McAdam, A. D. and Clarkson, E. N. K. (Eds.) 1987. Lothian geology: an excursion guide. Edinburgh: Scottish Academic Press

Lothian geology: an excursion guide — contents

Title page and preliminaries


Arthur’s Seat

A. Salisbury Crags

B. Whinney Hill

C. Lion's Haunch and Lion's Head Vents

D. Calton Hill

City of Edinburgh:

A. The Dean

B. The Castle

Building stones of Edinburgh

Blackford Hill and Dreghorn

Granton and Wardie Shore

Gosford Bay-Aberlady Point

North Berwick

A. North Berwick to Canty Bay

B. Tantallon to St. Baldred's

C. Yellow Craig to Cheese Bay

Gareleton Hills Volcanic Rocks:


A. Belhaven and the Parade

B. Dunbar


Pease Bay to Cove

Siccar Point Huttons classic unconformity

Lammermuir Deans

River North Esk

Pentland Hills

A. Bavelaw Castle To Loganlee Reservoir

B. Torphin Quarry-White Hill-Bonaly Tower

North Esk Inlier

A. River North Esk

B. Gutterford Burn

C. Lyne Water

South Queensferry–Cramond

A. Paraffin Young Heritage Trail

B. South Queensferry Shore

C. Cramond Shore

D. Almond Valley

River Avon

Bathgate Hills


Figures, plates and tables