Maximum (ice thickness in metres): (a) according to Boulton et al. (1977); (b) according to Boulton et al. (1985). (c) Isochrons (ka) for recession of the last ice sheet according to Andersen (1981). The extent of the Loch Lomond (Younger Dryas) icefield (11–10 ka) is shaded.
(Figure 5.4)a. Suggested Late Devensian ice movements in northern England (after Taylor et al., 1971). b. Suggested Late Devensian ice movements in northern England: generalized movements at various time periods after Letzer (1981). Note that the Early Scottish could be Early Devensian or Wolstonian and that the ice movement directions for the Scottish Readvance are incorrect (see Huddart, 1970, 1991, 1994, 1997).
(Figure 5.5) Generalized ice flows and ice limits during the Heinrich I event in northern Britain (after McCabe et al., 1998). Note that the ice flows in Cumbria and east Yorkshire are considered to be incorrect by the present authors.
(Figure 5.6) Patterns of ice-sheet movement and glacial erosion. The five zones of erosional intensity are: 0, no glacial erosion; I, limited glacial erosion; II, glacial erosion confined to major flowlines; III, widespread glacial erosion; IV, very extensive glacial erosion, no trace of the pre-glacial landscape (after Clayton, 1974).
(Figure 5.7) Suggested ice movements in northern England based on erratic distribution (after Harmer, 1928).
(Figure 5.8) a. Glacial landforms in the Harrington area, west Cumbria (after Huddart, 1970; Huddart and Tooley, 1972). See (Figure 5.8)b for stratigraphy of the Walker's Brow pit. b. Stratigraphy in the Walker's Brow pit, Harrington area, west Cumbria (after Huddart, 1970; Huddart and Tooley, 1972). See (Figure 5.8)a for location of Walker's Brow Pit.
(Figure 5.9) Location of glaciofluvial landforms in the middle Eden valley, Cumbria (after Huddart, 1970, 1981c).
(Figure 5.10) Stratigraphy and model of subglacial sedimentation at Low Plains pit, Edenside (after Huddart, 1970, 1981c): (a) stratigraphy; (b) model of subglacial sedimentation.
(Figure 5.11) Stratigraphy and model of glacio-lacustrine sedimentation at the Baronwood pit, Edenside (after Huddart, 1970, 1981c): (a) stratigraphy; (b) model of glacio-lacustrine sedimentation.
(Figure 5.12) Glaciofluvial landforms in the Brampton 'kame' belt (after Huddart, 1970, 1981c).
(Figure 5.13) Stratigraphy in ice-walled stream trench deposition, Brampton 'kame' belt (after Huddart, 1970, 1981c): (a) stratigraphy at Whin Hill, How Mill; (b) model of deposition at Whin Hill, How Mill; (c) stratigraphy at Faugh.
(Figure 5.14) Ice-walled lake plain landforms, sediments and development at Carrow Hill, Petteril valley, Cumbria (after Huddart, 1970, 1983): (a) morphology, borehole locations and M6 motorway interchange, Carrow Hill; (b) stratigraphy of circled boreholes in (a); (c) model of ice-walled lake plain deposition.
(Figure 5.15) Schematic glacial lithostratigraphy in inland west Cumbria based on Oughterside Opencast Coal Site [NY 126 400] (after Hughes et al., 1998).
(Figure 5.16) Large-scale geomorphological zonation and glacial land-system terrains and limits of glaciations (modified from Huddart, 1970; Eyles and Dearman, 1981; Cameron et al., 1987).
(Figure 5.17) Landform-sediment assemblages in the Cheshire–Shropshire lowland: (a) Schematic diagram of a broad arcuate belt of hummocky flow till draped over outwash ridges abutting the western Pennine edge. The till plain to the north and west is composed of lodgement till and locally is obscured by glacio-lacustrine sediments and flow till. (After Paul, 1983.) (b) major sediment-landform assemblages and the relationships between former ice lobes and bedrock topography (after Thomas, G.S.P, 1989). A-C indicate moraine lines.
(Figure 5.18) Late Devensian glaciation in the Cheshire Plain and Welsh Borders (after Peake, 1981).
(Figure 5.19) Stages in the deglaciation of the western margin of the Cheshire–Shropshire lowland (after Thomas , G.S.P., 1989).
(Figure 5.20) Irish Sea palaeogeography during the Late Devensian glaciation (after Eyles and McCabe, 1989): (a) shows ice flow and dispersal centres; (b) shows the final stage of disintegration with a calving front.
(Figure 5.21) Supposed glaciomarine sites in the Cumbrian lowlands (after Eyles and McCabe, 1989; discussed in Huddart and Clark, 1994).
(Figure 5.22) Seismic stratigraphical architecture from offshore Cumbrian locations (seismic line No 89/29, shot points 2621–2630) (after Nirex, 1997b).
(Figure 5.23) Cartoons to illustrate the suggested glacial stages during the Late Quaternary history of the Sellafield area, Cumbria. For key, see page 125. (After Nirex, 1997b; Clark and Smith, 1998.)
(Figure 5.24) The Late Devensian Stage in the Sellafield area, Cumbria: (a) schematic transect showing limits of glacial advances and retreats; (b) conjectural model of ice distribution through time 22 000–12 000 years BP; (c) conjectural extension of the X unconformity onshore beneath the Gosforth lowland (after British Geological Survey Report No.WA/97/15C).
(Figure 5.25) Extent of the Late Devensian (Scottish) readvance in Cumbria (after Huddart, 1970, 1991, 1994).
(Figure 5.26) The stratigraphy recorded at Oakwood Quarry, Chelford (after Worsley et al., 1983).
(Figure 5.27) General stratigraphy at Four Ashes (after Morgan, A.N., 1973).
(Figure 5.28) Dimlington Silts overlying Basement Till at Dimlington. (Photo: J. Rose.)
(Figure 5.29) Map of Holderness showing the distribution of the Skipsea and Withernsea tills and important stratigraphical sites, based upon Eyles et al. (1994) and other various sources.
(Figure 5.30) Schematic diagram of stratigraphical evidence constraining the Dimlington Stadial in eastern England (after Rose, 1985).
(Figure 5.31) Location of the GCR Aqualate Mere site and interpreted ice front positions. For more detail of the Aqualate Mere area, see (Figure 5.32).
(Figure 5.32) Regional distribution of glaciofluvial deposits and ice-front positions around the Aqualate Mere.
(Figure 5.34) Glacial lakes Newport, Buildwas and part of Lake Lapworth.
(Figure 5.33) Classification of marginal depositional fans (after Whitehead et al., 1928).
(Figure 5.35) Glacial lake delta at Weaver's Hill. Note ice-contact face marked by the arrow View looking north-east. (Photo: D. Huddart.)
(Figure 5.36) Stratigraphical logs of nine sections (TH1–TH9) at Thurstaston showing the major lithofacies identified at the site. Inset shows location of logs.
(Figure 5.37) Lodgement till at Sandy Bay, resting on bedrock. (Photo: D. Huddart).
(Figure 5.38) Stratigraphy of the cliff near Newbiggin (north end of Sandy Bay). After Bullerwell (1910).
(Figure 5.39) Generalized characteristics of lodgement till in coastal Northumberland (after Eyles and Sladen, 1981;Eyles et al., 1982)
(Figure 5.40) Lodgement till stratigraphy at Sandy Bay (after Eyles et al., 1982).
(Figure 5.41) Weathering zones, carbonate content, undrained strength, moisture content, Atterberg limits and liquidity index versus depth in the lodgement till at Sandy Bay (after Eyles and Sladen, 1981).
(Figure 5.42) The Bradford Kames and associated deposits (from Parsons, 1966). Sections corresponding to boreholes A–I are described in (Figure 5.44).
(Figure 5.43) Bradford Kame topography near Long Barracks Plantation. View to the north-west, towards Budle Bay. (Photo: D. Huddart.)
(Figure 5.44) Sediments from auger holes and boreholes (locations are shown in (Figure 5.42)) in the Bradford Kames (adapted from Carruthers et al., 1927; Parsons, 1966).
(Figure 5.45) Meltwater channels in the north-east Cheviot Hills (after Clapperton, 1968). See text for details of channel/channel systems 1 to 9.
(Figure 5.46) The Humbleton Hill meltwater channel. View to the east. (Photo: D. Huddart.)
(Figure 5.47) The Trows meltwater channel system (after Clapperton, 1968). See text for discussion of point A and loop r and channels 1 to 3.
(Figure 5.48) The Trows meltwater channel system. View to the north-west. (Photo: D. Huddart.)
(Figure 5.49) Photograph of part of the Ludworth Intake meltwater channel. (Photo: N.F. Glasser.)
(Figure 5.50) Map of the southern part of the North York Moors showing the location of Newtondale, Hole of Horcum and the Bridestones (modified from Palmer, 1956).
(Figure 5.51) Map of the Newtondale glacial meltwater channel (after Stephens, 1990). Kildale is about 30 km due west of Whitby.
(Figure 5.52) Aerial photograph of the Newtondale meltwater channel. View looking north. (Photo: BA30, photography by Cambridge University Collection of Air Photographs.)
(Figure 5.53) The stratigraphy along the Black Combe coast (after Huddart, 1970, 1991).
(Figure 5.54) Sedimentary logs, Black Combe coast (after Huddart, 1970, 1991).
(Figure 5.55) Glacial meltwater channels and sub-glacially engorged eskers on Comey Fell (after Smith, 1967; Huddart and Tooley, 1972).
(Figure 5.56) The St Bees moraine blocking the western end of the St Bees-Whitehaven valley. View looking south-west. (Photo: D. Huddart.)
(Figure 5.57) Location and morphology of the St Bees area (after Huddart 1994).
(Figure 5.58) The lithostratigraphical succession at St Bees.
(Figure 5.59) Balanced cross-section for the St Bees cliff section (after Eaton, 1997).
(Figure 5.60) Late-glacial pollen diagram from St Bees: A, individual trees; B, individual shrubs; C, individual land herbs; D, summary curves for land flora; individual taxa of uncertain ecology (after Walker, 1966b).
(Figure 5.61) Synoptic diagram of chronostratigraphy, lithostratigraphy and coleopteran biostratigraphy at St Bees (after Cope and Joachim, 1980). A, boreal and montane species whose normal range is above the tree-line; B, boreal and montane species whose normal range also includes the upper part of the coniferous forest; C, widespread species whose normal range is north of central Britain; D, cosmopolitan species; E, widespread species whose normal range is south of central Britain; F, southern species whose northern limit of distribution just reaches, or fails to reach, southern England; G, southern European species.
(Figure 5.62) Pro-glacial lacustrine sediments and landforms in the Holme St Cuthbert area (after Huddart, 1991).
(Figure 5.63) Topset facies, Greggains' Pit, Holme St Cuthbert (after Huddart, 1972).
(Figure 5.64) Foreset and bottomset facies, Armstrong's Pit and Hards Cottage Pit (after Huddart, 1972).
(Figure 5.65) Bottomset facies, Greggains' Pit (after Huddart 1972).
(Figure 5.66) Profiles to illustrate lake levels at Holme St Cuthbert (after Huddart and Tooley, 1972).
(Figure 5.67) Corries of the Helvellyn and Fairfield Ranges (after Evans, 1997).
(Figure 5.68) Former glaciers in the Helvellyn area (after Sissons, 1980).
(Figure 5.69) Map of the reconstructed Grisedale glacier (from Evans, 1997).
(Figure 5.70) a. Red Tarn, overdeepened lake basin and moraines. View looking north-east. (Photo: D. Huddart.) b. Solifluction terrace, Helvellyn. (Photo: D. Huddart.) c. Solifluction lobes, Helvellyn. (Photo: D. Huddart.) dd Vertical stones, Nethermost Pike. (Photo: D. Huddart.)
(Figure 5.71) Geological map of Hadrian's Wall in the vicinity of the Roman Wall GCR site (after Johnson, 1997). Note how the route of the wall follows the Whin Sill and the general ENE–WSW grain of the landscape.
(Figure 5.72) Geomorphological map of the southern sector of Ingleborough (after Waltham 1990).
(Figure 5.73) Erratic of Austwick Formation sandstone resting on a pedestal of limestone at Norber. The block is approximately 1.5 m high. View to the north-west. (Photo: D. Huddart.)
(Figure 5.74) Structural units in the northern Pennines and the position of the Craven faults.
(Figure 5.75) Giggleswick Scar. View looking south-east. (Photo: D. Huddart.)
(Figure 5.76) a. Dry valley system leading from Kinsey cave. Note the blocky scree on both valley sides. View looking north-east. (Photo: D. Huddart.) b. Spider Cave entrance, a phreatic tube. (Photo: D. Huddart.)
(Figure 5.77) Caves in the Giggleswick Scar area (after Brook et al., 1982).
(Figure 5.78) Intermittent spring at Giggleswick Scar (after Howson, 1850). A–G: see text.
(Figure 6.1) Low Wray Bay, Windermere. View looking north. (Photo: D. Huddart.)
(Figure 6.2) Examples of pollen chronology from the North Basin, Windermere at different locations (see (Figure 6.5) in Low Wray Bay: (a) core 1; (b) core 2 (after Pennington, 1970).
(Figure 6.3) Distribution of plant macrofossils in the detritus silt in core 1, Low Wray Bay (after Pennington, 1970).
(Figure 6.4) Late-glacial percentage pollen diagrams from Low Wray Bay (after Pennington, 1970).
(Figure 6.5) Transverse section of Lake Windermere in the vicinity of Low Wray Bay showing the deposits and location of cores (after Pennington, 1970).
(Figure 6.6) Blelham Bog, looking to the north-east. (Photo: D. Huddart.)
(Figure 6.7) a, b and d Stratigraphy at boring transects A, B, and D (after Oldfield, 1970). (See (Figure 6.7)c overleaf for boring transect C and key.) c. Stratigraphy at boring transect C (after Oldfield, 1970).
(Figure 6.8) Late-glacial pollen diagram from Blelham Bog showing selected taxa as a percentage of total pollen (after Pennington, 1975a).
(Figure 6.9) Pollen and chemistratigraphy from Blelham Bog in the Late Devensian climatic oscillation (after Pennington, 1975a).
(Figure 6.10) Flandrian pollen percentage diagram of Blelham Bog, typical of the vegetational history of the valleys of the southern Lake District (after Pennington, 1975c).
(Figure 6.11) Pollen zones and chronology in the Late-glacial (after Pennington, 1975a): (a) Blelham Bog; (b) Cam Loch, Sutherland.
(Figure 6.12) Blea Tarn looking towards Langdale Pikes. (Photo: D. Huddart.)
(Figure 6.13) Map of Blea Tarn and its drainage area.
(Figure 6.14) Late-glacial pollen diagram from Blea Tarn (after Pennington, 1970).
(Figure 6.15) Late-glacial environmental geochemistry from Blea Tarn (after Pennington, 1970).
(Figure 6.16) Diatom record, Blea Tarn (after Haworth, 1969).
(Figure 6.17) Summary of Late-glacial stratigraphy and pollen zonation at Blea Tam (after Pennington, 1970).
(Figure 6.18) Flandrian pollen diagram from Blea Tarn (after Pennington, 1970).
(Figure 6.19) Pollen diagram from Blea Tarn illustrating Elm Decline (after Pennington, 1970). X–X marks the positions of two 14C date samples.
(Figure 6.20) Stratigraphical section through the basin at Tadcaster (after Bartley 1962).
(Figure 6.21) Pollen diagram from the basin at Tadcaster showing percentages of total land pollen for the Late-glacial succession (after Bartley 1962).
(Figure 6.22) Pollen diagram from the basin at Tadcaster showing percentages of total tree pollen for the Holocene succession (after Bartley 1962).
(Figure 6.23) The stratigraphical succession at Gransmoor showing the vertical grading from minerogenic to organic-rich to minerogenic sediments. (Photo: D.J.A. Evans).
(Figure 6.24) The stratigraphical succession relating to the Late-glacial and Younger Dryas at Gransmoor. Uncalibrated radiocarbon dates and MCR (Mutual Climatic Range) beetle temperature reconstructions (from Lowe et al., 1995b).
(Figure 6.25) Age–depth plot of radiocarbon dates in calendar years BP for Gransmoor, including the two separate linear regression lines for dates above (RA) and below (RB) the depth of 130 cm (from Lowe et al., 1995b).
(Figure 6.26) The percentage pollen diagram for Gransmoor. The numbers 1–16 for the lithostratigraphical units are those used by Walker et al. (1993), wherein more detailed sedimentological and stratigraphical details are available. After Walker et al. (1993).
(Figure 6.27) The Mutual Climatic Range (MCR) reconstruction based upon Coleoptera from the Gransmoor stratigraphical succession. Pollen curves for Betula and Juniperus also are reproduced (from Walker et al., 1993).
(Figure 6.28) Comparisons of ice accumulation data from the GISP 2 ice core and the palaeotemperature data from Gransmoor (from Lowe et al., 1995b).
(Figure 6.29) Kildale Hall stratigraphy (after Jones, 1977a).
(Figure 6.30) Kildale Hall pollen diagram through Late Devensian sediments (after Jones, 1977a).
(Figure 6.31) Kildale Hall pollen diagram from the early Flandrian sediments (after Jones, 1977a).
(Figure 6.32) Summary of stratigraphy, palaeobotany and radiocarbon dates at Kildale Hall. (after Keen et al., 1984).
(Figure 6.33) Aerial photograph of Hawes Water and its catchment. The position of Transect B (Oldfield, 1960a, b) and core HW1/1 (Jones, 1999) are recorded. The provisional location of the Late-glacial and Holocene lake levels also are noted.
(Figure 6.34) Marginal lacustrine sediment stratigraphy underlying the area to the north of the present lake (after Oldfield, 1960a).
(Figure 6.35) Simplified Late-glacial pollen diagram from core HW1/1 (Jones, 1999). The four short-term oscillations (A–D) identified within the oxygen isotope record are highlighted in grey.
(Figure 6.36) Summary pollen percentage diagram for the Late-glacial and Holocene. Redrawn from Oldfield (1960a). Percentages are calculated on total tree pollen excluding coryloids.
(Figure 6.37) Dating of the peat–marl contact from the north field. A1–E7: location of core samples. (A) Lakeward younging charting the progradation of the carbonate bench system. (B) Subsequent hydroseral encroachment of the marginal peat deposits.
(Figure 6.38) Pollen diagram from Crose Mere, Shropshire (adapted from Beales, 1980).
(Figure 7.1) The periglacial regions present in the area covered by this volume. See text for explanation.
(Figure 7.2) A model for sediment displacement within periglacial sorted circles (modified from Hallet and Prestrud, 1986).
(Figure 7.3) The distribution of major areas of tors in the southern British Isles, indicating the location of sites described in this chapter.
(Figure 7.4) (a) The two-stage model of tor formation (modified from Linton, 1955). (b) The two-stage model for development of a gritstone edge (modified from Linton, 1964). Both models invoke preferential deep weathering of densely jointed bedrock and subsequent stripping of this weathering cover under periglacial conditions. Letters and numbers are used to indicate the pathways of individual blocks through the weathering process.
(Figure 7.5) The single-cycle model of tor formation (after Palmer and Nielson, 1962). This model involves removal of regolith from summits by solifluction and differential frost weathering of exposed bedrock.
(Figure 7.6) Map showing the principal geomorphological features of the Stiperstones ridge (after Goudie and Piggott (1981) and Clark (1994a)).
(Figure 7.7) Aerial photograph of the Stiperstones Ridge (Photo: WQ 32 of Cambridge University Collection of Air Photographs. © Crown Copyright/MOD. Reproduced with the permission of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationary Office.)
(Figure 7.8) Map of the distribution of stone stripes and polygons in the area between Cranberry Rock and Devil's Chair (after Goudie, 1990).
(Figure 7.9) Coarse sandy detritus (grus) resting on unweathered Millstone Grit. (Photo: N.F. Glasser).
(Figure 7.10) The tors at Brimham Rocks. (Photo: N.F. Glasser.)
(Figure 7.11) A typical tor above Burbage Brook. (Photo: N.F. Glasser.)
(Figure 7.12) Morphological map of the Upper Burbage Basin (after Said, 1969).
(Figure 7.13) Map of the distribution of dolomite tors in the south-east of the Peak District (after Ford, 1963). Note the relationship between the distribution of the dolomitized limestone and the location of the tors.
(Figure 7.14) Simplified model showing the evolution of the sand-filled sink-holes and the dolomite tors in the Peak District (modified from Ford, 1969).
(Figure 7.15) Wyns Tor. (Photo: N.F. Glasser.)
(Figure 7.16) Map of the Bridestones showing relief and location of tors (atter Palmer, 1956).
(Figure 7.17) Great Almscliff Crag. (Photo: N.F. Glasser.)
(Figure 7.18) The location of Long Crags, Langlee Crags and Great Standrop. Numbers around margins refer to the UK National Grid.
(Figure 7.19) Cemented talus at Ecton Quarry showing the finer-grained of the two facies. Note the angular nature of the clasts. (Photo: C.V. Burek.)
(Figure 7.20) Periglacial slope deposits in the Keswick area: location of sites (after Boardman, 1985b).
(Figure 7.21) Throstle Shaw section. (Photo: J. Boardman.)
(Figure 7.22) Macrofabric analysis of elongate clasts in the debris flow deposit at Throstle Shaw, Tii on (Figure 7.23) (after Boardman, 1985b). n: sample size.
(Figure 7.23) Unit B, Throstle Shaw section (after Boardman, 1985b).
(Figure 7.24) Sandbeds Fan and catchment (after Boardman, 1985b).
(Figure 7.25) Sandbeds Fan: west-facing section in quarry (after Boardman, 1985b).
(Figure 7.26) Sandbeds Fan: plan of quarry and orientation of elongate gravel clasts; n = sample size (after Boardman, 1985b).
(Figure 7.27) The spatial distribution of sorted patterns in the Lake District. Contour is at 600 m. The broken line shows boundary between Borrowdale Volcanics (to the south-east) and Skiddaw Slate (to the north-west). (After Caine, 1972.)
(Figure 7.28) Sequential mapping of sorted stripes sites on Grasmoor between 1960 and 1994 (after Warburton, 1997).
(Figure 7.29) Stone stripes on Grasmoor. (Photo: J. Boardman.)
(Figure 7.30) Model for the development of stone stripes (after Caine, 1963b). (a) completely thawed; (b) freezing extends downwards faster under coarse stripes than under fine; (c) thawing occurs faster under coarse stripes than under fine; (d) frozen areas remain only under fine ridges.
(Figure 7.31) Morphology of a stone stripe field (after Warburton, 1985).
(Figure 7.32) Model of protalus-rampart development at the foot of a thickening snow bed (after Ballantyne and Kirkbride, 1987b).
(Figure 7.33) Glacial and periglacial landforms at Dead Crags (after Oxford, 1994).
(Figure 7.34) Snow bed landforms, Dead Crags, feature 2 on (Figure 7.33) (view looking to the north-west) and the talus above the protalus rampart. (Photo: D. Huddart.)
(Figure 7.35) General map of the Cross Fell area.
(Figure 7.36) (a) Regional geological section and main structural elements of northern England (after Taylor et al., 1971). (b) Geological map of the central north Pennines (after Johnson and Hickling, 1970).
(Figure 7.37)a. View of Cross Fell from summit of Little Dun Fell showing the general topography and talus slopes developed around the summit plateau. (Photo: W.A. Mitchell.) b. Blockfield on the summit plateau of Cross Fell. (Photo: W.A. Mitchell.) c. Talus slopes on the south-east flank of Cross Fell showing the lobate nature of the basal part of the talus, suggesting flow and deformation of the talus. View looking southwards towards the radio station on Great Dun Fell. (Photo: W.A. Mitchell.) d. 'Fossil' polygonal patterned ground on the summit area of Cross Fell looking southwards towards Great Dun Fell. (Photo: W.A. Mitchell.) e. Active, small-scale sorted circles, Great Dun Fell summit. (Photo: D. Huddart.) f. 'Fossil' large-scale blocky stone stripes, western slopes of Little Dun Fell. (Photo: D. Huddart.) g. Thufur field, Knock Ore Gill valley. (Photo: D. Huddart.) h. 'Fossil' altiplanation terrace, western slopes of Great Dun Fell. Note the vegetation contrast where late-lying snow banks still occur today. (Photo: D. Huddart.)
(Figure 7.38) Possible causes of ploughing block movement (after Tufnell, 1966).
(Figure 7.39) Wasdale Screes and Illgill Head from the north side of Wastwater. Note the gullies that feed debris to the screes, and the partially vegetated screes. (Photo: D. Huddart.)
(Figure 7.40) Coarse down-scree sorting on Wasdale Screes and gullies. (Photo: D. Huddart.)
(Figure 7.41) Debris-flow lobes on Wasdale Screes and vegetational colonization of the screes. (Photo: D. Huddart.)
(Figure 7.42) The pioneer species on Wasdale Screes, the parsley fern (Cryptogramma crispa). (Photo: D. Huddart.)
(Figure 8.1) Key to the stratigraphical symbols (modified after Troels-Smith, 1955).
(Figure 8.2) Scaleby Moss, showing its position in a hollow, together with the position of Moorcock Plantation, the series of cores (A–A, B–B) and the remnant of uncut peat (after Walker, 1966b).
(Figure 8.3) Scaleby Moss A pollen diagram through the post-Glacial deposits (after Walker, 1966b). The frequencies of pollen or spores of all taxa are shown as percentages of the arboreal pollen total of the appropriate sample. See (Figure 8.1) for key to the stratigraphical log. Scaleby Moss A pollen diagram through the post-Glacial deposits (after Walker, 1966b).
(Figure 8.4) Scaleby Moss B pollen diagram through the late-Glacial and early post-Glacial deposits (after Walker, 1966b). The pollen frequencies for trees are shown as percentages of the arboreal pollen total of the appropriate sample. The pollen and spore frequencies in the other sections are shown as percentages of the basic pollen sum (trees + shrubs + land herbs + Ericales) of the appropriate sample. See (Figure 8.1) for key to the stratigraphical log.
(Figure 8.5) Scaleby Moss C pollen diagram from samples at 5 cm intervals through the bottom 1.25 m of the peat monolith (after Godwin et al., 1957; Walker, 1966b). All pollen frequencies plotted as percentages of total pollen of dry-land plants excluding ferns. The main pollen-zones have been identified from the changes in vegetation. See (Figure 8.1) for key to the stratigraphical log. (Figure continued on opposite page.) (Figure 8.5) (contd) Scaleby Moss C pollen diagram from samples at 5 cm intervals through the bottom 1.25 m of the peat monolith (after Godwin et al., 1957; Walker, 1966b). All pollen frequencies plotted as percentages of total pollen of dry-land plants excluding ferns. The main pollen-zones have been identified from the changes in vegetation, and the radiocarbon samples were taken at the zone boundaries at the levels shown on the right of the diagram.
(Figure 8.6) Pollen Diagram from Valley Bog (after Chambers, 1978). See (Figure 8.1) for key to the stratigraphical log. (Figure continued on opposite page.) Pollen Diagram from Valley Bog (after Chambers, 1978).
(Figure 8.7) Location of Red Sike Moss and the tran-sects along which borings were made and the position of pollen diagrams TSI, RSI and RSII (after Turner
(Figure 8.8) A stratigraphy of Red Sike Moss (after Turner et al., 1973): (a) along transect A; (b) along transect B; see overleaf for (c) along transect C.
(Figure 8.9) Red Sike Moss TSI (after Turner et al., 1973): herb pollen diagram.
(Figure 8.10) Red Sike Moss RSII (after Turner et al., 1973): tree pollen diagram. See (Figure 8.8) for key to the stratigraphical log. Herb pollen diagram.
(Figure 8.11) Pollen diagram from blanket peat (BSIII). Frequencies plotted as a percentage of the total tree pollen excluding hazel and willow (after Turner et a1., 1973).
(Figure 8.12) Summary pollen diagram from Upper Teesdale (after Turner, 1978).
(Figure 8.13) Examples of the Teesdale rarities from modern Arctic habitats: (a) Dwarf birch (Betula nana) from Skaftafell National Park, southern Iceland; (b) Mountain avens (Dryas octopetala) from Skaftafell National Park, southern Iceland; (c) Scottish Asphodel (Tofieldia pusilla) from Morsadalur, southern Iceland. (Photos (a) and (b): Dick Vuijk; Photo (c): D. Huddart.)
(Figure 8.14) Stratigraphy at Neasham Fen (after Bartley et al., 1976). See (Figure 8.1) for key to the stratigraphical log.
(Figure 8.15) Pollen diagram from Neasham Fen (after Bartley et al., 1976). See (Figure 8.1) for key to the stratigraphical log.
(Figure 8.16) Surface geology of south-west Lancashire, showing the distribution of Shirdley Hill Sand (from Wilson et al. 1981).
(Figure 8.17) Pollen diagram from Mere Sands Wood (after Tooley, 1985).
(Figure 8.18) Map of Martin Mere, with location of core transects shown in (Figure 8.19).
(Figure 8.19) Stratigraphical borings across Martin Mere (after Tooley, 1985). Symbols are according to Troels-Smith (1955) (see (Figure 8.1)). Location shown in (Figure 8.18).
(Figure 8.20) A percentage pollen diagram from Martin Mere 1 (after Tooley, 1985). See (Figure 8.1) for key to stratigraphical log.
(Figure 8.21) Distribution of coleopteran species at Red Moss and percentage frequency of northern species (after Ashworth et al., 1972).
(Figure 8.22) Arboreal pollen diagram from Red Moss with radiocarbon dated horizons and pollen zonation scheme (after Hibbert et al., 1971). See (Figure 8.1) for key to the stratigraphical log.
(Figure 8.23) Outline pollen diagram from Skipsea Bail Mere.
(Figure 8.24) Sediment successions from Skipsea Bail Mere.
(Figure 8.25) Organic sediments exposed at Skipsea Withow. (Photo: J. Innes.)
(Figure 8.26) Summary of the pollen diagram from Skipsea Withow published by Godwin and Godwin (1933).
(Figure 8.27) Outline of the stratigraphy at Skipsea Withow Gap (for key to numbers, see text).
(Figure 8.28) Pollen diagram from Skipsea Withow Mere; analysis by A. Blackham. Values are percentages of total pollen and spores. See (Figure 8.1) for key to the stratigraphical log.
(Figure 8.29) Pollen diagram from the Late Devensian deposits at Skipsea Withow showing tree, shrub and terrestrial herb taxa. For stratigraphy, see text.
(Figure 8.30) Pollen diagram from the Late Devensian deposits at Skipsea Withow showing marsh taxa, cryptograms and algae.
(Figure 8.31) Stratigraphy of the deposits along a SE–NW transect.
(Figure 8.32) Pollen diagram from The Bog, Roos. Only selected pollen taxa are shown. Recalculated and redrawn from Beckett (1981) and Flenley (1984). See (Figure 8.1) for key to the stratigraphical log.
Figure 8.33 Pollen influx diagram of Late-glacial sediments from The Bog, Roos. Selected taxa only. See (Figure 8.1) for key to the stratigraphical log.
(Figure 8.34) Three-dimensional diagram of the sedimentary deposits at Willow Garth (after Bush and Ellis, 1987). The lens of peat on section K–B is too small to show and is marked by an arrow. The main core analysed is arrowed on section A–B.
(Figure 8.35) Percentage diagram of fossil pollen data from Willow Garth (after Bush, 1993). See (Figure 8.1) for key to the stratigraphical log.
(Figure 8.36) Percentage diagram of fossil propugale data from Willow Garth (after Bush, 1993).
(Figure 8.37)a Reconstructed plan of the Pre-Boreal Lake Flixton. Note the location of the main early Mesolithic sites, the transects A and B (see (Figure 8.40)b) from Walker and Godwin (1954) and the pollen core (see (Figure 8.40)a) from Dark (1996, 1998a, b). (After Clark, 1954; Mellars and Dark, 1998). b. Clark's (1954) location of the Star Carr 4 (Flixton 4') settlement, between the reed swamp and the birch woodland.
(Figure 8.38) Artefacts from the original Star Carr excavations: 1. elk-antler mattock head; 2. barbed antler point (type A); 3. birch-wood 'paddle'; 4. aurochs metapodial scraper; 5. elk metapodial awl; 6. barbed antler point (type E); 7. amber pendant. All half size, except 7, which is actual size (after Clark, 1954).
(Figure 8.39) (a) Section of deposits on the ridge flank with the Mesolithic occupation layer shown: Star Carr 4 (Flixton 4') (after Clark, 1954). (b) Tree and shrub pollen expressed as a percentage of total tree pollen, Star Carr (after Walker and Godwin, 1954).
(Figure 8.40)a Detailed Late-glacial pollen diagram from the lake-centre core showing the main taxa at Star Carr (after Dark, 1996a). The key to the stratigraphical log is given in (Figure 8.40)b. b. Transects A and B from the original palaeoecological work by Walker and Godwin (1954) showing the lake basin fill.
(Figure 8.41) Percentage pollen diagram from Star Carr lake-centre core showing all taxa occurring at over 1% of the pollen sum. For Alnus glutinosa early records are represented by closed circles (after Dark, 1996a). See (Figure 8.39) for key to the stratigraphical log.
(Figure 8.42) (a) Original argument for seasonality from the deer antlers based on the growth patterns and the shedding of red deer, roe deer and elk antlers (after Fraser and King, 1954). (b) Season of main occupation at Star Carr summarized from the faunal material (after Legge-Rowley and Conwy, 1988).
(Figure 8.43) Map of the area surrounding Old Mere, Hornsea (modified from Beckett, 1981). (Contours in metres.)
(Figure 8.44) Pollen diagram of trees and shrubs at Old Mere, Hornsea (after Beckett, 1981). See (Figure 8.1) for key to the stratigraphical log and (Table 8.9) for a more detailed description.
(Figure 8.45) Pollen diagram of herbs and aquatics at Old Mere, Hornsea (after Beckett, 1981).
(Figure 8.46) Atherden's pollen diagram from Fen Bogs (after Chiverrell and Atherden, 1999).
(Figure 8.47) Gormire Lake. (Photo: J. Innes).
(Figure 8.48) Stratigraphy and outline pollen analysis of core A, Gorrnire Lake (after Oldfield, 1999).
(Figure 8.49) Stratigraphy, palaeomagnetic susceptibility and outline pollen analysis of core B, Gormire Lake (after Oldfield, 1999).
(Figure 8.50) Peat exposed at Thorpe Bulmer. (Photo: Robert van den Nordt.)
(Figure 8.51) Stratigraphical section through Thorpe Bulmer (Bartley et al., 1976).
(Figure 8.52) Late-glacial pollen diagram from Thorpe Bulmer. Pollen values expressed as percentage of total pollen excluding pollen of aquatics and spores (Bartley et al., 1976). See (Figure 8.1) for key to the stratigraphical log.
(Figure 8.53) Holocene pollen diagram from Thorpe Bulmer. Pollen values expressed as percentages of total pollen excluding pollen of aquatics and spores (Bartley et al., 1976). See (Figure 8.1) for key to the stratigraphical log.
(Figure 8.54) Location of the site at Low Hauxley.
(Figure 8.55) Stratigraphy of the site at Low Hauxley.
(Figure 8.56) Pollen diagram, Low Hauxicy (after Innes and Frank, 1988). See (Figure 8.1) for key to the stratigraphical log.
(Figure 8.57) Sketch map of part of the southern Pennines showing the position of Featherbed Moss.
(Figure 8.58) Map of Featherbed Moss showing main topographical features (after Tallis, 1973a).
(Figure 8.59) Map of Featherbed Moss showing extent and distribution of gullies (after Tallis, 1973a).
(Figure 8.60) Peat depths on Featherbed Moss (after Tallis, 1973a).
(Figure 8.61) Summary pollen diagram for three sites at Featherbed Moss showing percentage values of Plantago pollen (left-hand histogram), percentage Empetrum pollen (right-hand histogram). Ulm., B, C, E and F refer to pollen horizons described in the text (from Tallis, 1964a).
(Figure 8.62) The rate of peat accumulation at Featherbed Moss (after Tallis and Switzur 1973).
(Figure 8.63) Chart showing time-relationship of events on Featherbed Moss (after Talus, 1985b).
(Figure 8.64) Percentage pollen diagram from Leash Fen covering the mid- to late Flandrian. Values are expressed as a percentage of total land pollen excluding aquatic pollen and spores. Several horizons are shown that mark widespread anthropogenic and climate events in the southern Pennines (after Hicks, 1971). Dates are given in years BC and AD.
(Figure 8.65) Cumulative pollen diagram from Leash Fen summarizing changes in tree, shrub and herb pollen (modified from Hicks, 1971).
(Figure 8.66) Lindow H bog body. © The British Museum
(Figure 8.67) Map showing the location of Lindow Moss and significant finds, and the positions of sand islands in the peat and excavation trenches during 1987 (after Turner, 1986, 1995a).
(Figure 8.68) Pollen diagram for the in-situ peat section at Lindow Moss (after Branch and Scaife, 1995). See (Figure 8.1) for key to the stratigraphical log.
(Figure 8.69) Bog body remains in Britain. Note the predominance in northern England (after Turner, 1995b).
(Figure 8.70) Map of Wybunbury Moss, showing the approximate distribution of the main plant communities and the lines of the transects A–A' and B–B' shown in (Figure 8.71) (after Poore and Walker, 1959).
(Figure 8.71) General stratigraphy of Wybunbury Moss along profiles A–A' and B–B' in (Figure 8.70) (after Poore and Walker, 1959).
(Figure 8.72) Malham Tarn and its surroundings showing the location of Tarn Moss and Fens and transect Lines shown in (Figure 8.74) (after Cooper and Proctor, 1998).
(Figure 8.73) Glacial features in the vicinity of Malham Tarn (after Clark, 1967).
(Figure 8.74) Stratigraphy of Tam Moss, Malham (after Piggott and Piggott, 1959). The location of transects is shown in (Figure 8.72).
(Figure 8.75) Pollen diagram for Tarn Moss, Malham (after Piggott and Piggott, 1959). See (Figure 8.74) for key to the stratigraphical log.
(Figure 8.76) a Summary pollen diagram from Bolton Fell Moss (after Barber, 1981; Dumayne, 1992). b. Summary macrofossil diagram from Bolton Fell Moss (after Barber, 1981; Dumayne, 1992).
(Figure 8.77) a. Summary pollen diagram from Walton Moss (after Stoneman, 1993). b. Summary macrofossil diagram from Walton Moss (after Stoneman, 1993).
(Figure 8.78) Surface wetness curve for Bolton Fell Moss (after Bather, 1981).
(Figure 8.79) Summary macrofossil diagram and hydroclimatic curve for a major humification change at Bolton Fell Moss (after Haslam, 1987).
(Figure 8.80) Former outcrop of the Hartlepool submerged forest bed between Hartlepool Headland and Long Scar. From Trechmann (1947).
(Figure 8.81) Summary stratigraphy, pollen, diatom and radiocarbon data for site WH19. After Horton et al. (1999c). See (Table 8.15) for a description of the stratigraphy.
(Figure 8.82) Summary stratigraphy, pollen and radiocarbon data for site HB4. After Horton et al., (1999c). See (Table 8.16) for a description of the stratigraphy.
(Figure 8.83) Extent of the cliff-line demarcating a raised beach at Whitelee Letch (after Hogg 1972).
(Figure 8.84) The location and morphology of raised beach features on the south-eastern shores of Holy Island. From unpublished English Nature site documentation and management brief (1992).
(Figure 8.85) Holocene stratigraphy for Elwick. After Plater and Shennan (1992).
(Figure 8.86)a Summary diatom data with stratigraphy and radiocarbon dates for Elwick. After Plater and Shennan (1992). b. Summary pollen data with stratigraphy and radiocarbon dates for Elwick. After Plater and Shennan (1992). See (Figure 8.86)a for key to the stratigraphical log.
(Figure 8.87) Summary stratigraphy, pollen, Foraminifera and radiocarbon data for Bridge Mill. After Horton et al. (1999a).
(Figure 8.88) Sampling sites across south-west Fylde (Lytham Common and Lytham Moss), projected on to an artificial line A—A'. The area today is more or less built up as part of Lytham St Annes. The sampling codes are: LM, Lytham Moss series; LC, Lytham Common series; A, Ansdell series (after Tooley, 1969, 1978a).
(Figure 8.89) Stratigraphical successions at 18 sampling sites in south-west Fylde, projected on to a single artificial line A–A' shown in (Figure 8.88) (after Tooley, 1978a). See (Figure 8.1) for key to the stratigraphical log.
(Figure 8.90)a Pollen diagram from The Starr Hills, Lytham (LC14A). The frequency of each taxon at successive levels through the biogenic deposit is based on the calculation formula shown for each group (after Tooley, 1978a). See (Figure 8.1) for key to the stratigraphical log. b. Pollen diagram from Heyhouses Lane, St Annes (LC2A). The frequency of each taxon at successive levels through the biogenic deposit is based on the calculation formula shown for each group (after Tooley, 1978a). See (Figure 8.1) for key to the stratigraphical log.
(Figure 8.91) Pollen diagram from Thomas Gillat's Colley Hey, Lytham Common (LC1) (after Tooley, 1978a). See (Figure 8.1) for key to the stratigraphical log.
(Figure 8.92)a Pollen diagram from Ansdell Railway Sidings (sample site A2 on (Figure 8.88)) (after Tooley, 1978a). See (Figure 8.1) for key to the stratigraphical log. b. Pollen diagram from Ansdell, Rossall Road (sample site A1 on (Figure 8.88)) (after Tooley, 1978a). See (Figure 8.1) for key to the stratigraphical log.
(Figure 8.93) Stratigraphy and plan of the western margins of Lytham Park Hall. Sample codes prefixed by BH were carried out by Cementation Co. Ltd and those prefixed by LHP were recorded from open excavations or from a Hiller-type peat sampler (LHP5). Pollen analyses were carried out at LHP1 and LHP5 and are indicated by a circumscribed dot (after Tooley, 1978a). Radiocarbon dates are in years BE See (Figure 8.1) for key to the stratigraphical log.
(Figure 8.94) Pollen diagram from Francis Fox's South Hey Watercourse Meadow (LHP5) (after Tooley, 1978a). See (Figure 8.1) for key to the stratigraphical log.
(Figure 8.95) Marine transgressions in the Lytham area based on 21 cores (after Tooley, 1978a). The shading in each stratigraphical column is confined to those of a marine or brackish-water origin. Differences in height of the transgression surfaces derive in part from the projection of each sampling site on to a line A–A' shown on (Figure 8.88) and in part on a vertical exaggeration of x 50. Radiocarbon dates are in years BP
(Figure 8.96) Scheme of Flandrian marine transgression sequences in north-west England (after Tooley, 1978a). Key to numbers 1–4: transgression boundary established by 1: 14C chronostratigraphy; 2: biostratigraphy; 3: lithostratigraphy; 4: height in relation to OD.
(Figure 8.97) A graph to show relative sea-level changes in north-west England (after Tooley, 1978a). An arrow pointing upwards indicates a dated sample immediately below a marine deposit and an arrow pointing downwards a dated sample immediately above a marine deposit. The continuous line curve shows the change in altitude of the spring tide level, whereas the pecked line curve shows the movements of mean tide level. LI to LX are marine transgressions recorded at Lytham. Twenty-six index points establish the amplitude and period of sea-level oscillations in a restricted area of west Lancashire.
(Figure 8.98) Map of the River Alt and Downholland Brook catchments showing location of Downholland Moss and sampling sites (after Huddart, 1992).
(Figure 8.99) Map of Downholland Moss showing the sampling sites (after Tooley, 1985).
(Figure 8.100) Stratigraphy across Downholland Moss (after Tooley, 1978a). See (Figure 8.1) for key to the stratigraphical log.
(Figure 8.101) Stratigraphical sections along the New Cut (after Huddart, 1992). See (Figure 8.10)3 for key to labels in (e).
(Figure 8.102) Pollen diagram from DM-11, Downholland Moss (after Tooley, 1978a).
(Figure 8.103) Pollen, diatom and foraminiferal diagram from DM-15, Downholland Moss (after Tooley, 1978a). See (Figure 8.1) for key to stratigraphy.
(Figure 8.104) Pollen assemblage zones from DM-15, Downholland Moss (after Tooley, 1978a).
(Figure 8.105) Stratigraphical sections and foraminiferal summary diagram, New Cut and The Rib (after Huddart, 1992). See (Figure 8.1) for key to the stratigraphical log. See (Figure 8.103) for key to abbreviations.
(Figure 8.106) Pollen diagram at Altcar 1 (after Heptinstall, unpublished data 1983).
(Figure 8.107) Location of boreholes, Formby Point.
(Figure 8.108) Stratigraphy in boreholes, Formby Point (after Neal, 1993).
(Figure 8.109) Location of imprint-bearing sediments and archaeological finds, Formby Point.
(Figure 8.110) (contd) (e) Wolf trail. (Photo: S. Gonzalez). (I) Complete pair of red deer antlers, dated at 4425 BP (Stallibrass, pers. comm.). (Photo: Conservation unit of Liverpool Museum.)
(Figure 8.110) Animal and human footprints, Formby Point. (a) Human footprint. (Photo: S. Gonzalez). (b) Red deer hoofprint. (Photo: S. Gonzalez). (c) Sector 1, human footprint trail (from Roberts et al., 1996). (Photo: G. Roberts). (d) Detail from human footprint trail (from Roberts et al., 1996). (Photo: G. Roberts).
(Figure 8.111) Plaster casts of footprints, Formby Point. (a) Habitually unshod healthy foot, stature 1.4 m, showing big toe abduction (Huddart et al., 1999a; photo: G. Roberts). (b) Pregnant female, with congenital bursitis, stature 1.37 m, speed 2.8 km per hour, cadence 89 footfalls per minute; weight on heel to compensate for change in centre of gravity, foot arched and toes curled downwards to obtain grip in the then soft, slippery mud (Huddart et al., 1999a). (Photo: G. Roberts). (c) Deformed male foot, stature 1.4 m; loss of toe; compensatory over-development of peroneus longus and long plantar ligament, with collapse of metatarsals (Huddart et al., 1999a). (Photo: G. Roberts). (d) Crane (Grus primigenius) (Huddart et al., 1999a). (Photo: G. Roberts).
(Figure 8.112) (a) Stratigraphy at Formby Point. (b) Stratigraphy at Lifeboat Road area, Formby Point.
(Figure 8.113) Stages in the Holocene evolution of the Sefton coast (after Neal, 1993).
(Figure 8.114) a. A view of the submerged forest at Hightown taken from De Rance (1877). b. Submerged forest at Hightown. Note surface log and root system through the peat. (Photo: S. Gonzalez.)
(Figure 8.115) Stratigraphy at Hightown: (a) based on recent work by the authors; (b) associated with the prehistoric trackway.
(Figure 8.116) a. Prehistoric trackway, Hightown: as it appeared in September 1996 before excavation b. Prehistoric trackway, Hightown: during excavation c. Prehistoric trackway, Hightown: deer print in silts close to the trackway. (Photos: S. Gonzalez.)
(Figure 8.118) Location map of the three Castlethorpe tufa and shell marl sites.
(Figure 8.119) Mollusc diagrams with lithostratigraphy of the three Castlethorpe tufa and shell marl sites (after Preece and Robinson, 1984).
(Figure 8.120) Ostracod diagrams with lithostratigraphy of the three Castlethorpe tufa and shell marl sites (from Preece and Robinson, 1984).
(Table 1.1) Quaternary of northern England: tor evolution network
(Table 2.1) Subdivisions of the Tertiary and Quaternary periods (adapted after Anderton et al., 1983).
(Table 2.2) Relationships between the British Quaternary stratigraphical classification (after Mitchell et al., 1973), selected lithostratigraphical units, oxygen isotope stratigraphy and polarity (from Bowen, 1999).
(Table 2.3) Proposed climato-stratigraphical stages in Britain (after Mitchell et al., 1973).
(Table 4.1) Correlations betweennorthern England and the marine oxygen isotope stratigraphy (after Thomas, 1999)
(Table 4.2) Summary of the probable Quaternary sequence in East Anglia from the Hoxnian to the Ipswichian (after Wymer, 1985).
(Table 4.3) Formal stratigraphy for the Quaternary of the north-eastern Lake District (after Boardman, 1985a).
(Table 4.4) Shell list from the Easington raised beach (based on Woolacott, 1920, 1922).
(Table 4.5) Faunal list for the Speeton Shell Bed (after Lamplugh, 1881c; Thistlewood and Whyte, 1993).
(Table 4.6) Amino acid (D/L) ratios of Macoma balthica from the Speeton Shell Bed (from Wilson, 1991).
(Table 4.7) Pollen of the Speeton Shell Bed (from West, 1969).
(Table 4.8) Correlation of post-Hoxnian events, amino acid ratios and oxygen isotope stages (after Wymer, 1985; Bowen and Sykes, 1988).
(Table 4.9) Faunal list for the Sewerby sedimentary units (after Lamplugh, 1891b; Boylan, 1967; Catt, 1987c).
(Table 5.1) The mammalian fauna from the Pin Hole Mammalian Zone, Lower Cave Earth, Pin Hole Cave, Cresswell, Derbyshire (after Currant and Jacobi, 2001).
(Table 5.2) Radiocarbon dates (years BP) on spotted hyaena remains from the Cresswell area, Derbyshire (after Currant and Jacobi, 2001)
(Table 5.3) Coleoptera from the Chelford Formation (data from Coope, 1959).
(Table 5.4) Nomenclature of the Quaternary deposits of Holderness compared to the tripartite scheme of Madgett and Catt (1978) (from Evans et al., 1995).
(Table 5.5) The flora and fauna of the Dimlington Silts.
(Table 6.1) Correlation table for the lithostratigraphy, biostratigraphy and chronostratigraphy of the Late Devensian deposits at Low Wray Bay, Windermere (after Coope and Pennington, 1977). p.a.z.: pollen assemblage zone.
(Table 6.2) Chronostratigraphical subdivisions of the Late Weichselian (Late Devensian), Jessen—Godwin zones and Blelham Bog pollen zones (after Pennington, 1975a).
(Table 6.3) Stratigraphy at Gransmoor (after Walker et al., 1983).
(Table 6.4) List of climatically significant Coleoptera species from the Gransmoor stratigraphy (from Walker et al., 1993).
(Table 6.5) Limnological characteristics of Hawes Water.
(Table 7.1) Controls on the distribution of active periglacial phenomena and relict periglacial features on British mountains (modified from Ballantyne and Harris, 1994).
(Table 7.2) The locations and lithologies of the main tors in Britain (compiled from various sources, including Goudie and Piggott (1981) and Ballantyne and Harris (1994)).
(Table 7.3) Chronology of the Late-glacial and Holocene events in the Burbage area (after Said, 1969).
(Table 8.1) Radiocarbon dated pollen zone horizons at Scaleby Moss (after Godwin et al., 1957)
(Table 8.2) Vegetation history in north-west England after 6000 years BP (after Pennington, 1970)
(Table 8.3) Stratigraphy at Valley Bog (after Chambers, 1978)
(Table 8.4) Stratigraphy at TSI, Red Sike Moss (after Turner et al.
(Table 8.5) Relationships between local pollen zones and those of Godwin (1940) and the chronozones of West (1970) (after Turner et al., 1973)
(Table 8.6) 14 C dates from TSI, Red Sike Moss. They were dated at the Gakushuin laboratory (Japan) and the dates were based on the Libby half-life of 5570 ± 30 years (after Turner et al., 1973)
(Table 8.7) Occurrence of Teesdale rarities that possess diagnostic pollen at the species or genus level (after Squires, 1978)
(Table 8.8) Stratigraphy at Mere Sands Wood (after Baxter, 1983; Tooley, 1985; Wilson, 1985; Bateman, 1995).
(Table 8.9) Generalized stratigraphy of Old Mere, Hornsea (source: Beckett, 1981)
(Table 8.10) Peat stratigraphy at Fen Bogs, North York Moors (after Atherden, 1976a; Chiverrell, 1998).
(Table 8.11) Characteristic pollen taxa of the 16 pollen assemblage zones and subzones from Thorpe Bulmer (Bartley et al., 1976).
(Table 8.12) Radiocarbon determinations from Lindow Moss (data from Ambers et al., 1986; Gowlett et al., 1986; Otlet et al., 1986; Housley et al., 1995; Leah et al., 1997)
(Table 8.13) Stratigraphy and pollen analyses from Wybunbury Moss (compiled from data in Poore and Walker, 1959)
(Table 8.14) Comparison of the timing of wet shifts from Bolton Fell Moss and Walton Moss (data from Hughes et al., 2000). All ages are approximate and are years BP
(Table 8.15) Stratigraphy for WH19 (data from Horton et al., 1999c)
(Table 8.16) Stratigraphy for HB4 (data from Horton et al., 1999c)
(Table 8.17) Marine transgressions in the Fylde (after Tooley 1978a).
(Table 8.18) Radiocarbon dates from the New Cut (after Huddart, 1992; Middleton et al., 2001).
(Table 8.19) Radiocarbon dates associated with the Hightown stratigraphy illustrated in (Figure 8.115).
(Table 8.20) Tree and shrub species and the type of fossil remains at Hightown (from Travis, 1926).