Gordon, J.E. and Sutherland, D.G. GCR Editor: W.A. Wimbledon. 1993. Quaternary of Scotland. Geological Conservation Review Series No. 6. JNCC, Peterborough, ISBN 0 412 48840 X. The original source material for these web pages has been made available by the JNCC under the Open Government Licence 3.0. Full details in the JNCC Open Data Policy
D.E. Smith
The sequence of estuarine sediments in the former clay pit at Dryleys has yielded an important fossil fauna which, in conjunction with geomorphological and sedimentary evidence from the adjacent area, provides a detailed picture of sea-level changes and conditions in the marine environment during the Lateglacial.
The Dryleys site
The hillslopes on the northern side of the Montrose Basin are marked by a large number of terraces between Langleypark and Hillside
The Dryleys claypit lies on the eastern side of a gully at the eastern margin of this area
During the 19th century, J. C. Howden made a collection of fossil remains from excavations in the Montrose area. This collection was given to the Montrose Museum, where it is still held (1990). Much of the collection was obtained from the carse clay, but from the older terrace deposits above the carselands Howden also obtained a largely arctic fauna, most of which appears to have come from claypits at Dryleys and Puggieston
The following details are also provided by J. D. ranging from slightly weathered to fresh and Peacock (unpublished data). The preservation of unweathered, whereas that of the other fossils is the specimens of Arctica islandica is good, poor. This contrast suggests that the Arctica specimens are an intrusion into the high-arctic, fully marine fauna, a conclusion that accords with radiocarbon dating (see above). The specimens of Yoldiella solidula and Y. lenticula from Puggieston presumably came (as Leda pygmaea) from the tympanic bones of the seal Phoca vitulina L. (see Howden, 1868, p. 141). The list of ostracods from Dryleys given by Brady et al. (1874) supports the high-arctic affinities of the fauna.
Museum specimen | Location | Modern name |
Cyprina islandica | Dryleys | Arctica islandica (L.) |
Leda arctica | Not given | Portlandia arctica (Gray) |
Nucula tenuis | Not given | Nuculoma tenuis (Montagu) |
Pecten greenlandicus | Dryleys | Arctinula greenlandica (Sowerby) |
Saxicava sulcata | Dryleys | Hiatella arctica (L.) |
Yoldia arctica | Dryleys | Portlandia arctica (Gray) |
Somateria sp. | Puggieston | |
Cythere sp. | Not given | |
Ophiolepis gracilis | Dryleys | |
Phoca vitellinus | Balwyllo | Phoca vitulina L. |
An investigation of the Howden Collection in the Montrose Museum showed the following molluscan fauna to be present (J.D. Peacock, unpublished data).
Dryleys: Arctinula greenlandica (Sowerby), Hiatella arctica (L.), Mya truncata (L.) Nuculoma belloti (Adams), Portlandia arctica (Gray) and Yoldiella cf. lenticula (Müller). Puggieston: Arctica islandica (L.), Hiatella arctica (L.), Nuculoma cf. belloti (Adams), Yoldiella solidula Waren and Y. lenticula (Müller). Ballwyllo: Arctinula greenlandica (Sowerby). Unplaced specimens: Arctica islandica (L.), Arctinula greenlandica (Sowerby), Hiatella arctica (L.) and Portlandia arctica (Gray). |
Sample | Location | Age (14C years BP) | Laboratory number |
1Somateria mollissima | Puggieston | 10,610 ± 220 | Birm–660 |
1Somateria sp. or Melanitta sp. | Puggieston | 11,110 ± 210 | Birm–661 |
2Arctica islandica | Dryleys | ||
Outer fraction | 3830 ± 140 | Birm–737(1) | |
First middle fraction | 4180 ± 120 | Birm–737(2) | |
Second middle fraction | 4170 ± 160 | Birm–737(3) | |
Inner fraction | 4020 ± 200 | Birm–737(4) | |
1Smith et al. (1977); Williams and Johnson (1976). 2Smith (1986). |
The principal difference between the faunal list contained in the 1868 paper and the specimens preserved in the museum is the presence of duck bones in the museum, identified as those of Eider (Somateria sp.). These bones, collected in 1891 from the claypit at Puggieston, were re-examined by D. Bramwell in 1976 and are believed to belong to two individuals, identified as Eider (Somateria mollissima (L.) and either Eider, or Scoter (Melanitta sp.) (Smith et al., 1977).
Smith et al. (1977) sought to determine the age and environment of the fauna. They examined pollen from the clay in which the Eider bones were embedded, finding evidence of an open habitat, with Gramineae, Cyperaceae, Empetrum, Artemisia and Rosaceae pollen grains present.
Smith and Cullingford (1985) identified a buried peat beneath the grey silty clay, and, in addition, found a layer of grey, micaceous, silty fine sand within the deposits in several of the gullies, including that at Dryleys. From peat above and below this layer, in the nearby gully at Puggieston, they obtained radiocarbon dates
Sample | Date (14C years BP | Laboratory number |
0.02 m thick slice of peat above layer | 6850 ± 75 | SRR–2119 |
0.02 m thick slice of peat below layer | 7120 ± 75 | SRR–2120 |
The morphology of the area surrounding Dryleys indicates that the pit was excavated in deposits belonging to one of a series of eight Late Devensian shorelines in the region, formed as ice withdrew from the Montrose Basin area. The five terraces surrounding the gully at Dryleys are correlated with shorelines DS3 to DS7 of Cullingford and Smith (1980), with the pit having been excavated in the deposits of DS7. Cul-lingford and Smith identified the nearby deposit at Puggieston as belonging to the same sequence, but related to the lowest shoreline, DS8, one below that at Dryleys. The largely cold-climate faunal remains recovered from the pit during the 19th century are in accord with this interpretation, as is the limited pollen evidence from the deposit. The radiocarbon dates obtained from faunal remains from Dryleys and Puggieston are of limited value. The dates for the Arctica islandica shell specimen, although internally consistent, are far too young for a Late Devensian deposit, and since this bivalve has a wide environmental range, the possibility of incorrect labelling in the museum collection must be considered. The dates for the duck bones are older, but apparently also too young, and museum conservation practices may have produced contamination. Thus, in view of the uncertainty of the radiocarbon evidence all that can be said at present is that the deposits are of Late Devensian age.
The gully system at Dryleys is largely dry, and in view of the extensive Holocene estuarine deposits in the floor of the gullies, it seems likely that, by analogy with similar features elsewhere in Scotland (see Sissons et al., 1965), the gully system was largely excavated under periglacial conditions during the Late Devensian.
Smith and Cullingford (1985) confirmed that the grey silty clay infilling the floors of the gullies was a Holocene estuarine deposit accumulated during the Main Postglacial Transgression, and that the surface on the deposit was formed at the maximum of that event in the area, correlating with the Main Postglacial Shoreline. A layer of grey, micaceous, silty fine sand was formed in the course of the transgression and then buried by later deposits. This layer has been identified at a number of estuarine sites in eastern Scotland (see Maryton, Silver Moss and Western Forth Valley), and must have been a widespread event (Smith et al., 1985a). It has been interpreted as a storm surge event (Smith and Cullingford, 1985; Smith et al., 1985a; Haggart, 1988b), or more probably as a tsunami associated with a submarine slide on the Norwegian continental slope (Dawson et al., 1988; Long et al., 1989a).
The Dryleys claypit is of great importance for studies of the Late Devensian environment in Scotland. Excavated into a terrace which forms part of a suite of Late Devensian marine shorelines in the area, it yielded during the 19th century a largely cold-climate fauna which is still preserved and available for study; present-day exposures provide the potential for further sedimentological and palaeoecological investigation. In addition, the site lies in an area rich in Late Devensian and Holocene landforms and deposits. The evidence it contains can thus be set in a wider context, in which the relationships between morphology and stratigraphy are clearly demonstrated. There are few other Late Devensian sites in eastern Scotland where such an extensive and varied faunal record has been identified.
Dryleys is important for studies of Late Devensian sea levels in eastern Scotland. The deposits form part of a series of marine terraces that formed during and following the deglaciation of the area (possibly between 16,000 and 14,000 years ago) and were first studied last century. They have yielded a range of fossils which have been used to interpret a cold-climate marine environment at their time of deposition. Adjacent deposits include later Holocene marine sediments. Dryleys is a valuable reference site in an area of long-standing interest for sea-level studies.