Cossey, P.J., Adams, A.E., Purnell, M.A., Whiteley, M.J., Whyte, M.A. & Wright, V.P. 2004 British Lower Carboniferous Stratigraphy. Geological Conservation Review Series, No. 29, JNCC, Peterborough. The original source material for these web pages has been made available by the JNCC under the Open Government Licence 3.0. Full details in the JNCC Open Data Policy
Dale Quarry, Derbyshire
The Dale Quarry GCR site
The Bee Low Limestones (25 m) comprise thickly bedded bioclastic peloidal grainstones and packstones with bedding planes marked by palaeokarstic surfaces overlain by thin volcanic-derived soils (Walkden, 1982). A typical late Asbian fauna including Dibunophyllum bourtonenese, Siphonodendron pauciradiale and Palaeosmilia murchisoni is present in these beds (Walkden, 1982).
The Asbian–Brigantian boundary is marked by a karstic surface probably with a few metres of Asbian strata missing. The Monsal Dale Limestones (30 m) and Eyam Limestones (3 m) consist of thinly bedded fine-grained bioclastic wackestones with shale partings
The fauna consists of spinose productoids, rare zaphrentids and small rhynchonellid brachiopods. The contact between the Monsal Dale Limestones and the Eyam Limestones is inaccessible but appears to be an erosion surface (Walkden, 1982).
The Bee Low Limestones were deposited on a shallow carbonate shelf that was punctuated by emergent episodes when soils and palaeokarstic surfaces formed (Walkden, 1974, 1982; Vanstone, 1996). The boundary between the Bee Low Limestones and the Monsal Dale Limestones may represent a period of subaerial erosion; Shirley (1959) and Walkden (1982) recorded an unconformity at this level, and Walkden (1977) suggested that this surface marked an episode of subaerial erosion that is evident elsewhere on the carbonate platform at the Asbian–Brigantian boundary.
Shirley (1959), Smith et al. (1967) and Walkden (1970) recognized a major facies change in the Brigantian limestones, from cyclic limestones (with palaeokarstic surfaces) deposited in shallow shelf seas to the north, to a much thinner succession of thinly bedded argillaceous limestones (with no palaeokarstic surfaces) with a deeper-water fauna in the south. Walkden (1970, 1982), Oakman (1984) and Gutteridge (in unpublished work) interpreted this change as the depositional record of the shelf-to-slope transition across the southern margin of the Derbyshire carbonate platform.
The Brigantian succession represents the unstable marginal slope of the carbonate platform. This is dominated by fine-grained carbonate sediment that was winnowed and transported off the shelf by storm and tidal currents and deposited below wave-base. The thin bioclastic beds represent occasional storm-deposited influxes of coarser material derived from higher-energy environments up the platform margin. Some storm beds were mixed with the surrounding fine-grained slope carbonates by bioturbation. Isolated megaripples of crinoidal grainstone migrated down the slope until they were starved of coarse bioclastic sediment and were buried by fine-grained slope carbonates. The platform margin slope was unstable and was affected by down-slope creep and major slumping. It is possible that some of the major slumps cut down to the level of the lithified Asbian platform carbonates. The nature of the contact between the Monsal Dale Limestones and the Eyam Limestones in Dale Quarry is not known but is also thought to be a subaerial erosion surface.
Dale Quarry is a key site for demonstrating the changing nature of the southern margin of the Derbyshire Platform during late Dinantian times. Asbian strata record a flat-topped carbonate shelf with shallowing-upwards cycles capped by emergence surfaces passing laterally into a narrow high-angle margin probably underlying Wirksworth. The transition from shelf carbonates to marginal slope carbonates stepped back some 1–2 km shelfward at the end of Asbian times such that the transitional area became broader and less steep. Subsequently, during Brigantian times, the platform margin built out progressively southwards into the Widmerpool Gulf by the off-shelf transport of shelf-derived carbonates and slumping.