Mendum, J.R., Barber, A.J., Butler, R.W.H., Flinn, D., Goodenough, K.M., Krabbendam, M., Park, R.G. & Stewart, A.D. 2009. Lewisian, Torridonian and Moine Rocks of Scotland, Geological Conservation Review Series No. 34, JNCC, Peterborough. The original source material for these web pages has been made available by the JNCC under the Open Government Licence 3.0. Full details in the JNCC Open Data Policy
A.D. Stewart
The Stoer GCR site, some 8 km north-west of Lochinver, represents the type area for the Stoer Group
The Stoer Group rocks form a c. 2 km-wide belt on the Stoer peninsula lying between the basal unconformity and the NNE-trending Coigach Fault
The sedimentary rocks of the Stoer Group include alluvial and aeolian sandstones, lacustrine mudrocks and carbonate rocks, and tuffaceous deposits. Palaeomagnetic measurements on the sandstones have established a well-defined magnetic pole (Smith et al., 1983; Torsvik and Sturt, 1987), and thus have provided a key point on the Precambrian polar wandering path for Laurentia. The lacustrine deposits are important because of the presence of acritarch microfossils, probably marine phytoplankton, which deserve further study. The origin of the carbonate rocks is not yet fully understood (see below), but they are particularly important as they are the only undeformed, non-metamorphosed Precambrian carbonate rocks recognized in Britain.
The sandstones of the Bay of Stoer and Meall Dearg formations have three or four times more plagioclase than K-feldspar, whereas in the vast majority of sandstones in the geological column the ratio is reversed due to the relatively greater susceptibility of plagioclase to weathering. This implies that the source rocks of the Stoer Group at this GCR site must have been relatively unweathered.
Three sub-areas have been selected to do justice to the sedimentological complexity of the Stoer area
Bay of Stoer
The type section for the constituent formations and members of the Stoer Group (Stewart, 1969, 1990b) has its base about 33 m east of the old graveyard at Stoer
The base of the oldest unit, the Clachtoll Formation, is formed of massive breccia derived from the immediately underlying Lewisian gneisses. The breccia passes upwards into red tabular sandstone, well exposed in a small quarry near the north-east corner of the new graveyard
A 2 m-thick bed of very coarse sandstone interrupts the sequence, and forms a small promontory at
The top of the Clachtoll Formation is represented by an erosion surface, which is overlain by red sandstones containing rounded pebbles of gneiss and quartzite. These sandstones form a large promontory extending out into the Bay of Stoer at
The sandstones of the Bay of Stoer Formation are punctuated by sharply defined couplets of muddy sandstone and red mudstone. Five such couplets totalling 17 m in thickness are exposed on the shore
Stac Fada
The overlying, mainly fissile red siltstones and fine-grained sandstones are about 100 m thick and can also be mapped regionally. They form the Poll a' Mhuilt Member (Stewart, 1990b), named after the pronounced hollow in which they occur 1 km north of the coast section. This member includes some thin limestone beds, the origin of which is uncertain. Upfold (1984) suggested that they are stromatolitic, but the absence of clear diagnostic structures indicates that they may be inorganic (Stewart, 2002). Microplankton have been figured from the siltstone by Cloud and Germs (1971), and have also been reported from limestone at the same locality by Downie (1962). Palaeocurrents, whose orientation can be deduced from ripple-lamination and current lineations, flowed towards 100°, similar to those in the sandstones below the Stac Fada Member.
The massive siltstones at the top of the Poll a' Mhuilt Member are erosively overlain by red sandstones on the cliff 1 km west of Stoer church at
At Clachtoll, south of the type section, the Clachtoll Formation infills a palaeovalley. The breccia facies is about 12 m thick near the centre of the palaeovalley
The lowest 120 m of the muddy sandstone are massive, and what appear to be bedding planes, for example in the roadside quarry at
The muddy sandstone has a fine-grained ferruginous matrix, separating larger grains (mainly feldspar) that make up about 30–40% of the rock. The geochemistry suggests that most of the matrix was originally ash-fall tuff, whose composition would have formed smectite on decomposition (Stewart, 1990b). There is clear evidence of repeated desiccation of the sediment (Stewart, 1988a). The repeated shrinking and swelling of the smectite-rich sediment probably accounts for the destruction of bedding features in most of the muddy sandstone.
Towards the Bay of Clachtoll the basement rises rapidly so that the massive muddy sandstone is either directly in contact with Lewisian gneisses, or separated from them by a few metres of breccia, or by tabular sandstones with gneiss clasts. Outcrops of breccia mantle the gneiss slopes in many parts of this area, indicating that the hills represent an exhumed Proterozoic landscape
Port Cam
The northern coast of the Stoer peninsula, around Port Cam, provides excellent exposures of the laminated sandstone facies of the Clachtoll Formation, believed to be of aeolian origin. The sandstones have an average grain-size of 0.2 mm, ranging up to a maximum of 2 mm. They contain cross-beds which are generally only a few grains thick, forming sets mostly a few decimetres thick but in places up to as much as 10 m. The foresets dipped up to 25° to the east before tectonic tilting. The laminated sandstone facies contains numerous interbeds of relatively coarse-grained, pebbly sandstone with strongly erosive bases, and desiccated red siltstone laminae. The facies is bisected by a gneiss-cobble conglomerate unit, informally termed the 'Rienachait conglomerate', which reaches the sea about 200 m east of Port Cam at
Pebbly sandstones of the Bay of Stoer Formation erosively overlie laminated sandstone about 100 m west of Port Cam
The earliest sediments, the Clachtoll Formation, were deposited on an irregular landscape, with a relief of up to c. 300 m; the eroded surface of the underlying Lewisian gneiss basement. The massive breccio-conglomerates, bedded breccias and tabular red sandstones seen in the Stoer area were probably deposited in alluvial fans. However, Davison and Hambrey (1996) suggested that some of the breccias around Clachtoll could represent glacial deposits, with infilled fractures in the gneiss having formed through hydro-fracturing beneath a glacier. Beacom et al. (1999) also interpreted the veins as dilational, but formed by tectonic hydro-fracturing. Stewart (1997) and Young (1999a) disagreed with the glacial hypothesis and considered that the weight of evidence still points to alluvial fans as a more likely depositional environment for the breccias. The fan deposits are thickest in the valley bottoms and absent from the ridges. In the palaeovalley around Clachtoll the alluvial-fan deposits pass laterally into muddy sandstones, which formed on ponded water mudflats (Stewart, 1988a). These muddy sandstones were rich in smectite group clay minerals, partly due to enrichment in Mg and Ca from basic rocks in the hinterland, but mainly supplied by ash-fall tuff (Stewart, 1990b). Seasonal wetting and drying subsequently destroyed any original bedding features.
Alluvial, trough-cross-bedded, red sandstones and gneiss-cobble conglomerates infill the northern palaeovalley around Port Cam, and near the northern coast they interdigitate with laminated red sandstones. The latter are believed to have been laid down on barchan sand dunes because of their grain size and cross-bedding and the presence of several tongues of evidently water-laid, massive, pebbly sands with erosive bases. A possible explanation for the contrast in the valley fill between Clachtoll and Port Cam is syn-depositional tectonic tilting of the area, which eliminated the longitudinal gradients of some palaeovalleys so that they became the sites of lakes or swamps, whereas other palaeovalleys retained vigorous streams.
The last event in the burial history of the basement relief was the formation of a lake over the whole area, represented by red mudstones near the top of the Clachtoll Formation. At this point the palaeoslope apparently changed abruptly through 180° from westerly to easterly, marking the start of a second phase of sedimentary history.
The lake sediments were covered by the pebbly alluvial sands of the Bay of Stoer Formation, which were deposited by braided rivers coming from the rift flanks (Stewart, 1988a). This fluvial sedimentation was frequently interrupted by down-warping of the alluvial plain, perhaps due to volcanic eruptions, allowing the formation of temporary lakes. The lake deposits are the muddy sandstone–red mudstone couplets described above, of which the most remarkable are those constituting the Stac Fada and Poll a' Mhuilt members. The volcanic association is demonstrated by the abundance of glassy lapilli in the Stac Fada Member, which differentiates this unit from the other muddy sandstones.
Lawson (1972) interpreted the Stac Fada Member as a hot pyroclastic flow, while Sanders and Johnston (1989) suggested that it represents an extrusion of fluidized peperite resulting from the injection of hot magma into wet sediment at depth. Most recently, Stewart (1990a,b) has studied the geochemistry of these rocks and interpreted them as having formed when ash-fall tuff was washed into temporary lakes together with more-typical sediments of the Bay of Stoer Formation.
The top of the Poll a' Mhuilt Member is marked by another abrupt change in palaeocurrent direction, this time from easterly back to westerly. This last phase of sedimentation, represented by the Meall Dearg Formation, was again alluvial, but the channels were wider and the slopes more gentle than in Bay of Stoer Formation time. The cross-bedding was formed by transverse bars, rather than as dunes.
The reversals of palaeocurrent direction through 180° indicate that the sediments of the Stoer Group accumulated in an active rift-valley trending north–south (Stewart, 1982). Geochemical and detrital zircon studies on rocks from Stoer confirm that the main source for these sediments was the local Lewisian gneisses (Van de Kamp and Leake, 1997; Young, 1999a; Rainbird et al., 2001). The volcanic glass in the Stac Fada Member has been shown to be silica-undersaturated and potassic, further supporting a rift setting (Stewart, 1990b).
The palaeoclimate during deposition of the Stoer Group was probably semi-arid. The palaeo-latitude, deduced from earlier palaeomagnetic studies (Torsvik and Sturt, 1987), was 10°–20° N, but the revised data of Buchan et al. (2000, 2001) and Darabi and Piper (2004) suggests that the area lay between 20° and 25° N. This corresponds today to climates ranging from tropical savannah to desert. The absence of significant chemical weathering of mineral grains in both the alluvial sandstones and the locally derived sedimentary rocks near the basal unconformity is consistent with a semi-arid climate over the whole area of the rift (Young, 1999a; Stewart, 2002).
The Stoer GCR site contains the type section of the Stoer Group, which consists of sedimentary breccias, sandstones and mudstones with minor carbonate rocks and volcanic rocks, interpreted as deposited in an evolving Mesoproterozoic rift. It provides the best exposures in Britain in which the complex interplay of fluvial, aeolian, lacustrine and volcanic processes within a rift sequence of this type can be studied. Because of their superb exposure and lack of metamorphism, the sedimentary rocks at Stoer have a significant potential for further geochemical, palaeontological and isotopic studies, which can be used to study palaeo-environments during the Proterozoic. There are no comparable sedimentary rocks of similar age on the Laurentian shield, or in Europe, and the site is therefore of international importance.