May, V.J. & Hansom, J.D. 2003. Coastal Geomorphology of Great Britain, Geological Conservation Review Series No. 28. JNCC, Peterborough, ISBN 1 86107 4840. The original source material for these web pages has been made available by the JNCC under the Open Government Licence 3.0. Full details in the JNCC Open Data Policy
Hartland Quay, Devon
V.J. May
The coastline of North Devon runs transversely across Devonian and Carboniferous strata, but at Hartland Point it changes direction abruptly towards the east (see
Described as 'perhaps the finest coastal scenery in the whole of England and Wales' (Steers, 1946a, p. 219), this site extends some 6 km from Longpeak Beach in the south
The cliffs at Hartland Point and Blagdon Cliff reach over 100 m, but decline to just over 30 m at the mouth of Tichberry Water
Between Hartland Quay and Speke's Mill Mouth, the cliffs vary in height from below 30 m to over 70 m. Each of four small headlands (Hartland Quay, Screda Point, Screda Bay south-side, and St Catherine's Tor) slope inland to a flat-floored valley that hangs at about 30 m OD above each of the intervening bays. Wargery Water flows along part of the hanging valley to drop to the sea at Childspit Beach. To the south, Milford Water flows over a flat-floor until it plunges into the sea over 'the most spectacular' waterfall at Speke's Mill Mouth (Arber, 1911). To the south the cliffs rise to over 100 m at Longpeak. Each of the small headlands is associated with reefs that run at right angles to the cliffline and extend across the platform. The platform is varies between about 250 m and 150 m in width although its elevation varies a great deal depending upon the arrangement of the beds across which it cuts. For example north of Hartland Quay it is a broad feature cutting across all the exposed beds, whereas to the south at Screda Point, buttress reefs are predominant
The hanging valley floor between Hartland Quay and St Catherine's Tor is rock-floored with only a shallow depth of weathered material resting on it. There is neither soliflucted infill nor incised valley. The flat-floored hanging valleys become gradually lower in height towards Hartland Quay and are usually interpreted as representing the truncated remnants of the former floor of the Wargery and Milford Waters. The waterfalls vary from sheer falls across great slabs of rock to stepped features confined to very steep-sided narrow gorges or 'gutters' (Arbor, 1911). The detailed form depends to a substantial extent upon the exact arrangement of the beds over which they flow as well as the nature of the material itself.
The well-developed platforms and cliffs offer ample evidence that this is an active coastline along which rockfalls, landslides and stream erosion all play a part. Arber (1911) interpreted the features here as resulting from the inability of the streams to erode sufficiently rapidly to compensate for the rapidly retreating cliffline. The truncated downstream courses often survive as dry hanging valleys. He described the hanging valleys as sea-truncated valleys, and reconstructed the former courses of both Titchberry Water and Milford Water. Streams that once flowed farther seawards were cut into by the retreating clifffine, and their water was diverted, usually resulting in the formation of waterfalls. Arber described the waterfalls as 'unique in Britain' and his investigation remains the only detailed examination of them. Although the detailed form of the waterfalls depends on local variations in rock strength and the dip of the strata, Arber divided them broadly between those where the sea was more active in eroding the cliffs than the stream was in downcutting. In contrast where the stream was the more effective agent, the waterfalls more commonly formed gutter or canyon falls. The differences in waterfall morphology may provide an indicator of the very variable rates of cliff retreat in comparatively hard coasts where cliff-top retreat is often recorded as minimal. Although coastal waterfalls occur elsewhere in Britain, they are uncommon and nowhere as common as here. The reasons for this remain speculative, but seem likely to relate to the high proportion of streams flowing towards or along the coast, the impermeability of the strata, and the relatively slow rate of downcutting compared to cliff retreat.
Steers (1981) argued that although storm waves reach to and above the junction of cliff and platform there was no reason to assume that the platform is of wholly modern origin. Since the emerged ('raised') beaches at Trebetherick and Fremington are only a little higher than the present platforms, Steers argued that there is no reason why the platforms should not be much older in origin than they appear. In contrast the erosional activity of the cliffs and the platforms and the site's exposure might suggest that this cliffline had retreated considerable distances. A consistent contemporary rate over the last 6000 years for example would, however, only place the cliffs between 250 m and 120 m farther out to sea. Farther north on the south coast of Wales, there are well-preserved emerged platforms and beaches. The shales and sandstones around Hartland present a significantly different surface for erosive processes. Whereas the Carboniferous Limestone of Gower is comparatively free of discontinuities, the Carboniferous shales and sandstones of Hartland are very thinly bedded, much folded and faulted and provide numerous opportunities for erosion by both marine and slope processes.
An ice-margin explanation is proposed by Goudie and Gardner (1985) as an alternative to the coastal retreat explanation. If the Fremington tills are Anglian in age, then ice entered the nearby Taw-Torridge valley about 450 000 years BP Irish Sea ice probably extended far enough south during the penultimate glacial period to allow marginal drainage channels to develop between the ice and the coastal slope (Stephens and Synge, 1966; Kldson and Toole 1977; Keene, 1996). This coast was, however, ice-free during Devensian time (Keene, 1996). Goudie and Gardner (1985) outlined a possible alternative origin for the hanging valleys, for with the ice margin at or close to the coast, the usual outlets of the streams might become blocked. As a result a lake would build up until the lowest point of the valley side was overtopped. A new valley was then cut by the diverted stream. With greater discharge, higher impermeability and probably more and larger sediment loads, the streams would cut broad valleys. Once the ice retreated, the streams would revert to their former courses. The lack of infilling of the hanging valleys is seen as supporting this argument. Although this hypothesis, which was developed in order to explain the Valley of the Rocks west of Minehead (Mottershead, 1967), appears to offer a satisfactory explanation for that feature, its extension to the Hartland area appears less convincing.
The ice-margin hypothesis does not explain satisfactorily the dissection of the valleys in the Hartland area, where the former Milford Water has its left bank removed at four separate locations. The implication of the hypothesis is that the stream flowed over the ice at these points (since coastal retreat is not considered as a complementary process). The nature of the evidence and the origin of these unusual coastal landforms warrants further detailed investigation. Keene (1996) points out that the valley of Milford Water upstream of the truncated supposed meltwater section is also flat and steep sided. Valleys such as Abbey River are, in contrast, infilled by soliflucted material, probably of Devensian age. Their rock floors lie much dos-er to present sea level. Unconsolidated angular material in a matrix of finer-grained materials is entirely local. Post-Devensian 'increases in stream activity account for the development of meander terraces in the soliflucted material (Keene, 1996). In both cases, subsequent retreat of the cliffs would have allowed truncation to have taken place leaving them hanging above the present beaches.
Farther south at Marsland Water and Welcombe Mouth, valleys are incised much nearer to present sea level and there is clear evidence that earlier valleys were filled by soliflucted debris (probably Devensian in age: Keene, 1996). This suggests that at least in that area pre-Devensian streams flowed to a similar local base-level to today, but does not necessarily confirm that the coast was near its present position. On balance, the ice-margin hypothesis is less likely unless either Devensian ice reached the area and was banked against the coast or the valleys preserve forms that derive from the Anglian glacial presence along this coast. The latter also seems unlikely given that there have been four major changes of sea level since the Anglian and that cliffs could retreat at least 200 m in each interglacial period. An intrinsic part of the debate arises from the anomalous relationship of the truncated valleys to the structures. The majority of valleys follow the strike of the rocks. The question to address therefore is whether the development of drainage in these patterns is anomalous. If not, then the simple explanation that the valleys result from truncation by coastal retreat would appear most likely.
This part of the north Devon coast displays excellent examples of cliffs, platforms and differential adjustment of stream systems to coastal retreat. The only site in Britain where the development of coastal waterfalls has been examined in detail, Hartland Quay is also important for the remarkable truncation of valleys running along, rather than towards, the cliffs. The shore platforms have been cut across the complex structures, but little research on them has been carried out.
This site has caused controversy in that the origins of one of its main features, Arber's 'sea-truncated valleys', remain open to discussion. It contains some of the best examples of coastal waterfalls in Britain, the cliffs are finely developed, and a series of hanging valleys give the site unusual characteristics. The platforms are also well developed, although, as Steers has pointed out, they may well owe their existence to more effective marine activity in the past. If the ice margin was sufficiently close to produce (or at least influence) the flat-floored valleys, there remains the possibility that sea-ice and later periglacial conditions may also have played a significant role in the development of this site. However, in the absence of clear evidence that Devensian Ice was marginal to the coast, the ice-margin hypothesis for valley development is less convincing. These valleys differ from those along the south-west coast of the Isle of Wight where cliff retreat has cut across the upper courscs of cliff-top valleys. On the western hard-rock coasts, similar beheaded valleys occur, for example at Dinas and Cemaes, north of Fishguard, but these have been explained as ice-marginal overflow channels (Steers, 1946a). The different forms of waterfall described by Arber (1911) add to the unusual nature of this site.