Cossey, P.J., Adams, A.E., Purnell, M.A., Whiteley, M.J., Whyte, M.A. & Wright, V.P. 2004 British Lower Carboniferous Stratigraphy. Geological Conservation Review Series, No. 29, JNCC, Peterborough. The original source material for these web pages has been made available by the JNCC under the Open Government Licence 3.0. Full details in the JNCC Open Data Policy
Artle Beck, Lancashire
Potential GCR site
The Artle Beck site consists of a stream gorge section at Artle Beck
The Lancaster area has one of the thickest early Namurian sections in the world (over 1.6 km thick), rivalled only by that in the Midland Valley Basin, Scotland (Chapter 2) and in Poland. The Artle Beck section forms part of this thick succession and, although it contains a number of depositional breaks, it provides a stark contrast to the thin but complete, sediment-starved Arnsbergian succession preserved farther south, entirely in mudstones (see Saleswheel GCR site report, this chapter).
The succession is approximately 45 m thick, but is stratigraphically complex. This is due to syn-depositional folding, faulting and unconformity within the Roeburndale Formation, which occupies most of the section in the valley floor, plus unconformity and overstep across these structures by the succeeding Wards Stone Sandstone Formation, seen in the valley sides.
The fauna of the E. yatesae Marine Band is unusual in that It has both hemipelagic elements, such as the ammonoids Eumorphoceras yatesae (the zonal form restricted to this horizon) and Cravenoceras cf. gairense, the bivalves Posidonia corrugata, P. lamellosa (highest known occurrence), Selenimyalina variabilis, together with benthic forms, such as smooth spiriferoid brachiopods and inadunate crinoids, some of which are exquisitely preserved with complete arms and pinnules.
The siltstones and sandstones beneath the E. yatesae Marine Band are delta-slope turbidite equivalents of the more proximal delta-top Sapling Clough Sandstone, 10 km to the southeast. Prior to deposition of the E. yatesae Marine Band these turbidites were folded. Glacio-eustatic transgression then caused sea-level rise, drowning the Sapling Clough Sandstone delta system, cutting off the sand supply. This transgression eroded the underlying delta-slope area and formed an omission surface. The slope was then draped in marine muds within which carbonate nodules began to form. These partially Milled sediments were then reworked down-slope to form the boulder bed in the basal part of the marine band (probably due to renewed tectonism and associated slope instability). Later, during highstand, thick mud deposition occurred (indicating a rich supply close to the basin margin). The mud surface was oxygenated just enough for a specialized benthos to colonize it. Highstand fill was eventually reached and coarse clastic systems began to prograde across the basin, feeding siltstone turbidites into the Artle Beck section above the E. yatesae Marine Band. Further folding and faulting of the Roeburndale Formation then occured. The glacio-eustatic lowstand that followed caused extensive erosion to the deformed beds of the Roeburndale Formation and resulted in the formation of the unconformity seen at the base of the overlying Wards Stone Sandstone Formation. Base level then rose, either because of glacio-eustasy or because of regional thermal subsidence, to facilitate the deposition of this fluvial deposit.
The Artle Beck succession provides the most dramatic outcrop evidence for the existence of syn-depositional earth movements during early Namurian times. These movements were probably controlled by a deep basement fault running along the trend of the Quernmore Valley, 5 km west of Artle Beck. They demonstrate that rifting (due to crustal stretching) along deep basement faults, so prevalent during Dinantian times (see River Hodder, Sykes Quarries and Dowshaw Delf Quarry GCR site reports, this chapter), was still an influential factor in early Namurian basin development, at least locally, as the Craven Basin moved into a regional (thermal) 'post-rift' subsidence regime, as the thinned crust cooled. The locality also demonstrates how marine bands thicken dramatically next to basin margins, with the E. yatesae Marine Band being 19 m thick at Artle Beck, compared to the 2 m at Saleswheel, 28 km to the SSE.