MacDonald, J. G. and Heriott, A. (Eds.) 1983. Macgregor’s Guide to the Geology of Arran. Geological Society of Glasgow. 2024 note: Most grid references have been recently estimated. They do not occur in the original publication.
Excursion 13: Drumadoon and the Tormore Dykes
The object of this excursion is the examination of the composite dykes and other intrusions which abound on this stretch of shore. It can be carried out by public transport from the main centres on the east side of the island. If private transport is used it will be found convenient to arrange for collection at the appropriate terminal point, especially if another excursion is to be made on the same day.
The Tormore shore is reached by the track which runs westwards from the main road at the old post office (grid ref.
The most northerly pitchstone, although it enclosed areas of felsite, was not considered by Judd to be composite. Contrary to the information given in the Arran Memoir (Tyrrell 1928, fig. 30, p. 219) it forms a conspicuous feature on the foreshore. It is rather irregular in thickness and hade being some 5m thick at H.W.M., and it runs ENE–WSW. The predominant rock-type is a dark-green pitchstone.
Near H.W.M., a dyke (Judd I) of similar rock, about 4.6m thick and coursing generally N–S, can be examined readily. The mutual relations of these two intrusions are obscure.
Judd's dyke II consists of a central quartz-felsite 4.5 m or so thick, bounded by spheroidally-weathering tholeiites 1.2 and 1.8m thick on the north and south margins respectively. Judd records the felsite passing in places into "pitchstone-porphyry or 'vitrophyric' rock" which is stated to occur "as a band varying in width from 15 to 60 cm, sometimes forming part of the quartz-felsite mass and at other times intersecting the masses of andesite" (i.e. tholeiite).
Some 55 m south of intrusion II two dykes appear to intersect: they have irregular courses before diverging as they cut the cliff.
A short distance farther south a NW–SE dyke (Judd's No. III) shows pitchstone 1.2 to 1.8 m thick, on the north side of a thick dolerite. In this case the dolerite is an olivine-dolerite of a common Tertiary type and not of the tholeiitic type usually found in association with pitchstone and felsite. It is possible, therefore, that the association of rock types in this case is fortuitous and that the dyke is not really composite in the accepted sense.
South of dyke III and above H.W.M., the N–S trending pitchstone (Judd I) reappears. It now has a marked eastward hade. Southwards it swings round towards the south-southwest its dip gradually decreasing. By the development of felsic modifications and the presence of thin, generally rotted, marginal tholeiite, the intrusion becomes composite. The pitchstone is dark-green in colour; flow-banding is strikingly displayed, especially in dislodged blocks on the shore.
At low-water passage along the shore is possible. At high-water the cliff top should be gained either b‘ a short scramble over porphyry or by ascending by way of a path of sorts up a little spur a short distance north of the conspicuous high face of porphyry. In either case a little care is necessary. The shore is readily regained by descending along an obvious gully eroded in the eastern marginal tholeiite. Should this excursion be made from south to north the descent from the cliff top, if necessary, should be made with great care.
South of An Cumhann the cliff has been hollowed out into caves, cut during Postglacial Raised Beach times. The rocks are sandstones, mainly grey or yellowish; beds of red sandstone also occur.
The largest of the caves, known as King's Cave, is now in the charge of the Department of the Environment and is closed by a railing. The cave gets its name from the legend that it sheltered King Robert the Bruce when he was hiding in Arran. The name of Fingal has also been associated with it. Apart from the carvings on the wall it seems to have yielded little of archaeological or antiquarian interest.
The junction between the Lamlash Beds and the Auchenhew Beds is almost certainly a fault running NW–SE along the line of a little stream in the recess as noted by Tomkeieff. It can readily be appreciated that the sediments to the north are predominantly sandstones while to the south of the recess siltstones and other fine-grained sediments, generally referred to in the literature on Arran as marls, figure largely.
Between the recess and Cleiteadh nan Sgarbh the shore shows good exposures of the Auchenhew Beds. Here, these are red and green marls with thin sandstones. A few small faults can be traced and three basic dykes cross the shore, two having considerable hades to the northwest, and a third, the most southerly, showing good exfoliation. Fallen blocks at the foot of the cliffs show a range of dessication features and trace fossils.
The main porphyry makes an extensive spread on the foreshore southwards to Drumadoon Point. It is cut by several basic dykes against some of which the acid rock is in a better state of preservation than usual.
At Drumadoon Point the eastern margin of the intrusion can be examined. Here the tholeiite margin hades eastwards and contributes, in places, to an igneous breccia having a matrix of yellowish porphyry.
In passing it should be noted that the golf course is laid out on blown sand as is often the case in coastal courses. These sands terminate inland against a raised beach cliff of marly sediments and intrusive rocks.
Dykes which trend in the direction of the felsite have irregular courses "as though they were influenced by the proximity of the felsite or found it difficult to penetrate it" (Tyrrell 1928, p. 222 and fig. 32).
Just south of the Club House the remains of two old sea-stacks stand in front of the raised beach cliff. Farther to the southeast the cliff shows a patch of sediments with columnar felsite to the west, and on its east side felsite again, but now with joints disposed in an asymmetric arch. This feature was noted and figured by Bryce (1872). The stacks and arch are situated in private grounds.