Barron, H. F., Browne, M. A. E. and Finlayson, A. 2005. West Lothian Geodiversity. British Geological Survey Commissioned Report, CR/06/008N. 190pp.
6 Acronyms and Abbreviations
AGLV | Area of Great Landscape Value |
AONB | Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty |
AVHC | Almond Valley Heritage Centre |
AWI | Ancient Woodland Inventory (SNH) |
BAPs | Biodiversity Action Plans |
BGS | British Geological Survey |
B-SSSI | Site of Special Scientific Interest (Biological). |
CERS | Community Environmental Renewal Scheme (Forward Scotland) |
COSLA | Convention of Scottish Local Authorities |
DiGMapGB | Digital Geological Map of Great Britain (BGS) |
G-SSSI | Site of Special Scientific Interest (Geological) |
GLN | Geology and Landscape North programme (BGS) |
GCR | Geological Conservation Review (JNCC) |
GIS | Geographic Information System |
GPS | Global Positioning System |
JNCC | Joint Nature Conservatrion Committee |
LBAP | Local Biodiversity Action Plan. |
LaBRIGS | Lothian and Borders RIGS Group |
LBAP | Local Biodiversity Action Plan |
Ma | Million years |
RIGS | Regionally Important Geological and Geomorphological Sites |
RTPI | Royal Town Planning Institute |
ODPM | Office of the Deputy Prime Minister (Westminster) |
PPS9 | Planning Policy Statement 9 |
SEA | Strategic Environmental Assessment |
SEPA | Scottish Environment Protection Agency |
SPP | Scottish Planning Policy |
SNH | Scottish Natural Heritage |
SWT | Scottish Wildlife Trust |
SSSIs | Sites of Special Scientific Interest |
SNWI | Semi-Natural Woodland Inventory (SNH) |
WLC | West Lothian Council |
WLGSs | West Lothian Geodiversity Sites |
WLGAP | West Lothian Geodiversity Action Plan |
WLLP | West Lothian Local Plan |