Mendum, J.R., Barber, A.J., Butler, R.W.H., Flinn, D., Goodenough, K.M., Krabbendam, M., Park, R.G. & Stewart, A.D. 2009. Lewisian, Torridonian and Moine Rocks of Scotland, Geological Conservation Review Series No. 34, JNCC, Peterborough. The original source material for these web pages has been made available by the JNCC under the Open Government Licence 3.0. Full details in the JNCC Open Data Policy
Gearraidh Siar (Garry-A-Siar) and Baile Mhanaich (Balivanich), Benbecula
D.J. Fettes
The two coastal sections of Gearraidh Siar (Garry-a-siar) and Baile a' Mhanaich (Balivanich) on the west coast of Benbecula together comprise one of the best-documented and important geological sites in the Outer Hebrides. These low-lying rocky coastal exposures of Lewisian gneisses contain many members of the 'Younger Basic' Suite, mainly metadolerite dykes, which exhibit a wide variety of Laxfordian reworking effects. In the Gearraidh Siar section and the southern half of the Baile a' Mhanaich section the 'Younger Basic' dykes are little deformed and generally show a high degree of discordance reflecting relatively low levels of Laxfordian reworking. In contrast, in the northern half of the Baile a' Mhanaich section the dykes are thoroughly deformed and are generally concordant, reflecting high levels of Laxfordian strain. The change from the area of low strain to that of high strain occurs over about 1 m and can be observed on the ground.
The area of low Laxfordian reworking corresponds approximately to the broad antiformal hinge area in an anticline–syncline pair of some 4 km wavelength. These Laxfordian F3 structures fold the regional gneissose banding (Coward, 1973a,b). The folds are open to tight with upright axial planes and moderately NW-plunging axes. At the northern end of the Baile a' Mhanaich section an area of high strain lies in the core of the tight synform. The fold pair lies west of the main antiformal structure that governs the overall structural pattern on Benbecula (Coward, 1973b; Fettes et al., 1992). The structural detail provided by the Gearraidh Siar and Baile a' Mhanaich sections, both on a regional scale, and along individual dykes, has allowed researchers to document the nature and variety of the Laxfordian event and of its component phases as well as pointing to the factors that control the pattern of deformation. These studies have provided an important basis for interpreting the regional patterns of Laxfordian reworking.
The sections also provide excellent examples of late-Laxfordian pegmatitic granite veins, which cut across the variously deformed 'Younger Basic' dykes and main Laxfordian structures and thus mark the end of the main Laxfordian events. Also present in the area are rare examples of the late-Scourian microdiorite sheets, and the only documented occurrence of a post-Laxfordian microdiorite dyke.
Although Jehu and Craig (1926) mapped the west coast of Benbecula, the first detailed work on the Gearraidh Siar and Baile a' Mhanaich coast sections was carried out by Dearnley and Dunning (1968). They studied the Laxfordian effects on the 'Younger Basic' dykes, and documented the variety of structural complexity and the associated metamorphism. Subsequently, Coward (1973a) carried out a detailed structural analysis of the sections, and Coward et al. (1970), Coward (1973b) and Fettes et al. (1992) have all discussed the regional context. The present account draws on these references and also on unpublished data held by the British Geological Survey in Edinburgh.
The two coastal sections lie mostly in the intertidal zone on the westernmost part of Benbecula
Gearraidh Siar (Garry-a-siar) section
The Gearraidh Siar section consists predominantly of grey to white granodioritic and tonalitic Lewisian gneisses. These are banded, but relatively homogeneous, coarse- to medium-grained rocks, with the gneissose banding defined by the quartzofeldspathic and biotite-and hornblende-rich layers. The banding and concordant Scourian fabrics vary in strike from NNW to north and north-east and dip generally at 50°–60° towards the west. Only minor 'Older Basic' bodies occur in the section. However, the gneisses contain many mafic dykes of the 'Younger Basic' Suite, mainly metadolerite, which are cut by a suite of late-Laxfordian pegmatitic granites. The original orientation of the dykes was predominantly north-west but a few lay at high angles to this trend. They vary in width from a few centimetres up to c. 25 m and can be traced for up to 100 m across the exposed section. Many of the dykes have small offshoots and apophyses that may lie at high angles to the trend of their parent dyke. The degree of reworking shown by the dykes varies considerably
- type-1, dykes and small apophyses completely undisturbed and cutting sharply across the gneissose foliation;
- type-2, dykes showing signs of deformation but with the main contacts and apophyses still cross-cutting;
- type-3, dykes and offshoots locally parallel to the gneissose foliation with some folding and boudinage;
- type-4, dykes strongly deformed, commonly boudinaged and migmatized, and almost wholly concordant to the gneissose foliation.
Dearnley and Dunning (1968) also examined the mineralogy of the dykes. They showed that the cores of the bigger dykes exhibit granulite-facies assemblages characterized by garnet + clinopyroxene, whereas the margins and smaller dykes contain amphibolite-facies assemblages of hornblende + plagioclase. The former they attributed to an early-Laxfordian granulite-facies metamorphism; the latter to a later Laxfordian retrogressive phase.
Coward (1973a) related the Laxfordian reworking to four phases, D1L–D4L. He documented many examples of multi-phase deformation and demonstrated that the degree of reworking can vary from virtually absent to very high across transitional zones as narrow as 0.5 m. He showed that the deformation associated with his first and third phases is relatively intense but confined to narrow zones whereas the second phase also resulted in a more-widespread but moderate style of reworking. He regarded the amphibolite-facies assemblages as syntectonic and closely related to the deformational phases.
Throughout the section the many members of the 'Younger Basic' Suite illustrate this variation in the degree of reworking. Although regionally the degree of Laxfordian reworking is low, some narrow zones of high strain do occur. Strongly discordant and largely undeformed mafic dykes may exist within metres of concordant and deformed dykes. In some cases large dykes may be boudinaged although their apophyses are largely undeformed; in other cases the reverse occurs. The following localities illustrate these points, although many other examples also occur along the section
NNW-trending Palaeogene dolerite dykes occur sparsely in the section, for example at
Baile a' Mbanaich (Balivanich) section
The Baile a' Mhanaich section has similar lithological elements to that at Gearraidh Siar, except for the additional presence of large 'Older Basic' masses in its northern part
At the eastern end of the section around Calligeo
Dearnley and Dunning (1968) documented the variable Laxfordian reworking within the Gearraidh Siar and Baile a' Mhanaich sections but suggested that overall the two areas lay in a regional zone of low finite Laxfordian strain. They noted that the Laxfordian reworking within the two areas is concentrated in relatively narrow zones. They also interpreted the granulite-facies assemblages present in the cores of the larger dykes as a product of an early-Laxfordian granulite-facies metamorphism, subsequently partially retrograded by the later pervasive Laxfordian amphibolite-facies metamorphic event, which broadly accompanied the main deformation. Although it was subsequently shown that the granulite-facies mineralogy related to post-consolidation recrystallization in hot country rocks at mid-crustal levels (see Fettes et al., 1992), the main observations of Dearnley and Dunning (1968) laid the grounds for the currently accepted interpretation of the nature of Laxfordian reworking.
Coward et al. (1970) noted that, on the regional scale, the areas of low Laxfordian strain, such as Gearraidh Siar and the southern part of the Baile a' Mhanaich section, occupy broad regional F3 antiformal cores that close to the west; the fold axes plunging to the north-west at moderate angles. In contrast, the regional high-strain zones, such as at the northern end of the Baile a' Mhanaich section, are coincident with the axial zones of pinched-in F3 synforms. Coward (1973a) showed that the broad anti-formal F3 hinge zones are relatively rich in basic rock-types and suggested that these areas may have acted as more highly competent blocks compared to those with fewer mafic bodies. He concluded that such a contrast might well have influenced the development of the regional D3L fold pattern.
Coward (1973a,b) recognized four Laxfordian deformational phases (D1L–D41), which affected the rocks of the site area and postulated that the first three phases were coaxial. Coward (1973a) argued that the effects of the first deformation phase were relatively minor and the main reworking was accomplished during the D2L and D3L phases. He also argued that the pattern of reworking established during D2L effectively controlled the nature of D3L, with the later strain concentrated in the areas of high D2L deformation, thus reinforcing the areas of maximum reworking. The majority of the 'Younger Basic' dykes originally trended northwest, an orientation normal to the maximum compression direction during D1L and D3L. As a result, the deformation during D1L largely resulted in boudinage of the dykes and the development of flattening fabrics and zones of intense strain parallel to the dyke margins. Only those dykes and apophyses lying at high angles to the maximum compression direction were folded. However, during D2L, the maximum compression direction lay at a low angle to the majority of dykes. This resulted in a broader more-uniform deformational style with relatively open folds whose axial planes trend between north-east and north. A prominent gently to moderately NNW-plunging lineation is widely developed. F2 folds of D1L boudinaged dykes dominate the outcrop at locality G4 of Coward (1973a, fig. 6, see above). During D3L, as in D1L, the strain was concentrated in localized strongly deformed zones. Coward (1973a) argued that the D3L strain was focused in D1L deformation zones, increasing the intensity of deformation in these areas. The D4L event resulted in open to tight and even isoclinal folds, generally with east–west subvertical axial planes. The folds affected zones already strongly reworked by the Laxfordian D1L–D3L events as well as previously little-deformed areas.
Coward (1973a) also noted cuspate structures at the margins of the basic dykes and dykelets and the host gneisses. He interpreted them as reflecting the ductility contrast between the rock types during deformation, the pinched-in areas between the cusps pointing to the lithology with the lower ductility. He noted that the relative ductility of the dykes and gneisses changed during Laxfordian reworking, particularly where the rocks suffered amphibolitization or deformation-induced recrystallization. This resulted in a considerable variation in the ductility contrast between the gneisses, the large dykes and the small dykelets and, in consequence, in the style of the accompanying deformation. Coward cited, for example, virtually undeformed dykes hosted by strongly deformed and more-ductile gneisses, but with amphibolitized apophyses behaving as more-ductile elements within the gneisses. He noted that the concentration of D1L and D3L strain in specific zones promoted recrystallization and hence increased ductility in these zones, thus predisposing them to act as the focus of further strain. Hence, the ductility contrasts and the variety of orientations of the 'Younger Basic' dykes were major factors determining the heterogeneous nature of the overall Laxfordian deformation and varied pattern of Laxfordian strain across the section.
The coastal sections of the Gearraidh Siar to Baile a' Mhanaich GCR site illustrate the detailed nature of Laxfordian reworking of the earlier Archaean-age Scourian gneisses and the meta-dolerite dykes of the Palaeoproterozoic 'Younger Basic' Suite in one of the best-studied areas in the Outer Hebrides. The rocks form an upright antiform-synform fold pair some 4 km in wavelength that lies on the western limb of a larger-scale antiform that covers most of Benbecula. In simple terms, the southern part of the section exhibits a low degree of Laxfordian reworking where the mafic dykes strongly cross-cut the gneissose foliation and largely preserve their early-formed metamorphic fabrics. However, in the north, Laxfordian strains are high and the dykes have been strongly deformed and rotated into concordance with the gneissose foliation. The accompanying recrystallization has also modified their original mineralogy and fabrics in the mafic dykes so that they are now amphibolites. The boundary between the two zones is very sharp, locally occurring over less than a metre. However, internally, local strain variations and detailed deformation patterns have been studied based on the nature of the 'Younger Basic' dykes.
Variations along the section in the style and geometry of deformation allow conclusions to be drawn about the amount of strain, mechanisms of deformation, the ductility contrasts between the different rock-types, and the original orientation of the 'Younger Basic' dykes. The distribution and intensity of the early-Laxfordian deformation was controlled by the relative abundance of the mafic dykes of the 'Younger Basic' Suite. Where the dykes are abundant the overall competence of the rocks was high, and hence structural and metamorphic reworking was concentrated in areas of relatively few basic intrusions. Successive deformational phases were then focused in zones of already highly deformed rocks, thus reinforcing the structural pattern and emphasizing the boundaries between the zones.
This GCR site is of international importance as one of the keys to unlocking the history of the Laxfordian event in the Outer Hebrides. It is an excellent and readily accessible teaching site, both for Hebridean and Lewisian geology, and it demonstrates features commonly found in other ancient crystalline basement rocks.