Gribble, C. D. and Durrance, E. M.

Appendix — Glossary of Ardnamurchan place names

translated by K. MacDonald)

An article on .. Ardnamurchan Place-names". by Angus Henderson. appears in The Celtic Review. 1915. pp. 149–168.


Initial Bh or Mh equals V. but after a broad vowel equals W, as in English "now".

Initial C equals K.

Initial Fh is silent.

Initial Ph equals F.

Initial Sh or Th equals H.

Initial S after An t- is silent.

Final- aidh equals y as in my.

Final - idh equals y as in duty.

Th final. or when flanked with vowels, is a strong breathing.

Ch in contact with a o or u is a strong guttural as in loch.

Ch in contact with e or i is a guttural as in German ich.

Achnaha Field of the Kiln (Henderson translates "the field of the ford. the ford being on the rather large streamknown as Allt Uamhana Muice". Thedifficulty here is thatath, "ford" is usually masculine, whereas ath in theabove nameis clearly feminine: hence my translation "kiln".)
Achosnich Field of Sighing
Allt Choire Mhuilinn Burn from the Corrie of the Mill
Allt Faskadale Burn of Faskadale (Norse: "ship-dale")
Allt Màm a' Ghaill Burn of the Stranger's Hill
Allt Torr na Mòine Peat-heap Burn
Amhainn Chrò Bheinn River of Enclosure Mountain
An Acairseid The Anchorage
Aodann Face/Slope
Ardslignish Headland of Shells
Beinn an Leathaid Mountain of the Incline
Beinn Bhuidhe Yellow Mountain
Beinn Hiant Blessed Mountain
Beinn na h-Imeilte Mountain of the Many Streams
Beinn na h-Urchrach Mountain of the Shot
Beinn nan Losgann Mountain of Toads
Beinn nan Ord Mountain of the Hammers
Beinn na Seilg Mountain of the Hunt
Camas nan Clacha Móra Bay of Large Stones
Camas nan Ceall Bay of (Monastic) Cells (alt. Bay of Pledges)
Craig an Airgid Rock of Silver
Eilean Carrach Rough Island
Eilean nan Seachd Seisrichean Island of Seven Ploughteams
Garbh Dhail (-dhail) Rough Meadow
Garbhlach Mhór Large Rough Place
Garbh Rubha Rough Point
Glas Eilean Grey Island
Glen Drian Glen of Briar
Kilchoan Congan's Church
Lochan a' Mhadaidh Riabhaich Little Loch of the Brindled Dog
Loch an Aodainn Loch of the Slope
Lochan Dóbhrain Little Loch of the Otter
Lochan na Crannaig Little Loch of the Crannog
Loch Caorach Loch of Sheep
Meall an Fhìr-eoin Hill of the Eagle
Meall an Tarmachain Hill of Ptarmigan
Meall Buidhe Mór Large Yellow Hill
Meall Clach an Daraich Hill of the Stone of the Oak
Meall Meadhoin Middle Hill
Meall nan Con Hill of the Dogs
Ormsaigbeg Little Ormsaig (Norse: "serpent bay")
Port an Eilein Mhoir Port of the Large Island
Port Bàn White Port
Port Mìn Smooth Port
Rubha a'Chait Headland of the Cat (reading Chait  and not Choit. There is a word COil,  "boat", but it appears to be of the wrong gender.
Rubha Aird an lasgaich Point of Fishing Headland (reading  Iasgaich and not Lasgaich, which seems to be a map misprint.)
Rubha a' Mhìle Headland of the Mile
Rubha an Dùin Bhaìn Headland of the White Fort
Rubha Carrach Rough Headland
Sgeir Fhada Long Skerry
Sgeir Ghobhlach Forked Skerry
Sgùrr nam Meann Peak of the Kids
Sìthean Mór Large Fairy Hill
Srón Bheag (Beag) Small Headland
