Barclay, W.J., Browne, M.A.E., McMillan, A.A., Pickett, E.A., Stone, P. & Wilby, P.R. 2005. The Old Red Sandstone of Great Britain. Geological Conservation Review Series No. 31, JNCC, Peterborough. The original source material for these web pages has been made available by the JNCC under the Open Government Licence 3.0. Full details in the JNCC Open Data Policy
Whiting Ness, Angus
M.A.E. Browne
First notified as an SSSI in 1961, this important GCR site
The Arbroath Sandstone Member of the Scone Sandstone Formation consists of cross-bedded, fine- to medium-grained sandstones. These overlie the Auchmithie Conglomerate Member and are the youngest known strata of early Devonian age on the south-east limb of the Sidlaw Anticline. Named by Hickling (1908) and given formational status by Armstrong and Paterson (1970), the Arbroath Sandstone is now accorded member status (Browne et al., 2002). It is at least 365 m thick, and consists of bright purple-red sandstones on the coast near Arbroath, where it is overlain with marked unconformity by the Upper Old Red Sandstone. Near Carnoustie, however, 3 km to the south-west, the sandstones are generally green or purplish grey. The red colour at Arbroath may be due to the proximity of the mid-Devonian unconformity, with deep weathering prior to the deposition of the Upper Old Red Sandstone. The Arbroath Sandstone Member dips to the south-east at about 20° on extensive wave-cut platforms north-east of Carnoustie and at Arbroath. Trough-cross-bedding is well displayed, with elongate troughs trending parallel to the strike of the rocks and showing predominantly SW-directed palaeocurrents.
The sandstones contain abundant pebbles and boulders (up to 0r.3 m across) of nodular limestone at many levels. These clasts are considered to have originated as carbonate soil nodules (caicrete) in argillaceous overbank deposits that were subsequently almost completely destroyed as the result of river channel migration. The carbonate clasts commonly have the appearance of slightly abraded concretions and may not have been transported far before being incorporated in the sandy channel deposits. In some clasts, the carbonate appears to enclose mudstone that represents part of the original mud host. Intact mudstone beds are rare in the Arbroath Sandstone Member but one example with carbonate nodules may be observed at the foot of the cliffs
East of Arbroath, in the general neighbourhood of Whiting Ness, a sequence of mainly red-brown and yellow conglomerates with subordinate sandstone beds and basal and marginal breccias rests with striking unconformity on the Arbroath Sandstone Member (
The sedimentary rocks of the Arbroath Sandstone Member are typical of the Scone Sandstone Formation in the Strathmore Basin. Bluck (2000) provided a sedimentological interpretation for the formation based upon a road cutting at Crossgates–Burnside, south-west of Perth. At the west end of the 800 m-long cutting, lithic arenites above a basal mudstone-clast breccia are overlain by a single set of cross-bedded strata over 12 m thick. The complex was laid down in a single bar at least 12 m high in a river channel probably 15–20 m deep. Bluck concluded that the river was substantially deeper than those local (internal) streams of much steeper gradient that had deposited older conglomeratic formations in the Midland Valley up to that time. Its source was external to the Midland Valley, in the Scandian Orogen to the north-east.
The angular discordance between the Upper and Lower Old Red Sandstone strata at Whiting Ness is marked. The Lower Old Red Sandstone dips south-east at about 25°, whereas the Upper Old Red Sandstone dips approximately ESE at 10°. The latter was deposited against steep slopes forming part of the sub-late Devonian land surface, as can be seen in the cliffs
Most of the Upper Old Red Sandstone sediments appear to have accumulated in braided channels as lateral bars in the active part of an alluvial plain covered with sand and gravel. White, flat-bedded, fine-to medium-grained sandstones of sheet-flood type were laid down preferentially in topographically protected areas close to the steeper slopes on the surface of the unconformity near Whiting Ness (Ramos and Friend, 1982). Steep-sided gullies up to 1.5 m deep cutting into these beds are mostly filled with breccia derived from the adjacent steep slopes (Balin, 1993). Ramos and Friend (1982) deduced a south-westerly direction of transport for the breccias, with an axial drainage system flowing south-eastwards.
Whiting Ness and nearby cliff sections at Dickmont's Den and Forbidden Cave provide excellent exposures of a geological unconformity. This represents an ancient surface with a steeply dissected topography; the observed relief is of the order of 6 m, but is calculated to reach 100 m locally. The sections also show indurated braided river deposits of the Arbroath Sandstone Member that were uplifted, weathered and eroded in a semi-arid climate during mid-Devonian earth movements. Tropical weathering at that time probably caused the reddening of the strata. The overlying Burnside Sandstone Formation was mainly laid down by braided rivers flowing south and south-east, but contains breccias that were deposited by streams flowing south-west at the basin margin.