Pattison, D. R. M. and Harte, B. (2001) The Ballachulish Igneous Complex and Aureole: A Field Guide (Edinburgh: Edinburgh Geological Society)

The Ballachulish Igneous Complex and aureole: a field guide

by David R.M. Pattison and Ben Harte

First published in 2001


Title page and preliminaries

Part 1 – Setting and summary of geology


The SW Scottish Highlands and the development of geological studies

Regional setting of the Ballachulish Igneous Complex

The Ballachulish Igneous Complex and the 'Newer' Granites

Host rocks to the Ballachulish Igneous Complex



Regional metamorphism

The Ballachulish Igneous Complex

The Ballachulish aureole


Siliceous carbonates and quartzites

Cause and duration of contact metamorphism

Fluid movement in the aureole

Illustrations of exposures and rocks in literature

Part 2 - The five days of field excursions

Summary of the field excursions


Weather and hill conditions - equipment

Hammering and sampling

Forestry roads and vehicular access

Maps and grid references

Excursion for Day 1 - Overview of the Ballachulish Igneous Complex, Dalradian host rocks, and contact hornfelses

Excursion for Day 2 - Rock types and intrusive relationships of the igneous complex

Excursions for day 3

Day 3, Part 1 - Fraochaidh prograde sequence

Day 3, Part 2 - Chaotic Zone migmatites

Excursions for day 4

Excursion for day 4 - Prograde sequence in the Ballachulish Slate along the Gleann a' Fhiodh – Coire Chaorann ridge; appinitc and quartz diorite relations; migmatitcs and Crd+Grt+Opx hornfelses

Excursions for day 5

Excursion for Day 5 - Medium- to high-grade pelitic and talc -silicate hornfelses, marbles; migmatites, including`chocolate-tablet type; summit(s) of Beinn a' Bheithir.


Figures, photographs and tables