Browne, M. A. E. and Gillen, C. (Eds.) 2015. A geological excursion guide to the Stirling and Perth area. Edinburgh: Edinburgh Geological Society in association with NMS Enterprises Limited. ISBN: 9781905267880 This material was published by the Edinburgh Geological Society and Geological Society of Glasgow in association with National Museums Scotland, and they have kindly made the text available for publishing on the Web. Copies of the geological excursion guides can be purchased on the EGS website: purchase excursion guides.
Excursion 18 Dunkeld and Little Glen Shee
Philip Rose
Purpose: To examine a cross-section through the Tay Nappe; to see evidence for three phases of deformation, which produced large-to small-scale folds; to examine Dalradian metamorphosed sedimentary rocks of the Birnam Slate and Grit Formation and the Dunkeld Grit Formation (Southern Highland Group).
Logistics: This is a one day excursion. For advice on shooting and forestry activities, contact the Factor, Murthley and Strath Braan Estate, Murthley near Dunkeld for Birnam Hill, contact Landsdown Estates for Little Glen Shee and the Factor at Atholl Estate Office, Blair Atholl for Craig a' Barns area.
Maps: OS 1:50,000 Sheet 52 Pitlochry to Crieff; OS 1:25,000 Sheet 379 Dunkeld, Aberfeldy & Glen Almond; BGS 1:50,000 Sheet 55E Pitlochry; locality map
A regional late-stage, asymmetric monoform, the Highland Border Down-bend, folds the lower inverted limb and parts of the hinge zone of the Tay Nappe from flat lying in the north (the inverted Perthshire Flat Belt) to steeply dipping in the south (the Highland Border Steep Belt). As a result, a traverse from the Highland Border NW to the hinge of the downbend
The metamorphosed sedimentary rocks (Birnam Slate and Grit Formation and Dunkeld Grit Formation) in this part of the Tay Nappe were originally interbedded grit, sand and mud and are part of the Southern Highland Group, the second youngest group in the Dalradian Supergroup. The thickest slate unit, formerly the 'Birnam Slates', separates the 'Dunkeld Grits' to the north from the older 'Birnam Grits' to the south. The commonly gritty metasandstones show normal grading and are interpreted as turbidite deposits that accumulated as part of an extensive submarine fan system.
The structural history of this part of the Grampian Highlands can be considered in terms of three principal phases of deformation and cleavage formation (termed D1, D2 and D4 in the overall regional scheme). The first two were associated with prograde metamorphism and the emplacement of the Tay Nappe. A third phase (D3) is recognised farther to the NW but not in this area. The fourth phase (D4) is related to retrograde metamorphism linked to regional uplift of the Tay Nappe and formation of the Highland Border Downbend. D1 resulted in the formation of large-scale folds of bedding (F1), associated with a spaced pressure-solution cleavage in the metasandstones and a slaty cleavage in the finer grained metamudstone and metasiltstone beds (S1). At high levels of the nappe, now seen only on the steep limb of the downbend, these folds are preserved as downward-facing structures with steeply NW-dipping axial planes (Localities 18.1 and 18.2). Unrolling the downbend by 120° about its hinge restores the F1 folds to recumbent structures with gently dipping axial planes. Detailed fabric studies provide evidence for modification of the F1 folds in a rotational strain field, related to the more-intense D2 deformation seen at deeper levels of the nappe (see Locality 18.3 and Rose & Harris, 2000).
In the Dunkeld area there is no major downward-facing synform comparable with the Aberfoyle Antiform of Shackleton (1957) to the SW; the overall succession youngs to the NW from the Highland Boundary Fault to the downbend hinge. However, there is ample evidence for the development of a complex series of large-scale F1 folds of bedding in the Sma' Glen– Glen Almond area north of Crieff, and in the Ben Vane–Ben Ledi area. They possibly lie in a wide hinge zone of the Tay Nappe. D2 deformation resulted in intense small-scale folding (F2) and attenuation of S1 and more rarely of bedding. D2 is also associated with a strong horizontal planar fabric (S2) and a N–S stretching lineation (L2), but is developed only at intermediate and low structural levels of the nappe (Locality 18.3). Curved inclusion trails in garnet show that D2 deformation was coeval with the main metamorphism. Shear criteria (see Locality 18.5) have been interpreted to show that D2 involved a component of SE-directed simple shear. However, the models of Harris et al. (1976) and Bradbury et al. (1979), which invoke bedding-parallel, south-directed simple shear to generate the F2 folds, are an oversimplification, as F2 refolds of bedding are also seen.
An alternative version of this excursion has been published by Treagus (2009). Some localities are also described in the Geological Conservation Review (GCR) of the Dalradian of Scotland (Tanner et al., 2013).
Locality 18.1 [NN 9792 3453] (Little) Glen Shee: high-level F1 folds
This locality is best approached from the A9 just north of Perth
This locality is in the 'Birnam Grits', on the steep limb of the Highland Border Downbend and on the inverted limb of the Tay Nappe. The exposure consists of folds of interbedded pale-greenish grey metasiltstones and graded metasandstones in which ripple cross-laminations are sparsely preserved. The folds are associated with a fanning, spaced pressure-solution cleavage in the sandy layers and a slaty cleavage in the more-micaceous lithologies, and verge NW (Plate S.1,
Locality 18.2 [NO 0404 4040] Birnam Hill Quarry: high-level F1 fold
From Glen Shee, take the road to Bankfoot and follow the B867 (the old A9) north towards Dunkeld. At 300 m before the junction with the new A9, park on the left-hand side of the road where a public footpath goes under the railway
South of Newtyle Hill, on the NE side of the Tay valley, the southernmost Dalradian outcrop is unconformably overlain by Lower Devonian strata, the Highland Boundary Fault running just to the south. The F1 folds on Newtyle and Birnam hills all verge NW, and thus no synformal F1 nappe closure is exposed here. The quarries worked the various slate units and the largest of these on Newtyle Hill lies in an antiformal F1 closure. The complementary synform is cut out by a fault at the base of the 'Birnam
Slates' above. North of Dunkeld, the craggy ridge of Craig a' Barns is coincident with the hinge of the Highland Border Downbend. F2 folding, which strongly affects the deeper levels of the nappe to the north of Birnam, is limited to areas up to 1.5 km SE of the downbend.
In the small quarry, an antiformal closure of 'Birnam Grits' is exposed, again on the steep limb of the downbend and the inverted limb of the Tay Nappe. The younger 'Birnam Slates' are exposed in the larger quarry to the north
Locality 18.3 [NO 0078 4178] River Braan at The Hermitage: intense F2 folding at intermediate levels
From Birnam Hill drive north and join the A9. Pass Little Dunkeld and take the turning on the left
Locality 18.3a lies at the NE end of the rock pavement below a low vertical face. S1, a 0.5–1.0cm-spaced striping in metasandstone, changes its orientation relative to bedding across the exposure, indicating the presence of an F1 synform. F2 folds of S1 consistently verge towards the NW and have steep axial planes, generally orientated close to bedding
Locality 18.4 [NO 018 438] Craig a' Barns: hinge zone of Highland Border Downbend
From The Hermitage, take the A9 eastwards and turn left into Dunkeld
When the slope eases, turn right off this path to cross the small burn and reach a terrace between upper and lower cliffs at Locality 18.4a. The cliff section above the terrace (a favoured climbing venue, known as Upper Cave Crag) is dominated by pelitic lithologies at its NW end and psammitic lithologies at its SE end, all in the Dunkeld Grit Formation. The increase in grain size of the micas and the occurrence of rare chloritised garnets in the metasiltstones indicate that the peak metamorphic grade was higher on Craig a' Barns than in the River Braan. D2 deformation is more intensely developed, with many F2 folds of bedding and S1 cleavage. The composite S1/S2 foliation has a steep sheet dip and is folded by many open to tight F4 folds, which verge NW towards the downbend hinge, here only about 200 m away. From a distance, F4 folds can be picked out by folded, foliation-parallel quartz segregations in the pelitic rocks. Many hook-shaped interference patterns occur, where F2 folds are folded around F4 folds in mixed metasandstone–metasiltstone units. F4 folds in the more-pelitic lithologies are associated with a locally prominent crenulation cleavage (S4) that dips about 45° to the NW.
From Locality 18.4a, return along the path to the point where it rejoins the main path
After a short gap in the exposure, more-accessible crags are reached at Locality 18.4b, where the sheet dip of the composite S1/S2 foliation and regional bedding is subhorizontal. A thick, massive metasandstone bed can be traced along the side of the valley and is folded by minor F4 monoclines that verge SE towards the downbend hinge. The F2 fabric is more easily studied here than at Locality 18.4a, as F4 folding is less intense. Metre-scale F2 folds of S1 and bedding are common and verge towards the NW. On the horizontal long limbs of F4 folds, F2 axial planes are flat lying. The S1 cleavage planes and the penetrative S2 schistosity in the more-pelitic units commonly carry a N–S-trending lineation, defined by the preferred orientation of mica, which is folded around F2 folds. This lineation is inferred to have been initiated during D1 but modified on the limbs of F2 folds, effectively to record the D2 extension direction. The presence of asymmetrically boudinaged quartz veins suggests that a component of SE-directed shear strain was associated with the modification of F2 folds.
Locality 18.5 [NO 0280 4760] to [NO 0290 4742] Deuchary Hill: Perthshire Flat Belt
Return to the crossroads to the east of the car park
The metasiltstones here are garnet-mica schists
Return across the stile to the NE-trending cliff section overlooking the Mill Dam, which is Locality 18.5b