May, V.J. & Hansom, J.D. 2003. Coastal Geomorphology of Great Britain, Geological Conservation Review Series No. 28. JNCC, Peterborough, ISBN 1 86107 4840. The original source material for these web pages has been made available by the JNCC under the Open Government Licence 3.0. Full details in the JNCC Open Data Policy
Torrisdale Bay and Invernaver, Sutherland
J.D. Hansom
The diverse assemblage of beach and dune land-forms at Torrisdale Bay, Sutherland, northern Scotland (see
The Torrisdale Bay and Invernaver GCR site
The wide and flat sandy beach of Torrisdale Bay extends over 1 km in length from the mouth of the River Naver in the east to the mouth of the River Borgie in the west. Extensive areas of intertidal sands characterize both bays and several areas of saltmarsh have developed in the inner reaches
At the rear of the beach, the coastal edge is characterized by a frontal apron of young vigorous dunes that are mostly relatively stable with vigorous marram Ammophila arenaria growth although there is some localized evidence of erosion where the vegetation cover has been stripped. The main dune ridge extends along the back of the beach and drapes the seaward edge of the Naver terrace before curving northwards round the flanks of the central rock ridge to continue into the Borgie estuary. In places the fringing dunes extend southwards onto the Naver terrace surface itself; while farther landwards some low isolated dune features rest on the top of the gravel terrace. An extensive area of dunes has also developed on the west side of Torrisdale Bay, in the triangular-shaped area lying between the Borgie terrace and the central rock ridge
The steep (up to 20°) rock slopes of the central ridge are host to a diverse array of landforms including dunes, bare screes of sand and rock debris and patches of heath. On the northern part of the ridge at the rear of the beach, 9–12 m-high coastal dunes merge into the dunes that are being blown uphill. These climbing dunes are most extensively developed on the north-east and east flank of the ridge, especially where rock depressions permit deeper sand accumulation. For example, the deep gully occupied by the stream flowing east from the loch to the lower River Naver, acts as a funnel for windblown sand. A small dune area has developed near the crest of the ridge at 110 m OD. This unusually high hilltop dune is characterized by numerous erosion scars and terracettes, the result of a combination of wind erosion and sheep scraping. The dune heathland of the ridge are also of considerable ecological interest with unusual associations of mountain avens Dryas, heather Calluna, crowberry Empetrum, sedge Carex and juniper Juniperus (Ritchie and Mather, 1969) providing a classic example of the 'attitudinal descent' of montane vegetation (Bentley, 1996b).
Ritchie and Mather (1969) describe the Torrisdale Bay area as a 'bewildering melange of landform and landscape elements'. The site comprises a fine assemblage of landforms that relate not only to the Quaternary evolution of the area but also the shorter-term dynamic beach–dune processes. Although no detailed geomorphological research has been carried out, it is possible to interpret the general evolution of this magnificent site from the morphological accounts of Ritchie and Mather (1969) and Bentley (1996b).
The site lies outwith the accepted limits of the Loch Lomond Stadial and so the last ice to override the site is most likely to be of Devensian age, flowing over the central bedrock ridge in a south–north direction and producing scouring, striations, and roches moutonnees (Ritchie and Mather, 1969). During the latter stages of the Devensian glaciation, the valleys of the Naver and Borgie acted as conduits for large volumes of meltwater and sediment discharged from the northern margin of the Scottish ice-sheet. As a result both the Borgie and Naver valleys contain large flat-topped terraces, that are the remnants of larger outwash terraces grading to former sea levels. The lower parts of these terraces were probably trimmed during the higher relative sea-levels of the Lateglacial period and were subsequently isolated as sea levels fell from 15–20 m OD (Ritchie and Mather, 1969). Ritchie and Mather (1969) suggest that fluvial reworking of these outwash terraces provided the sand and gravel for the large intertidal expanse of beach. However, the relative absence of gravel on the beach compared to its great abundance in the terraces may imply that offshore sources of sand were equally important in the initial development of the beach and dunes of Torrisdale Bay. This argument has been rehearsed elsewhere (Hansom, 1999, 2001) but broadly involves onshore delivery of large amounts of glaciogenic sand and gravel, at a time when the sea-level rise slowed during mid-Holocene times. The early arrival of gravel initiated development of gravel ridges that were subsequently inundated by large quantities of sand, which was then distributed into extensive dune and machair systems. However, in contrast to most Scottish beaches and dunes, Torrisdale Bay appears to be relatively stable or accreting. It is likely that the general decline in offshore sediment sources late in the Holocene Epoch has been offset by a ready source of sand recycled from the Naver and Borgie glaciofluvial terraces. The low percentage of shell-derived sand also suggests that onshore rather than offshore sources now comprise the main sand supply to the beaches and dunes.
On the main beach at Torrisdale Bay, a tendency for the beach axis to rotate clockwise over time was observed by Ritchie and Mather (1969), where sand from the east side of the beach on the Naver exit moves west towards the Borgie exit. This may be a function of westerly waves impinging on the east of the beach undergoing less refraction than the waves impinging on the west and so the energy gradient causes longshore transport of sand to the west, an area of lower wave energy. If this is indeed the case, then it may also provide a supply-driven explanation for the striking contrast in the extent and development of windblown depositional land-forms on the west and east sides of the bay.
The extensive climbing dunes on the central bedrock ridge probably formed soon after the sandy beach was established, as a result of dune development at the base of the ridge being forced uphill by strong winds from the north, north-west and north-east, assisted by bedrock gullies and depressions that subsequently channelled the windblown sand to altitudes of 110 m OD (Ritchie and Mather, 1969). Dune accretion appears to be continuing today (Bentley, 1996b). The frontal edge of the coastal dunes is relatively stable with low embryo dunes to the seaward side. The wide sand beach and the area of new dunes close to the mouth of the River Naver suggests that sand is still available for dune formation (Bentley, 1996b), in stark contrast to most Scottish beach–dune systems where erosion is the dominant process. The Borgie terrace has a stable dune grassland on its surface, whereas the Naver terrace consists of bare gravel with discontinuous low dune hillocks. This is probably due to the greater exposure to onshore winds at the Naver terrace, but the frequency of cairns, cist burials, grave mounds and other archaeological features may offer another partial explanation in terms of antiquity of anthropogenic influence (Ritchie and Mather, 1969). Nevertheless, similar undiscovered features may lie beneath the dunes of the Borgie terrace.
In summary, the Torrisdale Bay site is of great gcomorphological importance on account of the diversity of the landform assemblage and the juxtaposition of glacial, glaciofluvial, and coastal landforms. The combination of dunes that have been blown onshore onto glaciofluvial terraces and, blown to considerable altitude on the central bedrock ridge where dune grasslands have formed, is of considerable interest. These interests are further enhanced by the ecological and archaeological importance of the site. There is considerable scope for further geomorphological research at Torrisdale Bay.
Torrisdale Bay, Sutherland, northern Scotland, contains a diverse assemblage of dune landforms draped over a complex subsurface morphology comprising a glacially scoured bedrock ridge and the glaciofluvial terraces of the River Naver and River Borgie. A wide variety of dune landforms are well developed, demonstrating various stages of evolution and stability. Individual features of particular interest are the dune forms that have developed on the terraces, and the climbing dunes and high-level hilltop dune grassland. It is the juxtaposition of impressive glacial, glaciofluvial, and coastal landforms at Torrisdale Bay that is of outstanding geomorphological significance.