Jarzembowski, E.A., Siveter, D.J., Palmer, D. & Selden, P.A. 2010. Fossil Arthropods of Great Britain. Geological Conservation Review Series, No. 35, JNCC, Peterborough.

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Figures and tables


(Figure 1.1) The relative numbers of living and extinct species of animals. The percentage of extinct species is shown by the relative size of the grey area for each taxon. Including the other species, Grimaldi and Engel (2005) record 925 000 living species of insects, 123 000 non-insect species, 43 000 chordates, 116 000 'other animals', 30 000 protists, 4800 monerans, 1000 viruses, 69 000 fungi, 27 000 algae and 248 400 vascular plants. (After Muller and Campbell, 1954.)

(Figure 1.2) (a) Diversity of arthropod types with representative examples of major groups (after Robison and Kaesler, 1987); (b) limb joint and internal musculature in an arthropod leg (after Wigglesworth, 1965).

(Figure 1.3). Hierarchical classification of Phylum Arthropoda. a: includes Cirripedia (barnacles); b: includes orders Arthropleurida, Eoarthropleurida and Microdecemplicida. +: extinct groups. (After Grimaldi and Engel, 2005.)

(Figure 1.4) Cladogram of fossil (italic type) and Recent (roman type) arthropods. The bar charts illustrate the degree of appendage differentiation and diversity (b) for each taxon. The pie charts indicate the disparity of selected major clades (the sum of ranges on the first 25 principal co-ordinates as a fraction of the value for all arthropods). (After Wills et al., 1997.)

(Figure 1.5) Some of the earliest illustrations of trilobites. Left: The Ordovician asaphid Ogygiocarella debuchii from southern Wales, originally identified as the skelton of a flatfish (slightly modified from Lhwyd, 1698.) Right: An Ordovician trinucleid from southern Wales, originally termed Trinucleum fimbriatum (From Lhwyd, 1699.)

(Figure 1.6) Some of Lhwyd's illustrations of fossil plants ('ferns' from the Coal Measures); interestingly he includes four crude diagrams of insects, but in his decription it is not clear whether they originated from the same slab as the fossil plants. (From Lhwyd, 1699.)

(Figure 1.7) A plate from Johan Scheuchzer's Physique Sacrée, ou Historie Naturelle de la Bible (1732), depicting a divine creation of insects.

(Figure 1.8) The first phylogenetic diagram depicting relationships among insects and other arthropods. Insects were divided into Masticantia and Sugentia for the masticating and sucking insects in this interpretation. (From Haeckel, 1866.)

(Figure 1.9) Hennig's application of his cladistic methodology to the analysis of insect phylogeny produced this assessment of the relationship between insect orders (Hennig, 1953.)

(Figure 1.10) Geological range of major insect groups. (After Harland et al., 1982 and Jarzembowski, 1989.)

(Figure 1.11) Classification of Arthropoda (after Boardman, 1987) with number of fossil genera known in 1987 for each class and thus illustrating the bias of the fossil record towards preservation of some groups rather than others.

(Figure 1.12) Geological distribution of the major arthropod superclasses based mostly on data compiled from the Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology (Moore, 1955–1969). Numbers indicate the fossil genera in each superclass. Data on generic diversity of the Hexapoda was supplied by F.M. Carpenter. (After Robison and Kaesler, 1987.)

(Figure 1.13) The confidence intervals on times of divergence between protostome and deuterostome phyla as measured by recent studies. Estimates are sorted in chronological order; dots indicate point estimates. Line thickness indicates number of genes analysed; black lines, grey lines and the ribosome image indicate nuclear, mitochondrial and 18S genes used in the analyses respectively. (After Fortey et al., 2004.)

(Figure 1.14) Alternative topolgies that have been used in divergence time estimation papers. (a) Shown in Wang et al., 1998, Nei et al. (2001) and Hausdorf (2000). (b) Shown in Wray et al., (1996) and Lynch (1999). The asterisk symbolizes the divergence of the deuterostomes and anthropods. (After Fortey et al., 2004.)

(Figure 1.15) Approximate sequence of major events in the invasions of the land by animals, as known from the fossil record. (After Selden and Edwards, 1989.)

(Figure 1.16) Selected arthropod trackway ichnotaxa (a) Cruziana semplicata, (b) Petalichnus brandenburgensis and (c) Angulichnus alternipes attributed to trilobites; (d) Umfolozia sinuosa attributed to a crustacean; (e) probable arthropleurid tracks Diplichniies cuithensis; attributed to insects are (f) Siskemia bipediculus, (g) Permichnium voelckeri and (h) Lithographus hieroglyphicus. (i) Kouphihichnium variabilis, (j) Palmichnium antarcticum, (k) Paleohelcura tridactyla and (l) Octopodichnus didactylus are attributed to chelicerates. Scale bar = 1 cm, except for (e) and (j) where it is 10 cm. (After Braddy, 2001.)

(Figure 1.17) Centimetre-wide trackways found in the 450 million year old Caradocian volcaniclastic sediments of the Lake District, have the characteristic form of those made by a multi-legged arthropod such as the myriapod. As such, they are amongst the earliest evidence of terrestrial animal life. (From Johnson et at, 1994.)

(Figure 1.18) A representation of an early terrestrial ecosystem based upon the Rhynie chert terrestrial community. Analysis of the form and origin of abundant fossil coprolites from the site demonstrates the existence of diverse consumers that differed in life habitat and diet. Black shapes show variation in coprolite morphology (After Habgood et at, 2004.)

(Figure 1.19) Examples of feeding marks on fossil leaves. Marginal feeding marks are arrowed. (a) Feeding marks and leaf mines on an angiosperm leaf from Eocene deposits of Australia x 0.5; (b) marks on Glossopteris from Permian deposits of South Africa, x 0.5; (c) hole-feeding marks on an angiosperm leaf from Eocene deposits of England x 1; (d) evidence of window and marginal feeding on two pinnae of the bennettitalean leaf Zamites from Triassic deposits in Utah, x 1. (After Boucot et al., 1990, Stephenson and Scott, 1992 and Ash, 2001.)

(Figure 1.20) Mischoptera woodwardi Brongn. Stephanian; Commentry, France x 0.5. (After Handlirsch, 1908.)

(Figure 1.21) Hypothetical ancestral winged insects as reconstructed by A. G. Ponomarenko. (From Rohdendorf and Rasnitsyn, 1980.)

(Figure 1.22) Meganeura monyi Brongniart Stephanian; Upper Productive Coal Measures, Commentry, France x 1/12. (From Handlirsch, 1908.)

(Figure 1.23) Protelytron permianum Tillyard (Protelytroptera: Protelytridae) Lower Permian, Kansas, USA Hindwing length is 8mm. (From Carpenter, 1971.)

(Figure 1.24) The average tempertaure curve for Britain for the glacial maxmum to early Holocene times, as assessed from beetle remains. (After Wilson et al., 2001.)

(Figure 1.25) Chronology of GCR sites described in the present volume, with dates based on the timescale of Gradstein et al. (2004).Chronology of GCR sites described in the present volume, with dates based on the timescale of Gradstein et al. (2004).

(Figure 2.1) Remarkably well-preseved centimetre-wide myriapod tracks in Caradoc shallow-water volcaniclastic sediments. (From Johnson et al., 1994.)

(Figure 2.2) Palaeozoic reconstructions of palaeocontinental positions showing the geological formation of the British Isles following the closure of the Iapetus Ocean. SP = South Pole. (Ater Holdsworth et al., 2000.)

(Figure 2.3) A pre-Atlantic Ocean reconstruction of the palaeocontinental areas around 'Britain'. (After Woodock and Strachan, 2000.)

(Figure 2.4) Palaeogeographical maps of Britain for three intervals of Silurian time (a) early to mid-Llandovery; (b) late Llandovery to early Ludlow and (c) late Ludlow and Přídolí. (After Aldridge et al., 2000.)

(Figure 2.5) Location of the main Silurian inliers of the Midland Valley of Scotland, and faults. SVF Stinchar Valley Fault; GAF Glen App Fault; LHF Leadhills Fault; FFF Firth of Forth Fault; DGF Dunbar–Gifford Fault; HBF Highland Boundary Fault. (After Palmer, 2000 and Bluck, 2002.)

(Figure 2.6) Old Red Sandstone outcrops in Scotland, with key GCR localities selected for stratigraphical reasons numbered. Note that Orkney and Shetland are excluded from this map. (See Barclay et al., 2005.)

(Figure 2.7) Selected sections of Lower Old Red Sandstone in the northern Midland Valley. (After Mykura, 1991.)

(Figure 2.8) Generalized palaeocontinental reconstruction for Late Silurian to Early Devonian time, showing position of Avalonia within the 30°S semiarid zone. (After Channel' and McCabe, 1992.)

(Figure 2.9) Palacocontinental positions during Early Devonian time showing effects of major sinistral strike-slip faults on palaeogeography of 'Scotland'. HBF: Highland Boundary Fault. (After Soper et al., 1992.)

(Figure 2.10) A global sea-level curve for Late Ordovician to Silurian time. (After Johnson et al., 1985.)

(Figure 2.11) (overleaf) Stratigraphy and faunas of the main Silurian inliers of the Midland Valley of Scotland. (Modified from Palmer, 2000, after Wellman and Richardson, 1993.)

(Figure 2.12) Slimonia acuminata (Salter, 1856); Llandovery Series, Silurian, Lesmahagow inlier. (a) 'Carapace'. (b) 'the body of a smaller specimen; the segments a to f have a small double keel, and are probably thoracic; g, h, and k are probably abdominal rings, and are destitute of these ornaments.' (Lithograph from Salter (1859b, plate 2, figs la and 10.)

(Figure 2.13) Stylonurella spinipes (Page, 1859); holotype, British Geological Survey, GSM 87357 and (counterpart) National Museums of Scotland, NMS 6.1891.32.33; Kip Burn Formation, Priesthill Group, Llandovery Series, Silurian, Dunside, Lesmahagow Inlier. (a) prosomal appendage IV; (b) prosomal appendage III; (c) distal podomeres of prosomal appendage III; (D) median abdominal appendage; (e) holotype, showing disposition of appendages as preserved. (From Waterston, 1979, text-fig. 12.)

(Figure 2.14) Neolimulus falcatus Woodward, 1868; holotype, Natural history Museum, London, In.44122; Kip Burn Formation, Priesthill Group, Llandovery Series, Silurian, Dunside, Lesmahagow Inlier. (a) Reconstruction, x 4 (from Woodward, 1868, plate I, fig. la.) (b) Photograph, dorsal view, x 3.75 (from Bergström, 1975, plate 1, fig. 2). (c) ? N. falcatus, photograph, dorsal view, x 2.8, Natural History Museum, London, In.14724, same horizon and locality as (a) and (b).

(Figure 2.15) Geology of the North Esk Inlier. (After Siveter, 2000b.)

(Figure 2.16) Parastylonurus ornatus (Laurie, 1899); Gutterford Burn Flagstones, Reservoir Formation, Llandovery Series, Silurian, North Esk Inlier, Pentland Hills. (a) Photograph of the lectotype, National Museums of Scotland, NMS G.1885.26.72G. (b) Reconstructions in dorsal view, and lateral view in a walking position. (From Waterston, 1979, plate 2, fig. 2 and text-figs 6 and 18.)

(Figure 2.17) Bembicosoma pomphicus Laurie, 1899; holotype, National Museums of Scotland, NMS G.1897.32.146; Gutterford Burn Flagstones, Reservoir Formation, Llandovery Series, Silurian, North Esk Inlier, Pentland Hills. (a) Photograph. (b) Interpretative drawing. 1–10, opisthosomal segment number; ca, carapace; ep, epimeron; tu, tubercle. Scale bar is 1 cm. (From Anderson and Moore, 2004, figs 1b and 3.)

(Figure 2.18) Dolichophonus loudonesis (Laurie, 1899); holotype, National Museums of Scotland, NMSG.1897.32.196; Gutterford Burn Flagstones, Reservoir Formation, Llandovery Series, Silurian, North Esk Inlier, Pentland Hills. Almost complete specimen. (Lithograph from Laurie, 1899, plate 1, fig. 1.)

(Figure 2.19) Cross-section of the geology between Seggholm and Yondertown, Lesmahagow Inlier. (After Peach and Horne, 1899, fig. 117.)

(Figure 2.20) Brachyopterella ritchiei Waterston, 1979; holotype, National Museums of Scotland, NMS 6.1968.14; Slot Burn Formation, Waterhead Group, Wenlock Series, Silurian, Slot Burn, Lesmahagow Inlier. (a) Line drawing of the holotype specimen; (b) reconstruction, dorsal view. (From Waterston, 1979, text-fig. 11.)

(Figure 2.21) Lanarkopterus dolichoschelus (Størmer, 1936); Slot Burn Formation, Waterhead Group, Wenlock Series, Silurian, Slot Burn, Lesmahagow Inlier. (a) Drawing of largest and smallest individuals, National Museums of Scotland, NMS G.1967.65.1 and 2 respectively. II–IV, first to fourth 'walking' legs; VI, swimming leg; Tel, telson. (b) Reconstruction, dorsal and ventral views. (From Ritchie, 1968, figs 3–5.)

(Figure 2.22) Location of quarries comprising the Turin Hill GCR site.

(Figure 2.23) The eastern end of Mirestone Quarry, Turin Hill. A long-disused stone quarry that has considerable potential for future palaeontological research. Fossiliferous mudstones occur at the base of the quarry beneath thick sandstones. (Photo: Colin MacFadyen/SNH.)

(Figure 2.24) Pterygotus anglicus Agassiz, 1844; National Museums of Scotland, Kinnaird Collection 49, Lower Devonian, Balruddery. Opercular plates with the median appendage attached. (Lithograph, from Agassiz, 1844.)

(Figure 2.25) Pterygotus anglicus Agassiz, 1844; From Indurated shale overlying the Arbroath Paving-stone', Turin Hill Range, near Forfar. One of the most entire specimens obtained. From the Museum of James Powrie, Esq., F.G.S., Reswallie, Forfar. 1–5, appendages; C, antennae; i, small triangular plate; O, oval marginal eyes; P, metastoma or post-oral plate.' (Lithograph, x 0.5, from Woodward, 1866, plate 2, fig. 1.)

(Figure 2.26) Archidesmus macnicoli Peach, 1892; University of Aberdeen, Department of Geology, AUGD 12302b; Fish bed, Dundee Formation, Arbuthnott–Garvock Group, Lower Devonian, Tillywhandland Quarry, 8 km ENE of Forfar, Midland Valley of Scotland. Scale bar in (a) = 2mm, (b) = 1mm. (Photographs from Wilson and Anderson, 2004, figs 4.1 and 4.2.)

(Figure 2.27) Section of Aberlemno Quarry. (From Browne, 2005a, after Armstrong et al., 1978 and Dineley, 1999c.)

(Figure 2.28) Tarsopterella scottica Woodward, 1865; lectotype, National Museums of Scotland, NMS G.1891.92.103; Arbuthnott–Garvock Group, Lower Devonian, probably from Balgavies Quarry, 7 km east of Forfar. Found in 1863 by James Powrie. This specimen is just over one metre long. (a) Entire specimen. (Lithograph, from Woodward, 1872b, plate 23.) (b) Photograph, latex cast of gill tract of the second mesosomal segment, x 6. (From Waterston, 1975, plate 2, fig. 5.)

(Figure 2.29) Palaeoecological reconstruction of Turin Hill arthropod assemblage, including elements of the associated vertebrate fauna. A myriapod (M) is within the terrestrial flora (largely hypothetical) on the lake margins. Pterygpotids (Pt), hughmillerids (H) and the chasmataspid Forfarella (F) inhabit the shallow lake margins. The stylonurids Pagea (P), Stylonurus (S) and Tarsopterella (T) inhabit the river channels surrounding the lake. The cephalaspids (C) live in the shallow lake margins. The acanthodians inhabit open water —Ishnacanthus (I) chases a shoal of Mesocanthus (M), Euthacanthus (E) searches the substrate, and Parexus (Pa) patrols for prey. (From Braddy, 2000.)

(Figure 2.30) Geological sketch map of The Toutties area. (After Browne and Barclay, 2005b.)

(Figure 2.31) (a) Vertical section of the Cowie Sandstone Formation. (b) Detailed section at The Mimics. (After Browne and Barclay, 2005b.)

(Figure 2.32) Albadesmus almondi Wilson and Anderson, 2004; holotype, Australian Museum, Sydney, F.64847a; Cowie Harbour Siltstone (Dictyocaris) Member, upper Wenlock or lower Ludlow Series, Silurian, Cowie Harbour, Stonehaven. (a) Photograph, dorsal view of entire specimen with tergites and sternites slid apart, anterior towards the top. (b) Latex mould of sternites with paramedian pores and lateral coxae. Scale bars are 2 mm. (From Wilson and Anderson, 2004, figs 8.1 and 8.3.)

(Figure 2.33) Cowiedesmus eroticopodus Wilson and Anderson, 2004; holotype, Australian Museum, Sydney, F.64845a; Cowie Harbour Siltstone (Dictyocaris) Member, upper Wenlock or lower Ludlow Series, Silurian, Cowie Harbour, Stonehaven. (a) Photograph, lateral view of anterior part of specimen. (b) Interpretive drawing (modified). C, collum; H, head; pt2—pt10, pleurotergites, with a modified leg associated with pt8. (From Wilson and Anderson, 2005, figs 7.2 and 7.3.)

(Figure 2.34) Pneumodesmus newmani Wilson and Anderson, 2004; holotype, National Museums of Scotland, Edinburgh, NMS G. 2001.109.1; Cowie Harbour Siltstone (Dictyocaris) Member, upper Wenlock or lower Ludlow Series, Silurian, Cowie harbour, Stonehaven. (a) Photograph, dorsolateral view, anterior to the right. (b) Interpretive drawing (modified). AB, Anterior Bar; Ap, appendages; CS, coxal socket; Sp, Spiracle; St, Sternite. (From Wilson and Anderson, 2004, figs 9.2 and 9.3.)

(Figure 2.35) The Silurian geology of the Leintwardine area, Herefordshire, showing six submarine channels trending from the shelf edge towards the basin, including that at the Church Hill Quarry site. (After Siveter, 2000d and Whitaker, 1962.)

(Figure 2.36) Limuloides limuloides Woodward, 1865; holotype, British Geological Survey, GSM 32393; Lower Leintwardine Formation, Ludlow Series, Silurian, Church Hill, Leintwardine area, Herefordshire. (a) Reconstruction (from Woodward, 1865b, plate 14, fig. 7a). (b) Photograph, x 1.95 (from Bergstrom, 1975, plate 1, fig. 7).

(Figure 2.37) Ceratiocaris halliana Jones, 1886; syntype, Natural History Museum, London, In.43891, x 1.5; Lower Leintwardine Formation, Ludlow Series, Silurian, Leintwardine area, Herefordshire. (Lithograph, from Jones and Woodward, 1888, plate 5, fig. 6a.)

(Figure 2.38) Ceratiocaris pardoeana La Touche, 1884; Lower Leintwardine Formation, Ludlow Series, Silurian, Church Hill, Leintwardine area, Herefordshire. (a) Natural History Museum, London, In.43889, natural size (b) Holotype, In.43894b, natural size. (lithographs from Jones and Woodward, 1888, plate 5, figs 1 and 2.)

(Figure 2.39) Location and general stratigraphical position of localities at the Whitcliffe and Ludford Lane and Ludford Corner GCR sites, Ludlow, Shropshire. (After Siveter, 2000c.)

(Figure 2.40) Pterygotus lightbodyi Kjellesvig-Waering, 1961; Whitcliffe Formation, Ludfordian Stage, Ludlow Series, Silurian, the Whitciffe, Ludlow. Free chela. (From Salter, 1859, plate 1, fig 7.)

(Figure 2.41) Carcinosoma harleyi, Kjellesvig-Waering, 1961; holotype, British Geological Survey, GSM 89434; Whitcliffe Formation, Ludfordian Stage, Ludlow Series, Silurian, the Whitciffe, Ludlow. Distal part of the paddle, swimming leg, x 1. (a) Lithograph, from Salter (1859, plate 12, fig. 19). (b) From Kjellesvig-Waering (1961, text-fig. 4).

(Figure 2.42) Stratigraphy of the Ludlow Series (Whitcliffe Group)/Přídolí Series (Downton Group) boundary section, Ludford Lane and Ludford Corner site, Ludlow. (After Siveter, 2000f.)

(Figure 2.43) Erettopterus brodiei Kjellesvig-Waering, 1961; holotype, British Geological Survey, GSM 89411, ramus, possibly the free one, of the chela, x2; Downton Castle Sandstone Formation, Přídolí Series, Silurian, Ludford Lane, Ludlow. (From Kjellesvig-Waering, 1961, text-fig. 2.21.)

(Figure 2.44) Palaeotarbus jerami (Dunlop, 1996); holotype, Ulster Museum, Belfast, K25850; Ludlow Bone Bed Member, Downton Castle Sandstone Formation, Přídolí Series, Silurian, Ludford Lane, Ludlow. (a) Interpretive drawings of specimen, dorsal (left) and ventral views, x 31 (from Jeram et al., 1990, fig. 1, B and D). cp, carapace; c4, coxa of fourth leg; d, doublure; 1, leg; p, pygidium; s, sternum; 2, 2–3, etc. indicate either tergite (dorsal) or sternite (ventral) number. (b) Reconstruction. (From Dunlop, 1996, text-fig. 3.)

(Figure 2.45) Arthropod legs, interpreted as those of two types of ?scutigeromorph centipede; Ludlow Bone Bed Member, Downton Castle Sandstone Formation, Přídolí Series, Silurian, Ludford Lane, Ludlow. (a) Type 1, drawings of anterior (left) and posterior legs, x 30; reconstruction of a typical leg, x 21. (b) Type 2, drawing of a leg, x 33. cl, claw; f, femur; pf, pre-femur; ta, tarsus; ti, tibia. (From Jeram et al., 1990, fig. 1, I, J and O.)

(Figure 2.46) The section at Tin Mill Race, Downton area, Shropshire, comprising the Temeside Shales Formation and the Ledbury Formation, Downton Group, Přídolí Series. (After Dineley, 1999b and Elles and Slater, 1906.)

(Figure 2.47) Erettopterus spatulatus Kjellesvig-Waering, 1961; Chicago Natural History Museum, PE 1524, fixed ramus of chela, collected by Robert H. Denison, 1950s; Temeside Shales Formation, Downton Group, Přídolí Series, Tin Mill Race, Downton area, Shropshire. (a) Photograph, x 3. (b) Interpretive drawing. (From Kjellesvig-Waering, 1961, plate 94, fig. 7 and text-fig. 3.34.)

(Figure 2.48) The geology of the area south of Perton, Woolhope Inlier, Herefordshire. (After Siveter, 2000e, and Squirrell and Tucker, 1960.)

(Figure 2.49) Eurypterus cephalaspis Salter, 1855; Natural History Museum, London, 1.3033, largely complete specimen, collected by Reverend R.B. Brodie, 1870, basal Downton Group, Perton, Přídolí Series, Woolhope Inlier. Holotype of Eurypterus brodiei Woodward, 1871. (a) Photograph, x 2 (from Kjellesvig-Waering, 1951, plate 3, fig. 1) (b) from Woodward (1871b).

(Figure 2.50) Eurypterids from the basel Downton Group, Přídolí Series, Perton, Woolhope Inlier. (a, b) Hughmilleria banksii (Salter, 1856). (a) GSM Zf-2871 and GSM Zf-2871, juvenile specimen, length is 18.5 mm. (b) Walking leg. (c) Mixopterus sp., GSM 88910, part of (probably the third) walking leg. (d–h), Salteropterus abbreviatus (Salter, 1859). (d) Reconstruction of ventral side of telson. (e) Cross-section through proximal part of telson. (f) Reconstruction of dorsal side of trilobed part of telson. (h) Sculpture of the cuticle, largest triangular scale is 4 mm wide. (i) Eurypterus cephalaspis Salter, 1855, reconstruction of the distal joints of the swimming leg, based on GSM Zf-2868, GSM Zf-2868a, and GSM Zi-3932. (j-1) Carcinosoma? sp., reconstruction of sculpture, based on GSM Zi-3955. All specimens are from the British Geological Survey. (From Kjellesvig-Waering, 1951, text-fig. 2 and 1961.)

(Figure 2.51) Erettopterus gigas Salter, 1859; lectotype, carapace, collection of Richard Banks; Downton Sandstone Formation, Přídolí Series, Kington, Herefordshire. (From Salter (1859a, plate 8, fig. 1.)

(Figure 2.52) Herefordopterus banksii (Salter, 1856); Downton Sandstone Formation, Přídolí Series, Kington, Herefordshire. (a) Carapace, body segments and telson, collection of Richard Banks, from Banks (1856, plate 2, figs 5 and 6). (b) Idealized reconstructions, dorsal (left) and ventral views, from Tetlie (2006a, fig. 7).

(Figure 2.53) Nanahughmilleria pygmaea (Salter, 1859); lectotype, British Geological Survey, GSM89483, carapace, partial body and left swimming leg, collection of Richard Banks; Downton Sandstone Formation, Přídolí Series, Kington, Herefordshire. (From Salter, 1859b, plate 10, fig. 4.)

(Figure 2.54) Geology of the Rhynie area showing detail of that part of the outlier containing the fossiliferous chert. Based on Trewin and Rice (1992, fig. 1.)

(Figure 2.55) Lepidocaris rhyniensis reconstruction, based on specimens from the Rhynie Chert. (From Scourfield, 1940.)

(Figure 2.56) A triognotarbid specimen from the Rhynie Chen. (Photo: P. Selden.)

(Figure 2.57) Drawing of the Rhyniella collembolan. (After Whalley and Jarzembowski, 1981.)

(Figure 2.58) Reconstruction of the Rhynie environment. (After Payers and Trewin, 2004.)

(Figure 3.1) Palaeogeographical reconstruction of the continents in Late Carboniferous times, c. 300 Ma. Proto 'UK' is equatorial, and shown at the centre of this depiction. (Holdsworth et al., 2000.)

(Figure 3.2) Dinantian palaeogeography showing main provinces and fault-bounded extensional basins and platforms that influenced sedimentation through much of the Carboniferous Period. (After Corfield et al., 1996.) Key: AB: Ayrshire Basin; BCFZ: Bristol Channel Fault Zone; CB: Central Basin; CPH: Central Pennine High; EB:= Edale Basin; FMB: Fife Midlothian Basin; GT: Gainsborough Trough; HBF: Highland Boundary Fault; LFB: Lancaster Fells Basin; LSA: Lower Severn Axis; ML: Malvern Line; NSB: North Staffordshire Basin; SEFZ: Severn Estuary Fault Zone; SUF: Southern Uplands Fault; TB: Tweed Basin; WB: Widnes Basin; WG: Widmerpool Gulf.

(Figure 3.3) The stratigraphical and geographical distribution of Carboniferous volcanic rocks in Scotland. (After Francis, 1991b.)

(Figure 3.4) Palaeogeography and palaeoenvironments of Scotland and adjacent onshore and offshore areas during deposition of the West Lothian Oil-shale formation, showing probably active structures, highs, and directions of coarse-grained sificiclastic input. Grey shading indicates land areas. CP: Clyde Plateau; CB: Cumbria Block; SH: Saline Hills; LC: Leven Coalfield. (After Corfield et al., 1996.),

(Figure 3.5) Summary of Carboniferous geological history for the Midland Valley and adjacent areas, showing outlines of changes in depositional environments, structural control and climate. Radiometric dates are from Menning et al. (2001). RLSS = right-lateral strike-slip. LLF = Lower Limestone Formation; LCF = Limestone Coal Formation; ULF = Upper Limestone Formation; HF = high frequency.

(Figure 3.6) Generalized vertical sections of (a) the upper part of the West Lothian Oil-shale Formation in the Edinburgh area and (b), a detailed representative section.

(Figure 3.7) Generalized vertical sections of the Dinantian successions in the Southern Borders (a) the Langholm area in the west and (b) the Berwick area in the east.

(Figure 3.8) Schematic representation of Dinantian depositional environments along the northern margin of the Solway Basin. (After Maguire et al., 1996.)

(Figure 3.9) Geological sketch map of southern Scotland and northern England with the positions of the Scottish Carboniferous GCR arthropod sites shown. Wardie is near to the Granton Shore GCR site.

(Figure 3.10) Lithostratigraphical and chronostratigraphical divisions of the Carboniferous Period'in the Midland Valley and Southern Borders. Key marine bands (MB) and limestones (Lst) used in correlation are noted. No clear evidence for Chokierian or Alportian stages has been found in Scotland, possibly reflecting a mid-Carboniferous depositional break.

(Figure 3.11) Foulden stratigraphical column. (After Wood and Rolfe, 1985.)

(Figure 3.12) Detailed section through the top 0.31 m of the 9.4 m thick Fish Bed. For discussion of horizons designated A and B see text. Numbers of specimens are indicated in the left-hand columns from the section and discussed in the text. (After Wood and Rolfe, 1985.)

(Figure 3.13) Stratigraphical sections at Glencartholm and the nearby Tarras Water Foot. For discussion of localities, see text. (After Cater et al., 1989.)

(Figure 3.14) Fossil shrimps from Glencartholm. (After Schram, 1981.)

(Figure 3.15) Sketch map and geological section at the Granton Shore GCR site, East Lothian. (After Wood, 1975.)

(Figure 3.16) The Radstock Coal Basin of the Bristol–Somerset Coalfield, sketch map.

(Figure 3.17) Sketch maps showing the location of the Writhlington geological nature reserve and the rock store. (After Jarzembowski1989b)

(Figure 3.18) Generalized stratigraphical section through the Somerset Coalfield, with a magnified representation of the Farrington Formation showing the main coal seams. (After Cleat and Thomas, 1994.)

(Figure 3.19) Histogram of fauna found at Writhlington geological Nature Reserve. Body fossils are counted as number of individuals; trace fossils as numbers of blocks. Eophrynus is now referred to Pleophrynus. (After Jarzembowski, 1989b.)

(Figure 3.20) Reconstruction of Pleophrynus verrucosa (Pocock, 1911) dorsal and ventral views (see Dunlop, 1994b).

(Figure 3.21) Some Writhlington arthropods. (a) A reconstruction of the phalangiotarbid arachnid Bornatarbus mayasii (from Pollitt et al., 2004); (b) Euproops dance reconstruction, (from Anderson, 1994). (c) carapace of an undescribed spider (original drawing by the author). Note the tectonic distortion shown by the natural specimens (a) and (c).

(Figure 4.1) Map showing the distribution of Jurassic rocks in Great Britan, showing the locations of GCR sites described in the present chapter. (After Dineley and Metcalf, 1999.)

(Figure 4.2) Location of Lower Cretaceous GCR sites described in the present chapter. (After Duff and Smith, 1992.)

(Figure 4.3) Global palaeogeography and climate for Mid-Jurassic/Bajocian times. Continental configurations are based on Smith et at, (1994). The generalized climatic belts are based on Hallam (1985) and Ziegler et al. (1993).

(Figure 4.4) Summary of major features in the global stratigraphical record illustrating the connectedness between sedimentation, sea level, climate and the recognized stratigraphy in the British Isles. Pt = Portlandian. (After Woodcock and Strachan, 2000.)

(Figure 4.5) Principal structural features controlling Jurassic sedimentation. (After Duff and Smith, 1992.)

(Figure 4.6) Patterns of change produced by various global and regional geological processes, which have affected the environment of sedimentation through Cretaceous times. Indicators of global change through Cretaceous times. (Gale, 2000.)

(Figure 4.7) Early Cretaceous palaeogeography of southern England during (a) Upper Berriasian and (b) mid-Hauterivian times. (After Rawson, 1992.)

(Figure 4.8) Global sea-level curves based on Jurassic Period sedimentary cycles. Pt: Portlandian. (After Haq et al., 1987; Hallam, 1996 and Sahagian et al., 1996.)

(Figure 4.9) Palaeogeographical map of the' UK area, for early Hettangian times. (Based on Ziegler, 1990 and Bradshaw et al., 1992.)

(Figure 4.10) Schematic section through the Late Triassic succession of the Bridgend district, southern Wales. (After Wilson et al., 1990.)

(Figure 4.11) Stratigraphical nomenclature of the Lower Cretaceous deposits of England. (After Rawson, 1992.)

(Figure 4.12) Reconstruction of the London Platform during deposition of (a) arenaceous, and (b) argillaceous formations of the Wealden Group. (After Allen, 1975.)

(Figure 4.13) Palaeogeography during the formation of arenaceous (a) and argillaceous (b) deposits in the Wealden strata of southern England. (After Allen, 1975.)

(Figure 4.14) Summary of the Jurassic–Cretaceous boundary interval in Dorset. (After Ogg et al., 1995.)

(Figure 4.15) Triassic and Jurassic strata at Aust Cliff (a) geological map, and (b) the broad anticlinal structure. (After Hamilton, 1977.)

(Figure 4.16) Aust Cliff: view on the north-eastern side of the Severn Bridge, looking south-east. (Photo: Andrew Swift.)

(Figure 4.17) A representative section for Aust Cliff. The Penarth Group and Mercia Mudstone Group are Triassic in age. (After Warrington et al., 1980.)

(Figure 4.18) Fossil insects from the Lias and Trias of Aust Cliff. (a, b) Coleoptera; (d) Amphiesmenoptera and Coleoptera; (g) Odonata and Coleoptera; (h) Hydrobiites giebeli (Rhaetian). Coleoptera parts: (c) elytron; (f) abdomen; (k) thorax; (e) Orthoptera leg; (i, j) Amphiesmenoptera. (From Brodie, 1845, plate 9.)

(Figure 4.19) (a) Necrotaulius furcatus (Giebel, 1856); adult BMNH I 11522; upper Triassic, Gloucestershire. (b) Outline of forewing showing looped anal veins. x 6. (From Jarzembowski, 1999.)

(Figure 4.20) Aenne triassica (Krzeminski and Jarzembowski, 1999). Wing venation (nomenclature of veins: Cu, cubital veins; M, median veins; MA, anterior median vein; R, radial vein; Rs, radial sector vein; Sc, subcostal vein). (From Krzeminski and Jarzembowski, 1999.)

(Figure 4.21) a,b Male forewing of undescribed haglid by Paul Stevenson (AST4, Bristol City Museum).

(Figure 4.22) (a) Map of the coastal outcrop of the Lower Lias, Charmouth to Lyme Regis (after Benton and Spencer, 1995); (b) rock succesion (after House, 1993).

(Figure 4.23) Wing venation of early fossil Lepidoptera (left column) and assorted Holocene Lepidoptera (right column). (Nomenclature of veins: A, anal veins; Cu, cubital veins; M, median veins; R, radial vein; Rs, radial sector; Sc, subcostal vein.) Not to the same scale. The oldest Lepidoptera are known from wing fossils with primitive venation from the Early Jurassic deposits of England (Archaeolepis) and Germany (undescribed). Archaeolepis venation is revised based on new observations (Grimaldi and Engel, 2005); the German Jurassic wings are based on Ansorge (2003).

(Figure 4.24) Nannoblattina petulantia Whalley (Blattodea). Holotype, In.53929. forewing, 16.3 mm long. (From Whalley, 1985.)

(Figure 4.25) Brevicula gradus Whalley (Dermaptera). Counterpart of holotype, In.53993. (From Whalley, 1985.)

(Figure 4.26) Archelcana durnovaria Whalley (Orthoptera) paratype, In.53922, forewing. (From Whalley, 1985.)

(Figure 4.27) Locustopsis spectabilis Zeuner (Orthoptera). (c) In.49593, forewing. (From Whalley, 1985.)

(Figure 4.28) (a, b) Liassocupes (?) giganteus Whalley (Coleoptera), Holotype, In.51026, 21.4 mm long (part, (a) and counterpart, (b). (c) Carabidae (?) species (Coleoptera). In.53923, 11.2 mm long. (From Whalley, 1985.)

(Figure 4.29) Orthophlebia capillata Whalley (Mecoptera), holotype, In.53924. A = anterior of thorax; P = posterior of thorax; F = forewing; H = hind-wing; T = thorax. Arrow indicates chisel marks, not abdomen. (From Whalley, 1985.)

(Figure 4.30) Sketch map of the area around the village of Dumbleton. (After Dineley and Metcalf, 1999.)

(Figure 4.31) Heterothemis brodiei (Buckman), hind-wing. For nomenclature for this and following figures, see (Figure 4.23). 3.5 cm long. (Source: Carpenter, 1992.)

(Figure 4.32) Heterophlebia buckmani (Brodie), forewing, scale bar 2 mm, Luxembourg. (From Nel et al. 1993.)

(Figure 4.33) Actinophlebia intermixta (Scudder), forewing. Length, 1 lmm, Upper Lias. Natural History Museum 1.11346. (From Tillyard, 1933.)

(Figure 4.34) Liassotipula anglicana (Tillyard), forewing, length 8mm. Upper Lias. Natural History Museum. (From Tillyard, 1933.)

(Figure 4.35) Orthophlebia brodiei (Tillyard), forewing, length 10.7 mm. Upper Lias. Natural History Museum 1.15017. (From Tillyard, 1933.)

(Figure 4.36) Necrotaulius parvulus (Geinitz), forewing, length 3.5 mm. Upper Lias. Natural History Museum, 1.15014. (From Tillyard, 1933.)

(Figure 4.37) Sketch map showing the distribution of the Stonesfield Slate. (After Benton and Spencer, 1995.)

(Figure 4.38) Generalized sequence through the Great Oolite Group of the Stonesfield area, showing the different levels at which the Stonesfield 'Slate' facies is developed. (After Boneham and Wyatt, 1993.)

(Figure 4.39) Wing of dragonfly Isophlebia gigantea x 0.3. (From Brodie, 1845b.)

(Figure 4.40) Location map for Poxwell Quarry GCR site.

(Figure 4.41) Comparison between the section at Poxwell Quarry and related sections at Ridgeway Hill and Durlston Bay. For explanation of lettering, see (Figure 4.42). (After Fisher, 1856; Barton, 1978.)

(Figure 4.42) Graphic log of the Poxwell 'Insect Quarry'. For lithology: C, clay; CS, coarse sand; FS, fine sand; G, gravel; MS, medium sand. The horizons where various types of fossils are found are shown by symbols for gastropods, fish, plants, insects, ostracods, serpulids and bivalves. (After Barton, 1978.)

(Figure 4.43) (a,b) ?Cyrtophyllites cretaceous Gorochov et al, 2006, male forewing (holotype). Bar 5 mm. For venation abbreviations see (Figure 4.23). (From Gorochov et al., 2006.)

(Figure 4.44) Brodilka mitchelli Lukasevich ei 2001, holotype MNEMG 2000.50; Poxwell, Dorset; Upper Tithonian.

(Figure 4.45) (a) Sketch map of the northern part of Durlston Bay (after Clements, 1993); letters and numbers refer to Clements' labelling of the beds. (b) Cliff profile at Durlston Bay. (After Benton and Spencer, 1995.)

(Figure 4.46) Stratigraphical section through the Purbeck strata at Durlston Bay. Numbers are those of Clements. (After Benton and Spencer, 1995; Coram and Jarzembowski, 1998.)

(Figure 4.47) Designated stratal units in the Purbeck Limestone Group of Durlston Bay. Discoveries of fossils can be referred to precise horizons in this unbroken sequence, and related to the ostracod zonation. (From Dineley and Metcalf, 1999.)

(Figure 4.48) 'Polyneopteran': Elisama sp. (Hexapoda: Blattodea) from the Lower Purbeck Beds of Durlston Bay, Dorset. Sedgwick Museum registration no. X24676a. Length 14 mm. (From Jarzembowski and Ross, 1996.)

(Figure 4.49) (a,b) Eoptychoptera longifurcata Lukashevitch, Coram and Jarzembowki, 1998, holotype MNEMG 1998.18, (a) wing; (b) thorax from Durlston Bay, Dorset, Lower Berriasian; (c) Ptychoptera handlirschi, thorax,. Scale bars 1.0 mm. (From Lukashevich et al., 2001.)

(Figure 4.50) Location sketch map for the Teffont Evias GCR site.

(Figure 4.51) Section of Teffont Evias quarry metricated. (After Andrews and Jukes-Brown, 1894.)

(Figure 4.52) Venation of Saxomyrmeleon keatingei Nel and Jarzembowski, 1998, holotype. (After Nel and Jarzembowski, 1998.)

(Figure 4.53) General habitus of Protozygoptera by Carlo Pesarini, courtesy Professor J.-C. Gall. (From Nel and Jarzembowski, 1998.)

(Figure 4.54) Undescribed kalligrammatid lacewing from the Lulworth Formation of Teffont Evias. (From Ross and Jarzembowski, 1996.)

(Figure 4.55) Location of the Dinton Quarry GCR site.

(Figure 4.56) Detailed location map of the Dinton Quarry GCR site.

(Figure 4.57) The section through Purbeck strata exposed at Dinton as measured by Brodie (1845b) but metricated.

(Figure 4.58) Protogryllus segwickei (Brodie), a cricket Scale = 2mm. Archaeoniscus Bed (Isopod Limestone) from the Dinton GCR site. (From Ross and Jarzembowski, 1996.)

(Figure 4.59) Panorpidium dubium (Giebel), a longhorn grasshopper/ bush cricket. Scale = 2mm. Archaeoniscus Bed (Isopod Limestone) from the Dinton GCR site. (After Ross and Jarzembowski, 1996.)

(Figure 4.60) Olbiogaster fittoni (Brodie), a true fly, x 6. From the Insect Limestone of the Dinton GCR site. (From Ross and Jarzembowski, 1996.)

(Figure 4.61) Composite lithological log (a, b) of the upper part of the Lower Division of the Weald Clay Formation exposed in the 'new' pit at Clockhouse Brickworks, based on unpublished field notes and Horne (1988, figs 9 and 10). The beds yielding bones other than those of fish, and the colours of the deposits are not shown. Sampling horizons are indicated on the left-hand side of the column. The inset beneath it, shows the stratigraphical location and extent of the section relative to BGS beds 3, 3a, 3c and 5c, and compared to that at Smokejacks Brickworks (S).

(Figure 4.62) Cretacoenagrion alleni Jarzembowski, 1990, wing. Length 15 mm. (From Jarzembowski and Nel, 1996.)

(Figure 4.63) C. alleni reconstruction. (From Watson, 2001.)

(Figure 4.64) Reconstruction of Valditermes brenanae Jarzembowski, 1981. (From Watson, in press.)

(Figure 4.65) Caddis case: holotype of Piscindusia sukachevae Jarzembowski, 1995. (From Jarzembowski, 1995.)

(Figure 4.66) The stratigraphy of the Wealden Supergroup of the Weald, showing the localities (pits) where Vespida have been found. (From Rasnitsyn et al., 1998.)

(Figure 4.67) Forewing of Elisama mollosa Westwood, 1854 det. A. Ross. Upper Weald Clay, Auclaye Brickworks. (After Jarzembowski, 1999b.)

(Figure 4.68) Reconstruction of (Figure 4.67). (From Watson, 2001.)

(Figure 4.69) Valdaeshna surreyensis. Male. Wingspan 92 mm. (From Jarzembowski and Nel, 1996b.)

(Figure 4.70) Valdaeshna surreyensis, reconstruction By Lance Jones.

(Figure 4.71) (a) Homoptera larva, lower Purbeck strata, Poxwell, MNEMG 1996.299, Jarzembowski collection. (b) Homoptera larva, middle Purbeck, Durlston Bay, MNEMG 1996.300, Comm collection; (c) Homoptera larva, Upper Weald Clay, Auclaye Brickworks, MNEMG 1996.301, Goodman collection; (d) Forewing of c.f. Iberonepa Hemiptera: Belostomatidae), middle Purbeck, Durlston Bay, MNEMG 1996.302, Comm collection; (e) Forewing of stygeonepine (Hemiptera: Belastomatidae), Upper Weald Clay, Auclaye Brickworks, MNEMG 1996.303, Woollard collection, 19mm long; (f) Reconstruction of stygeonepine (Iberonepa), Lower Cretaceous, Spain, from Martinez-Delclòs et al, 1995. (From Jarzembowski and Coram, 1997.)

(Figure 4.72) Stridulatory file on male cricket Anglogryllus lyristes Gorochov, Jarzembowski and Coram, 2006. Forewing, Auclaye Brickworks.

(Figure 4.73) Composite lithological log of the lower part of the Upper Division of the Weald Clay Formation exposed in the Smokejacks Brickworks pit (TQ 112374). (After Batten, 1998.)

(Figure 4.74) Locustopseid forewing, Mesolocustopsis problematica Gorochov, Jarzembowski and Coram, 2006. Upper Weald Clay, Smokejacks Brickworks. Length 16 mm. (From Jarzembowski and Coram 1997.)

(Figure 4.75) Although reproduced in black and white, this specimen shows that the colour pattern on the upper surface of the beetle (Coleoptera) has been preserved. The wing cases show a richly developed symmetrical pattern contrasting with a dark head shield. Upper Weald Clay, Smokejacks Brickworks. Length 16mm. (From Jarzembowski and Ross, 1993.)

(Figure 4.76) Wings of athericid flies of the genus Athericites from the Lower Cretaceous of England (a) A. kensmithi Mostovski, Jarzembowski and Coram, 2003, holotype NHM, no. In.64655, Smokejacks Brickworks; (b) A. gordoni Mostovski et at., 2003, holotype BMB, no. 023835, Smokejacks Brickworks; (c) A. finchi Mostovski et al., 2003, holotype BMB, no. 023836, Clockhouse Brickworks; and (d) A. sellwoodi Mostovski et at., 2003, holotype MNEMG, no. 2001.47, Durlston Bay. The scale bar is 1 mm. (After Mostovski et at, 2003.)

(Figure 4.77) Reconstruction of a biting snipe fly by Neil Watson. (From Austen et al., 2003.)

(Figure 4.78) Archisphex boothi Jarzembowski, 1991, reconstruction by Neil Watson. Estimated wingspan 22 mm.

(Figure 4.79) Provinicial model for argillaceous Wealden formations in southern England and northern France. (After Allen, 1981.)

(Figure 5.1) Distribution map for Tertiary rocks. (After Benton et al., 2005.)

(Figure 5.2) Map showing the location of the arthropod GCR sites in the Hampshire Basin.

(Figure 5.3) Palaeogeography of the Palaeocene world, showing main areas of land and mountains, and the main palaeofloristic areas, based on Akhmetyev, 1987). (After Cleal et al., 2001.)

(Figure 5.4) Regional tectonic setting prior to the opening of the north-east Atlantic Ocean, between Greenland and Scotland. Inferred land areas are shaded in grey. The circle represents the approximate extent of the proto-Icelandic mantle plume. (After Knox, 2002.)

(Figure 5.5) Distribution of Tertiary sediments, lavas and igneous complexes around the British Isles. MF: Middle and Upper Formations; CF Coal-Bearing Formation; LF Lower Formation; LG Lough Neagh Group; UF: Upper Formation; IF: interbasaltic Formation; NG: Nordland Group; WG: Westray Group; SG: Stronsay Group; MG: Moray Group; MoG: Montrose Group; CG Chalk Group; SF: Skade Formation; LF: Lark Formation; GS: Grit Sandstone Member; I IF: Horda Formation; BF Balder Formation; DF: Dornoch Formation; SF: Sele Formation; LF: Lista Formation; MF: Maureen Formation; EF: Ekofisk Formation; BF: Boyer Formation; AG: Mier Gravels; SG: Soloent Group; BG: Barton Group; BkG Bracklesham Group; TG: Thames Group; LG: Lambeth Group; CC Coralline Crag.

(Figure 5.6) Palaeogeography of southern England during Palaeocene times. (After Murray, 1992.)

(Figure 5.7) Timing of the most significant developments in the tectonic and palaeogeographical evolution of the Scottish landmass and the adjacent offshore basins. Asterisks indicate lithostratigraphical units that include hydrocarbon reservoirs. (After Knox, 2002.)

(Figure 5.8) Lithostratigraphical scheme for the middle and upper Palaeogene strata in the Hampshire Basin. (After Daley and Batson, 1999.)

(Figure 5.9) Geological map of Mull with the Ardtun locality. (After Trewin, 2002.)

(Figure 5.10) Schematic cross section of the lava succession in south-west Mull, illustrating the possible relationships between the various volcanic facies and intercalated sedimentary rocks of the Staffa Formation to 'basement' structures and the succeeding Mull Plateau Lava Formation. (After Trewin, 2002.)

(Figure 5.11) Geological map of the Ardtun GCR site. (From Emeleus and Gyopari, 1992.)

(Figure 5.12) Ardtun entomofauna. (a) Dicranoptycha europaea (Zeuner, 1941) (from Krzeminski, 1993). (b) Eotettigarcta scotica (Zeuner, 1944) (from Whalley, 1983). (c) Carabites scoticus, Cockerell, 1921, elytron, x 17 (from Zeuner, 1941). (d) Zeuneroptera scotica (Zeuner, 1939) (Anostostomatidae) male (?) forewing, wing fragment 27 mm long (from Gorochov in Rasnitsyn and Quicke, 2002). (e) Maleojassus primitivus Zeuner, 1941, tegmen, x 10.3 (from Zeuner, 1941). (f) Folindusia zeuneri Vyalov and Sukacheva, 1976 (loc. cit.). a, c, d, e forewings; b, hindwing; f, caddiscase. The key to venation annotations can be found in (Figure 4.23).

(Figure 5.13) Cold Ash Quarry in the early 1980s; (a) and (b) show plans of the site and include the location of the sections represented in (d). Also shown are the locations of the main plant-bearing lenses (A to E) on the composite stratigraphical section (c). (After Crane and Goldring, 1991.)

(Figure 5.14) (a) Stigmellites? gossi Jarzembowski, 1989, microlepidopteran larval leaf mine, holotype, mm-scale divisions, Palaeocene, Berkshire, UK. (b) (to right) Stigmellites? centennis Jarzembowski, 1989, the stippled area is the (interrupted) frass trail of the holotype; m, leaf margin; v, secondary vein. (From Jarzembowski, 1989a)

(Figure 5.15) Trichilia leaf from Florissant, Colorado, demonstrating leaf mining activity (x 6). The egg was laid at the base; the larva then tunnelled through leaf tissue, eventually making a pupation chamber — seen as the hole at the top. (From Meyer, 2003.)

(Figure 5.16) Foreshore exposure of Division A3 and Division B (King, 1981) of the London Clay at Bognor Regis. (After Venables, 1962.)

(Figure 5.17) London Clay succession at Bognor Regis, West Sussex. (After King, 1981.)

(Figure 5.18) The succession at Bognor Regis. (From Dineley and Metcalf, 1999).

(Figure 5.19) (a) Pissodites argillosus Britton (Curculionidae: Hylobiinae), Beetle Bed, Bognor Regis, Sussex. (i) Hindbody, dorsal and ventral views, length 3 mm. [Holotype in NHM, In. 493251, hindbody showing diag‑ nostic curculionid characters (S3, S4, basal abdominal stemites; C3, hind coxa); (iii) reconstruction. (b)—(d) Coleoptera in Tony and Ben Parker collection, NHM, from the Beetle Bed, Bognor Regis, dorsal and ventral views. (b) Anobiid gen. et. sp. nov., length 2mm, In. 64733; p, pronotum, e, elytron,; (c) Venablesia sp. nov. (Anobiidae). Length 5mm, In. 64732. (d) Curculionid with cuticle preserved, ?In. 64734, (After Venables' work and as figured in Jarzembowski, 1992.)

(Figure 5.20) Stratigraphical succession at Thorness Bay, Isle of Wight. (After Daley and Balson, 1999, fig. 5.43.)

(Figure 5.21) Bembridge Marls member (Bouldnor Formation) succession at Gurnard Ledge, Isle of Wight. (After Daley, 1972.)

(Figure 5.22) The lowest parts of the cliffs at Gurnard, showing, at the base, the Bembridge Limestone muds rich in fruits and seeds. The overlying Bembridge Marls include patches of plant-rich Insect Bed. (Photo: M.E. Collinson.)

(Figure 5.23) (a) Sciara lacoei (Cockerell, 1915) (Diptera: Sciaridae). Forewing 1.6 mm long. Black fungus gnat. (b) Oecopbylla perdita (Cockerell, 1915) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Forewing 12.8 mm long. Weaver ant. (c) Carsidarina booleyi (Cockerell, 1921) (Hemiptera: Carsidaridae). Forewing 3mm long. Jumping plant louse or psyllid. (d) Psocis acourti (Cockerell, 1921) (Psocoptera: Psocidae). Forewing 3mm long. Bark or book louse. (e) Branchipodites vectensis Woodward, 1879 (Anostraca: Branchipodidae?). Length 5mm. Fairy shrimp. 'Odontomyia' brodiei (Cockerell, 1915) (Diptera: Stratiomyidae). Male, 11.5mm long. Soldier-fly. (g) Limnocarpus spinosus (Reid and Chandler, 1926) (Monocyotyledones: Potamogetoneae?). endocarp, 1 mm long. 'Stiff' pondweed. (h) Lestes aff. regina (Theobald, 1937) (Odonata: Lestidae). Forewing, 22 mm long. Damselfly. (i) 'Megalomus'tinctus Jarzembowski, 1980) (Neuroptera: Hemerobiidae). Forewing 5 mm long. Brown lacewing. (j) Paratriaxomasia solentensis Jarzembowski, 1980 (Lepidoptera: Tineidae). Wingspan 8 mm. Moth. (k) Aeolothrips brodiei Cockerell, 1917 (Thysanoptera: Aelothripidae). Length 1.3 mm. Thrip. (1) Undescribed weevil (Coleoptera: Curculionoidea). Elytron 5.7 mm long. Hamstead Beds. Beetle. (m) Oecophylla cf. perdita Cockerell, 1915 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Wingspan 27 mm. (n) Pterotriamescaptor primus (Cockerell, 1921) (Orthoptera: Gryllotalpidae). Forewing fragment 6.5 mm long. Mole cricket. (o) Potamogeton pygmaeus Chandler, 1925 (Monocotyledones: Potamogetonaceae). Fruit, maximum diameter 2 mm. Pond weed. (p) Beraeodes anglica Cockerell, 1921 (Trichoptera: Beraeidae). Forewing 4.5 mm long. Caddisfly. (q) Mastotermes anglicus von Rosen, 1913 (Isoptera: Mastotermitidae). Forewing 22 mm long. Termite. (r) Typha latissima Al. Braun, 1851 (Monocotyledones: Typhaceae). Leaf fragment 45 mm long. Bulrush (Cattail U.S.A.). (From Jarzembowski, 1999a.)

(Figure 5.24) XMT of void of apionid weevil. (From Sutton, 2008).

(Figure 5.25) Vectaraneus yulei gen. et sp. nov., upper Eocene, Bembridge Marls, Isle of Wight. Drawing of paratype, IWCMS 1999.6. cx: coxa; tr: tochanter; pa: patella; fe: femur; ti: tibia; rm: retromarginal; pd: pedipalp; ch: chelicera; pm: promarginal; lab: labium; st: sternum; ti: tibia; pa: patella; AS/PS anterior/posterior spinneret. (From Selden, 2001b.)

(Figure 5.26) Vectaraneus yulei gen. et sp. nov., upper Eocene, Bembridge Marls, Isle fo Wight. Reconstruction of (a) chelicerae, anterior view, and (b, c) body, ventral view (b, female and c, male). (From Selden, 2001b.)

(Figure 5.27) Section showing the Insect Bed (B) at St Helen's Church to Node's Point. (After Gale and Self, 2005.)

(Figure 5.28) Clam shrimp (Crustacea, Conchostraca), 4.4 mm wide. BLN 4427 (Maidstone Museum Collection). (Drawn by Self, pers. comm.)

(Figure 5.29) Lithostratigraphical succession of the Bouldnor Formation in Bouldnor and Hamstead cliffs, Isle of Wight as interpreted by the authors indicated. (From Cleal el al., 2001.)

(Figure 5.30) Stratigraphical section through the Bembridge Marls Member and Bouldnor Formation at Hamstead Ledge. (After Collinson, 1983; from Cleal et al, 2001.)

(Figure 5.31) Drawings based on part and counterpart, involvng examination of the specimens in both wet and dry states. Dashed-and-dotted lines represent wing folds, other lines conventional. Scale line is 1 mm. (After Jarzembowski, 1980b.)


(Table 4.1) Charmouth–Pinhay Bay GCR site from EDNA, the international online fossil insect database hosted by the Palaeontological Association at http://edna.palass-hosting.org/search.php. See also (Figure 4.24); (Figure 4.25)(Figure 4.26)(Figure 4.27)(Figure 4.28)(Figure 4.29)

Dorset Liassic Insects

Order Family Name
Odonata Archithemistidae Dorsettia laeta Whalley, 1985
Odonata Liassophlebiidae Hypsothemis fraseri Whalley, 1985
Odonata Liassophlebiidae Liassophlebia anglicanopsis (Zeuner, 1962)
Odonata Liassophlebiidae Liassophlebia jacksoni Zeuner, 1962
Odonata Liassophlehiidae Liassophlebia pseudomagnifica Whalley, 1985
Blattaria Caloblattinidae Nannoblattina petulantia Whalley, 1985
Orthoptera Elcanidae Archelcana durnovaria Whalley, 1985
Orthoptera Gryllidae Micromacula gracilis Whalley, 1985
Orthoptera Haglidae Regiata scutra Whalley, 1985
Orthoptera Triassomantidae Orichalcum ornatum Whalley, 1985
Orthoptera Locustopsis spectabilis
Phasmatodea Aerophasmatidae Durnovaria parallela Whalley, 1985
Dermaptera Protodiplatyidae Brevicula gradus Whalley, 1985
Hemiptera Belostomatidae Lethonectes naucoroides Popov, Dolling and Whalley, 1994
Hemiptera Belostomatidae Tarsabedus menkei Popov, Dolling and Whalley, 1994
Hemiptera Corixidae Liassocorixa dorsetica Popov, Dolling and Whalley 1994
Hemiptera Hylicellidae Cycloscytina fennahi (Whalley, 1985)
Hemiptera Hylicellidae Cycloscytina fennahi (Whalley, 1985)
Hemiptera Tettigarctidae Paraprosbole rotruda Whalley, 1985
Raphidioptera Mesoraphidiidae Mesoraphidia confusa (Whalley, 1985)
Raphidioptera Priscaenigmatidae Priscaenigma obtusa Whalley, 1985
Coleoptera Cupedidae Liassocupes giganteus Whalley, 1985
Coleoptera Cupedidae Liassocupes maculatus Whalley, 1985
Coleoptera Elateridae Elaterophanes regius Whalley, 1985
Coleoptera Schizophoridae Tersus crowsoni Ponomarenko, 2006
Mecoptera Orthophlebiidae Orthophlebia capillata Whalley, 1985
Mecoptera Pseudopolycentropodidae Pseudopolycentropus prolatipennis Whalley, 1985
Diptera Mycetophilidae Eoptychoptera spectra (Whalley, 1985)
Diptera Oligophryneidae Oligophryne britannica Ansorge and Kzremiński, 1994
Lepidoptera Archaeolepidae Archaeolepis mane Whalley, 1985
