Cossey, P.J., Adams, A.E., Purnell, M.A., Whiteley, M.J., Whyte, M.A. & Wright, V.P. 2004 British Lower Carboniferous Stratigraphy. Geological Conservation Review Series, No. 29, JNCC, Peterborough. The original source material for these web pages has been made available by the JNCC under the Open Government Licence 3.0. Full details in the JNCC Open Data Policy
Chapter 2 Midland Valley Basin
M.A. Whyte
Lower Carboniferous rocks in Scotland are largely confined to the Midland Valley of Scotland, within which they have a wide and complex outcrop
The geology of the Midland Valley is structurally complex and the present disposition of Carboniferous rocks reflects in large part the pattern of depositional basins that evolved during the Carboniferous Period. At the centre of these basins, which often form more lowland ground, are outcrops of Upper Carboniferous rocks including the productive Coal Measures Group
History of research
The Lower Carboniferous rocks of the Midland Valley have in the past provided a great diversity of economic resources and it is clear that the rocks were in many places known 'long ere geology had arisen to give them a definite name and to recognize their stratigraphical position' (Geikie, 1902). The early accounts of sites and of Carboniferous geology are often linked to the exploitation of limestone or coal (e.g. Langdale, 1835, 1837; Carmichael, 1837). Records in the Statistical Accounts (e.g. Sherrif, 1796) also reflect this but show too that early workers had begun to take a more general interest in Lower Carboniferous geology and palaeontology. As pointed out and summarized by Geikie (1902), some of the early workers were involved in the controversies of the day and used evidence from Lower Carboniferous rocks in their accounts. Other notable accounts include MacLaren's (1839) summary of the Geology of Fife and the Lothians, in which the stratigraphical term 'Calciferous Sandstone' was first used, and Brown's (1860) logged sections on the coast of Fife. At the same time, workers such as Craig (1839), Montgomery (1839), Bryce (1855) and Young (1860) were taking an interest in and describing outcrops at the western end of the Midland Valley.
The fossil content of the strata was of particular interest to a number of early workers, who laid down the foundations for future generations of Carboniferous palaeontologists (Clarkson, 1985). The efforts of two of the foremost early workers, the Reverend David Ure (Ure, 1793) and the Reverend John Fleming (Fleming, 1828), are permanently linked in the names of such typical Lower Carboniferous fossils as Archaeocidaris urii Fleming, Euphemites urii (Fleming) and Crurithyris urii (Fleming). Hibbert's (1836) study of the Burdiehouse Limestone is particularly outstanding not only for the way in which he marshalled the palaeontological evidence to show that it was a freshwater deposit but also for recognizing its broad stratigraphical position within the Midlothian Basin and for providing a succession of the stratigraphically higher Loanhead Coals (Limestone Coal Formation). Later significant studies on Scottish Carboniferous palaeontology include work by Kirkby (Jones and Kirkby, 1867; Jones et al., 1874–1884) on ostracodes, Thomson (e.g. 1874, 1880, 1883, 1887) on corals, Davidson (1851–1886, 1860) on brachiopods, the Youngs (Young and Young, 1874a,b, 1876; Young, 1885a,b, 1895) on bryozoans, and Hind (1896–1905) on bivalves. Young (1866) made some interesting observations on the distribution of Lingula, and Neilson (1895), who wrote that he wished to 'read the life story of the fossils and from it deduce the conditions under which the strata containing them they were laid down', also recognized the stratigraphical usefulness of the fauna above the Blackhall Limestone (Lower Limestone Formation), which now bears his name (Neilson, 1874, 1913). The distribution of fossils in the west of the Midland Valley was summarized in Young and Armstrong (1871) and revised by Armstrong et al. (1876). Other significant local and stratigraphical studies include Craig (1867, 1869, 1875, 1879, 1883), McPhail (1869), Kirkby (1880, 1901) and Smith (1882).
It was, however, with the work of the [British] Geological Survey, commencing in the 1850s, that understanding of the Scottish Lower Carboniferous succession and its stratigraphy began to gain greater coherence. In addition to published maps, a number of memoirs were produced, of which those on Central and West Fife (Geikie, 1900), East Fife (Geikie, 1902) and Edinburgh (Peach et al., 1910) are particularly outstanding; the East Lothian (Clough et al., 1910) and Glasgow (Macgregor et al., 1925) memoirs are also significant. The economic development of the West Lothian Oil Field starting in the latter part of the 19th century provided a focus for survey work in this area culminating in the definitive oil shale memoir (Carruthers et al., 1927). Further impetus had been given to this work by the economic demands created by the First World War and these hostilities also emphasized the significance of the Scottish coalfields, including reserves in the Limestone Coal Formation. An extensive and protracted revision of the coalfield regions was undertaken and ultimately resulted in a series of economic memoirs, on not only the Central Coalfield, but also the Stirling–Clackmannan, Fife, Midlothian and Ayrshire coalfields (see list in Macgregor and MacGregor, 1967), all of which included chapters on the Lower Carboniferous rocks. Some relevant sheet memoirs were also produced during this period (Tyrrell, 1928; Richey et al., 1930; Eyles et al., 1949) and subsequently (Francis et al., 1970, Forsyth and Chisholm, 1977; Armstrong et al., 1985; McAdam and Tulloch, 1985; Davies et al., 1986; Greig, 1988). In addition, officers of the [British] Geological Survey published valuable accounts of aspects of Scottish Lower Carboniferous geology both in other survey publications (e.g. Dinham, 1920; Richey, 1937; Goodlet, 1957; Lumsden, 1964, 1967a,b; Forsyth and Wilson, 1965; Wilson, 1966, 1974; Davies, 1972; Browne, 1980a; Paterson and Hall, 1986), and in scientific journals (e.g. Crampton, 1905; Carruthers and Anderson, 1908; Carruthers and Richey, 1915; Richey, 1925, 1946; Macgregor, 1930; Macgregor and Manson, 1935; Goodlet, 1959; Read, 1965; Read and Merriam, 1966; Read and Johnson, 1967; Chisholm and Dean, 1974; Browne, 1980b; Monro, 1982a; Browne and Monro, 1989; Chisholm and Brand, 1994). The prolific Etheridge (e.g. 1873, 1875, 1876, 1878, 1880, 1882) published on a wide range of Lower Carboniferous fossils, and Carruthers' (1910) study of variation in zaphrentids has become a textbook example (Clarkson, 1998). Other important works on Scottish Lower Carboniferous palaeontology include Wilson (1979, 1989), Brand (1970, 1972, 1998) and Graham (1970, 1972, 1988).
At the same time, other workers have also made significant contributions to understanding and debate about successions, including Macnair (1906, 1915, 1916, 1917), Craig and Balsillie (1912), Macnair and Conacher (1913, 1914), Kirk (1925) and Cumming (1928). Study of microfloras (Burgess, 1965; Sullivan, 1968; Clayton, 1971, 1985; Neves et al., 1973) opened up an important new biostratigraphical field. Research on faunas includes Weir (1931) on bellerophontids, Latham (1932) on ostracodes, Hill (1938–1941) on corals, Currie (1954) on goniatites, Clark (1960) and Dean (1987) on conodonts, and Bancroft (1985a,b, 1986a) on bryozoans, while Wright's passion for crinoids is summarized in his two major monographs (Wright, 1939, 1950–1960). The value of detailed palaeoecological work was shown by the seminal studies of Craig (1954) and Ferguson (1962, 1963), and the work of Shiells (1966, 1968, 1969; Shiells and Penn, 1971) on productoid brachiopods combined taxonomy with functional morphology. Combinations of palaeoecology and sedimentology were important in recent studies of carbonates (Cain, 1968; Jameson, 1987; Pickard, 1990, 1992, 1993, 1994) and modern sedimentological insights have led to re-interpretations of a number of sections (Greensmith, 1965; Belt et al., 1967; Browne, 1975; Loftus, 1984; Maddox and Andrews, 1987; Fielding et al., 1988;Loftus and Greensmith, 1988; Searl and Fallick, 1990; Andrews et al., 1991; Andrews and Nabi, 1994, 1998).
The most recent tranche of survey memoirs (Paterson et al., 1990, 1998; Forsyth et al., 1996; Cameron et al., 1998; Hall et al., 1998; Monro, 1999), some of which deal with areas last covered by sheet memoirs of the 1870s (Whyte, 2000), have provided important regional syntheses and an evolving understanding of the Mid-Dinantian Break. They also embody important changes in stratigraphical nomenclature and usage, which have been further reviewed and revised by Browne et al. (1999).
Cameron and Stephenson (1985) and Francis (in Craig, 1965, 1983, 1991) have provided useful overviews of the Scottish Carboniferous System and useful bibliographies can be found in Gelkie (1900, 1902), Peach and Horne (1903), Macgregor et al. (1925) and Richey et al. (1930).
The Lower Carboniferous lithostratigraphy of the Midland Valley
In broad terms it has become widely recognized that a lower unit, called the Calciferous Sandstone Series, could be distinguished from an upper unit, the Carboniferous Limestone Series, in which the Upper Limestone Group and Lower Limestone Group were separated by a suite of coal-bearing strata. These latter rocks were at first sometimes referred to as the 'Lower Coal Measures' to distinguish them from the Coal Measures of the Upper Carboniferous succession. They were also know by different names in different basins, for example the 'Edge Coals' of Midlothian, but became generally termed the 'Limestone Coal Group'. As summarized by Macgregor (1930), the boundaries of the upper three units were defined by marker horizons, which could generally be traced throughout the outcrop. Thus, for instance, the top of the Lower Limestone Group was defined by the top of the Top Hosie Limestone, whereas its base was defined by the base of the Hurlet Limestone. Similarly the top of the Upper Limestone Group was defined by the top of the Castlecary Limestone, while its base was defined by the base of the Index Limestone. The Limestone Coal Group was thus defined as the strata from the top of the Top Hosie Limestone to the base of the Index Limestone. The usage of these divisions on [British] Geological Survey maps was re-affirmed by MacGregor (1960), while the term 'Calciferous Sandstone Measures' was introduced for the lowest unit. The great lithological variation seen within the Calciferous Sandstone Measures and the common presence of thick volcanic units inhibited any region-wide subdivision of this unit though local stratigraphies were developed for different regions (see summaries in Macgregor, 1930; Francis in Craig, 1965; Macgregor and MacGregor, 1967).
More recently, a progressive series of changes (Chisholm et ed., 1989; Chisholm and Brand, 1994; Browne et al., 1996), which have been reviewed and clarified by Browne et al. (1999), have been introduced to bring the lithostratigraphical nomenclature into line with modern practice. The upper three groups have been reclassified as formations, which pleasingly otherwise retain their traditional names, and are united with the Upper Carboniferous Passage Formation in the Clackmannan Group (Browne et al., 1999)
Following Paterson and Hall (1986), the Inverclyde Group is subdivided into three formations, the Kinnesswood Formation, Ballagan Formation and Clyde Sandstone Formation
The subdivision of the Strathclyde Group into a number of sedimentary and volcanic formations of more local extent, and in some cases with markedly diachronous boundaries, has also been formalized (Browne et al., 1999)
The chronostratigraphy and biostratigraphy of the Scottish Lower Carboniferous succession has been particularly difficult and it is only comparatively recently that major progress has been made. This is because good marine faunas are lacking in the lower parts of the sequence, and even in the upper parts of the sequence where they do occur, marine faunas are intermittent and interbedded with non-marine strata. It was thus virtually impossible to apply the classic coral–brachiopod zonations (Hill, 1938–1941; Francis in Craig, 1965) and, though Currie (1954) on the basis of a very patchy and fragmentary record was able to recognize goniatites indicative of B, P1, P2 and E biozones, only the P2–E1 boundary could be approximated as lying close to the top of the Lower Limestone Formation. The development of a zonal scheme based on miospores (Neves et al., 1973; Clayton, 1985) has, however, provided a basis for correlation both within the Midland Valley and with Carboniferous outcrops elsewhere. Many of the original concurrent range zones were first recognized and defined using material from the Spilmersford Borehole in East Lothian. The linking of the miospore zones with chronostratigraphical stages (George et al., 1976; Riley, 1993; Browne et al., 1999) means that these stages can now be more reliably recognized and meaningfully used within the area
The recognition of the base of the Carboniferous System is probably the most intractable problem in Scottish Carboniferous chronostratigraphy. This is because the strata that straddle the boundary are palaeontologically almost barren. Older schemes approximated the boundary with the base of the Cementstone Group (now termed the 'Ballagan Formation'), which was then seen as marking a major facies change from 'Old Red Sandstone' to 'Carboniferous' lithologies. These schemes have long been recognized as placing the boundary too high (e.g. Waterston in Craig, 1965) but persisted because of their convenience and because of the difficulties in recognizing another boundary position between the upper Tournaisian miospore assemblages of the Ballagan Formation and the Upper Famennian fish faunas of the Upper Old Red Sandstone (now placed in the Stratheden Group). Lumsden (1982) suggested that the term 'Devono–Carboniferous' should be used for the intermediate strata of unresolved age, but the lithostratigraphical revisions of Paterson and Hall (1986) also created a radically different structure in which the calcrete beds of the Kinnesswood Formation, by being placed within the Inverclyde Group, became increasingly linked to Carboniferous lithostratigraphies and treated as part of the Carboniferous System (Browne et at, 1999). Recent miospore finds (reported in Browne et al., 1999) appear to confirm that much of the Kinnesswood Formation is of Carboniferous age and that the Devonian–Carboniferous boundary lies within this formation. Although the first calcrete is a closer approximation in time to the Devonian–Carboniferous boundary than the first cementstone, it should not be forgotten that this remains a lithological and possibly diachronous boundary.
Geological setting
The origins of the Midland Valley of Scotland lie in the crustal processes of early to middle Palaeozoic times, when it and the Southern Uplands were accreted as separate terranes to the Laurentian continental margin by sinistral strike-slip (Phillips et al., 1998). By late Devonian times it had become, through reactivation of its boundary faults, a subsiding rift valley (Leeder, 1988) though deep structural complexities caused complex and changing patterns of subsidence within the graben. Furthermore, tectonic activity continued to influence the pattern of sedimentation during Lower Carboniferous times (Monro, 1982b; Stedman, 1988; Read, 1988, 1989; Rippon et al., 1996).
In late Devonian times, braided river systems derived from the Dalradian Highlands to the north-west and flowing eastwards were depositing, in the subsiding Midland Valley, red cross-bedded sandstones that often have erosive conglomeratic bases and which fine-up into silty mudrocks deposited on floodplains. Increasingly, however, channel tops and floodplain surfaces were stabilized long enough for soil-forming processes to begin to operate, giving rise to calcrete horizons. These become increasingly common in the basal part of the Inverclyde Group Kinnesswood Formation, which straddles the Devonian–Carboniferous boundary.
The passage from the Stratheden Group (late Devonian) into the Kinnesswood Formation (Fammenian to early Tournaisian) is usually conformable, but in the west there may be a small erosional break between these units and in places the Kinnesswood Formation overlaps onto much older rocks. The soil calcretes indicate an arid or semi-arid environment with an average temperature of at least 16° C and a moderate but seasonal rainfall. This is consistent with the reconstructed palaeolatitude a few degrees south of the equator. Towards the top of the Kinnesswood Formation these calcretes become highly developed and may indicate depositional breaks in excess of a hundred thousand years.
The Kinnesswood Formation is overlain conformably by the Ballagan Formation. In places there is a transition with the characteristic facies of the two formations interbedded and it is possible that the boundary may be diachronous. The mudrock and cementstone facies, which typify the Ballagan Formation were deposited in a wide flat lagoonal or protected coastal-plain environment (
The passage from the Ballagan Formation to the Clyde Sandstone Formation (upper Tournaisian), which is the uppermost formation in the Inverclyde Group, may again be regionally diachronous but in sections is usually sharp and sometimes erosive. It shows a reversion to a subaerial fluvial deposition environment similar to that of the Kinnesswood Formation, which may reflect uplift and rejuvenation of the sediment source areas. Like the Kinnesswood Formation, the basal parts of the Clyde Sandstone Formation may contain calcrete deposits. In addition, there may be carbonate conglomerates with concentrations of calcrete and cementstone fragments eroded from earlier deposits. Towards the top of the Clyde Sandstone Formation, however, the presence of coalified plant material, root beds and thin coal seams indicate that the climate was becoming more humid. This may reflect the northerly drift of the area towards the equator.
The Clyde Sandstone Formation is principally developed in the western part of the Midland Valley but is also recognized in East Fife (Browne et al., 1999). The absence of an equivalent of the Clyde Sandstone Formation in the Lothians
Following the Mid-Dinantian Break two new elements become important in the palaeogeography of the Midland Valley and influence depositional patterns throughout the Strathclyde Group and Clackmannan Group. Firstly, there was a major river system, which flowed southwards down the area that is now the northern North Sea. This drained and transported sediment from the Caledonian hinterland and from the Fenno-Scandinavian area (Whyte, 1994). Although the river system and its deltas at times bypassed the Midland Valley, the latter formed a sediment trap on its western flank
The volcanic activity that produced the Clyde Plateau Volcanic Formation, persisted until Brigantian times and produced thicknesses of volcanic material that were in excess of 1 km. The lavas were principally distributed in a great arc from West Fife through the Touch Hills, Campsie Fells and Kilpatrick Hills into Renfrew and Ayrshire. At their southern extreme they reached Strathaven in Lanarkshire and a tongue of lavas also extended to the Rashiehill area of Stirlingshire (Anderson, 1963). Even at an early stage in the formation of the Strathclyde Group these volcanics formed a barrier across the Midland Valley and separated an Ayrshire Basin or Shelf, on which little or no deposition took place, from areas to the north-east. Water was often ponded up between the deltas and the lavas to form enclosed or semi-enclosed water bodies
Towards the top of the Strathclyde Group the Clyde Plateau Volcanic Formation became increasingly overstepped and the palaeogeography of Lake Cadell began to break down. The volcanics themselves had been deeply weathered in the tropical climate and as deposition recommenced the decomposition products were locally re-distributed to form the diachronous mantle of the Kirkwood Formation
The Lower Limestone Formation (upper Brigantian) shows a continuation of this Yoredale cyclicity, with well-developed and extensive marine horizons. The basal Hurlet Limestone is usually regarded as the first marine horizon to have extended throughout the Midland Valley (Browne et al., 1999)
The upward passage from the Lower Limestone Formation (upper Brigantian) into the Limestone Coal Formation (Pendleian) is accompanied by a marked shift in facies, which may reflect a regional uplift (Goodlet, 1959). As its name indicates, the Limestone Coal Formation is dominated by delta-top facies of mudrocks and sandstones, in which coal seams are extensively developed (
Conditions in the Upper Limestone Formation (late Pendleian to Arnsbergian) show a return to a Yoredale style of cyclicity, with alternations of deltaic and marine conditions similar to that of the Lower Limestone Formation and with a similar palaeogeography (Browne and Monro, 1989). The marine limestones tend to be thinner and more argillaceous than those of the Lower Limestone Formation and their faunas are less diverse (Wilson, 1967). However, the principal marine bands, which in ascending order are the Index Limestone, Lyoncross Limestone, Orchard Limestone, Calmy Limestone, Plean (1, 2 and 3) Limestones, and Castlecary Limestone
GCR site coverage
The suite of sites chosen to represent the Lower Carboniferous rocks of the Midland Valley