Floyd, P.A., Exley, C.S. & Styles, M.T. 1993. Igneous Rocks of South-west England, Geological Conservation Review Series No. 5. JNCC, Peterborough, ISBN 0 412 48850 7. The original source material for these web pages has been made available by the JNCC under the Open Government Licence 3.0. Full details in the JNCC Open Data Policy
C11 Carn Grey Rock and Quarry
This site is one of the few showing granite intermediate in character between that of the two main St Austell intrusions.
Carn Grey Rock and its adjacent quarry lie 3.5 km to the north-east of St Austell, beside the road to Trethurgy. They lie in the contact zone between the first and second intrusions of the St Austell mass
The granite at Carn Grey Rock is medium- to coarse-grained and rather poorly megacrystic, with megacrysts up to 40 mm in length, and quartz in rounded aggregate grains. In thin section it shows many features indicative of recrystallization, such as strain, zoning and intergrowth in minerals. Its composition is that of biotite granite from the eastern intrusion, except that it has less biotite and calcic plagioclase and more tourmaline. The biotite is very pale, and Richardson (1923) believed that both biotite and lithionite' (zinnwaldite) were present; the optical properÂties of these micas are similar, however, and they are unlikely to coexist as discrete phases. Indeed, Leech (1929) disagreed with Richardson and considered the Carn Grey Granite to be a distinct type, comparing it with that of Merrivale on Dartmoor. Carn Grey Rock is a rather 'flat' tor, about 4 m high, with well-developed subhorizontal jointing which is also seen in the quarry below, where it shows an antiformal structure. It is believed that this site was the source of many standing stones and menhirs in the St Austell district.
The first of the St Austell intrusions, which has a centre near Luxulyan and a diameter of about 9 km, is made up of coarse-grained granite with biotite, zoned oligoclase (An25–30) and potash feldspar megacrysts (Type B,
Most of it contains zinnwaldite (Stone et al., 1988), albite (An7) and potassium feldspar megacrysts, but is generally not as strikingly megacrystic as the first intrusion and has a variable texture which includes some fine-grained rock and, in addition, pockets of biotite granite (Manning and Exley, 1984; Hill and Manning, 1987; Bristow, in press; Bristow et al., in press). The zinnwaldite-bearing rock is Type-D granite (
In most of the western area (see
The contact between the two main intrusions is not exposed, and severe kaolinization makes field relations difficult to interpret, but biotite granite has been reported from several localities in the western area (Richardson, 1923; Bray, 1980; Allman-Ward et al., 1982; Hill and Manning, 1987), and the evidence seen so far suggests that the contact is an irregular zone rather than a plane. Although the texture of the Carn Grey Rock is typical of the western intrusion, its composition is intermediate between the eastern (Type B) and the western (Type-D) granites, and it seems to represent the easternmost point to which the metasomatism penetrated and a case where the changes were not complete.
Carn Grey is an important site, providing one of the fresh exposures in the south-west of the eastern St Austell intrusion. It has textural and compositional characteristics and a geographical position which suggest that it provides a link between the main original rock types of the eastern and western intrusions, where partial alteration by Li, Na and F, brought in by the youngest intrusion, can be seen. Successive intrusions and subsequent Li metasomatism do not occur in any of the other Cornubian granite masses.
Carn Grey is an important site, providing one of the rare fresh exposures in the south-west of the eastern St Austell granite intrusion. The site lies in the contact area of the first and second granite intrusions which make up the St Austell mass. Texturally, the granite here has the characteristics of the medium- to coarse-grained megacrystic (with larger crystals, to 40 mm) western granite, but the chemical/mineral composition approaches that of the eastern granite. It therefore has characteristics and a position which suggest that it might provide a link between the chief rocks of the eastern and western intrusions.