Reproduced in this format with permission from the British Geological Survey, 2024.

Originally published: Stone, P (editor). 1996. Geology in south-west Scotland: an excursion guide. (Keyworth, Nottingham: British Geological Survey.)

In memory of Byron Charles Lintern 1948-1993

Appendix 2 Earth science conservation

By J A McCurry

The dramatic coastline and landscapes of south-west Scotland are the product of almost 500 million years of geological evolution. Increasingly it is recognised that our ancient rock foundation provides the basis of an intricate ecological system upon which our soils, flora and fauna depend. In seeking to conserve a part of that system, whether it be the golden eagles of the Merrick or the salt marshes of the Solway, it is important to conserve the working system intact. To alter a part of the system is to affect the whole of it. This holistic approach to conservation is governed by the principle of sustainability: those activities we choose to operate within a landscape (agriculture, recreation, industry) should not permanently alter the systems already operating within that landscape. We face a choice whether to manage the landscape sustainably for present and future generations or to exploit it for short-term gain.

Within our landscape are geological and geomorphological features of particular importance to our understanding of how that landscape formed and operates. These locations are recognised as Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs). Prior to 1977 geological Sites of Special Scientific Interest were identified on an ad hoc basis with no systemised selection procedure. The Geological Conservation Review (GCR), completed between 1977 and 1989, was an attempt to rationalise the site selection process in Britain. Over 90 different subject areas were identified within British geology and, after wide consultation, the key sites critical to our understanding of each subject area were selected. A prerequisite for selection was that each site be of national or international importance. Over 50 geological Sites of Special Scientific Interest were identified in south-west Scotland as a result of this process (Figure 68). These sites are listed in (Table 6) under the Geological Conservation Review interest for which they were selected. Some sites such as the Girvan to Ballantrae Coast SSSI have multiple interests and appear in a number of categories. Other sites such as the Upper Solway Flats and Marshes SSSI are of joint geological and biological interest. By early 1994 all but three of the sites had been notified as Sites of Special Scientific Interest under the Wildlife and Countryside Act (1981) and as such are afforded a measure of legislative protection from activities that may damage their geological interest. Designation as a Site of Special Scientific Interest does not entail an automatic right of access and the landowners permission should be sought in the normal way before visiting a site. A detailed account of the geology of each site is being published in a series of volumes covering each of the Geological Conservation Review subject areas. Two volumes incorporating sites in south-west Scotland have already been published: Caledonian Structures of Britain (Treagus, 1992) and Quaternary of Scotland (Gordon et al. 1993). Although the network of sites selected as SSSI's will remain broadly intact, it is envisaged that through time advances in research will necessitate a re-evaluation of the network. The effects of such progress in research on the status of two pre-GCR Sites of Special Scientific Interest in south-west Scotland, at Portayew Bay and Corsewall Point, have recently been examined (McCurry, 1994).

(Figure 68) Location of geological Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs) in south-west Scotland. Full details are listed in (Table 6).

1 Ailsa Craig (G/B) 25 Leadhills-Wanlockhead
2 Back Bay to Carghidown (G/B) 26 Lea Larks
3 Benbeoch 27 Locharbriggs Quarry
4 Bigholm Burn 28 Maidens-Doonfoot (G/B)
5 Blair Farm 29 Merrick Kells (G/B)
6 Borgue Coast (G/B) 30 Millenderdale
7 Byne Hill 31 Nith Bridge
8 Carron Water and Hapland Burn 32 Penton Linns
9 Clatteringshaws Dam Quarry 33 Penwhapple Burn
10 Corsewall Point 34 Pibble Mine
11 Craighead Quarry 35 Polehote Burn and Polneul Burn
12 Cree Estuary (G/B) 36 Port Logan
13 Cruggleton Bay 37 Raven Gill
14 Dunaskin Glen 38 River Esk, Glencartholm
15 Fountainhead-Hare Hill 39 Roughneuk Quarry
16 Girvan to Ballantrae Coast 40 Sgavoch
17 Grennan Bay 41 Shoulder O'Craig
18 Isle of Whithorn Bay 42 South Threave
19 Knockgardner 43 Talnotry Mine
20 Knocklaugh 44 Torrs-Masons Walk (G/B)
21 Knockormal Hill 45 Torrs Warren-Luce Sands (G/B)
22 Laggan Burn 46 Turnberry Lighthouse-Port Murray
23 Lagrae Burn 47 Upper Solway Flats and Marshes (G/B)
24 Langholm-Newcastleton Hills (G/B) 48 West Burrow Head

(Table 6) Geological Sites of Special Scientific Interest, south-west Scotland SSSI (located by number in (Figure 68)) For explanation of geological lines see (Figure 67)

SSSI (located by number in Figure 68) District NGR Excursion
16 Girvan to Ballantrae Coast Balcreuchan Port, Bennane Head Kyle and Carrick [NX 097 875] 8
37 Raven Gill Clydesdale [NS 923 199]
10 Corsewall Point Wigtown [NX 000 729] 15
11 Craighead Quarry Kyle and Carrick [NS 232 012] 8
16 Girvan to Ballantrae Coast Girvan Foreshore, Kennedy's Pass Kyle and Carrick [NX 147 931] 8
22 Laggan Burn Kyle and Carrick [NX 204 947]
42 South Threave Kyle and Carrick [NS 251 038]
Byne Hill Kyle and Carrick [NX 180 945]
Girvan to Ballantrae Coast Kyle and Carrick
Balcreuchan Port to Port Vad [NX 100 878] 8
Bennane Lea [NX 091 861] 8
Games Loup [NX 103 880]
20 Knocklaugh Kyle and Carrick [NX 168 920]
21 Knockormal Hill Kyle and Carrick [NX 138 890]
30 Millenderdale Kyle and Carrick [NX 177 905]
40 Sgavoch Kyle and Carrick [NX 073 808]
5 Blair Farm Kyle and Carrick [NS 325 024]
16 Girvan to Ballantrae Coast Woodland Point Kyle and Carrick [NX 169 953] 8
33 Penwhapple Burn Kyle and Carrick [NX 230 984]
39 Roughneuk Quarry Kyle and Carrick [NS 270 040]
6 Borgue Coast Meikle Ross Stewartry [NX 640 449] 5
19 Knockgardener Kyle and Carrick [NS 355 036]
44 Torrs?Masons Walk Stewartry [NX 676 465] 11
2 Back Bay to Carghidown Wigtown [NX 368 394] 13
6 Borgue Coast Stewartry 5
Barlocco [NX 585 485]
13 Cruggleton Bay Wigtown [NX 477 448]
17 Grennan Bay Wigtown [NX 074 438] 15,18
18 Isle of Whithorn Bay Wigtown [NX 476 365] 13
48 West Burrow Head Wigtown [NX 452 341] 13
9 Clatteringshaws Dam Quarry Stewartry [NX 548 754] 16
26 Lea Larks Stewartry [NX 563 690]
29 Merrick-Kells?Loch Dee Wigtown and Stewartry [NX 466 847] 7,16
41 Shoulder O'Craig Stewartry [NX 663 491] 5
28 Maidens?Doonfoot Culzean Harbour Kyle and Carrick [NS 231 102]
Dunure Castle [NS 252 159]
46 Turnberry Lighthouse?Port Murray Kyle and Carrick [NS 196 072]
28 Maidens-Doonfoot Kyle and Carrick
Bracken Bay?Longhill Point [NS 292 188]
32 Penton Linns Annandale and Eskdale [NY 434 774] 1
47 Upper Solway Flats and Marshes Kirkbean Nithsdale [NX 987 563] 10
14 Dunaskin Glen Cumnock and Doon Valley [NS 454 088]
23 Lagrae Burn Nithsdale [NS 705 153]
35 Polehote Burn and Polneul Burn Nithsdale [NS 688 123]
38 River Esk, Glencartholm Annandale and Eskdale
Byre Burn [NY 389 778]
38 River Esk, Glencartholm Annandale and Eskdale [NY 376 796]
14 Dunaskin Glen Cumnock and Doon Valley [NS 454 088]
38 River Esk, Glencartholm Annandale and Eskdale [NY 376 796]
38 River Esk, Glencartholm Annandale and Eskdale [NY 376 795]
3 Benbeoch Cumnock and Doon Valley [NS 492 085]
8 Carron Water and Hapland Burn Nithsdale [NS 887 024] 2
24 Langholm?Newcastleton Hills Annandale and Eskdale [NY 423 902] 1
28 Maidens?Doonfoot Kyle and Carrick
Heads of Ayr [NS 279 183]
38 River Esk, Glencartholm Annandale and Eskdale [NY 376 799]
8 Carron Water and Hapland Burn Nithsdale [NS 887 024] 2
27 Locharbriggs Quarry Nithsdale [NS 990 010] 9
1 Ailsa Craig Kyle and Carrick [NX 019 997]
4 Bigholm Burn Annandale and Eskdale [NY 316 812]
29 Merrick-Kells?Loch Dee Loch Dungeon Stewartry [NX 525 846]
Round Loch of Glenhead Wigtown [NX 450 804]
The Tauchers Kyle and Carrick [NX 462 876]
31 Nith Bridge Cumnock and Doon Valley [NS 594 141]
36 Port Logan Wigtown [NX 092 402] 15
47 Upper Solway Flats and Marshes Annandale and Eskdale
Newbie [NY 165 651]
Redkirk Point [NY 301 652]
45 Torrs Warren?Luce Sands Wigtown [NX 150 555]
12 Cree Estuary Wigtown [NX 465 545]
47 Upper Solway Flats and Marshes Solway Firth North Shore Nithsdale [NY 003 668]
15 Fountainhead?Hare Hill Cumnock and Doon Valley [NS 659 104] 4, Appendix 1
25 Leadhills?Wanlockhead Clydesdale [NS 881 158]
34 Pibble Mine Wigtown [NX 524 607] Appendix 1
43 Talnotry Mine Wigtown [NX 478 703] Appendix 1
47 Upper Solway Flats and Marshes Stewartry
Southwick?Needle's Eye [NX 915 561] Appendix 1

Sites listed under the Geological Conservation Review interest for which they were selected. These are located on (Figure 68). The excursion number is given where an SSSI is included in one of the itineraries.

Any questions about our earth science heritage in south-west Scotland should be directed to the relevant SNH Area Office or the Earth Science Branch in Edinburgh.

Dumfries and Galloway Area, Scottish Natural Heritage, 106 High Street, 9 Dalbeattie, Kirkcudbrightshire, DG5 4HB

Earth Science Branch, Research and Advisory Services, Scottish Natural Heritage, 2 Anderson Place, Edinburgh, EH6 5NP Tel: 01556 610086 Tel: 0131 447 4784

Note added in proof A recent addition to this list is Morroch Bay on the west coast of the Rhins of Galloway (Wigtown District), [NX 017 525]. The conservation review interest is Caradoc—Ashgill stratigraphy and the locality is examined by Excursion 18 (3).
