Gribble, C. D. and Durrance, E. M.

Figures and tables


(Front cover) Air-photo mosaic of Ardnamurchan showing the most complete set of ring intrusions in the British Isles. The relief of the hills is seen more clearly if the book is turned upside down. that is viewed from the north.  Reproduced from Directorate of Overseas Surveys Mosaic DeS Geol. 1042 © Crown Copyright Ref. No. C4/83/52

(Map) Map of the Tertiary igneous complex of Ardnamurchan

(Figure 1) The Tertiary igneous centres of Scotland and their associated dyke swarms (based on Richey et al. 1930).

(Figure 2) The Tertiary intrusive complexes of Ardnamurchan—Centres 1. 2 and 3 (based on Richey et al. 1930).

(Figure 3) The Ben Hiant vent-complex (based on Richey et. al. 1930 and Gribble 1974).

(Figure 4) Glas Eilean vent (based on Richey et al. 1930),

(Figure 5) Dips of layering for southern part of the hypersthene-gabbro (based on Skelhorn and Elwell 1971).

(Figure 6) Dips of layering for north-western part of the hypersthene-gabbro (based on Skelhorn and Elwell 1971).

(Figure 7) The granophyric quartz-dolerite and associated intrusions of Centre 2 (based on Skelhorn and Elwell 1971).

(Figure 8) The ring intrusions of Centre 3 (following Richey et al. 1930).

(Figure 9) Compositions of clinopyroxenes from rocks of Centre 3. Clinopyroxenes from the eucrites are less iron-rich than clinopyroxenes from the gabbros. and clinopyroxenes from the dolerite show substantial iron enrichment. The trend is similar to the Skaergaard trend although with less calcium depletion. The samples from the tonalite and quartz-monzonite do not continue this iron enrichment trend, and are interpreted as hybrid rocks formed from the partial melting of pre-existing rocks by the basic magma. Samples from the small gabbro intrusion of Meall an Tarmachain have been omitted as their results are ambiguous.

(Figure 10) The Mesozoic rocks and Tertiary igneous rocks of SrSrònn Bheag (based on Richey et al. 1930).

(Figure 11) The outer cone-sheets of Centre 2. Mingary Pier area (based on Richey el al. 1930).

(Figure 12) Geology of the shore area near Mingary Castle (based on Richey et al.).

(Figure 13) geology of the shore section south of Eilean Carrach (based on Skelhorn and Elwell 1966)

(Figure 14) Geology of the area east of Grigdale, centre 2 (based on Paithankar 1968)

(Figure 15) a. Geology of Faskadale Bay (after Richey, map 19). Minor intrusions removed. b. North-south section of rocks, west of Faskadale Bay (based on Richey et al. 1930)


(Table 1) Radiometric ages of Tertiary igneous rocks (based on Mussett et al. 1988)

(Table 2) Mesozoic rocks of Ardnamurchan.

(Table 3) Compositions of Centre 1 rocks and magmas.

(Table 4) Modal proportions of the Centre 3 rocks.
