Strachan, R., Alsop, I., Friend, C. and Miller, S. (Eds.) 2010. A Geological Excursion Guide to the Moine Geology of the Northern Highlands of Scotland. Edinburgh Geological Society, Glasgow Geological Society in association with NMS Enterprises. ISBN: 978-1-905267-33-0. Copies of EGS geological excursion guides can be purchased on the EGS website: purchase excursion guides.
Excursion 3 Glenfinnan to Morar
Derek Powell and Clark Friend with additions by Robert Glendinning
Purpose: | A general traverse across the structurally complex, high grade rocks of the eastern 'vertical' belt in the southwest Moine (= Northern Highland Steep Belt) and some of the lower grade rocks of the type area of the Morar Group to the west. |
Aspects covered: | Various metasedimentary lithologies and aspects of their sedimentology; tectonic structures and fabrics; metamorphic minerals and migmatites; igneous rocks such as microdiorites and pegmatites; features relating to the development of ductile thrusts. |
Useful information: | Hotel, B&B accommodation and camping are available in Fort William, or alternatively, sporadically along the road between Lochailort and Mallaig. |
Maps: OS: | 1:25,000 Explorer sheet 397 Loch Morar & Mallaig; BGS: 1:50,000 sheets 52 Tobermory, 61 Arisaig and 62W Loch Quoich. |
Type of terrain: | Many roadside exposures that require extreme caution because of the speed of the traffic. Moderately rough hillsides and moorland. |
Distance and time: | The road route is ~50km long and on foot an additional 10km. 3-4 days are recommended for the whole of this excursion. It is best followed from the east. See each locality for suggested times. |
Short itinerary: | Visits to Localities 3.1 (A & B), 3.3, 3.4b and 3.6 (B & C) will provide an appreciation of the geology of the area during a full, one-day excursion. |
High-grade rocks of the 'vertical' belt
Despite many years of research, the structural and metamorphic development of the 'vertical' belt of the southwest Moine (= Northern Highland Steep Belt) has proved difficult to unravel because of the high levels of strain and a complex deformation history (Dalziel, 1966; Brown et al., 1970; Powell, 1974; Baird, 1982, 1985). Equally, attempts to date events affecting the belt have proved confusing and controversial (see Summary of Geology). However, recent geochronological work vindicates the earlier view of a complex Neoproterozoic history for the Moine rocks (e.g. Friend et al., 1997; Rogers et al., 1998; Vance et al., 1998; Millar, 1999; Tanner & Evans, 2003). In the 'vertical' belt, at least three sets of tight to isoclinal folds can be detected (Baird, 1982) which pre-date intrusion of a suite of transgressive but folded, Caledonian pegmatites. A later suite of microdiorite intrusive sheets is deformed by open to moderately tight folds (Smith, 1979; Talbot, 1983). Whilst it would appear that many of the fabrics might have originally been Neoproterozoic, the development of the steep belt has been ascribed to crustal reworking during the Caledonian orogeny (Roberts & Harris, 1983).
Locality 3.1 The Muidhe. Glenfinnan Group. [NM 857 815]
The Muidhe
Parking is available in a lay-by on the south side of the A830 at
All exposures lie on the SE limb of the D3Sgurr a' Muidhe Synform (Baird, 1982) and many of the open to
moderately tight, asymmetric minor folds that verge towards the SW are parasitic to the major synform
At least three generations of intrusive veins are distinguishable: early quartz veins which cut the early isoclinal folds and may relate to the phase of layer extension that produced the boudinage; thin foliated pegmatites with diffuse margins which in places are sub-parallel to the axial planes of the D3minor folds; and usually thick, discrete, coarse-grained pegmatites trending northwest-southeast, which cut all minor folds, but are themselves folded. The latter, transgressive Caledonian pegmatites, are discussed further below at Locality 3.1B.
Return to the road by following the cliff edge near the road to the SE until a small valley is reached giving easy
downhill passage. Along the top of this cliff, many exposures display fine examples of sheath folds. Some 350m to
the W, roadside exposures, Locality 3.1B, occur on the NE side of the road opposite the lay-by at
A few metres to the NW, a partly foliated, intrusive microdiorite sheet crops out. At its NW end, the sheet dips moderately to the east, thins rapidly upwards and contains in places an oblique, internal, metamorphic fabric that lies clockwise of the sheet margins. The schistosity is most strongly developed adjacent to the margins but progressively decreases in intensity, and increases in dip, towards the centre. In the lower part of the exposure, the microdiorite cuts a coarse-grained pegmatite and appears to contain a xenolith of the same pegmatite plus country rock. At the bottom of the exposure, what may be the same pegmatite appears to have been displaced across the microdiorite with an apparent 0.5m shift. Above and to the left of the xenolith, the internal schistosity is seen to be axial planar to the folds of internal veins, whilst above and to the right the microdiorite margin displays cusp and lobe form indicating that during deformation the microdiorite was less ductile than the country rocks. Traced to the SE, part of the sheet changes attitude to dip westwards and thence it becomes horizontal before thinning and terminating. With these changes of dip the geometry of the internal schistosity becomes more complex but appears to relate to the overall folded form of the sheet; possibly relating to flexural flow on the fold limbs. Within the schistose margins of the sheet an extension mineral lineation in the schistosity relates to the movement across the sheet during its deformation; here NW–SE.
Microdiorite sheets occur throughout the south-western Moine areas and are thought to belong to a late Caledonian suite (Smith, 1979). Their structural development has been discussed by Talbot (1983). Generally sheets dipping to the west contain a schistosity, often sinusoidal, which dips westwards at steeper angles than the sheet margins, those dipping eastwards show the opposite relationships, whilst folded sheets have sub-horizontal enveloping surfaces and show changes in the attitude of the internal schistosity that relate to fold limbs. The sheets cross-cut structures generated during the first three deformation phases affecting the Moine, and the early Caledonian pegmatites. According to Smith (1979) they are earlier than the Strontian and Ross of Mull granites, which have, respectively, given isotopic ages of 425 ± 3 Ma (Rogers & Dunning, 1991) and 421 ± 5 Ma (Oliver et al., 2008). Thus intrusion of the microdiorites together with syn-metamorphic regional deformation of both the sheets and their host rocks, would appear to have taken place between c.450 and 425 Ma, i.e. during the late Ordovician or early Silurian. Post-orogenic cooling of the southwestern Moine is dated by common K-Ar muscovite and biotite cooling ages between 420 and 410 Ma (Brook & Powell, unpublished data).
Locality 3.2 The Loch Eilt Antiform eastern limb [NM 828 821] to [NM [NM 817 824]
The Loch Eilt Antiform eastern limb
Proceed west from Locality 3.1B for 3.5km and park in a lay-by on the south side of the road at an emergency
To the east, along the exposure, more varied rock types come in, with the proportion of psammitic layers increasing.
Note the thin (Caledonian?), cross-cutting pegmatitic veins containing garnet + muscovite + feldspar + quartz, and
the tight to isoclinal folds of early migmatitic veins and lithological layering. One hundred metres to the west of
the emergency telephone, exposures on the north side of the road comprise disturbed and considerably altered rocks
of the Morar Group. At the extreme western end of the road cut, interbanded psammitic and pelitic rocks are folded
by open to tight minor folds plunging to the SE that are crossed by open folds and coaxial crenulations plunging SW.
The pelitic layers do not contain migmatitic segregations; rather they are highly schistose and muscovite-rich. A
concordant biotite + feldspar + quartz pegmatite is boudinaged and a folded cross-cutting microdiorite sheet, in
places, contains a strong, internal schistosity that is oblique to the sheet margins on fold limbs, but axial planar
in the axial zones of the folds. These exposures lie on the western limb of the D3Ranochan Synform
(Baird, 1982) whose western limb is, according to Baird (1982), replaced by the Sgurr Beag Thrust Zone
Displacements on the Sgurr Beag Thrust are a minimum of 15km in this area (Powell et al., 1981), but 50km elsewhere (Kelley & Powell, 1985), and it is therefore significant that this microdiorite sheet shows no greater degree of deformation than outside the thrust zone. Clearly, thrusting predated emplacement of the microdiorite sheet. Petrographic and geochemical analysis of the microdiorites suggests that they are members of a consanguineous, igneous suite (Smith, 1979), thus they provide relative time markers which were here emplaced after Baird's third phase of deformation and formation of the thrust, but before at least one late phase of ductile deformation (see also Baird, 1985; cf. Talbot, 1983).
About 1km along the road to the west, park in a lay-by on the south side at
Walking westwards some 130m, the contact of the pelitic unit with a predominantly psammitic group is encountered. The
psammite is exposed for a further 200m. Inter-layered striped and banded psammites, blue-grey semi-pelites and
occasional pelitic layers show no unequivocal evidence of sedimentary structures. Indeed the presence of tight to
isoclinal minor folds of the lithological layering, concordant pegmatites and boudinaged pegmatites, and the platy
nature of many of the psammites indicate the high levels of strain that these rocks have undergone. The exposures
lie within 1km of the Sgurr Beag Thrust Zone
Locality 3.3 Morarian (= Knoydartian) pegmatites at Loch Eilt [NM 806 827]
Morarian (= Knoydartian) pegmatites at Loch Eilt
Some 1.2km along the road to the west, limited parking is available on the south side of the road at
From exposures such as these, several authors have argued that the pegmatites, because they are concordant to the
migmatitic foliation, are deformed, and have a metamorphic mineralogy, constitute in situ metamorphic
segregations. Thus the isotopic ages record regional metamorphism at, or shortly before, 740 Ma (Giletti et
al., 1961; Lambert, 1969; van Breemen et al., 1974, 1978). Further, on this basis, these authors
postulate a Morarian (= Knoydartian in present usage) orogeny. With this in mind it is pertinent to note that the
rocks exposed here have suffered high levels of strain subsequent to formation of the pegmatites, and that the
pegmatite bodies lack the continuous biotite selvedges characteristic of segregations and contain microcline. It is
difficult at this, and similar high grade/high strain localities, to assess the original relationships of these
pegmatites. The only pegmatite of this suite so far discovered in a relatively low grade, low strain environment, is
on the Ardnish peninsula
In the exposures directly opposite, on the north side of the road, open sinusoidal folds of a microdiorite sheet have vertical axial surfaces and a southerly plunge. Note the obliquity of strike of the country rocks to the fold hinges; crustal shortening which generated the folds of the intrusive sheet has been accommodated by ductile, homogeneous strain in the host rocks. Forty metres to the east, a 35cm-thick, transgressive, garnet + muscovite + K-feldspar + plagioclase + quartz pegmatite, probably of early Caledonian age (450 Ma), cuts isoclinal folds of the lithological layering. The isoclines also fold a lens of Morarian (Knoydartian) pegmatite and both are cut by a thin pegmatite, which is folded by apparent dextral shearing along the lithological layering.
Locality 3.4 The Glenshian Synform and the Sgurr Beag Thrust [NM 789 828] to]NM 777 830]
The Glenshian Synform and the Sgurr Beag Thrust
This traverse, which will take 3-4 hours, crosses a major, tight to isoclinal fold, the Glenshian Synform
From Locality 3.3 drive 1.6km westwards to park in a lay-by adjacent to the railway line at Locality 3.4A [NM 7885 8285]. NB: the road here is extremely dangerous for unwary pedestrians. The road cut opposite the layby continues to the east around a sharp bend for some 200m. The exposure comprises near vertical interbanded grey psammites, blue-grey semi-pelites and migmatitic pelites of the Morar Group. Please do not hammer these exposures.
Just to the north of the lay-by, predominantly psammitic rocks give way, moving to the south and east, to more varied rock types. Eastward-dipping microdiorite sheets which cross-cut quartz veins and several generations of pegmatite, have internal schistosities indicating a sinistral shear sense across them. The attitude of the schistosities and associated extension lineations suggest NW–SE movement and in one case a displacement of at least 2.5m can be deduced from the offset of markers in the country rocks. In many cases the dramatic increase in the intensity of the internal schistosity toward the margins of the sheets testifies to the rapid increases in shear strain and it is likely that detachment along the contacts has taken place (Smith, 1979). For accounts of the petrography, and further significance of the microdiorite suite, the reader is referred to Johnson & Dalziel (1963), Smith (1979) and Talbot (1983) wherein very different opinions are expressed.
Tight to isoclinal minor folds of the lithological layering have very variable plunges and where these fold pale, thin calc-silicate layers and lenses a strong, axial planar, penetrative schistosity is apparent. In many places the obliquity of the dominant schistosity to layering is noticeable and it is deformed by crenulations that plunge moderately to the SW. At the eastern end of the exposure stacks of minor folds, verging towards the east, form cores to large boudin pods some 3m long. Judging by the intensity of folding of the layering, boudinage of pegmatites and fold stacks, folding of cross-cutting pegmatites, and the deformation of the microdiorites, the country rocks at this locality have suffered several phases of shortening normal to the layering. Thus the 'flattening' strains must be intense, and planar fabrics likely to be composite. Minor and major folds probably have sheath geometry. Along strike in this zone, pelitic rocks contain sillimanite and staurolite, while the calc-silicate ribs and lenses comprise garnet +hornblende + biotite + plagioclase (An80-90) + quartz; the grade of regional metamorphism is therefore high (Powell et al., 1981).
The next locality can be reached by either traversing up and across the hillside to the north then the NW for some
700m to reach the line of crags that form Locality 3.4B at
Examination of the exposures on either side of Allt Dileige allows the contact of the predominantly migmatitic
pelitic rocks of the Glenfinnan Group rocks to the west (Lochailort Pelitic Group) and Morar Group psammites (the
Arieniskill Psammitic Group), to be traced up and down the hillside. Within the pelitic rocks, migmatitic
lits have suffered disruption and a reduction in size, when compared with similar rocks further west.
Because of the mineral assemblages developed in pelitic and calc-silicate rocks across the Sgurr Beag Thrust Zone
here, it would appear that movement took place under medium to high grade metamorphic conditions and the Glenfinnan
Group rocks have been brought from crustal depths of 15-20km, assuming a 30°C/km geothermal gradient (Powell et
al., 1981; Powell, unpublished data). Whilst tectonic slivers of gneissic basement rocks, which provide the
most obvious evidence for the magnitude of displacement on the thrust further north (Tanner et al., 1970;
Tanner, 1971), are absent in the SW Moine, contrasts in metamorphic grade across it at its most westerly outcrop,
indicate considerable displacement (Powell et al., 1981). Unfolding the Glenshian Synform and the Loch Eilt
Throughout the Moine Supergroup generally, but particularly in this area, discontinuous bands and pods of
calc-silicate rocks commonly occur. These are interpreted to represent calcareous concretions that probably formed
during diagenesis. In the Lochailort area, the calc-silicate layers show a wide range of mineral assemblages and
accordingly have been used to define several distinct metamorphic zones (Tanner, 1976; Fettes, 1979; Powell et
al., 1981). In the Morar Group below the Sgurr Beag Thrust, on the western side of the Loch Eilt Antiform
These titanite ages force us to examine the time at which the Sgurr Beag Thrust was formed. Currently there are two
hypotheses: (1) it is an early Caledonian ductile structure, which carries the already gneissose Glenfinnan Group
rocks over lower-grade Morar Group rocks to the west (e.g. Rathbone et al., 1983; Barr et al.,
1986); (2) the main movements on the Sgurr Beag Thrust occurred during the regional metamorphism that affected both
the Glenfinnan and Morar group rocks for the first time (Powell et al., 1981). In this hypothesis, both the
Moine and Sgurr Beag nappes share the same metamorphic history. In a study of micro-fabrics (Grant & Harris,
2000) it was discovered that the Sgurr Beag Thrust has two phases of movement; an earlier phase of compressive
movement and a later extensional phase. It is plausible therefore, that the early phase is Neoproterozoic and that
the later phase might be Caledonian (Grampian). Some 850m west along the road, parking is available in the lay-by
(north side) at Locality 3.4C
The Lochailort pegmatite, emplaced in migmatitic Glenfinnan Group pelites, can be seen at Locality 3.4D. Parking for
cars can be found near the entrance to the electricity substation
Western margin of the 'vertical' belt and low grade rocks of the western 'flat' belt
From the western limb of the Glenshian Synform as far as the coast, in the Morar-Arisaig districts some 17km to the
west, the Moine rocks whilst folded on a major and minor scale, locally vertical and overturned, form a regional
'flat' belt
A rapid drop in metamorphic grade coincides with the western outcrop of the Sgurr Beag Thrust Zone near Lochailort
Locality 3.5 The western limb of the Glenshian Synform [NM 7675 8236] to [NM 7570 8260]
The western limb of the Glenshian Synform
About an hour should be allowed for these localities which lie to the west of the Lochailort Inn. Parking for cars is
available on the verge off the south side of the road west of the junction at
Opposite the road junction west of the Lochailort Inn, near vertical rocks of the Morar Group (Ardnish Psammitic
Group of Powell, 1964) crop out in road cuttings which are Locality 3.5
On the south side of the road, immediately west of the road junction, further exposures of psammitic rocks at
Locality 3.5A reveal sedimentary structures, largely ripples and trough cross-laminations that suggest younging to
the east. The cross-sets have been modified by strain relative to their positions on minor folds. Calc-silicate
lenses and pods are common. Gently-inclined microdiorite sheets are also well exposed in the southern side of the
cutting. The sheets all show brittle, igneous, emplacement features and usually have internal shear fabrics
Locality 3.5B is some 300m to the west, at
Locality 3.5C lies a further 800m to the west at
Locality 3.6 The Ardnish Synform [NM 7478 8305] to [NM 7401 8330]
The Ardnish Synform – lithostratigraphy of its north-western limb
Visiting localities 3.6A, B & C will require half a day, but if 3.6D is included allow a further two hours. Park
in the lay-by on the north side of the road 1.3 km west of Locality 3.5C, 2.4km from Lochailort
A further 600m to the NW, parking is available in a large lay-by on the west side of the road
The next part of the excursion can be completed quickly, but less informatively, by returning to the main road and walking northwards along it for 100m to reach Locality 3.6C. Here outcrops on the west side of the road start with NW-dipping garnetiferous pelites of the Loch Mama pelite. Retrogresssive metamorphism, of uncertain age, has caused chloritisation of both garnet and biotite. Further along the exposure the lithology gradually changes with an increase of semi-pelitic layers and eventual loss of pelites. Characteristic of this outcrop and that of the Loch Mama pelite elsewhere, is the platiness of the layering and rarity of minor folds. A further 200m along the road, on its south side, uniformly banded psammites of the Loch nan Uamh Psammite crop out. Though not obvious here, sedimentary structures in neighbouring psammites indicate younging to the SE, i.e. into the Loch Mama pelite. In this area there is, therefore, evidence for a tri-partite, lithostratigraphic succession starting with the Loch nan Uamh Psammitic Group, passing through the Loch Mama Pelitic Group and up into the Ardnish Psammitic Group. Such a succession is similar to that on the western limb of the Morar Antiform (Kennedy, 1955; Richey & Kennedy, 1939). There is, however, evidence for a thrust running through the lower part of this succession (see below).
If time is available, a more informative traverse across the NW limb of the Ardnish Synform from the Ardnish
Psammitic Group into the Loch Mama Pelitic Group (equivalent to the Striped and Garnetiferous groups of the Morar
succession) can be made by following the Ardnish path to the SW. On crossing the railway footbridge
The coastal exposures around the small headland immediately to the north contain highly garnetifeous muscovite + biotite + plagioclase + quartz schists. In thin sections the garnet porphyroblasts are seen to contain planar inclusion fabrics, are in places texturally and chemically zoned, and are interpreted as having grown before development of the dominant schistosity (Powell & MacQueen, 1976; Anderson & Olympio, 1977; MacQueen & Powell, 1977). Detailed studies of Sm-Nd isotopes and the chemical zonation of garnets from here, from near Locality 3.6C, and elsewhere (Vance et al., 1998), suggest early garnet growth at 823 ± 5 to 788 ± 5 Ma. These results, taken with the work on the Knoydartian pegmatites and the calc-silicate rock mentioned above (stop 4D), provide very strong isotopic evidence for Neoproterozoic orogenesis. Acceptance of such a conclusion implies that many of the tectono-metamorphic features and fabrics of the south-western Moine are Precambrian rather than Caledonian in age (Brewer et al., 1979; Powell et al., 1983, Holdsworth et al., 1994, Vance et al., 1998, Rogers et al., 1998, 2001; Tanner & Evans, 2003; Cutts et al. 2009).
Locality 3.7 The Arnipol Slide Zone [NM7421 8370] to [NM 7438 8430]
The Arnipol Slide Zone
A traverse, lasting up to three hours, across the lower part of the Ardnish Psammitic Group, the Loch Mama Pelitic
Group, into the Loch nan Uamh Psammitic Group (equivalent to the Lower Psammitic Group of Richey and Kennedy, 1939),
and across the Arnipol Slide Zone, can be made by leaving the main road at
On this traverse the lithological character and low-grade metamorphic state of these three members of the Morar Group
can be appreciated both within and, in the case of the psammites, outside the Arnipol Thrust Zone. Whilst initially
the thrust zone here was thought to be of only local significance (Powell, 1964, 1966), the contrasts in the
attitudes of early minor fold structures across the zone are dramatic; moving from NW to SE, tight isoclinal folds
with east to NE gently-plunging hinges (D2 of Powell, 1964, 1974) are rotated, within the plane of the
lithological layering across the zone, to become steeply SE-plunging reclined structures (Powell, 1966). The
development of platy fabrics in many lithologies is also apparent and the thinning of the Loch Mama Pelitic Group
from north to south is remarkable
Locality 3.8 The Upper Morar Psammite: Rhue peninsula [NM 613 842]
The Upper Morar Psammite: Rhue peninsula, by R. Glendinning. Well-preserved sedimentary structures.
There is no access for coaches to this locality; allow about two and a half hours. Drive westwards from Arnipol
towards Arisaig (10km). On the outskirts of Arisaig
Rocks near the top of the Upper Psammite are well displayed on a raised wave-cut platform where the western limb of a
large (locally D3) minor anticline is exposed
Locality 3.9 The Upper Morar Psammite: Morar Bay [NM 668 933]
The Upper Morar Psammite: Morar Bay, by R. Glendinning. Soft-sediment deformation structures in meta-sandstones.
From Rhue, drive back towards Arisaig and turn right to rejoin the A830. Drive north towards Mallaig. Alternatively,
a more scenic coastal route can be taken by turning left and following the B8008 to Morar village. Vehicles can be
parked just off the road immediately north of the Morar Motors Garage (
Follow the footpath along the north shore of Morar Bay. This crosses the conformable contact between the Striped and
Pelitic schists and the Upper Psammite; both groups are steeply dipping to vertical and young consistently to the
west. The former are particularly well exposed around
Interpretation of the sedimentary environment of the Upper Psammite
Examination of the Upper Psammite at other localities, around Morar and southwards along strike on Ardnamurchan,
confirms the dominance of south to north and SW to NE palaeocurrents. These are accompanied by a northwards decrease
in both the grain size and scale of the sedimentary structures within the psammites, and a corresponding increase in
the proportion of semi-pelite and pelite. Such a transition suggests two broad depositional truncation of the
cross-beds indicates slight inversion and younging to the west. Lighter is 8cm long. models: either (a) a
fluvio-deltaic wedge, or (b) a shallow marine shelf with deposition controlled by tidal and/or storm generated
currents. Of these, the former is considered unlikely as there are no recognizable fluvial sequences and channelling
is rare. Instead, the sands and silts form laterally extensive sheets. Furthermore, abundant sand lenses and layers
within the Striped and Pelitic Schists suggest a starved sediment, rather than a low energy pro-delta environment. A
shallow marine shelf model is perhaps more feasible (Glendinning 1988) and Johnson (1978) and Walker (1979) describe
similar changes in grain size and sedimentary structures along tidal transport-deposition paths. The palaeocurrent
reversals identified around Morar