Emeleus, C. H. and Troll, V. R. 2008. A geological excursion guide to Rum: the Palaeocene igneous rocks of the Isle of Rum, Inner Hebrides. Edinburgh: Edinburgh Geological Society in association with NMS Enterprises Limited, 2008. ISBN: 9781905267224. Copies of the geological excursion guides can be purchased on the EGS website: purchase excursion guides.
Excursion 4 The Central Intrusion
(Excursion 4A) Exposures in the Central Intrusion close to the road to Harris and to the west and south of the Long Loch include excellent examples of layered troctolite, apparent erosion of troctolite by 'debris flows' crowded with peridotite 'cobbles' and 'pebbles', and blocks of layered troctolite and feldspathic peridotite ranging in size from a metre to many tens of metres in breccias with highly disturbed feldspathic peridotite matrices. Further south, unusual feldspar and olivine growth structures occur in the Central Intrusion and also in the Western Layered Intrusion, which may be visited in the latter part of the day. The excursion may be extended (Excursion 4B) by continuing to Harris Bay (a long walk), where layering in gabbros extends to within a few metres of the contact with microgranite and where the complicated contact between the Western Layered Intrusion and the Western Granite is excellently exposed in sea cliffs.
Follow the Kilmory road from Kinloch for 3 km then take the south fork towards Harris
Excursion 4A
Locality 4.1 Harris road near Kilmory fork – quarry shows sandstone baked by dolerite plug [NG 3696 0016]
A small roadstone quarry on the south side of the road exposes a dolerite plug with adjoining bleached, fractured and baked sandstone. The alteration is typical of that encountered next to the dolerite and gabbro plugs found throughout northern Rum. From this locality the distinctive, localised grey scree derived from fragmented sandstone next to a substantial gabbro plug may be seen on the western slopes of Mullach Mòr, about 2 km to the north-north-east (at
Locality 4.2 Bridge south of Long Loch – evidence for Long Loch Fault in riverside exposures [NM 3639 9944]
The Long Loch Fault follows the course of the Kilmory River at the bridge, and fractured, sheared and crushed peridotite, microgranite, sandstone and gneiss are exposed in the river bed hereabouts. The latest movement on the fault post-dates the central complex, but the fault is thought to have had significant pre-central complex movement. Thermally altered gneiss (pyroxene hornfels) crops out in sparse exposures in a low, east-facing scarp about 100 m west of the bridge. Continue along the road to a shallow east–west valley through peridotite
Locality 4.3 North of Harris road – layering in troctolite deformed by 'dropstones' [NM 3615 9929]
Blocks of troctolite are enclosed in feldspathic peridotite about 150 m to the north of the road. Distortion of the layering around the blocks resembles that seen where dropstones have impacted into bedded sedimentary rocks
South of the road a low, 'whaleback' ridge extends north–south for about 500 m on the west side of the Long Loch. Westward-dipping (30–40º) layered troctolites are magnificently exposed on flat, glaciated surfaces along much of the length of the ridge. They are interpreted to be within a 'megablock' that spalled off the adjoining Eastern Layered Intrusion, subsiding into magma rising along feeders located on the early Long Loch Fault.
Locality 4.4 'Whaleback' west of Long Loch – depositional and erosional sedimentary structures in troctolite [NM 3620 9908]
Troctolite seen on the glaciated slabs contain slump, scour, 'flame', and graded-bedding structures resembling those found in clastic sedimentary rocks
Locality 4.5 'Whaleback' – layering in troctolite, transgressed by underlying peridotite [NM 3623 9893]
Particularly good three-dimensional examples of the layering occur in a low cliff on the east side of the ridge
Continue to the south end of the Long Loch
Locality 4.6 South of Long Loch – layered troctolite/peridotite blocks in deformed layered peridotite [NM 3635 9792]
The layered peridotites exposed in small cliffs and scarps are extremely deformed around large blocks of troctolite and layered peridotite that have collapsed into them. In some instances the blocks, which range from metres to tens of metres in size, are themselves layered, and individual blocks may preserve a record of magmatic sedimentation, slumping, corrosion and replacement
Cross the 50 m-wide, steep-sided valley marking the course of the Long Loch Fault
Locality 4.7 Loch an Dornabac – poikilo-macro-spherulitic structures in peridotite of Central Intrusion [NM 3569 9769]
These structures are on a shelf about 200 m to the south-west of the lochan. Here, spectacular bunches of radiating, bifurcating rays of plagioclase crystals occur in feldspathic peridotite
Locality 4.8 North of Loch an Dornabac – small-scale layering in peridotite of Western Layered Intrusion [NM 3576 9800]
South-east-dipping, finely layered peridotite belonging to the Ard Mheall member
To regain the Harris road (at about
Locality 4.9 Road east of Ard Nev – dense, black picrite dyke intruding peridotite [NM 353 984]
Following option 'A', walking towards Kinloch, there are several shallow abandoned quarries in crumbling peridotite on the east side of the track. Loose blocks of a dense, matt-black picrite come from a badly weathered picrite dyke. The highly magnesian picrite contains an abundance of forsteritic olivines (Fo93); (McClurg, 1982; Upton et al., 2002).
Locality 4.10 Roadside north-east of Ard Nev – baked microgranite and (nearby) altered dolerite, near peridotite [NM 3540 9870]
Farther along the road, baked microgranite (the Western Granite) is exposed in contact with peridotite. Off the road some 70 m to the west a thick, north-west-trending dolerite dyke intrudes the microgranite. This dyke, which forms a low ridge, has also been altered by the nearby peridotite. Continue along the road to Kinloch.
If proceeding towards Harris (option 'B',
Locality 4.11 East of Ard Mheall – harrisitic structures in peridotite, some showing erosional features [NM 3502 9772]
Excellent harrisitic structures (Harker, 1908; Donaldson, 1974, 1976; O'Driscoll et al., 2007a) occur in layered peridotites of the Ard Mheall member (Western Layered Intrusion), exposed in a series of low, west-facing crags
Excursion 4B
Locality 4.12 North of Harris Bay – roadside exposures of harrisitic structures [NM 341 963] (Figure 44)
Roadside exposures in crags at the transition between the gabbroic Harris Bay member and the overlying peridotites of the Ard Mheall member contain excellent examples of harrisitic structures (Wadsworth, 1961).
Locality 4.13 Harris – spectacular layering in gabbros north of bridge [NM 3377 9602]
On the approach to Harris, strongly contrasting, flat-lying, feldspathic and mafic layering occurs in gabbro on the east side of the Glen Duian Burn, close to the bridge. Continue to Harris Lodge
Locality 4.14 West end, Harris Bay – contact of layered gabbro (with harrisite) and microgranite [NM 3350 9560]
To the south-south-west of the mausoleum, the layered rocks are separated from microgranite by a thin zone of gabbro, and basic and acid hybrid rocks. There is a limited development of intrusion breccia and some intricate felsic net-veining of the gabbro (Greenwood, 1987). Flat-lying harrisitic layers
Locality 4.15 Cove west of Harris Bay – contact between gabbro and hybridised microgranite [NM 3348 9565]
West of the mausoleum a path leads down to a cove where the contact zone is exposed
The contact between layered gabbros of the Harris Bay Member and microgranite belonging to the Western Granite is also extremely well exposed at the east end of Harris Bay. To reach this locality from the mausoleum, cross the Glen Duian burn near the shore (or go upstream and use the road bridge [Locality 4.13] if the river is high), and continue east, either along the layered gabbro benches on the rocky foreshore or walk along the low cliffs, on the magnificent late-glacial storm beaches at the back of the bay. There is a bridge over the Abhainn Rangail at
Locality 4.16 Harris Bay – shelves eroded in well-layered gabbro [NM 373 958]
Slabs and cliffs on this part of the coast and for some hundreds of metres to the east, provide the best exposures of the gabbroic rocks of the Harris Bay member, including good examples of harrisitic structures (cf. Donaldson et al., 1973;
Locality 4.17 East end Harris Bay – intrusion breccia at gabbro/microgranite contact [NM 3405 9505]
Gabbro with flat-lying layering occupies most of the promontory, but a small area of baked, bleached microgranite crops out on the south side. The gabbro and microgranite are separated by a zone of intrusion breccia several metres in width, consisting of angular and subangular blocks of basalt, dolerite, gabbro and rare peridotite, from 0.5 to 2 m in diameter, in a felsic matrix which is continuous with the microgranite
From the rocks of the Harris Bay localities it is clear that the emplacement of hot, mafic material into earlier granitic rocks resulted in generation of rheomorphic silicic magma, with the formation of intrusion breccias and felsic net-veining, a phenomenon that is common throughout the central complexes of the Palaeogene volcanic districts (e.g. Blake et al., 1965). Return to the Abhainn Rangail bridge and walk upstream for 150 m.
Locality 4.18 Abhainn Rangail – peridotite breccia in Central Intrusion, with chromite seams [NM 3450 9557]
At the junction of the Abhainn Rangail with the Allt Lag Sleitir, which enters from the north-west, ultrabasic breccias belonging to the Central Intrusion crop out in the stream bed