Gordon, J.E. and Sutherland, D.G. GCR Editor: W.A. Wimbledon. 1993. Quaternary of Scotland. Geological Conservation Review Series No. 6. JNCC, Peterborough, ISBN 0 412 48840 X. The original source material for these web pages has been made available by the JNCC under the Open Government Licence 3.0. Full details in the JNCC Open Data Policy
Glen Roy and The Parallel Roads of Lochaber
J.E. Gordon
The area of Glen Roy and adjacent parts of Glen Spean and Glen Gloy is one of outstanding international importance for geomorphology. It is best known for the Parallel Roads, a series of ice-dammed lake shorelines which developed during the Loch Lomond Stadial. These form part of a much wider assemblage of glacial, glaciofluvial and glaciolacustrine features which provide unique evidence for the dramatic impact of geomorphological processes on the landscape during the stadial.
The interest of this site extends across an area c. 146 km2 east of Fort William, in Lochaber, covering parts of Glen Roy, Glen Gloy and Glen Spean. Glen Roy is a long-recognized site of international importance for its former ice-dammed lake shorelines, the 'Parallel Roads', which are the most extensive and best developed examples in Britain. The Parallel Roads, first documented by Thomas Pennant in 1771, have been the subject of some 70 scientific papers, and the site is widely regarded as being a classic example of former lake shorelines in standard texts on geomorphology and physical geology. Much of the original research on the Parallel Roads, which also occur in Glen Gloy and Glen Spean, was carried out during the 19th century when the landforms of this area were found to provide significant evidence for the former existence of glaciers in Scotland (Agassiz, 1842). The Parallel Roads were first recognized as the shorelines of ice-dammed lakes by Agassiz (1841b, 1842), an interpretation later confirmed in the definitive work of Jamieson (1863, 1892). More recently, in a series of papers Sissons (1977e, 1978, 1979a, 1979b, 1979c, 1981c, 1981d) has elucidated the formation of the Parallel Roads through detailed field observations and mapping and by setting them into the wider geomorphological context of contemporaneous events in Glen Spean and the Great Glen; additional evidence and details have been considered by Sissons and Cornish (1982a, 1982b, 1983), Peacock (1986, 1989a) and Peacock and Cornish (1989).
Of outstanding interest in their own right, the Parallel Roads also form part of a remarkable system of glacial, glaciofluvial and glaciolacustrine landforms extending from Loch Laggan west to near Fort William and north to the Great Glen
The landform assemblage and key localities
The geomorphology of the Glen Roy–Glen Spean area, including the form and location of the Parallel Roads, have been described extensively in the literature; the principal references are by MacCulloch (1817), Dick (1823), Darwin (1839), Maclaren (1839), Agassiz (1841b, 1842), Milne Home (1847b, 1849, 1876, 1879), Chambers (1848), Mackenzie (1848), Thomson (1848), Bryce (1855), Jamieson (1862, 1863, 1892), Rogers (1862), Mackie (1863), Watson (1866), Babbage (1868), Lubbock (1868), Nicol (1869, 1872), James (1874), Jolly (1873, 1880a, 1880b, 1886a, 1886b), Brown (1875), Campbell (1877), Dakyns (1879), Tyndall (1879), Livingston (1880, 1906), Prestwich (1880), Macfadzean (1883), Melvin (1887), Kinahan (1887), Wilson (1900), MacDonald (1903), Peacock (1970b) and Sissons (1978). The Parallel Roads are almost entirely former lake shorelines, although locally they occur as glaciofluvial terraces. Three main roads occur in Glen Roy at average altitudes of 350 m, 325 m and 260 m OD; one in Glen Gloy at 355 m and one in Glen Spean at 260 m OD
As noted above, the Quaternary landforms and deposits of the Glen Roy area are not only many and varied, but are also represented at a large number of key localities. Only the main features are summarized below, while additional details and sites are reported in Peacock (1989a).
Glen Roy
1. The important features in the uppermost part of Glen Roy are the Roy–Spey col
2. Several sites demonstrate key aspects of the lake shorelines. The section of Parallel Road on the south side of Glen Roy north of the Burn of Agie
3. At the junction of Glen Roy and Glen Turret there is an important and controversial set of deposits comprising a fan with, at its northern end, an irregular, hummocky surface aligned with a series of subparallel mounds and terraces climbing obliquely up-valley on the east side of Glen Turret
(3) Well-bedded gravel, clast-supported, bouldery and cobbly (particularly towards the top), with a poorly-sorted, sandy matrix. Bedding subhorizontal, parallel to the fan surface, with beds less than 0.3 m thick. Local sand beds a few centimetres thick. Local imbrication. | 21 m |
(2) Interbedded, hard, pebbly, laminated silt, and gravel. | 5.0 m |
(1) Gravelly till. | 1.5 m |
Sections in the mounds at the back of the terrace (for example, at
4. In the lower part of the valley of the Allt a'Chotnlain near its junction with Glen Turret
5. Several superb examples of alluvial fans occur in Glen Roy (Sissons and Cornish, 1983; Peacock, 1986; Evans and Hansom, 1991, figures 1 and 2). On the east side (at
6. Thick drift deposits are present at the head of Glen Turret. In a gully section
7. In upper Glen Roy a particularly fine suite of river terraces, formed by the River Roy after drainage of the lowest lake, occurs on the south side of the River Roy between about
8. Landslides are well represented (Sissons and Cornish, 1982a, 1982b; Holmes, 1984; Peacock and Cornish, 1989): a fine example occurs on the east side of Glen Roy (at
9. A series of interesting landforms and deposits are represented in the Allt Bhreac Achaidh area
10. The viewpoint
11. The Caol Lairig is an important site where a variety of glacial, glaciofluvial and glaciolacus-trine landforms are easily accessible. The Loch Lomond Readvance ice limit is marked by an arcuate moraine ridge 5 m high across the col
12. North of Bohuntine and Bohenie end moraine ridges on both sides of Glen Roy (at
13. Good sections in lake sediments are frequently exposed in cuttings along the public road in Glen Roy, and they provide a valuable source of sedimentary information. For example, Miller (1987) has identified two types of rhythmic deposit on the basis of their sediment characteristics and stratigraphic position. 'Group I laminates' (fine sands and silts) tend to cap major sediment bodies. They are typical of proximal glaciolacustrine deposits and they were probably deposited in the 350 m lake during the Loch Lomond Stadial. 'Group II laminates' (silts and clays) typically underlie major sediment bodies. They have characteristics of distal glaciolacustrine sediments, probably deposited during an early stage of the rising lake sequence.
Glen Gloy
1. Several mounds (at
2. A second important site in Glen Gloy is the col at the head of the glen through which the waters of the 355 m lake spilled over into Glen Turret and Glen Roy. A small glaciofluvial terrace is present. Lowe and Cairns (1989, 1991) recorded 7.0 m of peat and lake sediments and showed that organic sedimentation began during the early Holocene.
3. At the Allt Neurlain
4. Glenfintaig
5. In addition to Glenfintaig, the main Parallel Road in Glen Gloy at 355 m is also well-developed at Allt Grianach (also 295 m road and delta)
Glen Spean
1. The Roughburn area
2. The Inverlair–Fersit area north of Loch Treig
3. The valley of the Allt Leachdach provides important evidence for lake levels above 113 m (Peacock and Cornish, 1989). Near Loch a'Bhuic
4. Deltas, fans and high-level terraces elsewhere in Glen Spean provide important evidence for interpreting the sequence of events at the time of, and following, the 260 m lake:
i. Kame terrace/delta at Achnacochine
ii. The 175 m delta of the River Spean at Tulloch
iii. Glaciolacustrine delta at Innis nan Seangan
iv. Large outwash trains in the valley of the Allt nam Bruach
v. High Spean terrace at Insch
Many of these Spean valley deposits consist of delta topset beds overlying bottomset beds, without foreset beds, in contrast to the Rough-burn and Treig deltas. They are thus probably of Hjulstrom type rather than Gilbert type (J. D. Peacock, unpublished data).
5. An important suite of river terraces recording the stages of valley infill and dissection after the drainage of the 260 m lake occurs between Roy Bridge and Spean Bridge (Sissons, 1979a). The upper terraces largely comprise sands (seen in section at
6. In addition to Roughburn (see above) several sites are notable for landforms associated with the Loch Lomond Readvance limit:
i. On the west side of the Allt nam Bruach the upper limit of hummocky moraine on the valley side (grid square
ii. Lateral moraines (grid square
7. In the area of Murlaggan
8. The Inverlair
9. The 260 m Parallel Road is extensively developed in Glen Spean. Particular areas of note are: (i) at Creag Bhuidhe
10. The cross-valley moraines that occur in the Spean and Allt Achadh na Dalach valleys west of Spean Bridge are an important assemblage of landforms (
11. West of Spean Bridge the River Spean turns abruptly northwards to flow through a gorge, 3 km long and up to 30 m deep, into the Great Glen at Gairlochy, while the obvious continuation of the valley to the south-west is occupied by the misfit Allt Achadh na Dalach. The gorge functioned as a subglacial routeway for the catastrophic drainage of ice-dammed lakes in Glen Spean, but may have originated earlier (Sissons, 1979a). The relationships of river terraces to the gorge are discussed by Sissons (1979a, 1979c). In this area, around Brackletter and across the valley to the east, there is a varied and important assemblage of landforms
i. A sequence of cross-valley moraines associated with the Spean Glacier.
ii. A Gilbert-type glaciolacustrine delta related to the 113 m lake (
iii. Giant potholes in the gorge of the Allt a'Mhill Dhuibh
iv. Glaciofluvial landforms including eskers, kames and kettles.
12. At the northern exit of the Spean Gorge and in the area around Gairlochy two suites of terraces relate to former higher levels of Loch Lochy (Peacock, 1970b; Sissons, 1979a, 1979c).
13. The meltwater channel between
14. The Lundy Gorge
15. An unusual, 'cirque-like' feature which leads into a meltwater channel on a hilltop south of Glenfintaig House
The first published description of the Parallel Roads was by Thomas Pennant in 1771 in his work A Tour in Scotland 1769. Although bad weather prevented him from visiting what he called the 'celebrated parallel roads', he noted the local belief that they had been constructed to facilitate hunting, a view later echoed by Rev. Thomas Ross in the Old Statistical Account. According to Ross (1796) the roads, or the 'Casan' as they were known locally, were 'one of the most stupendous monuments of human industry' (p. 549). Local tradition held that they were built either by the Kings of Scotland when they resided in the Castle at Inverlochy, or by the Gaelic mythical hero, Fingal, and his followers. In support of the latter explanation Ross noted that the features were locally called 'Fingalian roads'.
Historically Glen Roy played an important role in the development of geomorphological theories of landscape evolution. In addition, the search for a theory of formation of the Parallel Roads provides an instructive case study in the history and philosophy of science and the development of scientific ideas (Rudwick, 1974). In the 19th century various theories were proposed in the scientific literature to account for the origin of the Parallel Roads (Rudwick, 1974). These included aqueducts for irrigation (Playfair, cited by Jolly, 1880b), diluvial shorelines (Mackenzie, 1848; Rogers, 1862), lake shorelines (Greenough, 1805, cited by Rudwick, 1962; MacCulloch, 1817), marine shorelines (Darwin, 1839; Maclaren, 1839; Lyell, 1841b; Chambers, 1848; Watson, 1866; Nicol, 1869, 1872; Campbell, 1877; Macfadzean, 1883) and shorelines of debris-dammed (Dick, 1823; Milne Home, 1847b, 1849, 1876, 1879) or ice-dammed lakes (Agassiz, 1841b, 1842; Buckland, 1841b; Thomson, 1848; Jamieson, 1863, 1892; Lyell, 1863; Mackie, 1863; Geikie, 1865; Jolly, 1873, 1880a, 1880b, 1886a, 1886b; James, 1874; Brown, 1875; J. Geikie, 1877; Tyndall, 1879; Livingston, 1880; Prestwich, 1880). Several authors considered the shorelines to have formed by mass movements of slope debris (Jamieson, 1863; Lyell, 1863; MacCulloch, 1817; Babbage, 1868; Prestwich, 1880). Lubbock (1868) advocated redistribution of sediments by wave processes, while Melvin (1887) and Livingston (1906) believed that the roads were glacier-margin deposits. Dakyns (1879) made an important observation that the roads were locally cut in bedrock.
The marine school initially found strong proponents in both Charles Darwin and Charles Lyell. The former, in particular, was deeply impressed by Glen Roy. On 9 August 1838 he wrote to Lyell, 'I wandered over the mountains in all directions and examined that most extraordinary district. I think without any exception, not even the first volcanic island, the first elevated beach, or the passage of the Cordillera, was so interesting to me as this week. It is far the most remarkable area I ever examined.... I can assure you Glen Roy has astonished me' (Darwin, 1887, p. 293). At that time Darwin favoured a marine origin for the Parallel Roads. It was only 23 years later, in 1861, that he recanted in print this belief and accepted the fact that the roads represented the shores of a glacial lake (Barrett, 1973; Rudwick, 1974). However, it was Agassiz (1841b, 1842), a pre-eminent figure in the application of the glacial theory in Britain, who first identified the imprint of glacier ice and propounded the existence of former ice-dammed lakes in Glen Roy, following a visit there in 1840 with William Buckland. This idea was subsequently elaborated by Jamieson (1863, 1892). More recently, as outlined below, Sissons (1977e, 1978, 1979a, 1979b, 1979c, 1981c, 1981d) has refined the explanation of the Parallel Roads and established in some detail the sequence of events in their formation. His work also reveals the Parallel Roads to be part of a remarkable complex of glacial, glaciofluvial and glaciolacustrine landforms and sediments extending from Loch Laggan in the east through Glen Spean, Glen Roy and Glen Gloy, to near Fort William in the west, and north-east to the Great Glen, Loch Ness and Inverness.
Current understanding of the sequence of events in the formation of the ice-dammed lakes and their subsequent drainage was summarized by Sissons (1981d), drawing on the details of his earlier papers (Sissons, 1977e, 1979a, 1979b, 1979c). Lakes in Glen Roy, Glen Gloy and Glen Spean were impounded by ice of the Loch Lomond Readvance from west of the Great Glen, coalescing with glaciers from the Ben Nevis range and from the ground to the south via the Laire and Treig breached valleys
Drainage of the 260 m lake may be inferred by analogy with modern ice-dammed lakes in many parts of the world, which drain periodically by catastrophic subglacial flow of the ponded water (for example, Liestol, 1956; Stone, 1963; Mathews, 1973; Dawson, 1983c; Clement, 1984; Shakesby, 1985; Russell, 1989); the resulting floods are commonly described by the Icelandic term 'jökulhlaup' (glacier burst). From his detailed investigation of the field evidence, Sissons (1979c) proposed that the 260 m lake was drained by catastrophic subglacial flow through the Spean Gorge and northwards along the Great Glen to the Moray Firth. At Fort Augustus (see above) an extensive spread of sand and gravel is thought to have been deposited by the 'jökulhlaup', as is a large gravel deposit in the Beauly Firth at Inverness (Sissons, 1981c). Very perceptively, Jamieson (1865) first raised the possibility that gravel deposits in the Inverness area might be related to the final catastrophic drainage of the Glen Roy and Glen Gloy lakes, although those he possibly had in mind are eskers and kames (see Torvean). Subsequently, there was a period of oscillating lake levels and smaller jökulhlaup events through the Spean Gorge and later through the Lundy Gorge. Upon the abandonment of the latter route, drainage shifted back to the north-east, first in the form of a jökulhlaup along a now-abandoned waterfall and channel near Glenfintaig House then via an overspill channel from a later lake in Glen Spean at 113 m. Considerable fluvial infill took place in Glen Roy and Glen Spean after the drainage of the 260 m lake, and a complex series of over twenty terraces has been identified (Sissons, 1979a), some of which relate to a variety of lower lake levels in Glen Spean and other, later, ones to higher levels of Loch Lochy. Failure of the ice dam in Glen Spean led to final drainage through the Spean Gorge, dissection of the valley infill and terrace deposition in the Gairlochy area.
In upper Glen Roy, Sissons and Cornish (1983) mapped extensive fans of coarse gravel deposited in the lowest lake in the sequence of rising lake levels. The largest feature is associated with outwash from a glacier in Glen Turret. Sissons and Cornish (1983) suggested this glacier had flowed over the col from Glen Gloy. As the lake level rose, the glacier retreated and the gravels were mantled with lake sediments (clays and silts). However, following a re-examination of the sediments, Peacock (1986) considered that the fans were largely subaerial in origin and that they pre-dated the lakes. He suggested that the Turret outwash dated from the time of Late Devensian ice-sheet decay. Lowe and Cairns (1991) favoured Sisson's hypothesis, but the evidence is inconclusive and further investigation is required.
Detailed levelling of the Glen Roy shorelines has demonstrated differential glacio-isostatic uplift and dislocation of crustal blocks at the start of the Holocene (Sissons and Cornish, 1982a, 1982b). The dislocations, together with several associated landslips may have been triggered by stresses induced by the loading and unloading of the crust by the Loch Lomond Readvance glaciers and by the formation and catastrophic drainage of the lakes. This evidence raises the possibility that crustal dislocation at sites of ice limits and glacial lakes may be of wider significance than formerly recognized. Holmes (1984) observed a correlation in Glen Gloy, Glen Roy and Glenfintaig between the occurrence of landslips and possible Loch Lomond Readvance ice limits. Further evidence for palaeoseismicity has been recorded by Ringrose (1987, 1989a, 1989c) (see also Davenport and Ringrose, 1985, 1987; Davenport et al., 1989) who inferred two deformation events from the pattern of liquefaction structures preserved in the lake sediments. The first was attributed to an earthquake which occurred before drainage of the 260 m lake in Glen Roy and the 355 m lake in Glen Gloy. The second was interpreted as a response to either a second earthquake or lake drainage.
Aspects of the vegetational history of the area and the chronology of lake drainage were studied by McPherson (1978) from pollen sites in Glen Roy and Glen Spean. She concluded that the highest lake existed until the time of the juniper pollen zone (transition from the Lateglacial to the Holocene), and that the lowest had drained by the start of the birch pollen zone (early Holocene). More detailed investigations by Lowe and Cairns (1989, 1991), however, suggest that some revision of MacPherson's chronology is necessary and that organic sedimentation began earlier, at the start of the Holocene. In addition, the absence of Lateglacial pollen from deposits in Glen Turret and on the Gloy–Turret col lends some support to the interpretation that these areas were glaciated during the Loch Lomond Stadial (Sissons and Cornish, 1983).
Glen Roy is a site of outstanding importance for geomorphology. It is unique in Britain not only for the extent, clarity and degree of development of its shorelines, but also for the remarkable assemblage of related landforms and deposits. These record geomorphological processes both during and following successive episodes of ice-dammed lake development and catastrophic drainage, and include glacier moraines, stagnant-ice deposits, kame terraces, meltwater gorges, lake-floor sediments, fans, Gilbert-type and Hjulström-type deltas, river terraces and landslides. Glen Roy and adjacent areas provide the clearest and most complete assemblage of morphological and sedimentological evidence in Britain for the formation and drainage of ice-dammed lakes. Moreover, variations in the altitudes of the shorelines have provided new and significant evidence concerning deformation and dislocation of the Earth's crust in glaciated areas. The pre-eminence of Glen Roy is also recognized historically when, particularly during the 19th century, Glen Roy played a significant role in the development of geomorphological ideas and models of landscape formation.
Scientific interest in Glen Roy, Glen Gloy and Glen Spean is therefore focused not only on individual or unique landforms, but also on the total assemblage of features, how they interrelate and together provide the evidence for interpreting the complex sequence of events recorded in the geomorphology and sediments of the area. The prime features of this interest are as follows:
1. The lake shorelines (the Parallel Roads, which are the best examples in Britain); their extent, altitudes, clarity of preservation, variations in form and nature (both erosional and depositional) and relationships to former ice fronts are all of major importance.
2. Landforms associated with former ice limits, including end moraines, drift limits, hummocky moraine, outwash fans and cross-valley moraines. Individual features, such as the Turret fan and the cross-valley moraines, are exceptional examples of their kind in Britain.
3. The alluvial fans in Glen Roy, which are among the best of their type in Britain, both as landform examples and for their potential for sedimentological studies.
4. The lake deltas, particularly at Inverlair–Fersit, Roughburn and Brackletter, which are of key interest both for landforms and sedimentology, and are among the best examples of their kind in Britain; compared with Achnasheen (see above) they generally demonstrate much more extensive sediment collapse related to burial and melting of masses of glacier ice. The contrasting Gilbert-type and Hjulström-type deltas are essential elements in understanding the sedimentary processes during and following the time of the Parallel Roads lakes.
5. The river terraces in the lower Roy and middle and lower Spean valleys, which in their landforms and sediments preserve a detailed record of Holocene geomorphological change.
6. The numerous landslides, which are significant in relation to former ice-front positions, earthquake history and controls on release mechanisms.
7. The meltwater gorges, possibly related to catastrophic lake drainage.
8. The lake sediments with their potential for process studies and interpreting patterns of palaeoseismicity.
9. The periglacial slope deposits, which as yet have received little attention.
10. The organic sediments preserved in kettle holes and bogs, which have potential for elaboration of the chronology of lake drainage.
11. The total assemblage of features, which provides uniquely detailed evidence in Britain for catastrophic glacial lake drainage.
12. The archive of landforms and deposits clearly related to a particular geological datum, which provides unsurpassed potential for comparative studies of a whole range of geomorphological process magnitudes and rates during a period of extremely rapid environmental change.
Although ice-dammed lakes have been identified elsewhere in Britain (see Shotton, 1953; Straw, 1979; Gaunt, 1981), extensive shorelines are rarely preserved. They have been recognized in association with, for example, Lake Harrison (Duly, 1951 — but see Ambrose and Brewster, 1982) and Lake Humber (Edwards, 1937). However, it is in the Highlands of Scotland, in areas glaciated during the Loch Lomond Stadial, that examples of shorelines are best preserved, as in Coire Dho (Sissons, 1977b), at Loch Tulla (Ballantyne, 1979), at Achnasheen (see above) and, most remarkably of all, in Glen Roy. Beyond the limits of the last glaciers any shorelines will be considerably older and will therefore have undergone significantly greater modification, particularly through the activity of periglacial processes known to have been widespread in Britain during the Loch Lomond Stadial (Sissons, 1979e).
The Parallel Roads are comparable, for example, to Pleistocene lake shorelines in Scandinavia (Mannerfelt, 1945) and the Holocene shorelines in south-west Greenland recently described by Dawson (1983c); or even to some of the features associated with the Great Lakes of North America during the Wisconsin (last glaciation) (Spencer, 1890), although the latter occur on a vastly greater scale (Leverett and Taylor, 1915; Fulton, 1989). However, what distinguishes Glen Roy and the Parallel Roads as a locality of international importance for geomorphology is the total range of landforms, their clearly demonstrated relationships and the relatively compact extent of the whole assemblage.
Although the area has been studied for over two hundred years, it still has significant potential for further research, particularly on the sedimentology of the various deposits, the relationships between sediments, landforms and geomorphological processes, process rates and outstanding problems of landform genesis and chronology.
Glen Roy is one of the most famous landform landmarks in Britain and is internationally recognized as a classic locality for the shorelines of an ice-dammed lake, represented by the Parallel Roads, that formed during the period of glacier readvance known as the Loch Lomond Stadial (approximately 11,000–10,000 years ago). In their extent, continuity and degree of preservation, the Parallel Roads of Glen Roy and adjacent glens are unique in Britain. They are of outstanding geomorphological interest both in their own right, and as part of a remarkable system of glacial, glaciofluvial and glaciolacustrine landforms and deposits recording a complex sequence of landscape changes in Lateglacial and early Holocene times.