Mendum, J.R., Barber, A.J., Butler, R.W.H., Flinn, D., Goodenough, K.M., Krabbendam, M., Park, R.G. & Stewart, A.D. 2009. Lewisian, Torridonian and Moine Rocks of Scotland, Geological Conservation Review Series No. 34, JNCC, Peterborough. The original source material for these web pages has been made available by the JNCC under the Open Government Licence 3.0. Full details in the JNCC Open Data Policy
J.R. Mendum
The Druimindarroch GCR site provides a representative section through the psammites and subsidiary semipelites of the Lower Morar Psammite Formation. Sedimentary structures, mainly cross-bedding and convolute bedding, are locally well seen. In addition, good examples of minor fold structures are displayed. The semipelites in the north-east part of the site contain well-developed microcline feldspar porphyroblasts whose relationship to the minor structures and related cleavages was studied by Smith and Harris (1972).
The Morar District was initially mapped by J.E. Richey for the Geological Survey in the mid-1930s. Richey and Kennedy (1939) divided the rocks into two main units, the 'Moine' and 'Sub-Moine Series'. They proposed that the underlying 'Sub-Moine' rocks had experienced a more-complex structural history and higher metamorphic grades than the overlying 'Moine' rocks. The largely right-way-up 'Moine' sequence mantles the large-scale periclinal Morar Antiform
Powell (1974) carried out a detailed analysis of the regional structure in the Morar–Knoydart district and recognized four separate deformation phases. His terminology is used in this account.
The rocky peninsula of Rubh' Aird Mhòir by Druimindarroch consists mainly of SE-dipping, flaggy to blocky, feldspathic and micaceous psammites of the Lower Morar Psammite Formation. The psammites are well exposed on a clean-washed rock platform adjacent to Loch Nan Uamh and on rocky crags immediately inland. The Druimindarroch GCR site lies immediately west of the hinge region of the large-scale Morar Antiform and hence bedding dips are low to moderate, with open folding of probable F3 age
The psammites range from laminated to medium-bedded and are interbedded with subsidiary dark-grey, finely cleaved, semipelite units. Cross-bedding is seen locally and some of the units show grading from siliceous bases to micaceous tops. North of the stone pier, ovoid white microcline porphyroblasts up to 5 mm across are locally abundant in the semipelite units (Smith and Harris, 1972)
A NNE-trending fault separates more-deformed siliceous psammite and semipelite on Rubh' Aird Ghamhsgail from the upper part of the Lower Morar Psammite that is exposed in the Druimindarroch area
Powell (1974) recognized four separate deformation phases in the Morar-Knoydart district. Broadly, D1 folds and shear-zones duplicate the stratigraphy and the underlying Lewisianoid gneisses. The upright Morar Antiform, which dominates the overall structural pattern in this district, was assigned to D2. At Druimindarroch, D1 structures are represented by tight minor F1 folds preserved in hinge zones of F2 folds, for instance in thinly bedded psammites and semipelites at
Smith and Harris (1972) showed that micro-dine porphyroblasts are generally flattened in S2 and have been partially replaced by quartz, epidote and white mica. These relict 'microcline augen' lie in a matrix of quartz, muscovite and biotite, with the micas showing a strong preferred orientation defining S2. In the field the porphyroblasts occur both as flattened and aligned forms and unmodified non-aligned crystals
Two 1 m-thick sheets of grey-green microdiorite, locally appinitic with coarse hornblende, intrude the Moine succession near the southwest end of the peninsula. These intrusions belong to the Silurian-age, late Caledonian Microdiorite Sub-suite and have been metamorphosed, here under greenschist-facies conditions. In a small bay
The Druimindarroch site lies immediately west of the hinge region of the regional Morar Antiform. The psammitic Moine sequence is locally tightly folded here, but overall the beds dip gently to moderately to the south-east. The psammites, which form the upper part of the Lower Morar Psammite Formation, show sedimentary features indicative of their shallow-water origin.
The microcline porphyroblasts found in some of the semipelite units formed both before the development of the main S2 cleavage, and after D2 deformation but prior to the D3 deformation (Smith and Harris, 1972).
The Druimindarroch area contains a well-exposed rocky coastal section that shows the Neoproterozoic Moine psammites of the Lower Morar Psammite Formation, a prominent unit in the lower part of the Morar Group. These are mainly psammitcs but include subsidiary semipelites. At the site sedimentary grading and cross-bedding are still readily recognizable, yet the rocks show two main phases of open to tight minor folding and related cleavages. In the semipelites metamorphic porphyroblasts of microcline feldspar are present in places. These Moine rocks lie just to the west of the complex hinge zone of the Morar Antiform, a regional structure that controls the outcrop pattern in the Morar district. On the peninsula Silurian microdiorite sheets, Permo–Carboniferous camptonite dykes, and Palaeogene basalt and dolerite dykes intrude the Moine metasedimentary rocks. The Druimindarroch site remains an excellent area to study the effects of the various deformation phases that are present in this part of the Moine succession and their relationship to the lower amphibolite-facies metamorphism.