Floyd, P.A., Exley, C.S. & Styles, M.T. 1993. Igneous Rocks of South-west England, Geological Conservation Review Series No. 5. JNCC, Peterborough, ISBN 0 412 48850 7. The original source material for these web pages has been made available by the JNCC under the Open Government Licence 3.0. Full details in the JNCC Open Data Policy
C15 Megiliggar Rocks
This is the only well-exposed site which shows contacts between lithium-mica granite and pelitic hornfels, sheets of leucogranite, aplite and peg matite developed from a late-stage granitic roof complex, and unusual minerals.
This site
The mixed sediments of the Mylor Slate Formation are strongly folded, cleaved and veined in a manner typical of the Cornish links% the local structures have been discussed by Stone and Lambert (1956) and Stone (1966, 1975) and the regional setting of the Mylor Slate Formation by Holder and Leveridge (1986). The sediments have been thermally metamorphosed into cordierite- and andalusite-hornfelses near the granite.
The granite (Type E,
From the eastern contact, a series of sheets of pegmatite, aplite and leucrogranite, changing from one to another both vertically and laterally, cuts through the cliffs and along the beach
The country rocks at Megiliggar Rocks are banded, light and dark grey and buff psammites, semipelites and pelites of the Mylor Slate Formation which have been deformed twice (first into minor upright and overturned folds and then into major recumbent folds) and cleaved, as has been explained in the account of the nearby Rinsey Cove site. These features are typical of the killas of Cornwall and are particularly well seen in these cliffs. Close to the granite, the metasediments have been baked and are now spotted hornfelses with cordierite and andalusite. Corundum, however, has not been reported as it has at Priest's Cove.
The neighbouring granite intrusion consists of a northern, fine-grained, megacrystic biotite granite (Dangerfield and Hawkes, 1981; Type C,
Its eastern contact with the Mylor Slate Formations can be seen at the eastern end of Trequean Cliff, especially on the shore, and across the head of Legereath Zawn. In both localities it is sharp and without significant marginal change in the texture of the granite. It is almost vertical, although tourmalinization streaks ('schlieren') and a thin pegmatite occur within the granite at the first locality and there are sheets and veins of granites of different types at the base of the cliffs and in stacks at the second.
Presumably owing to the steepness of the contact, a sheeted roof complex is not well-developed here, but from Legereath Zawn eastwards there is a series of granitic sheets of similar compositions to those found in the roof complex above the eastern end of Rinsey Cove. These sheets dip gently towards the south-east, vary in thickness from 0.10 m to 3 m approximately, and both coalesce and split on occasion. They cut across the cleavage in the Mylor metasediments.
The chief rock types in the sheets are pegma-tites
The occurrence at Megiliggar of blue-green apatite crystals up to 30 mm long is well known (although they are far from common); that of other unusual phosphate minerals such as amblygonite (Stone and George, 1979) and triplite (George et al., 1981) less so.
The Tregonning Granite is believed to have derived from biotite granite at depth, by the separation of a fluorine- and water-rich fraction of the magma as described earlier for Rinsey Cove and in the 'Petrogenesis' section. The origin of the pegmatite–aplite–leucogranite sheets lay in the high volatile concentrations in this new magmatic fraction, which contained high concentrations of such elements as Mn, P, Sn, Ga and Ge along with the OH, F and B. The Li-mica leucogranite would seem to have been the direct continuation of the magmatic process, but the eventual partitioning of Na into the silicate melt and K into aqueous vapour, gave rise to aplite, and by reaction with the aplite, metasomatic pegmatite respectively (Stone, 1969; Exley and Stone, 1982). The development of the vapour phase could have resulted from sudden pressure changes as blocks of country rock subsided to make way for the magma; repetition of such movements would produce alternating aplite and pegmatite (Bromley and Holt, 1986). Badham (1980) did not distinguish between vapour and liquid phases, but argued that the separation and crystallization of leucogranite at higher temperatures was followed by the separation and crystallization of distinct aplite and pegmatite fluids at lower temperatures and subsequent diffusive alteration.
The rock types and mineralogies of the sheets in this complex are much more varied than those found at other places, such as Porthmeor Cove, because of the presence of Li, P and F in the Li-mica granite magma.
The Megiliggar Rocks section exhibits the only well-exposed series of leucogranite–aplite–pegmatite sheets developed from a lithium-mica granite, and allows detailed examination of these unusual late-stage facies and their relationships with each other, their parent granite and their host metasediments. They have developed as a result of the concentration of volatile constituents under an impermeable roof of metasediment and the partitioning of elements from residual magma between liquid and vapour phases. In the only other exposures of Type-E granite, the contacts are with other granites and the roof complexes are relatively poorly developed.
The Megilligar Rocks section exhibits the only well-exposed series of sheets of aplite, pegmatite and leucogranite developed from a lithium-mica granite. They comprise sheet-like offshoot intrusions from the main granite mass, are the last representatives of igneous activity locally, and are among the last products of the declining igneous activity that had formed the massive granite masses of Devon and Cornwall. The emplacement of this main body of magma had already folded and baked the surrounding (older) sedimentary rocks. The site allows detailed examination of these unusual late-stage granitic facies and their relationships with each other, their parent granite and their host, metamorphosed, sedimentary rocks.