May, V.J. & Hansom, J.D. 2003. Coastal Geomorphology of Great Britain, Geological Conservation Review Series No. 28. JNCC, Peterborough, ISBN 1 86107 4840. The original source material for these web pages has been made available by the JNCC under the Open Government Licence 3.0. Full details in the JNCC Open Data Policy
Barry Links, Angus
J.D. Hanson
The Barry Links dune system has developed on an extensive broad triangular foreland (c. 11 km2) on the northern side of the Firth of Tay, eastern Scotland
The extensive sand-covered triangular foreland of Barry Links juts out on the northern side of the Firth of Tay, on the east coast of Scotland
At the southern end of the rip-rap, an erosional bight has resulted in 50 m of recession landward of the rip-rap alignment and erosion extends to within 100 m of the Ness itself (Hansom and Rennie, 2003).
To the north of the point at Buddon Ness there are areas of local coastal accretion (Wright, 1981) where pioneer vegetation is colonizing the blown sand on the backshore. At Buddon Ness itself, where erosion appears to dominate, the beach is markedly steeper (7–8°) and narrower. Historically, the coastline around Buddon Ness has undergone considerable change (Wright, 1981), which is not surprising on account of its sensitive location at the point where the south-facing estuarine coastline changes to an open North Sea orientation. Local evidence shows considerable fluctuations in the position of the coastline. For example, by the early 19th century the site of the original Buddon Ness lighthouse, which was located on the southern extremity of the point during the early 16th century, was 6 m under water and 2 km to the south-east of the current one (Wright, 1981). West of Buddon Ness the beach is narrower (200 m) and lacks some of the morphological variety of the North Sea coast. The backshore is steeply sloping and fronts a foredune that has both actively accreting and eroding sections.
A series of long, narrow, well-vegetated coast-parallel dune ridges back the estuarine (south-facing) beach. The coastal dunes are 5–11 m high at Buddon Ness and decrease in height westwards, lowering to 1–2 m near the Buddon Burn. The topography of this coastal dune system is complex. Towards the western end of the shoreline for a distance of c. 2 km there are three clearly defined sub-parallel dune ridges. Farther east the dune ridges are characterized by old blowthroughs and associated re-depositional sandhills. Close to the point of Buddon Ness this mature dune complex is fronted by a relatively narrow line of actively accreting dunes
Inland from the coastal dunes is an extensive area of low undulating vegetated links (generally under 6 m OD) covering most of the triangular foreland of Barry Links. A well-developed system of parabolic dunes
The Barry parabolic dunes are now almost completely vegetated and stabilized, with the exception of the large dune that is utilized by the Ministry of Defence (MOD) as a firing range. In the northern part of the foreland the parabolic dunes stand as discrete units. Towards the south, in the vicinity of Buddon Ness, some adjacent dunes overlap although this does not appear to disrupt the general parabolic shape. Some breaks in the orderly dune pattern occur at the southern and eastern margins of the foreland, where some of the parabolic dunes have intersected the present-day coastline. The convergence of the parabolic dunes with the coastal dune ridges has resulted in the production of a high relief and complex dune topography. Isolated SW–NE-trending elongated dune ridges suggest coastal erosion has truncated a former, more extensive, system of parabolic dunes.
The evolution of the large foreland of Barry Links remains speculative. Its general triangular shape, comparable to accumulation features in southern England such as Dungeness, Kent (see GCR site report in Chapter 6), suggests that the area has developed as a result of extensive deposition of beach materials in the past. There appears to be little doubt that, as with much of the North Sea coast of Scotland, large parts of the foreland consist of emerged beaches. Steers (1973) posed the question of the stability of this distinctive triangular foreland. Analysis of old maps of the area covering the last 200 years show change only at the margins, suggesting that the main body of the feature is based on a more stable foundation, possibly an ancient beach or rock platform (Steers, 1973), although there is no surface indication of underlying rock. Borehole evidence
The parabolic dune system of Barry Links is one of the finest and well-developed in Britain, but there has been surprisingly little research carried out on these spectacular forms. Early work by Landsberg (1956) shows that wind regime is a major factor in the orientation of the Barry dunes
Potential patterns of longshore sediment transport on the coasts north and south of the Tay estuary have been calculated using wave refraction modeling (Sarrikostis and McManus, 1987). The model predicts a south-westerly drift down the exposed North Sea coast of Barry Links to Buddon Ness, where deposition occurs. Field evidence appears to support this model; the southward transport of material from Carnoustie to Gaa Sands has been demonstrated by released gabion fillings on the beach face (Sarrikostis and McManus, 1987). Tidal currents also transport sediment towards the Ness from the North Sea coast on the ebb as well as the flood
Barry Links is owned by the MOD with restricted public access. As a result, the majority of Barry Links, with notable exceptions near the firing ranges on the east coast, is relatively undisturbed and the existing land-use has produced a unique conservational environment. The site has been selected for the GCR on account of the well-preserved parabolic dune system. The pronounced V-shaped parabolic dunes are unique in Britain and demonstrate a dose relationship between wind regime and dune orientation (Landsberg, 1956). The site also provides representative examples of beach, dune and links landforms and offers a valuable complement to the study of Tentsmuir on the south of the Tay estuary, which is also of outstanding geomorphological interest (see GCR site report, below).
The extensive sand-covered foreland of Barry Links contains an exceptional series of well-developed and preserved parabolic dunes which are of outstanding geomorpholog-ical significance. The dune orientations show a dose relationship with local wind regime (Landsberg, 1956) and the pronounced V-shaped form of the Barry parabolic dunes are unique in Britain. The parabolic dunes, which have a mean length-to-width ratio of 3.3:1, have spectacular, elongated, hairpin shapes with an exceptional regular and orderly pattern. These unique characteristics may reflect the open exposure of the foreland, the lack of topographic interference with formative winds and the lack of subsurface control. In addition, Barry Links provides a representative assemblage of many beach, dune and links land-forms offering valuable opportunities for studies of coastal evolution.