Cossey, P.J., Adams, A.E., Purnell, M.A., Whiteley, M.J., Whyte, M.A. & Wright, V.P. 2004 British Lower Carboniferous Stratigraphy. Geological Conservation Review Series, No. 29, JNCC, Peterborough. The original source material for these web pages has been made available by the JNCC under the Open Government Licence 3.0. Full details in the JNCC Open Data Policy
Kiln Cottage Quarry, Devon
The Kiln Cottage Quarry GCR site is a disused quarry
Although much of the site has been ladled, some 30 m of section is still visible In the north-west face of the quarry. It records the transition from dark shales and impure limestones of the Bailey's Member (topmost beds of the Bampton Limestone) into weathered black shales of the overlying Dowhills Beds (lowermost part of the Crackington Formation)
Near the base of the succession is a thick (0.75 m) deeply weathered limestone overlain by dark-grey, siliceous mudstones and thinner limestones. Above an interval obscured by talus, three prominent limestone beds 20–40 cm thick with pronounced honeycomb weathering occur, separated by beds of dark, locally cherry, mudstone. These limestones show no sign of internal structure or bioturbation although they are characteristically sharp-based and muddy. From 11–18 m, the limestones are thinner
Matthews and Thomas (1974) defined the top of the Bailey's Member at the top of the last limestone bed. This may equate to the thin, weathered limestone or 'rottenstone' at 23 m
The section between 19 m and 25 m yields Posidonia bechert, Neoglyphioceras spirale and Lusitanoceras granosus, and is a classic example of the Posidonia Beds. These taxa characterize the P1b–P2a ammonoid zones
Matthews and Thomas (1974) interpreted the laterally persistent limestones within the Bailey's Member as distal turbidites that originated from extensions of the carbonate shelf to the north. They are broadly similar in age to the Upper Westleigh Limestone
However, in a regional sense, Thomas (1982) has noted that limestone deposition in the Culm Trough is generally at its most widespread at about Posidonia Beds time. He suggested that the abundance of preserved bivalves and ammonoids reflected high organic productivity, reduced sedimentation rates and perhaps a better-ventilated water column. Certainly the causative factors have to be sought at a basin scale since the Posidonia Beds are uniformly developed throughout the present northern and southern outcrops, areas that were separated by more than 75 km at the time of deposition.
The Dowhills Beds are one of several euxinic black shale sequences (e.g. Ashton Shale, Limekiln Beds) that have been recognized below the thick turbiditic sandstones of the Crackington Formation (Edmonds, 1974). This has led to a proliferation of stratigraphical synonomy during the course of localized mapping projects. Edmonds (1974) sought to simplify the problem by proposing that all the black shale intervals should be considered part of the Crackington Formation, a view reflected in
This important site records the conformable passage from sequences containing mudstones, cherts and limestone turbidites into younger beds characterized by black shales and coarse, sandy turbidites. The fine-grained deposits accumulated more-or-less unchanged in a long-lived, sediment-starved basin, but the obvious shift from limestone to clastic turbidites occurred from Brigantian times onward. A fundamental re-arrangement of the hinterland around the CuIm Trough must account for the marked change in sediment type made accessible to the basin.