
(Front cover) Front cover.

(Title page) Title page.

(Rear cover) Rear cover.

Title page and preliminaries

Acknowledgements and Society information

Editorial introduction

Geological history of East Sutherland and Caithness — N.H. Trewin

Excursion Planner

Excursion planner

Excursion 1. The Triassic and Lower Jurassic of Golspie N.H. Trewin

Excursion 2. Bathonian to Oxfordian strata of the Brora area A. Hurst

Excursion 3. The Upper Jurassic of the Helmsdale area A.C. McDonald & N.H. Trewin

Excursion 4. The Lower Old Red Sandstone and Helmsdale Granite of the Ousdale area N.H. Trewin

Excursion 5. The Old Red Sandstone of Caithness N.H. Trewin

Excursion 6. Kildonan gold C.M. Rice

